The Symbiosis of Black Victimology And White Guilt


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Like carrots and peas.

1.In a recent interview with Shelby Steele, he opined that Liberal cosseting of black folks, government telling them that it would assume the sort of responsibilities that grown-ups take on as their own, infantilizes blacks, and causes them to believe that they cannot do what other individuals doā€¦in examples such as public housing, bussing for education, affirmative action.

The result is that diseases such as BLM have grown in the black community, based on blacks assuming victimhood and, consequently, a ā€˜you owe meā€™ mentality.
And white Liberals bask in a Mother Teresa syndrome, ā€˜look how good I amā€ by taking care of 'lesser' individuals.

Neither outlook is healthy.

2. Shelby Steele speaks about his recent documentary. ā€œSince the 60s, whites have lived under the accusation that they are racist. Blacks use this to pursue power based on their victimhood.ā€ With every incident like Michael Brown, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, etc., these are held up as further examples of Americaā€™s long history of racism, and these, in turn, justify Liberal politics, which is entitlement for anti-white racialist policies by government, and further control over the white population by Leftist Liberal government.

Each tragic black death becomes a source of power for the Left. But only if it were a white who pulled the trigger. There are thousands of black kids killed in Democrat citiesā€¦and you never hear about it.
ā€œā€¦some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks.ā€ 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years ā€“ American Free Press

3. While the slaughter of black youth by other black youth is a problem, it serves a purpose for the Left/Democrats. These dead are valuable as long as seen as victimsā€¦.but not as human beings.

4. As long as blacks continue to be seen as victims, you miss the real problem: the breakdown of the family. 80% of black children are born without a fatherā€¦.what social programs can make up for that? How does a black male learn how to behave, particularly with authority, without father to instruct him?
Black males, with no male role model in the home, fail to learn how to deal with authority.
It is a feature to consider in the heredity vs. environment controversy: females are several times as numerous as males among blacks with high IQs. Witty and Jenkins, "Educational Achievement of a Group of Gifted Negro Children," Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 25, p. 593. They inherit the same genes, are raised in the same homes and neighborhoods......explanations rest on the culture, the excessively 'macho' roles of males associated with and emphasizing certain sociopathologies.

There is a pathology that certainly holds some individuals back, and it is one that has been encouraged by the Liberals/Democrats.
The only question is, whether the debilitation can be reversed.

4. As long as blacks continue to be seen as victims, you miss the real problem: the breakdown of the family. 80% of black children are born without a fatherā€¦.what social programs can make up for that?

Ah, repeating this myth again... Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.

Fatherlessness is not defined by living arrangement. Josh Levsā€™s article, ā€œNo, Most Black Kids are not Fatherlessā€ deconstructs the ā€œ70% of black children are fatherlessā€ myth. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, ā€œFathersā€™ Involvement with Their Childrenā€ (yes, the CDC tracks data & researches topics like this), verify that the majority of black fathers actually live with their children (2.5 million versus 1.7 million who donā€™t). Furthermore, whether living in the same home or not, black fathers are the most involved of all primary recorded race and ethnic groups.

Many fatherlessness statistics utilize marital and housing statuses as cornerstone metrics, resulting in highly inflated figures. These stats do not account for the fact that men have died or passed away, couples may live together while unmarried, couples may be divorced, and, letā€™s not forget, that, due to the system of incarceration, men are not only separated from their families but often even prevented from staying in the homes with their families if the housing is federally provided. The New York Timesā€™ 2015 analysis, ā€œ1.5 Million Missing Black Men,ā€ gave credence to this shocking reality, presenting loud and clear how our countryā€™s mass incarceration industrial complex has claimed more men than were enslaved in 1850. Statistics about white males with a nearly 40% divorce rate, and significant numbers choosing to have and/or adopt children independently, are entirely immune to the views levied upon African Americans.

Meanwhile, you have a point, white folks are more likely to get married... and then get divorced, creating the exact same problem you bemoan about Fathers who aren't as involved as they should be.

But of course, it's easy to blame the victim.
Each tragic black death becomes a source of power for the Left. But only if it were a white who pulled the trigger. There are thousands of black kids killed in Democrat citiesā€¦and you never hear about it.
ā€œā€¦some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks.ā€ 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years ā€“ American Free Press

3. While the slaughter of black youth by other black youth is a problem, it serves a purpose for the Left/Democrats. These dead are valuable as long as seen as victimsā€¦.but not as human beings.

These numbers are kind of dubious.

According to the FBI, the murder rate of blacks is 2935 a year, of whom 2600 are killed by their own race.

By comparison, 3315 white people are killed a year, and of those, 2677 are killed by members of their own race.

Yes, you are most likely to be killed by someone you know... but it's not like we are going to do something like have sensible gun laws... that's just crazy talk.

The reason why the murder of blacks by WHITE police officers is so egregious is that it occurs with the endorsement of the state... that's why people are upset about it... and that 98% of these shootings are ruled "Justified".
5. Always on point, Shelby Steele explains that Liberal thinking cannot deal with the fatherlessness that they createdā€¦.

1966 LBJ expanded the Aid to Families with Dependent Children programā€¦under FDR, AFDC had been limited to widows, those who had lost their husbands and now lacked a breadwinner at home to help support the children.

Then began to loosen and expand the rules of AFDC eligibility, eventually getting to the point where any woman living alone with children could take advantage of this program. In doing so, they not only bought a large number of new votes, they also incentivized out of wedlock births and single motherhood.

As Charles Murray described in ā€œLosing Ground,ā€ the Great Society incentivized the same negative behaviors that cause poverty in the first place.
Millions of women discovered that they could be better off financially by not marrying.

So, instead, they keep the focus on the tiny number of individuals whose death they can claim as racism.

It's a Moebus Strip with no end: Democrats/Liberals/Progressives cause a problem, claim that only they can solve it, and fabricate a way to blame the other side.
In answer to the last sentence (a question) in the OP, the answer is a resounding (and sad) NO.

Dang! What is wrong with some Americans?

Isn't it obvious that the problem is intractable?

That horrible "news"paper, The New York Times, was right in saying that everything happening in 2020 is a consequence of 1619. It is now 2020. During those 400 years, we have had a horrific Civil War, we have had segregation, we have had Civil Rights, and now we have BLM.

The Dems are poised to take complete power shortly.

Despite their rhetoric, they know in their hearts that they cannot substantially improve a situation that has festered for 400 years.

To be fair, we should not blame the ethnicity under consideration. They did not ask to come here. They were forced to come here.

Is it fair that today's Americans have to pay for the sins of their fathers?


But life has never been fair.
In answer to the last sentence (a question) in the OP, the answer is a resounding (and sad) NO.

Dang! What is wrong with some Americans?

Isn't it obvious that the problem is intractable?

That horrible "news"paper, The New York Times, was right in saying that everything happening in 2020 is a consequence of 1619. It is now 2020. During those 400 years, we have had a horrific Civil War, we have had segregation, we have had Civil Rights, and now we have BLM.

The Dems are poised to take complete power shortly.

Despite their rhetoric, they know in their hearts that they cannot substantially improve a situation that has festered for 400 years.

To be fair, we should not blame the ethnicity under consideration. They did not ask to come here. They were forced to come here.

Is it fair that today's Americans have to pay for the sins of their fathers?


But life has never been fair.

In full and honest disclosure, it should be revealed that you and I are charter members of the Pessimist's Club.

I, too, feel that America, and possibly Western Civilization, has run its course.

If Biden and the Death Party win the election, I will take that as proof.
Then began to loosen and expand the rules of AFDC eligibility, eventually getting to the point where any woman living alone with children could take advantage of this program. In doing so, they not only bought a large number of new votes, they also incentivized out of wedlock births and single motherhood.

As Charles Murray described in ā€œLosing Ground,ā€ the Great Society incentivized the same negative behaviors that cause poverty in the first place.
Millions of women discovered that they could be better off financially by not marrying.

Again, Happy Ending is repeating silly myths.

This new data follows participation from 2009 to 2012. And it reveals, across those four years, that the vast majority of people receiving welfare ā€” about 63 percent ā€” participated in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program for cumulatively less than 12 months. Less than 10 percent were enrolled in the program for most of that time. Similarly, about a third of people using food stamps and Medicaid were what the Census would consider ā€œshort-term program participants.ā€ And the same is true of about a quarter of people getting housing assistance.

The real problem here is that we make a distinction.

Programs like TANF, SNAP, Section 8, and Medicaid are considered "Welfare" because they mostly go to poor people who mostly use it for a short period of time. And there is a racial connotation to welfare, that when you think of welfare, you think of minorities, even though the majority of people getting it are white.

MEANWHILE, Middle Class entitlements are considered "Entitlements" (Hence the name), such as Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's benefits and Unemployment Insurance... The kinds of things the politicians never complain about and would never consider slashing, even though they make up far more of the budget than poverty relief.
In answer to the last sentence (a question) in the OP, the answer is a resounding (and sad) NO.

Dang! What is wrong with some Americans?

Isn't it obvious that the problem is intractable?

That horrible "news"paper, The New York Times, was right in saying that everything happening in 2020 is a consequence of 1619. It is now 2020. During those 400 years, we have had a horrific Civil War, we have had segregation, we have had Civil Rights, and now we have BLM.

The Dems are poised to take complete power shortly.

Despite their rhetoric, they know in their hearts that they cannot substantially improve a situation that has festered for 400 years.

To be fair, we should not blame the ethnicity under consideration. They did not ask to come here. They were forced to come here.

Is it fair that today's Americans have to pay for the sins of their fathers?


But life has never been fair.

In full and honest disclosure, it should be revealed that you and I are charter members of the Pessimist's Club.

I, too, feel that America, and possibly Western Civilization, has run its course.

If Biden and the Death Party win the election, I will take that as proof.

Oh, yes. I expect the United States of America to be such a corrupt, violent, and disorganized nation by the end of this century (or even earlier), that it will implode. Hopefully, something better will emerge. Possibly several nations composed of people who share particular cultural values.
In answer to the last sentence (a question) in the OP, the answer is a resounding (and sad) NO.

Dang! What is wrong with some Americans?

Isn't it obvious that the problem is intractable?

That horrible "news"paper, The New York Times, was right in saying that everything happening in 2020 is a consequence of 1619. It is now 2020. During those 400 years, we have had a horrific Civil War, we have had segregation, we have had Civil Rights, and now we have BLM.

The Dems are poised to take complete power shortly.

Despite their rhetoric, they know in their hearts that they cannot substantially improve a situation that has festered for 400 years.

To be fair, we should not blame the ethnicity under consideration. They did not ask to come here. They were forced to come here.

Is it fair that today's Americans have to pay for the sins of their fathers?


But life has never been fair.

The thing is, up until 1900 or so, most of the white working class was getting the same shit sandwich as the black working class. Then they had a union movement and got to have a middle class lifestyle, but the Republicans have been taking that away since 1980, and getting dumb people like you to blame minorities for it.

So we need to fix both income inequality AND racism... They are intertwined.
Oh, yes. I expect the United States of America to be such a corrupt, violent, and disorganized nation by the end of this century (or even earlier), that it will implode. Hopefully, something better will emerge. Possibly several nations composed of people who share particular cultural values.

Ugh, let's hope not.

Of course there are really two Americas. The Blue States that drive all the economic activity, and the Red States in Jesusland who have the advantage of sponging off the rest of us.

In answer to the last sentence (a question) in the OP, the answer is a resounding (and sad) NO.

Dang! What is wrong with some Americans?

Isn't it obvious that the problem is intractable?

That horrible "news"paper, The New York Times, was right in saying that everything happening in 2020 is a consequence of 1619. It is now 2020. During those 400 years, we have had a horrific Civil War, we have had segregation, we have had Civil Rights, and now we have BLM.

The Dems are poised to take complete power shortly.

Despite their rhetoric, they know in their hearts that they cannot substantially improve a situation that has festered for 400 years.

To be fair, we should not blame the ethnicity under consideration. They did not ask to come here. They were forced to come here.

Is it fair that today's Americans have to pay for the sins of their fathers?


But life has never been fair.

In full and honest disclosure, it should be revealed that you and I are charter members of the Pessimist's Club.

I, too, feel that America, and possibly Western Civilization, has run its course.

If Biden and the Death Party win the election, I will take that as proof.

Oh, yes. I expect the United States of America to be such a corrupt, violent, and disorganized nation by the end of this century (or even earlier), that it will implode. Hopefully, something better will emerge. Possibly several nations composed of people who share particular cultural values.

As TS Eliot ended his classic poem, "The Hollow Men,".....

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
4. As long as blacks continue to be seen as victims, you miss the real problem: the breakdown of the family. 80% of black children are born without a fatherā€¦.what social programs can make up for that?

Ah, repeating this myth again... Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.

Fatherlessness is not defined by living arrangement. Josh Levsā€™s article, ā€œNo, Most Black Kids are not Fatherlessā€ deconstructs the ā€œ70% of black children are fatherlessā€ myth. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, ā€œFathersā€™ Involvement with Their Childrenā€ (yes, the CDC tracks data & researches topics like this), verify that the majority of black fathers actually live with their children (2.5 million versus 1.7 million who donā€™t). Furthermore, whether living in the same home or not, black fathers are the most involved of all primary recorded race and ethnic groups.

Many fatherlessness statistics utilize marital and housing statuses as cornerstone metrics, resulting in highly inflated figures. These stats do not account for the fact that men have died or passed away, couples may live together while unmarried, couples may be divorced, and, letā€™s not forget, that, due to the system of incarceration, men are not only separated from their families but often even prevented from staying in the homes with their families if the housing is federally provided. The New York Timesā€™ 2015 analysis, ā€œ1.5 Million Missing Black Men,ā€ gave credence to this shocking reality, presenting loud and clear how our countryā€™s mass incarceration industrial complex has claimed more men than were enslaved in 1850. Statistics about white males with a nearly 40% divorce rate, and significant numbers choosing to have and/or adopt children independently, are entirely immune to the views levied upon African Americans.

Meanwhile, you have a point, white folks are more likely to get married... and then get divorced, creating the exact same problem you bemoan about Fathers who aren't as involved as they should be.

But of course, it's easy to blame the victim.
Where do you find this garbage? I know what democrats have done to the black family and none of it is good and only proves just how gullible the Black man is in the hands of democrats AKA the Ku Klux Klan AKA the Southern Confederacy. They even have traitors as Jessy Jackson and Al Sharpner there to blame their problems on all but the guilty that march in the day but go home to their million dollar homes at the end of the day. Thank God the Blacks I call friends don't play into this victim hood bull shit and believe you get out of life what you put into it With this kind of thinking I should have a government house, food stamps, and a big check the first of each month to drink, smoke or put up my arm because I'm part indian.
5. When Democrats/Liberals purport a Michael Brown, or George Floyd or Jacob Blake as a hero, or martyr, it infects the black communityā€™s view of America. Blacks try to build their identity based on black victimization. To be authentically black, you have to claim to be a victimā€¦.and you must vote Democrat:

6. Here is the one who should be their hero:
ā€œIn eighth grade English class, 1974, after I gave what must have been a brilliant and insightful observation, a black girl across the room raised her hand, and announced to the class, ā€œHe talk like a white boy!ā€

What did LaQueesha mean? That is spoke clearly? Intelligently? That some timbre was missing from my voice? That moment was the beginning of my life.

It was suddenly clear that my definition of my black self was unimportant: my membership credentials to the brotherhood were confiscated and ripped to shreds. The way I spoke, the sound of my voice, my diction, clearly meant that I was trying to be something I wasnā€™t. I was an outsider.ā€
Joseph C. Phillips, ā€œHe Talk Like a White Boyā€
Political Chic is an amazing troll, one doesn't have to read her as you know what's coming. No heart, no soul, no thought, on and on. It is always them over there who are to blame. Finger pointing gets old.

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." AnaĆÆs Nin

Food for the thoughtful below.

'Implicit bias: Is everyone racist?'

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isnā€™t mad (or at least, he neednā€™t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution ā€“ in a word, of his intellectual character."

4. As long as blacks continue to be seen as victims, you miss the real problem: the breakdown of the family. 80% of black children are born without a fatherā€¦.what social programs can make up for that?

Ah, repeating this myth again... Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.

Fatherlessness is not defined by living arrangement. Josh Levsā€™s article, ā€œNo, Most Black Kids are not Fatherlessā€ deconstructs the ā€œ70% of black children are fatherlessā€ myth. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, ā€œFathersā€™ Involvement with Their Childrenā€ (yes, the CDC tracks data & researches topics like this), verify that the majority of black fathers actually live with their children (2.5 million versus 1.7 million who donā€™t). Furthermore, whether living in the same home or not, black fathers are the most involved of all primary recorded race and ethnic groups.

Many fatherlessness statistics utilize marital and housing statuses as cornerstone metrics, resulting in highly inflated figures. These stats do not account for the fact that men have died or passed away, couples may live together while unmarried, couples may be divorced, and, letā€™s not forget, that, due to the system of incarceration, men are not only separated from their families but often even prevented from staying in the homes with their families if the housing is federally provided. The New York Timesā€™ 2015 analysis, ā€œ1.5 Million Missing Black Men,ā€ gave credence to this shocking reality, presenting loud and clear how our countryā€™s mass incarceration industrial complex has claimed more men than were enslaved in 1850. Statistics about white males with a nearly 40% divorce rate, and significant numbers choosing to have and/or adopt children independently, are entirely immune to the views levied upon African Americans.

Meanwhile, you have a point, white folks are more likely to get married... and then get divorced, creating the exact same problem you bemoan about Fathers who aren't as involved as they should be.

But of course, it's easy to blame the victim.
In the inner cities it certainly does not appear the nuclear family is strong. I am certain police, EMT/Paramedic, Fire and Emergency rooms can verify a different picture.
Political Chic is an amazing troll, one doesn't have to read her as you know what's coming. No heart, no soul, no thought, on and on. It is always them over there who are to blame. Finger pointing gets old.

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." AnaĆÆs Nin

Food for the thoughtful below.

'Implicit bias: Is everyone racist?'

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isnā€™t mad (or at least, he neednā€™t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution ā€“ in a word, of his intellectual character."

So Shelby Steele is a racist????

In my pal, Middy, we find the indelibility of indoctrination, and the same pattern in every one of his attempts to curry favor with his Democrat/Progressive masters.

My OP gets under his scales, he posts some disagreement not directed at the post I wrote......none of which are ever.....EVER.....wrong.....

......and waddles off.

Effectively he has admitted this:

The result is that diseases such as BLM have grown in the black community, based on blacks assuming victimhood and, consequently, a ā€˜you owe meā€™ mentality.

And white Liberals bask in a Mother Teresa syndrome, ā€˜look how good I amā€ by taking care of 'lesser' individuals.

. As long as blacks continue to be seen as victims, you miss the real problem: the breakdown of the family. 80% of black children are born without a fatherā€¦.what social programs can make up for that? How does a black male learn how to behave, particularly with authority, without father to instruct him?

Black males, with no male role model in the home, fail to learn how to deal with authority.

It is a feature to consider in the heredity vs. environment controversy: females are several times as numerous as males among blacks with high IQs. Witty and Jenkins, "Educational Achievement of a Group of Gifted Negro Children," Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 25, p. 593. They inherit the same genes, are raised in the same homes and neighborhoods......explanations rest on the culture, the excessively 'macho' roles of males associated with and emphasizing certain sociopathologies.

There is a pathology that certainly holds some individuals back, and it is one that has been encouraged by the Liberals/Democrats.

The only question is, whether the debilitation can be reversed.
7. Too many Black Americans have been taught, trained, to believe that they are victims, and that training is enforced by victim-ness has been seen as a way to power. Victims see that their power stems from having been made victims by America. When dealing with white Liberals, appealing to their sense of guilt is the sword that the victims hold over their heads, the heads of guilt-ridden whites.

These ā€˜victimsā€™ relish in the episodes of Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, et al, as these episodes seem to verify the racism myth.
America is not racist nation, unless you consider the anti-white racism of the Democrat Party.

ā€œIt was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to ā€œhelpā€ when they arrived.ā€ Coulter
Like carrots and peas.

1.In a recent interview with Shelby Steele, he opined that Liberal cosseting of black folks, government telling them that it would assume the sort of responsibilities that grown-ups take on as their own, infantilizes blacks, and causes them to believe that they cannot do what other individuals doā€¦in examples such as public housing, bussing for education, affirmative action.

The result is that diseases such as BLM have grown in the black community, based on blacks assuming victimhood and, consequently, a ā€˜you owe meā€™ mentality.
And white Liberals bask in a Mother Teresa syndrome, ā€˜look how good I amā€ by taking care of 'lesser' individuals.

Neither outlook is healthy.

2. Shelby Steele speaks about his recent documentary. ā€œSince the 60s, whites have lived under the accusation that they are racist. Blacks use this to pursue power based on their victimhood.ā€ With every incident like Michael Brown, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, etc., these are held up as further examples of Americaā€™s long history of racism, and these, in turn, justify Liberal politics, which is entitlement for anti-white racialist policies by government, and further control over the white population by Leftist Liberal government.

Each tragic black death becomes a source of power for the Left. But only if it were a white who pulled the trigger. There are thousands of black kids killed in Democrat citiesā€¦and you never hear about it.
ā€œā€¦some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks.ā€ 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years ā€“ American Free Press

3. While the slaughter of black youth by other black youth is a problem, it serves a purpose for the Left/Democrats. These dead are valuable as long as seen as victimsā€¦.but not as human beings.

4. As long as blacks continue to be seen as victims, you miss the real problem: the breakdown of the family. 80% of black children are born without a fatherā€¦.what social programs can make up for that? How does a black male learn how to behave, particularly with authority, without father to instruct him?
Black males, with no male role model in the home, fail to learn how to deal with authority.
It is a feature to consider in the heredity vs. environment controversy: females are several times as numerous as males among blacks with high IQs. Witty and Jenkins, "Educational Achievement of a Group of Gifted Negro Children," Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 25, p. 593. They inherit the same genes, are raised in the same homes and neighborhoods......explanations rest on the culture, the excessively 'macho' roles of males associated with and emphasizing certain sociopathologies.

There is a pathology that certainly holds some individuals back, and it is one that has been encouraged by the Liberals/Democrats.
The only question is, whether the debilitation can be reversed.

Black codes did that. Right wingers still have no market friendly solutions only their bigotry and socialism on a national basis.
Then began to loosen and expand the rules of AFDC eligibility, eventually getting to the point where any woman living alone with children could take advantage of this program. In doing so, they not only bought a large number of new votes, they also incentivized out of wedlock births and single motherhood.

As Charles Murray described in ā€œLosing Ground,ā€ the Great Society incentivized the same negative behaviors that cause poverty in the first place.
Millions of women discovered that they could be better off financially by not marrying.

Again, Happy Ending is repeating silly myths.

This new data follows participation from 2009 to 2012. And it reveals, across those four years, that the vast majority of people receiving welfare ā€” about 63 percent ā€” participated in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program for cumulatively less than 12 months. Less than 10 percent were enrolled in the program for most of that time. Similarly, about a third of people using food stamps and Medicaid were what the Census would consider ā€œshort-term program participants.ā€ And the same is true of about a quarter of people getting housing assistance.

The real problem here is that we make a distinction.

Programs like TANF, SNAP, Section 8, and Medicaid are considered "Welfare" because they mostly go to poor people who mostly use it for a short period of time. And there is a racial connotation to welfare, that when you think of welfare, you think of minorities, even though the majority of people getting it are white.

MEANWHILE, Middle Class entitlements are considered "Entitlements" (Hence the name), such as Social Security, Medicare, Veteran's benefits and Unemployment Insurance... The kinds of things the politicians never complain about and would never consider slashing, even though they make up far more of the budget than poverty relief.
You fucking moron, Social Security isn't an entitlement program, dip shit.
Like carrots and peas.

1.In a recent interview with Shelby Steele, he opined that Liberal cosseting of black folks, government telling them that it would assume the sort of responsibilities that grown-ups take on as their own, infantilizes blacks, and causes them to believe that they cannot do what other individuals doā€¦in examples such as public housing, bussing for education, affirmative action.

The result is that diseases such as BLM have grown in the black community, based on blacks assuming victimhood and, consequently, a ā€˜you owe meā€™ mentality.
And white Liberals bask in a Mother Teresa syndrome, ā€˜look how good I amā€ by taking care of 'lesser' individuals.

Neither outlook is healthy.

2. Shelby Steele speaks about his recent documentary. ā€œSince the 60s, whites have lived under the accusation that they are racist. Blacks use this to pursue power based on their victimhood.ā€ With every incident like Michael Brown, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, etc., these are held up as further examples of Americaā€™s long history of racism, and these, in turn, justify Liberal politics, which is entitlement for anti-white racialist policies by government, and further control over the white population by Leftist Liberal government.

Each tragic black death becomes a source of power for the Left. But only if it were a white who pulled the trigger. There are thousands of black kids killed in Democrat citiesā€¦and you never hear about it.
ā€œā€¦some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks.ā€ 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years ā€“ American Free Press

3. While the slaughter of black youth by other black youth is a problem, it serves a purpose for the Left/Democrats. These dead are valuable as long as seen as victimsā€¦.but not as human beings.

4. As long as blacks continue to be seen as victims, you miss the real problem: the breakdown of the family. 80% of black children are born without a fatherā€¦.what social programs can make up for that? How does a black male learn how to behave, particularly with authority, without father to instruct him?
Black males, with no male role model in the home, fail to learn how to deal with authority.
It is a feature to consider in the heredity vs. environment controversy: females are several times as numerous as males among blacks with high IQs. Witty and Jenkins, "Educational Achievement of a Group of Gifted Negro Children," Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 25, p. 593. They inherit the same genes, are raised in the same homes and neighborhoods......explanations rest on the culture, the excessively 'macho' roles of males associated with and emphasizing certain sociopathologies.

There is a pathology that certainly holds some individuals back, and it is one that has been encouraged by the Liberals/Democrats.
The only question is, whether the debilitation can be reversed.

Shelby Steele is a motherfucking idiot. And that's being polite. Here we see more white racist bullshit from a mentally ill Asian suffering from internalized racism. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. Blacks whose salaries are dependent on right wing foundation grant money can't tell you that.

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