The scourge of white whining


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
There is a wave of white whining that's going on in the U.S.

Amy Cooper's "racial discrimination" lawsuit and the scourge of white whining

Amanda Marcotte

"Large numbers of white people — mostly, but not exclusively Donald Trump voters — convince themselves that it's not racism that is a problem in the U.S., but the bogeyman of white people being victimized by anti-racists.

Take, for instance, the surge of chatter about "critical race theory." If you have no idea what the hell your drunk uncle is talking about when he raves about this on Facebook, well, you're not alone. Critical race theory was, until this year, an obscure concept outside of the narrow confines of legal scholarship, used mainly by law professors to explain the historical reasons for ongoing racial inequalities baked into the legal system.

But "critical race theory" sure does sound scary to defensive white people who are sure the "woke" mob is going to find out about that racist joke they told at a poker game last year and "cancel" them, as Fox News keeps warning will happen. And so right-wing media has spent months making sure the term "critical race theory" is on the lips of every Donald Trump voter still mad that they "let" Philadelphia and Detroit vote in the 2020 election.

The idea that "critical race theory" is a widespread threat to white people was invented, whole cloth, by the right-wing media and then pumped out vigorously. As the Washington Post reported, mentions of "critical race theory" on cable news simply didn't exist prior to this year, but there's been an explosion of uses of that term on Fox News in recent months. A similar study from Media Matters shows that, by early May, the term had been used — inaccurately in most, if not all, cases — on Fox News at least 552 times in the past year.

The right would have you believe that it's the left that made "critical race theory" a thing, and they are merely reacting. But another study of Facebook posts by Media Matters found that pretty much the only people talking about "critical race theory" online are Republicans, with nearly 90% of the posts from political pages and 97% of the interactions coming from conservative figures.

To be certain, there is nothing wrong with real-life critical race theory, which is a valuable tool for academics analyzing legal and cultural issues. But right-wing media doesn't use the term accurately. It's just a stand-in for a generalized fear that "woke" culture is coming to get white people. And also, of course, as justification to silence — or, as one might say, cancel — any discussion or attempt to educate people, especially students, about the existence or history of racism in America.

The result has been an explosion of bills in red states that, under the guise of protecting white people from being discriminated against, are banning "critical race theory." But, as critics told Adam Harris at The Atlantic, the real purpose is to "effectively prevent public schools and universities from holding discussions about racism" — including, quite likely in many cases, teaching kids the truth about slavery and Jim Crow in history class.

In Oklahoma, for instance, a new law bans any school curriculum that could cause a student to "feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race or sex." The bill is packed full of nice-sounding language about non-discrimination and racial equality, but it's obvious that the real purpose is to scare teachers away from discussing any history — such as the 1921 Tulsa race massacre — that could unsettle white kids whose parents raised them to believe racism isn't real. After signing the bill into law, Oklahoma's Republican governor was booted from the centennial commission on the Tulsa massacre. The commission's director said that the ban signed by Gov. Kevin Stills "chills the ability of educators to teach students, of any age, and will only serve to intimidate educators who seek to reveal and process our hidden history."

This hyperventilating white victimhood mentality is also on full display in Missouri, where lawyer Mark McCloskey announced his Senate candidacy earlier this month. McCloskey became infamous last summer when he and his wife, Patricia McCloskey, were taped waving guns at a group of Black Lives Matter protesters who were peacefully marching in the street by their house.

In his Fox News announcement, McCloskey claimed, "God came knocking on my door disguised as an angry mob. In reality, no one knocked on his door. Protesters were, quite literally, just walking by to get to another location and only interacted with the McCloskeys after they pulled guns on them. McCloskey also whined about "critical race theory," and for all we know, he also has delusions that this previously obscure bit of academic jargon knocked on his door. Greg Sargent of the Washington Post characterized McCloskey's announcement as the "anti-leftist hyperbole you hear constantly from Republicans," noting that it is the result of "the complete unshackling of oneself from any empirical constraints in depicting the leftist threat."

And this problem is only growing.

As Jennifer Chudy and Hakeem Jefferson report at the New York Times, "Republicans and white people have actually become less supportive of Black Lives Matter than they were before the death of George Floyd." In the past year, the majority of white people saw all this evidence of racism and police violence, and somehow still found their way to a story where white people are the real victims and the bad guys are the people speaking out against racism.

So sure, Amy Cooper's narcissism and self-pity may seem over the top, but the sad truth is she is just a particularly noxious example of a nationwide problem. Trump managed to get a shocking 74 million votes, more than any Republican candidate in history, after running a campaign that was a full-on right-wing fantasy about "cancel culture" more than about any real issues facing the nation. In 2021, the majority of white Americans would rather believe a fantasy where they're the victims, rather than admit, even just a tiny bit, that racism is still a real problem.

There is a wave of white whining that's going on in the U.S.

Amy Cooper's "racial discrimination" lawsuit and the scourge of white whining

Amanda Marcotte

"Large numbers of white people — mostly, but not exclusively Donald Trump voters — convince themselves that it's not racism that is a problem in the U.S., but the bogeyman of white people being victimized by anti-racists.

Take, for instance, the surge of chatter about "critical race theory." If you have no idea what the hell your drunk uncle is talking about when he raves about this on Facebook, well, you're not alone. Critical race theory was, until this year, an obscure concept outside of the narrow confines of legal scholarship, used mainly by law professors to explain the historical reasons for ongoing racial inequalities baked into the legal system.

But "critical race theory" sure does sound scary to defensive white people who are sure the "woke" mob is going to find out about that racist joke they told at a poker game last year and "cancel" them, as Fox News keeps warning will happen. And so right-wing media has spent months making sure the term "critical race theory" is on the lips of every Donald Trump voter still mad that they "let" Philadelphia and Detroit vote in the 2020 election.

The idea that "critical race theory" is a widespread threat to white people was invented, whole cloth, by the right-wing media and then pumped out vigorously. As the Washington Post reported, mentions of "critical race theory" on cable news simply didn't exist prior to this year, but there's been an explosion of uses of that term on Fox News in recent months. A similar study from Media Matters shows that, by early May, the term had been used — inaccurately in most, if not all, cases — on Fox News at least 552 times in the past year.

The right would have you believe that it's the left that made "critical race theory" a thing, and they are merely reacting. But another study of Facebook posts by Media Matters found that pretty much the only people talking about "critical race theory" online are Republicans, with nearly 90% of the posts from political pages and 97% of the interactions coming from conservative figures.

To be certain, there is nothing wrong with real-life critical race theory, which is a valuable tool for academics analyzing legal and cultural issues. But right-wing media doesn't use the term accurately. It's just a stand-in for a generalized fear that "woke" culture is coming to get white people. And also, of course, as justification to silence — or, as one might say, cancel — any discussion or attempt to educate people, especially students, about the existence or history of racism in America.

The result has been an explosion of bills in red states that, under the guise of protecting white people from being discriminated against, are banning "critical race theory." But, as critics told Adam Harris at The Atlantic, the real purpose is to "effectively prevent public schools and universities from holding discussions about racism" — including, quite likely in many cases, teaching kids the truth about slavery and Jim Crow in history class.

In Oklahoma, for instance, a new law bans any school curriculum that could cause a student to "feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race or sex." The bill is packed full of nice-sounding language about non-discrimination and racial equality, but it's obvious that the real purpose is to scare teachers away from discussing any history — such as the 1921 Tulsa race massacre — that could unsettle white kids whose parents raised them to believe racism isn't real. After signing the bill into law, Oklahoma's Republican governor was booted from the centennial commission on the Tulsa massacre. The commission's director said that the ban signed by Gov. Kevin Stills "chills the ability of educators to teach students, of any age, and will only serve to intimidate educators who seek to reveal and process our hidden history."

This hyperventilating white victimhood mentality is also on full display in Missouri, where lawyer Mark McCloskey announced his Senate candidacy earlier this month. McCloskey became infamous last summer when he and his wife, Patricia McCloskey, were taped waving guns at a group of Black Lives Matter protesters who were peacefully marching in the street by their house.

In his Fox News announcement, McCloskey claimed, "God came knocking on my door disguised as an angry mob. In reality, no one knocked on his door. Protesters were, quite literally, just walking by to get to another location and only interacted with the McCloskeys after they pulled guns on them. McCloskey also whined about "critical race theory," and for all we know, he also has delusions that this previously obscure bit of academic jargon knocked on his door. Greg Sargent of the Washington Post characterized McCloskey's announcement as the "anti-leftist hyperbole you hear constantly from Republicans," noting that it is the result of "the complete unshackling of oneself from any empirical constraints in depicting the leftist threat."

And this problem is only growing.

As Jennifer Chudy and Hakeem Jefferson report at the New York Times, "Republicans and white people have actually become less supportive of Black Lives Matter than they were before the death of George Floyd." In the past year, the majority of white people saw all this evidence of racism and police violence, and somehow still found their way to a story where white people are the real victims and the bad guys are the people speaking out against racism.

So sure, Amy Cooper's narcissism and self-pity may seem over the top, but the sad truth is she is just a particularly noxious example of a nationwide problem. Trump managed to get a shocking 74 million votes, more than any Republican candidate in history, after running a campaign that was a full-on right-wing fantasy about "cancel culture" more than about any real issues facing the nation. In 2021, the majority of white Americans would rather believe a fantasy where they're the victims, rather than admit, even just a tiny bit, that racism is still a real problem.

i dont know about the wave of white whining sweeping the country but the wave of increased black on black and black on Asian crime is increasing dramatically . be careful and be on the look out for violent blacks when you walk home from your black panther meeting racist ...
Why should young Honky children be made to "feel guilty" about the 1921 Tulsa riot, long before their grandparents were even born?

Are black children made to feel responsible for the black doofus who shot up the Long Island RR or the crimes of the Beltway Snipers?

Of course not.

And they shouldn't be.

Its a disgrace to lay a guilt trip on these little white children. The truth is that if I was a parent, I would enroll my kids in a school where this kind of shit wasn't being foisted on the pupils.

Critical Race Theory is an excuse by Legal Scholars examining current situations, to replace Historical Scholars in how History is viewed with the intent to address concerns about a present conditions that resulted from race based legislation, and with the intent to use race based legislation, to correct the problem race based legislation created in the first place.

More of the same shit, the demand to make the same mistake over again ... The History didn't change, neither did what they want to do with it.

And here we have 3 examples of what the writer, who is whites, is talking about.

White kids need to lear our history. Just like everybody else.
There is a wave of white whining that's going on in the U.S.

Amy Cooper's "racial discrimination" lawsuit and the scourge of white whining

Amanda Marcotte

"Large numbers of white people — mostly, but not exclusively Donald Trump voters — convince themselves that it's not racism that is a problem in the U.S., but the bogeyman of white people being victimized by anti-racists.

Take, for instance, the surge of chatter about "critical race theory." If you have no idea what the hell your drunk uncle is talking about when he raves about this on Facebook, well, you're not alone. Critical race theory was, until this year, an obscure concept outside of the narrow confines of legal scholarship, used mainly by law professors to explain the historical reasons for ongoing racial inequalities baked into the legal system.

But "critical race theory" sure does sound scary to defensive white people who are sure the "woke" mob is going to find out about that racist joke they told at a poker game last year and "cancel" them, as Fox News keeps warning will happen. And so right-wing media has spent months making sure the term "critical race theory" is on the lips of every Donald Trump voter still mad that they "let" Philadelphia and Detroit vote in the 2020 election.

The idea that "critical race theory" is a widespread threat to white people was invented, whole cloth, by the right-wing media and then pumped out vigorously. As the Washington Post reported, mentions of "critical race theory" on cable news simply didn't exist prior to this year, but there's been an explosion of uses of that term on Fox News in recent months. A similar study from Media Matters shows that, by early May, the term had been used — inaccurately in most, if not all, cases — on Fox News at least 552 times in the past year.

The right would have you believe that it's the left that made "critical race theory" a thing, and they are merely reacting. But another study of Facebook posts by Media Matters found that pretty much the only people talking about "critical race theory" online are Republicans, with nearly 90% of the posts from political pages and 97% of the interactions coming from conservative figures.

To be certain, there is nothing wrong with real-life critical race theory, which is a valuable tool for academics analyzing legal and cultural issues. But right-wing media doesn't use the term accurately. It's just a stand-in for a generalized fear that "woke" culture is coming to get white people. And also, of course, as justification to silence — or, as one might say, cancel — any discussion or attempt to educate people, especially students, about the existence or history of racism in America.

The result has been an explosion of bills in red states that, under the guise of protecting white people from being discriminated against, are banning "critical race theory." But, as critics told Adam Harris at The Atlantic, the real purpose is to "effectively prevent public schools and universities from holding discussions about racism" — including, quite likely in many cases, teaching kids the truth about slavery and Jim Crow in history class.

In Oklahoma, for instance, a new law bans any school curriculum that could cause a student to "feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race or sex." The bill is packed full of nice-sounding language about non-discrimination and racial equality, but it's obvious that the real purpose is to scare teachers away from discussing any history — such as the 1921 Tulsa race massacre — that could unsettle white kids whose parents raised them to believe racism isn't real. After signing the bill into law, Oklahoma's Republican governor was booted from the centennial commission on the Tulsa massacre. The commission's director said that the ban signed by Gov. Kevin Stills "chills the ability of educators to teach students, of any age, and will only serve to intimidate educators who seek to reveal and process our hidden history."

This hyperventilating white victimhood mentality is also on full display in Missouri, where lawyer Mark McCloskey announced his Senate candidacy earlier this month. McCloskey became infamous last summer when he and his wife, Patricia McCloskey, were taped waving guns at a group of Black Lives Matter protesters who were peacefully marching in the street by their house.

In his Fox News announcement, McCloskey claimed, "God came knocking on my door disguised as an angry mob. In reality, no one knocked on his door. Protesters were, quite literally, just walking by to get to another location and only interacted with the McCloskeys after they pulled guns on them. McCloskey also whined about "critical race theory," and for all we know, he also has delusions that this previously obscure bit of academic jargon knocked on his door. Greg Sargent of the Washington Post characterized McCloskey's announcement as the "anti-leftist hyperbole you hear constantly from Republicans," noting that it is the result of "the complete unshackling of oneself from any empirical constraints in depicting the leftist threat."

And this problem is only growing.

As Jennifer Chudy and Hakeem Jefferson report at the New York Times, "Republicans and white people have actually become less supportive of Black Lives Matter than they were before the death of George Floyd." In the past year, the majority of white people saw all this evidence of racism and police violence, and somehow still found their way to a story where white people are the real victims and the bad guys are the people speaking out against racism.

So sure, Amy Cooper's narcissism and self-pity may seem over the top, but the sad truth is she is just a particularly noxious example of a nationwide problem. Trump managed to get a shocking 74 million votes, more than any Republican candidate in history, after running a campaign that was a full-on right-wing fantasy about "cancel culture" more than about any real issues facing the nation. In 2021, the majority of white Americans would rather believe a fantasy where they're the victims, rather than admit, even just a tiny bit, that racism is still a real problem.

when marxist start messing with young kids and poisoning there minds with racist guilt and hate in schools angry moma and papa bears will come out to defend them .... leave innocent children alone scumbag !
And here we have 3 examples of what the writer, who is whites, is talking about.

White kids need to lear our history. Just like everybody else.

Should white kids be taught about the crimes of black people like the fellow who shot up the LIRR or Malvo and Muhammed too?
the only scourge calling us scourge is the OP

we are not scourge!

I object to that! OP!:mad-61:
There is a wave of white whining that's going on in the U.S.

Amy Cooper's "racial discrimination" lawsuit and the scourge of white whining

Amanda Marcotte

"Large numbers of white people — mostly, but not exclusively Donald Trump voters — convince themselves that it's not racism that is a problem in the U.S., but the bogeyman of white people being victimized by anti-racists.

Take, for instance, the surge of chatter about "critical race theory." If you have no idea what the hell your drunk uncle is talking about when he raves about this on Facebook, well, you're not alone. Critical race theory was, until this year, an obscure concept outside of the narrow confines of legal scholarship, used mainly by law professors to explain the historical reasons for ongoing racial inequalities baked into the legal system.

But "critical race theory" sure does sound scary to defensive white people who are sure the "woke" mob is going to find out about that racist joke they told at a poker game last year and "cancel" them, as Fox News keeps warning will happen. And so right-wing media has spent months making sure the term "critical race theory" is on the lips of every Donald Trump voter still mad that they "let" Philadelphia and Detroit vote in the 2020 election.

The idea that "critical race theory" is a widespread threat to white people was invented, whole cloth, by the right-wing media and then pumped out vigorously. As the Washington Post reported, mentions of "critical race theory" on cable news simply didn't exist prior to this year, but there's been an explosion of uses of that term on Fox News in recent months. A similar study from Media Matters shows that, by early May, the term had been used — inaccurately in most, if not all, cases — on Fox News at least 552 times in the past year.

The right would have you believe that it's the left that made "critical race theory" a thing, and they are merely reacting. But another study of Facebook posts by Media Matters found that pretty much the only people talking about "critical race theory" online are Republicans, with nearly 90% of the posts from political pages and 97% of the interactions coming from conservative figures.

To be certain, there is nothing wrong with real-life critical race theory, which is a valuable tool for academics analyzing legal and cultural issues. But right-wing media doesn't use the term accurately. It's just a stand-in for a generalized fear that "woke" culture is coming to get white people. And also, of course, as justification to silence — or, as one might say, cancel — any discussion or attempt to educate people, especially students, about the existence or history of racism in America.

The result has been an explosion of bills in red states that, under the guise of protecting white people from being discriminated against, are banning "critical race theory." But, as critics told Adam Harris at The Atlantic, the real purpose is to "effectively prevent public schools and universities from holding discussions about racism" — including, quite likely in many cases, teaching kids the truth about slavery and Jim Crow in history class.

In Oklahoma, for instance, a new law bans any school curriculum that could cause a student to "feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race or sex." The bill is packed full of nice-sounding language about non-discrimination and racial equality, but it's obvious that the real purpose is to scare teachers away from discussing any history — such as the 1921 Tulsa race massacre — that could unsettle white kids whose parents raised them to believe racism isn't real. After signing the bill into law, Oklahoma's Republican governor was booted from the centennial commission on the Tulsa massacre. The commission's director said that the ban signed by Gov. Kevin Stills "chills the ability of educators to teach students, of any age, and will only serve to intimidate educators who seek to reveal and process our hidden history."

This hyperventilating white victimhood mentality is also on full display in Missouri, where lawyer Mark McCloskey announced his Senate candidacy earlier this month. McCloskey became infamous last summer when he and his wife, Patricia McCloskey, were taped waving guns at a group of Black Lives Matter protesters who were peacefully marching in the street by their house.

In his Fox News announcement, McCloskey claimed, "God came knocking on my door disguised as an angry mob. In reality, no one knocked on his door. Protesters were, quite literally, just walking by to get to another location and only interacted with the McCloskeys after they pulled guns on them. McCloskey also whined about "critical race theory," and for all we know, he also has delusions that this previously obscure bit of academic jargon knocked on his door. Greg Sargent of the Washington Post characterized McCloskey's announcement as the "anti-leftist hyperbole you hear constantly from Republicans," noting that it is the result of "the complete unshackling of oneself from any empirical constraints in depicting the leftist threat."

And this problem is only growing.

As Jennifer Chudy and Hakeem Jefferson report at the New York Times, "Republicans and white people have actually become less supportive of Black Lives Matter than they were before the death of George Floyd." In the past year, the majority of white people saw all this evidence of racism and police violence, and somehow still found their way to a story where white people are the real victims and the bad guys are the people speaking out against racism.

So sure, Amy Cooper's narcissism and self-pity may seem over the top, but the sad truth is she is just a particularly noxious example of a nationwide problem. Trump managed to get a shocking 74 million votes, more than any Republican candidate in history, after running a campaign that was a full-on right-wing fantasy about "cancel culture" more than about any real issues facing the nation. In 2021, the majority of white Americans would rather believe a fantasy where they're the victims, rather than admit, even just a tiny bit, that racism is still a real problem.

black males in school should be taught that the biggest threat to there lives is not drugs smoking accidents disease ect ..... nope the biggest threat is other black males .
There is a wave of white whining that's going on in the U.S.
Now that's the biggest example of irony I've heard in awhile.
It's fact son. You repeat that stale bullshit that started with the fat dead guy. We aren't whining, we are stating the truth. And no matter how badly you want to be white, you know it's the truth.
And here we have 3 examples of what the writer, who is whites, is talking about.

White kids need to lear our history. Just like everybody else.

Should white kids be taught about the crimes of black people like the fellow who shot up the LIRR or Malvo and Muhammed too?
White kids are taught about that but those crimes did not exclude an entire race of people from constitutional rights.

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