The Trump-Putin Peace Conference...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Great article by Donald Jeffries.

Keeping It Unreal

Donald Trump won back some supporters with his bold diplomatic moves with Russia. Seeking peace is never a popular move with those who run our civilization, as could be seen by the hysterical opposition he garnered, with even more irrational hatred than usual, from every pillar of the establishment.

The code words were everywhere on social media; Trump was consistently called a “traitor,” and “Putin’s bitch.” Alleged “journalists” dropped their facade further than they ever had; former CIA intern Anderson Cooper declared, “You’ve just seen the most disgraceful performance by a U.S. president.” #TreasonSummit was all the rage on twitter.

My colleagues in the JFK assassination research community were mostly apoplectic over the summit. Laughably, they insisted it was “treason” for Trump to seemingly side with Vladimir Putin over his own intelligence agencies. Yes, these are the same researchers who are quite aware of just how extensively these same intelligence agencies have covered up the truth about the assassination for decades. They are relegated to cheering on the likes of war lover extraordinaire John McCainiac and former President George W. Bush, who both of course opposed the summit...

The Trump-Putin Peace Conference - LewRockwell
Putin today: We see that there are forces in the United States that are willing to sacrifice Russia-US relations to promote their ambitions amid the domestic political strife in America. They are ready to sacrifice the interests of their businesses, which are losing multimillion-dollar contracts and the Russian market in general, as well as jobs in the United States, even though not many, but still there are jobs in place as part of cooperation with Russia. We are talking about tens of thousands, potentially hundreds of thousands, of jobs.

We have always been taught that officials working in the interests of the state, of society must think above all about and give priority to these fundamental interests. Unfortunately, there are forces in the United States that put their narrow group and party interests before national ones.

They are powerful and strong people who can shove – sorry for the mauvais ton – unbelievable and illogical stories in the face of millions of their citizens.
Meeting of ambassadors and permanent representatives of Russia

That powerful group of people who put their own interests above their country ARE traitors. In fact, they have been using the country for their own interests for years. And now Trump is threatening their existence.
McCainiac, still clinging to life and still possessing the strength to issue more pro-war soundbites, used another popular keyword, “disgraceful,” calling it “one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.” Former CIA director John Brennan claimed it was “nothing short of treasonous.” Neocon veteran Newt Gingrich said it was “the most serious mistake of his presidency."

Deluded Republican Never Trump Jeff Flake declared, “I never thought I would see the day when our American President would stand on the stage with the Russian President and place blame on the United States for Russian aggression.” Exactly what “aggression” he was talking about wasn’t specified...

The Trump-Putin Peace Conference - LewRockwell
Peaceful dialogue what equate to appeasement and the empowerment of dictators is definitely wrong. Yes, TrumPutin was doing it for personal gain.
The dems are screaming at their nutbags...telling them to stop calling this treasonous....I guess DNC internal polling shows its hurting them...
The American people have no hatred for Russia or the Russian people....Putin is what he is...if we were to jump in his shit it would only make him stronger at home....Why not begin a new era of cooperation???
I thought the libs were all for that...
Peaceful dialogue what equate to appeasement and the empowerment of dictators is definitely wrong. Yes, TrumPutin was doing it for personal gain.

You're opposing peace to only to get your Democratic Party Masters back in power. It's very selfish and small-minded. We don't need another Cold War, or possibly WWIII.
Great article by Donald Jeffries.

Keeping It Unreal

Donald Trump won back some supporters with his bold diplomatic moves with Russia. Seeking peace is never a popular move with those who run our civilization, as could be seen by the hysterical opposition he garnered, with even more irrational hatred than usual, from every pillar of the establishment.

The code words were everywhere on social media; Trump was consistently called a “traitor,” and “Putin’s bitch.” Alleged “journalists” dropped their facade further than they ever had; former CIA intern Anderson Cooper declared, “You’ve just seen the most disgraceful performance by a U.S. president.” #TreasonSummit was all the rage on twitter.

My colleagues in the JFK assassination research community were mostly apoplectic over the summit. Laughably, they insisted it was “treason” for Trump to seemingly side with Vladimir Putin over his own intelligence agencies. Yes, these are the same researchers who are quite aware of just how extensively these same intelligence agencies have covered up the truth about the assassination for decades. They are relegated to cheering on the likes of war lover extraordinaire John McCainiac and former President George W. Bush, who both of course opposed the summit...

The Trump-Putin Peace Conference - LewRockwell

It's actually eerie that the Left wants war with Russia.
Great article by Donald Jeffries.

Keeping It Unreal

Donald Trump won back some supporters with his bold diplomatic moves with Russia. Seeking peace is never a popular move with those who run our civilization, as could be seen by the hysterical opposition he garnered, with even more irrational hatred than usual, from every pillar of the establishment.

The code words were everywhere on social media; Trump was consistently called a “traitor,” and “Putin’s bitch.” Alleged “journalists” dropped their facade further than they ever had; former CIA intern Anderson Cooper declared, “You’ve just seen the most disgraceful performance by a U.S. president.” #TreasonSummit was all the rage on twitter.

My colleagues in the JFK assassination research community were mostly apoplectic over the summit. Laughably, they insisted it was “treason” for Trump to seemingly side with Vladimir Putin over his own intelligence agencies. Yes, these are the same researchers who are quite aware of just how extensively these same intelligence agencies have covered up the truth about the assassination for decades. They are relegated to cheering on the likes of war lover extraordinaire John McCainiac and former President George W. Bush, who both of course opposed the summit...

The Trump-Putin Peace Conference - LewRockwell

It's actually eerie that the Left wants war with Russia.

Sadly, it looks they're willing to do anything to get back in power. If it means another Cold War or WWIII, so be it. Very sad.
Great article by Donald Jeffries.

Keeping It Unreal

Donald Trump won back some supporters with his bold diplomatic moves with Russia. Seeking peace is never a popular move with those who run our civilization, as could be seen by the hysterical opposition he garnered, with even more irrational hatred than usual, from every pillar of the establishment.

The code words were everywhere on social media; Trump was consistently called a “traitor,” and “Putin’s bitch.” Alleged “journalists” dropped their facade further than they ever had; former CIA intern Anderson Cooper declared, “You’ve just seen the most disgraceful performance by a U.S. president.” #TreasonSummit was all the rage on twitter.

My colleagues in the JFK assassination research community were mostly apoplectic over the summit. Laughably, they insisted it was “treason” for Trump to seemingly side with Vladimir Putin over his own intelligence agencies. Yes, these are the same researchers who are quite aware of just how extensively these same intelligence agencies have covered up the truth about the assassination for decades. They are relegated to cheering on the likes of war lover extraordinaire John McCainiac and former President George W. Bush, who both of course opposed the summit...

The Trump-Putin Peace Conference - LewRockwell

It's actually eerie that the Left wants war with Russia.
Stop the bullshit, Doc. Why do you leap to the prospect of war when what we need to do is throw some sanctions on these dudes that actually STING. Get the UN to do a little pile on, maybe. Just make their lives miserable. Russia is being aggressive in expanding its borders and has been aggressive in sticking it's thumb on our scales of democracy and that is NOT okay and should not be glossed over and ignored for the sake of some phony "peace" which we already have. The Cold War has been on for a while, and we did NOT start it this time.
TrumPutin lost more support than he gained back.

Nothing wrong with peaceful dialogue. Shame on all those pushing for another Cold War. They're only doing it for their own personal gain.
Shame on Russia for all it has done to prove it is a hostile country.

Yeah, like the US isn't? I assure you, no other nation on earth comes close to the US as far as invading and killing goes. Russia doesn't hold a candle to the US in that regard.
Great article by Donald Jeffries.

Keeping It Unreal

Donald Trump won back some supporters with his bold diplomatic moves with Russia. Seeking peace is never a popular move with those who run our civilization, as could be seen by the hysterical opposition he garnered, with even more irrational hatred than usual, from every pillar of the establishment.

The code words were everywhere on social media; Trump was consistently called a “traitor,” and “Putin’s bitch.” Alleged “journalists” dropped their facade further than they ever had; former CIA intern Anderson Cooper declared, “You’ve just seen the most disgraceful performance by a U.S. president.” #TreasonSummit was all the rage on twitter.

My colleagues in the JFK assassination research community were mostly apoplectic over the summit. Laughably, they insisted it was “treason” for Trump to seemingly side with Vladimir Putin over his own intelligence agencies. Yes, these are the same researchers who are quite aware of just how extensively these same intelligence agencies have covered up the truth about the assassination for decades. They are relegated to cheering on the likes of war lover extraordinaire John McCainiac and former President George W. Bush, who both of course opposed the summit...

The Trump-Putin Peace Conference - LewRockwell

It's actually eerie that the Left wants war with Russia.
Stop the bullshit, Doc. Why do you leap to the prospect of war when what we need to do is throw some sanctions on these dudes that actually STING. Get the UN to do a little pile on, maybe. Just make their lives miserable. Russia is being aggressive in expanding its borders and has been aggressive in sticking it's thumb on our scales of democracy and that is NOT okay and should not be glossed over and ignored for the sake of some phony "peace" which we already have. The Cold War has been on for a while, and we did NOT start it this time.

Cut the Bullshit OL, if you REALLY cared you would have been pissed when Obambi let them get away with it. When the Union broke up the Ukraine had nukes. We talked them into giving them up and in turn we GUARANTEED we'd protect them. The Beta Bitch Obama did nothing.
Obama has nothing to do with his NOW. That kind of deflection is simply pissed on.

Trump needs to stand up to Putin, and the UN/US need to pile on with sanctions on Putin and his buddies personally.

They will change their attitudes; they won't go to war.
TrumPutin lost more support than he gained back.

Nothing wrong with peaceful dialogue. Shame on all those pushing for another Cold War. They're only doing it for their own personal gain.

I guess you missed the part where right after the summit at the presser, Trump called Putin's idea of swapping people for interrogation "an incredible offer", not once, but TWICE.

The next day, Sanders comes out and says the idea is being looked at.

The day after that, both the GOP and the Dems start screaming about sending US citizens over to Russia.

The day after that? Trump says that he won't do it.

No, there is nothing wrong with peaceful dialogue, but there is a whole bunch wrong in selling out US citizens to Russia.
Exactly what are all these critics- from all across the phony “left” and “right” spectrum, so upset about? Was Trump scheming to turn over the reigns of government to Putin? Was he advocating Russian as the new American language? Was he promising massive amounts of foreign aid to Russia?

I watched the Trump-Putin press conference. Aside from Trump’s predictable lapses into mindless, juvenile boasting and off-the-cuff embarrassing articulation, both of them sounded reasonable and refreshingly sane. If this had been Obama or Clinton on the stage, with any of China’s totalitarian rulers, the same kept press and deluded celebrities would have been just as over-the-top in their effusive praise...

The Trump-Putin Peace Conference - LewRockwell
Obama imitating Bush imitating Clinton, and now the alt right wants to excuse Donald by deflecting to earlier presidents' actions instead of saying "stand up, bitch!"

Their deflection means they want Trump to act like the earlier Presidents.

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