
Confront reality
Oct 25, 2016
Many people believe in God, but not a personal God. They feel that the mysterious something which is behind all other things must be more than a person. Christians agree and are the only ones who offer any idea of what a being that is beyond personality could be. Everyone else who believes that God is beyond personality, think of Him as something impersonal: that is, as something less than personal.

If you are looking for something super-personal, something more than a person, then it is not a question of choosing between the Christian idea and the other ideas. The Christian idea is the only one on the market.

Some people think that after this life, or perhaps after several lives, human souls will be "absorbed" into God. But when they try to explain what they mean, they seem to be thinking of our being absorbed into God as one material thing is absorbed into another. They say it is like a drop of water slipping into the sea. But of course that is the end of the drop. If that is what happens to us, then being absorbed is the same as ceasing to exist. It is only the Christians who have any idea of how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves — in fact, be very much more themselves than they were before. Theology is practical. The purpose for which we exist is to be thus taken into the life of God. Wrong ideas about what that life is, will make it harder.

In space you can move in three ways — to left or right, backwards or forwards, up or down. They are called the three Dimensions. If you are using only one dimension, you could draw only a straight line. If you are using two, you could draw a figure like a square. If you have three dimensions,you can then build what we call a solid body, like a cube which is made up of six squares. A world of one dimension would be a straight line. In a two-dimensional world, you still get straight lines, but many lines make one figure. In a three-dimensional world, you still get figures but many figures make one solid body. As you advance to more real and more complicated levels, you do not leave behind the things you found on the simpler levels: you still have them, but combined in new ways — in ways you could not imagine if you knew only the simpler levels.

The Christian account of God involves just the same principle. The human level is a simple and rather empty level. On the human level one person is one being, and any two persons are two separate beings — just as, in two dimensions (say on a flat sheet of paper) one square is one figure, and any two squares are two separate figures. On the Divine level you still find personalities; but up there you find them combined in new ways which we, who do not live on that level, cannot imagine.

In God's dimension, so to speak, you find a being who is three Persons while remaining one Being, just as a cube is six squares while remaining one cube. Of course we cannot fully conceive a Being like that: just as, if we were so made that we perceived only two dimensions in space we could never properly imagine a cube. If we cannot imagine a three-personal Being, what is the good of talking about Him?" Well, there isn't any good talking about Him. The thing that matters is being actually drawn into that three-personal life.

An ordinary Christian kneels down to say his prayers. He is trying to get into touch with God. He knows that what is prompting him to pray is also God: God, so to speak, inside him. But he also knows that all his real knowledge of God comes through Christ, helping him to pray, praying for him. God is the thing to which he is praying — the goal he is trying to reach. God is also the thing inside him which is pushing him on — the motive power. God is also the road or bridge along which he is being pushed to that goal. So that the whole threefold life of the three-personal Being is actually going on in that ordinary little bedroom where an ordinary man is saying his prayers. The man is being caught up into the higher kind of life while still remaining himself.

And that is how Theology started. People already knew about God in a vague way. Then came a man who claimed to be God; and yet he was not the sort of man you could dismiss as a lunatic. He made them believe Him. They met Him again after they had seen Him killed. And then, after they had been formed into a little society or community, they found God somehow inside them as well: directing them, making them able to do things they could not do before. And when they worked it all out they found they had arrived at the Christian definition of the three-personal God.

Condensed from C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity - Chapter Two, The Three-Personal God
Many people believe in God, but not a personal God. They feel that the mysterious something which is behind all other things must be more than a person. Christians agree and are the only ones who offer any idea of what a being that is beyond personality could be. Everyone else who believes that God is beyond personality, think of Him as something impersonal: that is, as something less than personal.

If you are looking for something super-personal, something more than a person, then it is not a question of choosing between the Christian idea and the other ideas. The Christian idea is the only one on the market.

Some people think that after this life, or perhaps after several lives, human souls will be "absorbed" into God. But when they try to explain what they mean, they seem to be thinking of our being absorbed into God as one material thing is absorbed into another. They say it is like a drop of water slipping into the sea. But of course that is the end of the drop. If that is what happens to us, then being absorbed is the same as ceasing to exist. It is only the Christians who have any idea of how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves — in fact, be very much more themselves than they were before. Theology is practical. The purpose for which we exist is to be thus taken into the life of God. Wrong ideas about what that life is, will make it harder.

In space you can move in three ways — to left or right, backwards or forwards, up or down. They are called the three Dimensions. If you are using only one dimension, you could draw only a straight line. If you are using two, you could draw a figure like a square. If you have three dimensions,you can then build what we call a solid body, like a cube which is made up of six squares. A world of one dimension would be a straight line. In a two-dimensional world, you still get straight lines, but many lines make one figure. In a three-dimensional world, you still get figures but many figures make one solid body. As you advance to more real and more complicated levels, you do not leave behind the things you found on the simpler levels: you still have them, but combined in new ways — in ways you could not imagine if you knew only the simpler levels.

The Christian account of God involves just the same principle. The human level is a simple and rather empty level. On the human level one person is one being, and any two persons are two separate beings — just as, in two dimensions (say on a flat sheet of paper) one square is one figure, and any two squares are two separate figures. On the Divine level you still find personalities; but up there you find them combined in new ways which we, who do not live on that level, cannot imagine.

In God's dimension, so to speak, you find a being who is three Persons while remaining one Being, just as a cube is six squares while remaining one cube. Of course we cannot fully conceive a Being like that: just as, if we were so made that we perceived only two dimensions in space we could never properly imagine a cube. If we cannot imagine a three-personal Being, what is the good of talking about Him?" Well, there isn't any good talking about Him. The thing that matters is being actually drawn into that three-personal life.

An ordinary Christian kneels down to say his prayers. He is trying to get into touch with God. He knows that what is prompting him to pray is also God: God, so to speak, inside him. But he also knows that all his real knowledge of God comes through Christ, helping him to pray, praying for him. God is the thing to which he is praying — the goal he is trying to reach. God is also the thing inside him which is pushing him on — the motive power. God is also the road or bridge along which he is being pushed to that goal. So that the whole threefold life of the three-personal Being is actually going on in that ordinary little bedroom where an ordinary man is saying his prayers. The man is being caught up into the higher kind of life while still remaining himself.

And that is how Theology started. People already knew about God in a vague way. Then came a man who claimed to be God; and yet he was not the sort of man you could dismiss as a lunatic. He made them believe Him. They met Him again after they had seen Him killed. And then, after they had been formed into a little society or community, they found God somehow inside them as well: directing them, making them able to do things they could not do before. And when they worked it all out they found they had arrived at the Christian definition of the three-personal God.

Condensed from C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity - Chapter Two, The Three-Personal God
"It is only the Christians who have any idea of how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves" They have no proof that this is what happens, so only wishful thinking, with a heavy spoonful of delusion taken as needed.
Many people believe in God, but not a personal God. They feel that the mysterious something which is behind all other things must be more than a person. Christians agree and are the only ones who offer any idea of what a being that is beyond personality could be. Everyone else who believes that God is beyond personality, think of Him as something impersonal: that is, as something less than personal.

If you are looking for something super-personal, something more than a person, then it is not a question of choosing between the Christian idea and the other ideas. The Christian idea is the only one on the market.

Some people think that after this life, or perhaps after several lives, human souls will be "absorbed" into God. But when they try to explain what they mean, they seem to be thinking of our being absorbed into God as one material thing is absorbed into another. They say it is like a drop of water slipping into the sea. But of course that is the end of the drop. If that is what happens to us, then being absorbed is the same as ceasing to exist. It is only the Christians who have any idea of how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves — in fact, be very much more themselves than they were before. Theology is practical. The purpose for which we exist is to be thus taken into the life of God. Wrong ideas about what that life is, will make it harder.

In space you can move in three ways — to left or right, backwards or forwards, up or down. They are called the three Dimensions. If you are using only one dimension, you could draw only a straight line. If you are using two, you could draw a figure like a square. If you have three dimensions,you can then build what we call a solid body, like a cube which is made up of six squares. A world of one dimension would be a straight line. In a two-dimensional world, you still get straight lines, but many lines make one figure. In a three-dimensional world, you still get figures but many figures make one solid body. As you advance to more real and more complicated levels, you do not leave behind the things you found on the simpler levels: you still have them, but combined in new ways — in ways you could not imagine if you knew only the simpler levels.

The Christian account of God involves just the same principle. The human level is a simple and rather empty level. On the human level one person is one being, and any two persons are two separate beings — just as, in two dimensions (say on a flat sheet of paper) one square is one figure, and any two squares are two separate figures. On the Divine level you still find personalities; but up there you find them combined in new ways which we, who do not live on that level, cannot imagine.

In God's dimension, so to speak, you find a being who is three Persons while remaining one Being, just as a cube is six squares while remaining one cube. Of course we cannot fully conceive a Being like that: just as, if we were so made that we perceived only two dimensions in space we could never properly imagine a cube. If we cannot imagine a three-personal Being, what is the good of talking about Him?" Well, there isn't any good talking about Him. The thing that matters is being actually drawn into that three-personal life.

An ordinary Christian kneels down to say his prayers. He is trying to get into touch with God. He knows that what is prompting him to pray is also God: God, so to speak, inside him. But he also knows that all his real knowledge of God comes through Christ, helping him to pray, praying for him. God is the thing to which he is praying — the goal he is trying to reach. God is also the thing inside him which is pushing him on — the motive power. God is also the road or bridge along which he is being pushed to that goal. So that the whole threefold life of the three-personal Being is actually going on in that ordinary little bedroom where an ordinary man is saying his prayers. The man is being caught up into the higher kind of life while still remaining himself.

And that is how Theology started. People already knew about God in a vague way. Then came a man who claimed to be God; and yet he was not the sort of man you could dismiss as a lunatic. He made them believe Him. They met Him again after they had seen Him killed. And then, after they had been formed into a little society or community, they found God somehow inside them as well: directing them, making them able to do things they could not do before. And when they worked it all out they found they had arrived at the Christian definition of the three-personal God.

Condensed from C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity - Chapter Two, The Three-Personal God
"It is only the Christians who have any idea of how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves" They have no proof that this is what happens, so only wishful thinking, with a heavy spoonful of delusion taken as needed.
Do you know of any other theology which explains how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves?

The point here is that many religions believe this but none have a theology which allows for it. Christianity does.
First graders learn:1+1+1=3

Teen Catholic Schoolers learn 1+1+1+future1=1 trinity.

Dem propaganda claim 1unatended illegal entrance child +1parent assisted illegal entrance child+1sex trafficker enslaved illegal entrance child=3 IMMIGRANTS.

MSM tabloid news claim 1unatended illegal entrance child +1parent assisted illegal entrance child+1sex trafficker enslaved illegal entrance child=30 IMMIGRANTS.

OBVIOUSLY there's a problem with math and education in this country that
de-evolved after first grade.
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Many people believe in God, but not a personal God. They feel that the mysterious something which is behind all other things must be more than a person. Christians agree and are the only ones who offer any idea of what a being that is beyond personality could be. Everyone else who believes that God is beyond personality, think of Him as something impersonal: that is, as something less than personal.

If you are looking for something super-personal, something more than a person, then it is not a question of choosing between the Christian idea and the other ideas. The Christian idea is the only one on the market.

Some people think that after this life, or perhaps after several lives, human souls will be "absorbed" into God. But when they try to explain what they mean, they seem to be thinking of our being absorbed into God as one material thing is absorbed into another. They say it is like a drop of water slipping into the sea. But of course that is the end of the drop. If that is what happens to us, then being absorbed is the same as ceasing to exist. It is only the Christians who have any idea of how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves — in fact, be very much more themselves than they were before. Theology is practical. The purpose for which we exist is to be thus taken into the life of God. Wrong ideas about what that life is, will make it harder.

In space you can move in three ways — to left or right, backwards or forwards, up or down. They are called the three Dimensions. If you are using only one dimension, you could draw only a straight line. If you are using two, you could draw a figure like a square. If you have three dimensions,you can then build what we call a solid body, like a cube which is made up of six squares. A world of one dimension would be a straight line. In a two-dimensional world, you still get straight lines, but many lines make one figure. In a three-dimensional world, you still get figures but many figures make one solid body. As you advance to more real and more complicated levels, you do not leave behind the things you found on the simpler levels: you still have them, but combined in new ways — in ways you could not imagine if you knew only the simpler levels.

The Christian account of God involves just the same principle. The human level is a simple and rather empty level. On the human level one person is one being, and any two persons are two separate beings — just as, in two dimensions (say on a flat sheet of paper) one square is one figure, and any two squares are two separate figures. On the Divine level you still find personalities; but up there you find them combined in new ways which we, who do not live on that level, cannot imagine.

In God's dimension, so to speak, you find a being who is three Persons while remaining one Being, just as a cube is six squares while remaining one cube. Of course we cannot fully conceive a Being like that: just as, if we were so made that we perceived only two dimensions in space we could never properly imagine a cube. If we cannot imagine a three-personal Being, what is the good of talking about Him?" Well, there isn't any good talking about Him. The thing that matters is being actually drawn into that three-personal life.

An ordinary Christian kneels down to say his prayers. He is trying to get into touch with God. He knows that what is prompting him to pray is also God: God, so to speak, inside him. But he also knows that all his real knowledge of God comes through Christ, helping him to pray, praying for him. God is the thing to which he is praying — the goal he is trying to reach. God is also the thing inside him which is pushing him on — the motive power. God is also the road or bridge along which he is being pushed to that goal. So that the whole threefold life of the three-personal Being is actually going on in that ordinary little bedroom where an ordinary man is saying his prayers. The man is being caught up into the higher kind of life while still remaining himself.

And that is how Theology started. People already knew about God in a vague way. Then came a man who claimed to be God; and yet he was not the sort of man you could dismiss as a lunatic. He made them believe Him. They met Him again after they had seen Him killed. And then, after they had been formed into a little society or community, they found God somehow inside them as well: directing them, making them able to do things they could not do before. And when they worked it all out they found they had arrived at the Christian definition of the three-personal God.

Condensed from C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity - Chapter Two, The Three-Personal God
"It is only the Christians who have any idea of how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves" They have no proof that this is what happens, so only wishful thinking, with a heavy spoonful of delusion taken as needed.
Do you know of any other theology which explains how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves?

The point here is that many religions believe this but none have a theology which allows for it. Christianity does.
It's still made up shit with no proof.
Many people believe in God, but not a personal God. They feel that the mysterious something which is behind all other things must be more than a person. Christians agree and are the only ones who offer any idea of what a being that is beyond personality could be. Everyone else who believes that God is beyond personality, think of Him as something impersonal: that is, as something less than personal.

If you are looking for something super-personal, something more than a person, then it is not a question of choosing between the Christian idea and the other ideas. The Christian idea is the only one on the market.

Some people think that after this life, or perhaps after several lives, human souls will be "absorbed" into God. But when they try to explain what they mean, they seem to be thinking of our being absorbed into God as one material thing is absorbed into another. They say it is like a drop of water slipping into the sea. But of course that is the end of the drop. If that is what happens to us, then being absorbed is the same as ceasing to exist. It is only the Christians who have any idea of how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves — in fact, be very much more themselves than they were before. Theology is practical. The purpose for which we exist is to be thus taken into the life of God. Wrong ideas about what that life is, will make it harder.

In space you can move in three ways — to left or right, backwards or forwards, up or down. They are called the three Dimensions. If you are using only one dimension, you could draw only a straight line. If you are using two, you could draw a figure like a square. If you have three dimensions,you can then build what we call a solid body, like a cube which is made up of six squares. A world of one dimension would be a straight line. In a two-dimensional world, you still get straight lines, but many lines make one figure. In a three-dimensional world, you still get figures but many figures make one solid body. As you advance to more real and more complicated levels, you do not leave behind the things you found on the simpler levels: you still have them, but combined in new ways — in ways you could not imagine if you knew only the simpler levels.

The Christian account of God involves just the same principle. The human level is a simple and rather empty level. On the human level one person is one being, and any two persons are two separate beings — just as, in two dimensions (say on a flat sheet of paper) one square is one figure, and any two squares are two separate figures. On the Divine level you still find personalities; but up there you find them combined in new ways which we, who do not live on that level, cannot imagine.

In God's dimension, so to speak, you find a being who is three Persons while remaining one Being, just as a cube is six squares while remaining one cube. Of course we cannot fully conceive a Being like that: just as, if we were so made that we perceived only two dimensions in space we could never properly imagine a cube. If we cannot imagine a three-personal Being, what is the good of talking about Him?" Well, there isn't any good talking about Him. The thing that matters is being actually drawn into that three-personal life.

An ordinary Christian kneels down to say his prayers. He is trying to get into touch with God. He knows that what is prompting him to pray is also God: God, so to speak, inside him. But he also knows that all his real knowledge of God comes through Christ, helping him to pray, praying for him. God is the thing to which he is praying — the goal he is trying to reach. God is also the thing inside him which is pushing him on — the motive power. God is also the road or bridge along which he is being pushed to that goal. So that the whole threefold life of the three-personal Being is actually going on in that ordinary little bedroom where an ordinary man is saying his prayers. The man is being caught up into the higher kind of life while still remaining himself.

And that is how Theology started. People already knew about God in a vague way. Then came a man who claimed to be God; and yet he was not the sort of man you could dismiss as a lunatic. He made them believe Him. They met Him again after they had seen Him killed. And then, after they had been formed into a little society or community, they found God somehow inside them as well: directing them, making them able to do things they could not do before. And when they worked it all out they found they had arrived at the Christian definition of the three-personal God.

Condensed from C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity - Chapter Two, The Three-Personal God
"It is only the Christians who have any idea of how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves" They have no proof that this is what happens, so only wishful thinking, with a heavy spoonful of delusion taken as needed.
Do you know of any other theology which explains how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves?

The point here is that many religions believe this but none have a theology which allows for it. Christianity does.
It's still made up shit with no proof.
Of course I have proof. I tested it.
Many people believe in God, but not a personal God. They feel that the mysterious something which is behind all other things must be more than a person. Christians agree and are the only ones who offer any idea of what a being that is beyond personality could be. Everyone else who believes that God is beyond personality, think of Him as something impersonal: that is, as something less than personal.

If you are looking for something super-personal, something more than a person, then it is not a question of choosing between the Christian idea and the other ideas. The Christian idea is the only one on the market.

Some people think that after this life, or perhaps after several lives, human souls will be "absorbed" into God. But when they try to explain what they mean, they seem to be thinking of our being absorbed into God as one material thing is absorbed into another. They say it is like a drop of water slipping into the sea. But of course that is the end of the drop. If that is what happens to us, then being absorbed is the same as ceasing to exist. It is only the Christians who have any idea of how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves — in fact, be very much more themselves than they were before. Theology is practical. The purpose for which we exist is to be thus taken into the life of God. Wrong ideas about what that life is, will make it harder.

In space you can move in three ways — to left or right, backwards or forwards, up or down. They are called the three Dimensions. If you are using only one dimension, you could draw only a straight line. If you are using two, you could draw a figure like a square. If you have three dimensions,you can then build what we call a solid body, like a cube which is made up of six squares. A world of one dimension would be a straight line. In a two-dimensional world, you still get straight lines, but many lines make one figure. In a three-dimensional world, you still get figures but many figures make one solid body. As you advance to more real and more complicated levels, you do not leave behind the things you found on the simpler levels: you still have them, but combined in new ways — in ways you could not imagine if you knew only the simpler levels.

The Christian account of God involves just the same principle. The human level is a simple and rather empty level. On the human level one person is one being, and any two persons are two separate beings — just as, in two dimensions (say on a flat sheet of paper) one square is one figure, and any two squares are two separate figures. On the Divine level you still find personalities; but up there you find them combined in new ways which we, who do not live on that level, cannot imagine.

In God's dimension, so to speak, you find a being who is three Persons while remaining one Being, just as a cube is six squares while remaining one cube. Of course we cannot fully conceive a Being like that: just as, if we were so made that we perceived only two dimensions in space we could never properly imagine a cube. If we cannot imagine a three-personal Being, what is the good of talking about Him?" Well, there isn't any good talking about Him. The thing that matters is being actually drawn into that three-personal life.

An ordinary Christian kneels down to say his prayers. He is trying to get into touch with God. He knows that what is prompting him to pray is also God: God, so to speak, inside him. But he also knows that all his real knowledge of God comes through Christ, helping him to pray, praying for him. God is the thing to which he is praying — the goal he is trying to reach. God is also the thing inside him which is pushing him on — the motive power. God is also the road or bridge along which he is being pushed to that goal. So that the whole threefold life of the three-personal Being is actually going on in that ordinary little bedroom where an ordinary man is saying his prayers. The man is being caught up into the higher kind of life while still remaining himself.

And that is how Theology started. People already knew about God in a vague way. Then came a man who claimed to be God; and yet he was not the sort of man you could dismiss as a lunatic. He made them believe Him. They met Him again after they had seen Him killed. And then, after they had been formed into a little society or community, they found God somehow inside them as well: directing them, making them able to do things they could not do before. And when they worked it all out they found they had arrived at the Christian definition of the three-personal God.

Condensed from C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity - Chapter Two, The Three-Personal God
"It is only the Christians who have any idea of how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves" They have no proof that this is what happens, so only wishful thinking, with a heavy spoonful of delusion taken as needed.
Do you know of any other theology which explains how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves?

The point here is that many religions believe this but none have a theology which allows for it. Christianity does.
It's still made up shit with no proof.
Of course I have proof. I tested it.
You have sufficient proof for yourself, that means nothing to the real world.
Many people believe in God, but not a personal God. They feel that the mysterious something which is behind all other things must be more than a person. Christians agree and are the only ones who offer any idea of what a being that is beyond personality could be. Everyone else who believes that God is beyond personality, think of Him as something impersonal: that is, as something less than personal.

If you are looking for something super-personal, something more than a person, then it is not a question of choosing between the Christian idea and the other ideas. The Christian idea is the only one on the market.

Some people think that after this life, or perhaps after several lives, human souls will be "absorbed" into God. But when they try to explain what they mean, they seem to be thinking of our being absorbed into God as one material thing is absorbed into another. They say it is like a drop of water slipping into the sea. But of course that is the end of the drop. If that is what happens to us, then being absorbed is the same as ceasing to exist. It is only the Christians who have any idea of how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves — in fact, be very much more themselves than they were before. Theology is practical. The purpose for which we exist is to be thus taken into the life of God. Wrong ideas about what that life is, will make it harder.

In space you can move in three ways — to left or right, backwards or forwards, up or down. They are called the three Dimensions. If you are using only one dimension, you could draw only a straight line. If you are using two, you could draw a figure like a square. If you have three dimensions,you can then build what we call a solid body, like a cube which is made up of six squares. A world of one dimension would be a straight line. In a two-dimensional world, you still get straight lines, but many lines make one figure. In a three-dimensional world, you still get figures but many figures make one solid body. As you advance to more real and more complicated levels, you do not leave behind the things you found on the simpler levels: you still have them, but combined in new ways — in ways you could not imagine if you knew only the simpler levels.

The Christian account of God involves just the same principle. The human level is a simple and rather empty level. On the human level one person is one being, and any two persons are two separate beings — just as, in two dimensions (say on a flat sheet of paper) one square is one figure, and any two squares are two separate figures. On the Divine level you still find personalities; but up there you find them combined in new ways which we, who do not live on that level, cannot imagine.

In God's dimension, so to speak, you find a being who is three Persons while remaining one Being, just as a cube is six squares while remaining one cube. Of course we cannot fully conceive a Being like that: just as, if we were so made that we perceived only two dimensions in space we could never properly imagine a cube. If we cannot imagine a three-personal Being, what is the good of talking about Him?" Well, there isn't any good talking about Him. The thing that matters is being actually drawn into that three-personal life.

An ordinary Christian kneels down to say his prayers. He is trying to get into touch with God. He knows that what is prompting him to pray is also God: God, so to speak, inside him. But he also knows that all his real knowledge of God comes through Christ, helping him to pray, praying for him. God is the thing to which he is praying — the goal he is trying to reach. God is also the thing inside him which is pushing him on — the motive power. God is also the road or bridge along which he is being pushed to that goal. So that the whole threefold life of the three-personal Being is actually going on in that ordinary little bedroom where an ordinary man is saying his prayers. The man is being caught up into the higher kind of life while still remaining himself.

And that is how Theology started. People already knew about God in a vague way. Then came a man who claimed to be God; and yet he was not the sort of man you could dismiss as a lunatic. He made them believe Him. They met Him again after they had seen Him killed. And then, after they had been formed into a little society or community, they found God somehow inside them as well: directing them, making them able to do things they could not do before. And when they worked it all out they found they had arrived at the Christian definition of the three-personal God.

Condensed from C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity - Chapter Two, The Three-Personal God
"It is only the Christians who have any idea of how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves" They have no proof that this is what happens, so only wishful thinking, with a heavy spoonful of delusion taken as needed.
Do you know of any other theology which explains how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves?

The point here is that many religions believe this but none have a theology which allows for it. Christianity does.
It's still made up shit with no proof.
Of course I have proof. I tested it.
You have sufficient proof for yourself, that means nothing to the real world.
I don't control what others do, Taz. I can only control myself.
"It is only the Christians who have any idea of how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves" They have no proof that this is what happens, so only wishful thinking, with a heavy spoonful of delusion taken as needed.
Do you know of any other theology which explains how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves?

The point here is that many religions believe this but none have a theology which allows for it. Christianity does.
It's still made up shit with no proof.
Of course I have proof. I tested it.
You have sufficient proof for yourself, that means nothing to the real world.
I don't control what others do, Taz. I can only control myself.
You lack critical thinking.
Do you know of any other theology which explains how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves?

The point here is that many religions believe this but none have a theology which allows for it. Christianity does.
It's still made up shit with no proof.
Of course I have proof. I tested it.
You have sufficient proof for yourself, that means nothing to the real world.
I don't control what others do, Taz. I can only control myself.
You lack critical thinking.
That's hilarious coming from you.
It's still made up shit with no proof.
Of course I have proof. I tested it.
You have sufficient proof for yourself, that means nothing to the real world.
I don't control what others do, Taz. I can only control myself.
You lack critical thinking.
That's hilarious coming from you.
Because I don't believe in invisible beings?
Of course I have proof. I tested it.
You have sufficient proof for yourself, that means nothing to the real world.
I don't control what others do, Taz. I can only control myself.
You lack critical thinking.
That's hilarious coming from you.
Because I don't believe in invisible beings?
No, because you don't come off as a great thinker.
First graders learn:1+1+1=3

Teen Catholic Schoolers learn 1+1+1+future1=1 trinity.

Dem propaganda claim 1unatended illegal entrance child +1parent assisted illegal entrance child+1sex trafficker enslaved illegal entrance child=3 IMMIGRANTS.

MSM tabloid news claim 1unatended illegal entrance child +1parent assisted illegal entrance child+1sex trafficker enslaved illegal entrance child=30 IMMIGRANTS.

OBVIOUSLY there's a problem with math and education in this country that
de-evolved after first grade.
View attachment 200977
God is waiting for you to make the first move. :smile:
Many people believe in God, but not a personal God. They feel that the mysterious something which is behind all other things must be more than a person. Christians agree and are the only ones who offer any idea of what a being that is beyond personality could be. Everyone else who believes that God is beyond personality, think of Him as something impersonal: that is, as something less than personal.

If you are looking for something super-personal, something more than a person, then it is not a question of choosing between the Christian idea and the other ideas. The Christian idea is the only one on the market.

Some people think that after this life, or perhaps after several lives, human souls will be "absorbed" into God. But when they try to explain what they mean, they seem to be thinking of our being absorbed into God as one material thing is absorbed into another. They say it is like a drop of water slipping into the sea. But of course that is the end of the drop. If that is what happens to us, then being absorbed is the same as ceasing to exist. It is only the Christians who have any idea of how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves — in fact, be very much more themselves than they were before. Theology is practical. The purpose for which we exist is to be thus taken into the life of God. Wrong ideas about what that life is, will make it harder.

In space you can move in three ways — to left or right, backwards or forwards, up or down. They are called the three Dimensions. If you are using only one dimension, you could draw only a straight line. If you are using two, you could draw a figure like a square. If you have three dimensions,you can then build what we call a solid body, like a cube which is made up of six squares. A world of one dimension would be a straight line. In a two-dimensional world, you still get straight lines, but many lines make one figure. In a three-dimensional world, you still get figures but many figures make one solid body. As you advance to more real and more complicated levels, you do not leave behind the things you found on the simpler levels: you still have them, but combined in new ways — in ways you could not imagine if you knew only the simpler levels.

The Christian account of God involves just the same principle. The human level is a simple and rather empty level. On the human level one person is one being, and any two persons are two separate beings — just as, in two dimensions (say on a flat sheet of paper) one square is one figure, and any two squares are two separate figures. On the Divine level you still find personalities; but up there you find them combined in new ways which we, who do not live on that level, cannot imagine.

In God's dimension, so to speak, you find a being who is three Persons while remaining one Being, just as a cube is six squares while remaining one cube. Of course we cannot fully conceive a Being like that: just as, if we were so made that we perceived only two dimensions in space we could never properly imagine a cube. If we cannot imagine a three-personal Being, what is the good of talking about Him?" Well, there isn't any good talking about Him. The thing that matters is being actually drawn into that three-personal life.

An ordinary Christian kneels down to say his prayers. He is trying to get into touch with God. He knows that what is prompting him to pray is also God: God, so to speak, inside him. But he also knows that all his real knowledge of God comes through Christ, helping him to pray, praying for him. God is the thing to which he is praying — the goal he is trying to reach. God is also the thing inside him which is pushing him on — the motive power. God is also the road or bridge along which he is being pushed to that goal. So that the whole threefold life of the three-personal Being is actually going on in that ordinary little bedroom where an ordinary man is saying his prayers. The man is being caught up into the higher kind of life while still remaining himself.

And that is how Theology started. People already knew about God in a vague way. Then came a man who claimed to be God; and yet he was not the sort of man you could dismiss as a lunatic. He made them believe Him. They met Him again after they had seen Him killed. And then, after they had been formed into a little society or community, they found God somehow inside them as well: directing them, making them able to do things they could not do before. And when they worked it all out they found they had arrived at the Christian definition of the three-personal God.

Condensed from C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity - Chapter Two, The Three-Personal God
I don’t worship a being who is 3 persons
I worship 3 beings that are one God
The Trinity is a 1st century concoction.

And I'd wager that few other faiths aside from Christianity are so laughably cultural to the extent that those who identify as Christians are.
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If people want meaningful apologetics, pick up the Bible. Not the arrogant, snobbish, works of a closet Calvinistic writer like Lewis (though, he did refrain from the traditional Presbyterian colloquialism, if only as to come off as Arminian at times) who thinks you aren't capable of it without his intellectually dishonest trickery. Actually, he was pretty Catholic, too. What a mutt.
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