The Strange Alliance Between the Left and Muslim Extremists


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
It seems mystifying how the American and European left can so strongly support Hamas and other components of a "Muslim Brotherhood' no matter how they carry out their manifestos:

"The left supports women’s rights and full equality in the workplace and public sphere. Militant Muslims oppose them.

The left supports gay rights and gay marriage. Militant Muslims toss gays off buildings. None would dare hold a public march in Pakistan, Iran, or Saudi Arabia.

The left supports abortion rights. Militant Muslims oppose them.

The left supports religious freedom, including the right to reject religion altogether. Militant Muslims believe heretics should be executed.

The left rallies against book banning. Militant Muslims embrace it for any book they believe insults Islam or supports Israel.

The left opposes the death penalty. Militant Muslims endorse it and praise their governments for using it."

The only answers I can come up with is a) Hatred of Israel and b) lack of any moral center in the current and previous conflicts.

I think the lack of moral foundation has a lot to do with it. Happy Sunday!

Also malleability of thought by external sources.
Few cultures are as theologically motivated towards barbaric governance FF

we really didn't have much of a relationship with them, until Roosevelt went w/oilcan in hand....


It's been love/hate deal ever since.....worse when the notion of catering to both sides of a conflict comes to mind....

Than to have peace and success in the country?
Than giving a damn whom they have to support to oppose them. Peace and success are also terrible no-goes, they don´t offer space for violent complaints.
But if you have an actual leftist government that indeed takes care of the people, they show zero interest, realizing people will have to work there.
I think the lack of moral foundation has a lot to do with it. Happy Sunday!

Also malleability of thought by external sources.
It is really mystifying. I e
Few cultures are as theologically motivated towards barbaric governance FF

we really didn't have much of a relationship with them, until Roosevelt went w/oilcan in hand....

View attachment 843314

It's been love/hate deal ever since.....worse when the notion of catering to both sides of a conflict comes to mind....

I don't know.

Islam has been at war with the west or western concepts off and on since it gained enough members to even be a thing. Islam had been advancing at such an alarming rate, had it not turned inward upon itself, it probably would have conquered the world. As it was, however we might morally judge the Crusades from the 11th through the 16th centuries, the Crusades played a significant role in the phenomena. The Christians didn't always win but they did manage to hold off the Islamic advancement until Islam split itself into often warring factions and thus weakened itself to the point it was much less of a world threat.

But the dichotomy that exists between purported Muslim values and purported leftist values is somewhat amazing and irreconcilable via any reasonable logic.

From the linked article in the OP speaking of Islam and the left (emphasis mine):

". . .They deal with differences very simply: They never mention them when they act jointly, primarily against Israel and its supporters across the world. They have joined together to form a more powerful coalition against shared enemies. They would destroy that partnership by raising issues where they differ. . .

. . .The mixture of these ideas makes a confused jumble. But “incoherent” doesn’t mean “useless.” It serves as a kind of makeshift glue that binds disparate groups in opposition to what they see as the West’s oppressive bourgeois culture, its tolerance for divergent views, and the unequal outcomes produced by market competition (softened by transfer payments). Overturn it all, they say, in the name of “social justice.” They have no idea of what to replace it with. In fact, the coalition would break apart if either side emphasized its proposed alternatives. . ."

Bottom line: ideology makes for some strange bedfellows.
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It seems mystifying how the American and European left can so strongly support Hamas and other components of a "Muslim Brotherhood' no matter how they carry out their manifestos:

"The left supports women’s rights and full equality in the workplace and public sphere. Militant Muslims oppose them.

The left supports gay rights and gay marriage. Militant Muslims toss gays off buildings. None would dare hold a public march in Pakistan, Iran, or Saudi Arabia.

The left supports abortion rights. Militant Muslims oppose them.

The left supports religious freedom, including the right to reject religion altogether. Militant Muslims believe heretics should be executed.

The left rallies against book banning. Militant Muslims embrace it for any book they believe insults Islam or supports Israel.

The left opposes the death penalty. Militant Muslims endorse it and praise their governments for using it."

The only answers I can come up with is a) Hatred of Israel and b) lack of any moral center in the current and previous conflicts.

Fucking lies. The left supports not persecuting people for other’s sins, just like you want to shoot all Mexicans and Black Americans. You fucks now want to shoot every Palestinian at point blank range for vengeance and you’re on here masking as Jew allies when you fucks support American White Nationalists who would exterminate as many as they could. You have nothing to stand on and the Jews in American despise the GOP for its authoritarian hate culture which it remembers well from the past.

The Dems are aligned with Israel and it has our nations support in the Mediterranean now.
Fucking lies. The left supports not persecuting people for other’s sins, just like you want to shoot all Mexicans and Black Americans. You fucks now want to shoot every Palestinian at point blank range for vengeance and you’re on here masking as Jew allies when you fucks support American White Nationalists who would exterminate as many as they could. You have nothing to stand on and the Jews in American despise the GOP for its authoritarian hate culture which it remembers well from the past.

The Dems are aligned with Israel and it has our nations support in the Mediterranean now.
What of those statements in the OP would you say is not true of most leftists? Or most Muslims?

Or are you representative of the accuracy of the thesis of the piece that you can justify your sympatico with Muslim extremists just by ignoring and not acknowledging the significant opposing views promoted by the Left and by Islam?
What of those statements in the OP would you say is not true of most leftists? Or most Muslims?

Or are you representative of the accuracy of the thesis of the piece that you can justify your sympatico with Muslim extremists just by ignoring and not acknowledging the significant opposing views promoted by the Left and by Islam?
The Democratic Party is aligned with Israel and American Jews. They can also walk and chew gum at the same time which means they can also be concerned about the plight of the innocent Palestinians not aligned with Hamas who will be caught up in all this as well, like the 1.4M minors under 18.

Islam in practice hasnt been a liberal and open organization in many instances but the worst of them cannot also define the rest of them.
The ironic part, is that when when these carpet pilots go all Jihadi, and stuff; they do it in Liberal cities where the people who support them are. And ultimately become victims of these animals. Like the German Peacenik girl killed at the concert. Derp, derp...
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The ironic part, is that when when these carpet pilots go all Jihadi, and stuff; they do it in Liberal cities where the people who support them are. And ultimately become victims of these animals. Like the German Peacenik girl killed at the concert. Deep, derp...
Indeed, they will go for the sheeple that support them.
The Democratic Party is aligned with Israel and American Jews. They can also walk and chew gum at the same time which means they can also be concerned about the plight of the innocent Palestinians not aligned with Hamas who will be caught up in all this as well, like the 1.4M minors under 18.

Islam in practice hasnt been a liberal and open organization in many instances but the worst of them cannot also define the rest of them.
Nevertheless in your Post #8 you made some ridiculous and intensely insulting accusations about my position and are studiously avoiding answering my question. What of those contrasting positions in the OP are inaccurate?

I will add another question for you to answer or ignore:

Do you support what Hamas is doing? Are they in the right? Do you support the American left almost universally refusing to condemn Hamas will condemning Israel?
The ironic part, is that when when these carpet pilots go all Jihadi, and stuff; they do it in Liberal cities where the people who support them are. And ultimately become victims of these animals. Like the German Peacenik girl killed at the concert. Derp, derp...
Well the whole concept of the OP is about those who put their purported values and principles on the shelf and throw in their lot with the devil so long as the devil shares an objective with them. In this case the objective is the intention to maim, injure, murder as many Jews and Americans as possible. But the left ignores that aspect of it and condemns Israel.

I simply have a problem how that can be reconciled by those who purport to have taken the high road, who have superior values, who are far more righteous than anybody else.
Nevertheless in your Post #8 you made some ridiculous and intensely insulting accusations about my position and are studiously avoiding answering my question. What of those contrasting positions in the OP are inaccurate?

I will add another question for you to answer or ignore:

Do you support what Hamas is doing? Are they in the right? Do you support the American left almost universally refusing to condemn Hamas will condemning Israel?
Why do you have to lie? I dont support Hamas and neither to democrats. They have universally condemned Hamas. Biden delivered the most supportive speech in the history of America the other day. The Democrats approve funding for Israel every year and have to argue with the GOP about it. You don’t get to treat Jews like pariahs for years and then act like you support them cuz you like bombing Muslims more than demonizing Soros and Jews.
Well the whole concept of the OP is about those who put their purported values and principles on the shelf and throw in their lot with the devil so long as the devil shares an objective with them.
oh man......




sorry FF, couldn't help myself.....

Why do you have to lie? I dont support Hamas and neither to democrats. They have universally condemned Hamas. Biden delivered the most supportive speech in the history of America the other day. The Democrats approve funding for Israel every year and have to argue with the GOP about it. You don’t get to treat Jews like pariahs for years and then act like you support them cuz you like bombing Muslims more than demonizing Soros and Jews.
Ah well. Since you won't answer any questions, won't provide any support for what opinion you offer and can't seem to make an argument without ad hominem and personal insults, I'll wish you a pleasant day and look for intelligent life elsewhere.
No problem. And you did keep it honest:

Given how much of the world depends on Arab oil, and how dependent America (and everybody else is) on other nations achieving economic prosperity and becoming serious trading partners with us, it is in America's interest as well as everybody else's to make nice with Arab leaders however much we disagree with their politics and/or culture.

So there is my own intellectual dichotomy, i.e. justifying making alliances with those who are so very different from us for mutual advantage. But I think for decent people that ends when those we are in alliance with do unspeakable evil to others.

And where is the advantage to anybody for the left to hate Israel? To ignore the atrocities Hamas is committing in their effort to hurt Israel as much as it possibly can?

Why to them is Israel always the bad guy in the equation and the Palestinians innocent victims?
But I think for decent people that ends when those we are in alliance with do unspeakable evil to others.
as well it should FF

but even that finds it's way to justification

my pop was 19 , when he rolled into Dachau

he still struggles with what he saw 70 yrs later
Why to them is Israel always the bad guy in the equation and the Palestinians innocent victims?
well that equation is lopsided via partisans

they can't be objective, too caught up in the fear and hate spewed out from government sources (all of them)

for ex, those mired in the subjective view our leaders (pix i posted) making time with the devil

while the muslim community thinks the very same (great satan) thing.....

as well it should FF

but even that finds it's way to justification

my pop was 19 , when he rolled into Dachau

he still struggles with what he saw 70 yrs later

well that equation is lopsided via partisans

they can't be objective, too caught up in the fear and hate spewed out from government sources (all of them)

for ex, those mired in the subjective view our leaders (pix i posted) making time with the devil

while the muslim community thinks the very same (great satan) thing.....

I am guessing those who were the first to reach Dachau fully understand/understood why the creation of Israel was a moral and justifiable choice for good people of the world to make at that time. And why the defense of Israel is just and right--even righteous--now.

But as the OP suggests, the Left does not bother with the reasons they take the positions that they do or who they ally themselves with. That they declare themselves righteous is sufficient for them and they become extremely agitated when challenged on the righteousness and justice of their positions.

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