The social-distancing police are among us. Would you call out a neighbor for unsafe practices? Or call 911?


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
Here come the Social Distancing Police.
They don’t carry badges, they don’t wear uniforms. They are not actual police officers, and no one is going to formally deputize them. But they are watchful, and alarmed, mostly disgusted and, though it’s hard to see at times, idealistic. Even well-meaning. They don’t like what they see, and they hate what they must do but — YOU! Your shopping cart! It’s TOO close! SIX FEET! Some shout, some gesture and expect you to get the point. Some call actual police, phone an aldermen, even email their park district.
Many others, they head for Facebook, Twitter, the neighborhood app Nextdoor, where they register horror — a lack of consideration they just witnessed by a fellow Chicagoan. They wonder why everyone is suddenly a jogger. They report coffee houses for a lack of masks. They call 311 to report 12 people sitting a little too close on the grass in a park.
They are you, they are us.

Interestingly the Left has become what they claim to abhor. They'd never admit it but this their roots. The "true believers" believe it is their "RIGHT" to tell others what to do, how to think and how to live their lives. Make no mistake, there are those on the Right who do this too just not to the degree that Progs do. A always, Chicago is the perfect example.
Interestingly the Left has become what they claim to abhor. They'd never admit it but this their roots. The "true believers" believe it is their "RIGHT" to tell others what to do, how to think and how to live their lives.

They didn't become so. It's how they've always been.

If anything has changed, it is how obvious and blatant they are about it.
Your just now hearing this lol
we were telling you CLUELESS A MONTH AGO........ oh thats right MSM freaks obey their orders. lmfao.


we knew this chit lonng before it fell in nfront the eyes of idiots who actually finally believe it. lol

see when I put it out there it was a fkn conspiracy rememberrrrrrrr.




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I had a restaurant worker freak out because I walked into the restaurant to pick up carryout (with a mask on). Apparently I was supposed to wait in my car. They gave no instructions on the phone and had a poorly placed sign out front. To bad I already paid for the food or I would told them to go F off. Shits getting out of control.
I am as liberal as they come, and I've seen all sorts of non-conforming individuals, including people without masks that I've had to interact with, but I don't call the cops on anyone or even call them out on it. I mean, if this thing was Ebola, ya, I would probably raise more of a fuss.
I am as liberal as they come, and I've seen all sorts of non-conforming individuals, including people without masks that I've had to interact with, but I don't call the cops on anyone or even call them out on it. I mean, if this thing was Ebola, ya, I would probably raise more of a fuss.

These idiots didn't lock down the country when EBOLA was in Texas a few years ago.
Out of common courtesy we use to stay home when sick, and those who came to work with colds excreta were thought rude, even if we understood that they needed a paycheck. we also expected them to cover their mouths when coughing. is it to much to ask that if you wont wear a mask that you honor the 6 foot rule, & follow the store rules that are clearly marked on the floor. Its not just us old folk your endangering even younger people die. Understand its confusing & no fun for anyone, but a little thoughtfulness towards those who must go buy food, but feel contacting the Virus could be a death sentence.
Out of common courtesy we use to stay home when sick, and those who came to work with colds excreta were thought rude, even if we understood that they needed a paycheck. we also expected them to cover their mouths when coughing. is it to much to ask that if you wont wear a mask that you honor the 6 foot rule, & follow the store rules that are clearly marked on the floor. Its not just us old folk your endangering even younger people die. Understand its confusing & no fun for anyone, but a little thoughtfulness towards those who must go buy food, but feel contacting the Virus could be a death sentence.
I feel like sharing a freeway with some people is a potential death sentence but I don't think that gives me any right to tell them to get off the road.
Out of common courtesy we use to stay home when sick, and those who came to work with colds excreta were thought rude, even if we understood that they needed a paycheck. we also expected them to cover their mouths when coughing. is it to much to ask that if you wont wear a mask that you honor the 6 foot rule, & follow the store rules that are clearly marked on the floor. Its not just us old folk your endangering even younger people die. Understand its confusing & no fun for anyone, but a little thoughtfulness towards those who must go buy food, but feel contacting the Virus could be a death sentence.

I am as liberal as they come, and I've seen all sorts of non-conforming individuals, including people without masks that I've had to interact with, but I don't call the cops on anyone or even call them out on it. I mean, if this thing was Ebola, ya, I would probably raise more of a fuss.

These idiots didn't lock down the country when EBOLA was in Texas a few years ago.
Trump wasnt president. No need to kill the greatest economy ever
Out of common courtesy we use to stay home when sick, and those who came to work with colds excreta were thought rude, even if we understood that they needed a paycheck. we also expected them to cover their mouths when coughing. is it to much to ask that if you wont wear a mask that you honor the 6 foot rule, & follow the store rules that are clearly marked on the floor. Its not just us old folk your endangering even younger people die. Understand its confusing & no fun for anyone, but a little thoughtfulness towards those who must go buy food, but feel contacting the Virus could be a death sentence.
Were you concerned about me when you voted that idiot obama into office ? Hell no you weren't .
I am as liberal as they come, and I've seen all sorts of non-conforming individuals, including people without masks that I've had to interact with, but I don't call the cops on anyone or even call them out on it. I mean, if this thing was Ebola, ya, I would probably raise more of a fuss.
Tell me as a liberal aka sheeple do you know anything at all about the virus itself or do you just do what your leaders tell you and maybe drool a little?
Have you any notion whatsoever of just how useless masks are when it comes to protection against viral infection and why? Are you aware that in general practice that all of this mask wearing may actually be determental to your health?
I am as liberal as they come, and I've seen all sorts of non-conforming individuals, including people without masks that I've had to interact with, but I don't call the cops on anyone or even call them out on it. I mean, if this thing was Ebola, ya, I would probably raise more of a fuss.

These idiots didn't lock down the country when EBOLA was in Texas a few years ago.
Trump wasnt president. No need to kill the greatest economy ever

That's how bad they hate this man.
Out of common courtesy we use to stay home when sick, and those who came to work with colds excreta were thought rude, even if we understood that they needed a paycheck. we also expected them to cover their mouths when coughing. is it to much to ask that if you wont wear a mask that you honor the 6 foot rule, & follow the store rules that are clearly marked on the floor. Its not just us old folk your endangering even younger people die. Understand its confusing & no fun for anyone, but a little thoughtfulness towards those who must go buy food, but feel contacting the Virus could be a death sentence.
Looks at what your rules have done so far.

clearly, we need a better policy.

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