The skeptics keep winning!!

jc456 Crick

Which of these trolls do the two of you claim to be? Enough with the preschool arguing back and forth that gets nowhere!

The thread was established before Zone Rules were implemented, and before Clean Start Rules were implemented. Reports were made, wanting to enforce both these rules.

More than one mod was brought into this decision.
If you want this thread to stay open, stay on topic, and stay Zone 2 compliant, report posts that violate Zone 2 rules.
Yes, bring back the thread!!
Something to think about regarding global warming: Temperature records weren't being recorded until the 1880s and even then, you can bet many areas around the world did not keep a record. Older records will obviously not be as accurate or give as much information as those of the past few decades. In the late 1970s, solar radiation was added to the mix as being one of the potential causes of global warming. (Notice I said potential? I know damn good and well some of you will ignore that word and go off on a rant about solar radiation now that I said the phrase.) Realistically, THINK about the short amount of time records have been kept in comparison to how old the planet is. I don't know of any written information from when the first ice age began or even records of what the temperatures were before it happened, however, methods used today for replicating that info show a pattern.



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Something to think about regarding global warming: Temperature records weren't being recorded until the 1880s and even then, you can bet many areas around the world did not keep a record. Older records will obviously not be as accurate or give as much information as those of the past few decades. In the late 1970s, solar radiation was added to the mix as being one of the potential causes of global warming. (Notice I said potential? I know damn good and well some of you will ignore that word and go off on a rant about solar radiation now that I said the phrase.) Realistically, THINK about the short amount of time records have been kept in comparison to how old the planet is. I don't know of any written information from when the first ice age began or even records of what the temperatures were before it happened, however, methods used today for replicating that info show a pattern.

Let me state for the umpteenth time, there is no global temperature
Crick crashed the thread...gheyness shit I've seen in here as a member 14 years running. :gay:

The "skeptics are winning" is about one thing only....

25 years of climate crusader bomb throwing has led to...ready for providing just 7% of US grid electricity in 2023.



Nobody is caring about the science...:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Yes, bring back the thread!!
Sorry, I can't, for those reasons already stated. That puppy has been laid to rest Frankie.

The word, "TROLL," will no longer be accepted as a legitimate argument now, we will be adhering to Zone 2 rules, from here on out.

This thread is the official part II, the offspring of the last one. Now stay on topic.

Sorry, I can't, for those reasons already stated. That puppy has been laid to rest Frankie.

The word, "TROLL," will no longer be accepted as a legitimate argument now, we will be adhering to Zone 2 rules, from here on out.

This thread is the official part II, the offspring of the last one. Now stay on topic.


Love the photo!

Sorry, I can't, for those reasons already stated. That puppy has been laid to rest Frankie.

The word, "TROLL," will no longer be accepted as a legitimate argument now, we will be adhering to Zone 2 rules, from here on out.

This thread is the official part II, the offspring of the last one. Now stay on topic.

I agree with any rules that make discussion more on topic.
What exactly does this mean tho?

1.The word 'troll' can't be used at all, or just as part of an argument?
2. If some IS trolling you (say with a stupid meme alone, or name calling alone, or Off Topic post) that YOU/other mods will stop what IS TROLLING?
Wanna Bet You will NOT do so?
Because 60% of this board is composed of such.

Watch this Worm out answer as FCT once admitted to me that the board would indeed lose 50+% of it's posts/poster if trolling was stopped.

You're up MisterBeale. YOU going to enforce not just the elimination of the word, but the wildly popular PRACTICE of Doing it here?
What about Toddster calling people "Sandy Vag" and the like?

I agree with any rules that make discussion more on topic.
What exactly does this mean tho?

1.The word 'troll' can't be used at all, or just as part of an argument?
2. If some IS trolling you (say with a stupid meme alone, or name calling alone, or Off Topic post) that YOU/other mods will stop what IS TROLLING?
Wanna Bet You will NOT do so?
Because 60% of this board is composed of such.

Watch this Worm out answer as FCT once admitted to me that the board would indeed lose 50+% of it's posts/poster if trolling was stopped.

You're up MisterBeale. YOU going to enforce not just the elimination of the word, but the wildly popular PRACTICE of Doing it here?
What about Toddster calling people "Sandy Vag" and the like?

"Zone 2": All other forums not specified as Zone 1 or Zone 3: This will apply to the vast majority of the board.: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Also see important policy on "Clean Thread Starts" at the following link -- New "Clean Start" Policy on Creating Threads . Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain significant and specific thread topic content to advance the discussion, in addition to any personal flame or snark. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.

Each post must contain significant and specific thread topic content to advance the discussion

What about Toddster calling people "Sandy Vag" and the like?

Agreed. If there is no topical content included, report them.
I agree that physics, engineering and economics are unaffected by anyone's beliefs in anything. Big Whup.

Real Clear Energy is a far right wing, Koch-funded propaganda house whose babbling is worth shit.
Real Clear Energy is a far right wing, Koch-funded propaganda house whose babbling is worth shit
Why is it babbling shit other than your opinion. What’s not accurate
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