The Scam Is Unraveling

Too bad Trump will be remembered as the worst President this country ever elected. I mean, when you win a race with Polk, Pierce, Johnson, and Hoover to take the bottom slot....whew.
And he's winning that race going away
I think we're about to see the worst President this country has ever elected take office in January, Lesh! Joe Biden has been one of the dumber members of the US Senate for decades now and that was before he became obviously senile! Now he's going to attempt to hold down what is arguably the most difficult job in the world when he needed to rest nearly every other day when he was campaigning! Biden will be a figurehead President and the US will be run by individuals that we the American people didn't elect to do that!
And you base this nonsense on what exactly?

Be specific
Did you watch Biden during the campaign, Lesh? Are you kidding me? He could barely read his lines from a teleprompter and when he lost his place it became farce! Look, Joe Biden was never a bright guy. He had to cheat to get through law school and he graduated near the bottom of his class. He stayed in the Senate for all those years because lets face it...the Senate is the easiest job in Washington! Review Joe's stands on foreign policy. It would be hard to find someone who was wrong on issues as consistently as Joe Biden. He literally NEVER got it right! So you take THAT guy and then throw in his rather obvious senility? What do you have? This is going to be ugly...
Save your bullshit for someone who cares. Biden is fine.

Trump is a blithering moron.
Too bad Trump will be remembered as the worst President this country ever elected. I mean, when you win a race with Polk, Pierce, Johnson, and Hoover to take the bottom slot....whew.
And he's winning that race going away
I think we're about to see the worst President this country has ever elected take office in January, Lesh! Joe Biden has been one of the dumber members of the US Senate for decades now and that was before he became obviously senile! Now he's going to attempt to hold down what is arguably the most difficult job in the world when he needed to rest nearly every other day when he was campaigning! Biden will be a figurehead President and the US will be run by individuals that we the American people didn't elect to do that!
And you base this nonsense on what exactly?

Be specific
Did you watch Biden during the campaign, Lesh? Are you kidding me? He could barely read his lines from a teleprompter and when he lost his place it became farce! Look, Joe Biden was never a bright guy. He had to cheat to get through law school and he graduated near the bottom of his class. He stayed in the Senate for all those years because lets face it...the Senate is the easiest job in Washington! Review Joe's stands on foreign policy. It would be hard to find someone who was wrong on issues as consistently as Joe Biden. He literally NEVER got it right! So you take THAT guy and then throw in his rather obvious senility? What do you have? This is going to be ugly...
Save your bullshit for someone who cares. Biden is fine.

Trump is a blithering moron.
Bullshit? He didn't cheat when he was going to law school? He didn't graduate near the bottom of his class? What has Biden ever gotten right on foreign policy? Joe Biden looks like the Crypt Keeper at this point! He's old. He's senile. He has no stamina.
Bullshit? He didn't cheat when he was going to law school? He didn't graduate near the bottom of his class? What has Biden ever gotten right on foreign policy? Joe Biden looks like the Crypt Keeper at this point! He's old. He's senile. He has no stamina.
Biden is well respected in foreign policy circles. You of course not being in that circle. Go away Trumper.
Bullshit? He didn't cheat when he was going to law school? He didn't graduate near the bottom of his class? What has Biden ever gotten right on foreign policy? Joe Biden looks like the Crypt Keeper at this point! He's old. He's senile. He has no stamina.
Biden is well respected in foreign policy circles. You of course not being in that circle. Go away Trumper. THAT is some funny shit, Lesh! Biden is an idiot when it comes to foreign policy. Look at the things he's supported. It's a litany of one wrong decision after another.
As for Michael Reinohel? He was a murder suspect that shot it out with law enforcement officers trying to take him into custody. Claiming that FBI agents or US Marshals were acting like "Storm Troopers" when they defended themselves against a violent criminal is laughable!

"Yeah, totally take our word for it... he shot at law enforcement, even though no one had a body cam on."

Why is it that these accused "traitors" were never brought to trial? Is it because if they HAD been...the lies that the Obama Administration told about them would have been exposed in court?

Actually, the leaker was brought to trial. He got 13 months.
Let's hope.

1. I have posited that, as Trump's greatest asset in the campaign has been his miraculous economy, after Hussein 'masterminded' the slowest recovery in history, and the answer to this by the party of evil is to organize a nationwide shutdown of the economy through lock-downs, riots, and closing schools to keep parents from going back to work.

And, it appears to have been successful.

2. The method was to make voters fearful by presenting hugely inflated numbers of deaths, reported as ‘positive cases,’ and ‘infections,’ the number constantly reported, and constantly inflated. Regular news reports claim somewhere in the neighborhood of 250,000 ‘covid’ deaths.
As I never use vulgarity, I’m left to merely describe this as nonsense.

3. This morn, on the radio I heard this: “Heart disease is no longer the number one killer…..covid has replaced it.”
Let’s unravel the Wuhan Red Death Scam.

4. The diseases actually responsible for the most deaths are heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia

“Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. One person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease. About 655,000 Americans die from heart disease each year—that's 1 in every 4 deaths.Sep 8, 2020

Includes causes of death: Coronary artery disease

Includes Diseases: Coronary artery disease; Stroke
Heart Disease Facts |

5. In order to advance the scheme, the powers arranged against Trump simply ordered their minions, supporters, to claim deaths due to heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia, were due to the Wuhan.

“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc.,” the guidance continued.
“If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.”
Is The Number of Deaths Due To COVID-19 Being Inflated, And, If So, Why? | NewsRadio 740 KTRH | Michael Berry

No matter the actual's the Chinavirus!

6. A startling coincidence…..the reductions in reported deaths due to the four usual causes just happen to be the number now reported due to the Chinese flu, and patients with those conditions just happened to have DNRs (do not resuscitate), and would have died with or without the virus.

“The study found that “This trend is completely contrary to the pattern observed in all previous years.” In fact, “the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19.”

Briand concludes that the COVID-19 death toll in the United States is misleading and that deaths from other diseases are being categorized as COVID-19 deaths.

There have reports of inflated COVID-19 deaths numbers for months.
Study Finds 89% of Patients Who Died From COVID-19 Had a Do-Not-Resuscitate Order

Just one more scam and hoax......

....but this one may have worked.
It must be frustrating that nobody believes you.

That's your insecurity speaking, which is why you seek comfort.

I know well an 89 year old man who was locked away in prison I mean a memory care center for dementia under the wing of COVID. Lost his desire to live years ago, DNR, smoked heavily since 7 years old and "died of COVID"
Let's hope.

1. I have posited that, as Trump's greatest asset in the campaign has been his miraculous economy, after Hussein 'masterminded' the slowest recovery in history, and the answer to this by the party of evil is to organize a nationwide shutdown of the economy through lock-downs, riots, and closing schools to keep parents from going back to work.

And, it appears to have been successful.

2. The method was to make voters fearful by presenting hugely inflated numbers of deaths, reported as ‘positive cases,’ and ‘infections,’ the number constantly reported, and constantly inflated. Regular news reports claim somewhere in the neighborhood of 250,000 ‘covid’ deaths.
As I never use vulgarity, I’m left to merely describe this as nonsense.

3. This morn, on the radio I heard this: “Heart disease is no longer the number one killer…..covid has replaced it.”
Let’s unravel the Wuhan Red Death Scam.

4. The diseases actually responsible for the most deaths are heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia

“Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. One person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease. About 655,000 Americans die from heart disease each year—that's 1 in every 4 deaths.Sep 8, 2020

Includes causes of death: Coronary artery disease

Includes Diseases: Coronary artery disease; Stroke
Heart Disease Facts |

5. In order to advance the scheme, the powers arranged against Trump simply ordered their minions, supporters, to claim deaths due to heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia, were due to the Wuhan.

“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc.,” the guidance continued.
“If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.”
Is The Number of Deaths Due To COVID-19 Being Inflated, And, If So, Why? | NewsRadio 740 KTRH | Michael Berry

No matter the actual's the Chinavirus!

6. A startling coincidence…..the reductions in reported deaths due to the four usual causes just happen to be the number now reported due to the Chinese flu, and patients with those conditions just happened to have DNRs (do not resuscitate), and would have died with or without the virus.

“The study found that “This trend is completely contrary to the pattern observed in all previous years.” In fact, “the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19.”

Briand concludes that the COVID-19 death toll in the United States is misleading and that deaths from other diseases are being categorized as COVID-19 deaths.

There have reports of inflated COVID-19 deaths numbers for months.
Study Finds 89% of Patients Who Died From COVID-19 Had a Do-Not-Resuscitate Order

Just one more scam and hoax......

....but this one may have worked.
It must be frustrating that nobody believes you.

That's your insecurity speaking, which is why you seek comfort.

I know well an 89 year old man who was locked away in prison I mean a memory care center for dementia under the wing of COVID. Lost his desire to live years ago, DNR, smoked heavily since 7 years old and "died of COVID"

So sad, but absolutely accurate about the Wuhan Scam.
Did you even read that, Daniel? Keep in mind that the Washington Post is on a par with the New York Times when it comes to liberal bias which means they did everything they could to make Biden's record look less awful than it is...and even THEY don't think Biden has a good foreign policy record!
Did you even read that, Daniel? Keep in mind that the Washington Post is on a par with the New York Times when it comes to liberal bias which means they did everything they could to make Biden's record look less awful than it is...and even THEY don't think Biden has a good foreign policy record!
The point is, they think Your guy is even worse.
Did you even read that, Daniel? Keep in mind that the Washington Post is on a par with the New York Times when it comes to liberal bias which means they did everything they could to make Biden's record look less awful than it is...and even THEY don't think Biden has a good foreign policy record!
The point is, they think Your guy is even worse.
Duh? It's the freakin' Washington Post, Daniel! It's a liberally biased newspaper! What part of that don't you grasp?
Did you even read that, Daniel? Keep in mind that the Washington Post is on a par with the New York Times when it comes to liberal bias which means they did everything they could to make Biden's record look less awful than it is...and even THEY don't think Biden has a good foreign policy record!
The point is, they think Your guy is even worse.
Duh? It's the freakin' Washington Post, Daniel! It's a liberally biased newspaper! What part of that don't you grasp?
You get your news from FoxNews or NewsMax.
Did you even read that, Daniel? Keep in mind that the Washington Post is on a par with the New York Times when it comes to liberal bias which means they did everything they could to make Biden's record look less awful than it is...and even THEY don't think Biden has a good foreign policy record!
The point is, they think Your guy is even worse.
Duh? It's the freakin' Washington Post, Daniel! It's a liberally biased newspaper! What part of that don't you grasp?
You get your news from FoxNews or NewsMax.
I read the Wall Street Journal, Daniel. I don't watch TV...seldom watch Fox and I don't even know what NewsMax IS let alone where to find it! My that even a liberal paper like the Washington Post is taking Joe Biden to task for his foreign policy record and they're almost REQUIRED to print nice things about Democrats! Biden has an awful track record when it comes to foreign policy and even the liberal media outlets grasp that.
Did you even read that, Daniel? Keep in mind that the Washington Post is on a par with the New York Times when it comes to liberal bias which means they did everything they could to make Biden's record look less awful than it is...and even THEY don't think Biden has a good foreign policy record!
The point is, they think Your guy is even worse.
Duh? It's the freakin' Washington Post, Daniel! It's a liberally biased newspaper! What part of that don't you grasp?
You get your news from FoxNews or NewsMax.
I read the Wall Street Journal, Daniel. I don't watch TV...seldom watch Fox and I don't even know what NewsMax IS let alone where to find it! My that even a liberal paper like the Washington Post is taking Joe Biden to task for his foreign policy record and they're almost REQUIRED to print nice things about Democrats! Biden has an awful track record when it comes to foreign policy and even the liberal media outlets grasp that.
Your guys are also on record for receiving plenty of funding from Russian interests. Equality is about equal protection of the laws and the social morality of doing unto others as you would have others do unto you.
Too bad Trump will be remembered as the worst President this country ever elected. I mean, when you win a race with Polk, Pierce, Johnson, and Hoover to take the bottom slot....whew.
And he's winning that race going away
I think we're about to see the worst President this country has ever elected take office in January, Lesh! Joe Biden has been one of the dumber members of the US Senate for decades now and that was before he became obviously senile! Now he's going to attempt to hold down what is arguably the most difficult job in the world when he needed to rest nearly every other day when he was campaigning! Biden will be a figurehead President and the US will be run by individuals that we the American people didn't elect to do that!
And you base this nonsense on what exactly?

Be specific
Did you watch Biden during the campaign, Lesh? Are you kidding me? He could barely read his lines from a teleprompter and when he lost his place it became farce! Look, Joe Biden was never a bright guy. He had to cheat to get through law school and he graduated near the bottom of his class. He stayed in the Senate for all those years because lets face it...the Senate is the easiest job in Washington! Review Joe's stands on foreign policy. It would be hard to find someone who was wrong on issues as consistently as Joe Biden. He literally NEVER got it right! So you take THAT guy and then throw in his rather obvious senility? What do you have? This is going to be ugly...
Save your bullshit for someone who cares. Biden is fine.

Trump is a blithering moron.
Yeah, he's fine, if you like corrupt senile pedophiles who are in hock to the communist government of China.
Did you even read that, Daniel? Keep in mind that the Washington Post is on a par with the New York Times when it comes to liberal bias which means they did everything they could to make Biden's record look less awful than it is...and even THEY don't think Biden has a good foreign policy record!
The point is, they think Your guy is even worse.
Duh? It's the freakin' Washington Post, Daniel! It's a liberally biased newspaper! What part of that don't you grasp?
You get your news from FoxNews or NewsMax.
I read the Wall Street Journal, Daniel. I don't watch TV...seldom watch Fox and I don't even know what NewsMax IS let alone where to find it! My that even a liberal paper like the Washington Post is taking Joe Biden to task for his foreign policy record and they're almost REQUIRED to print nice things about Democrats! Biden has an awful track record when it comes to foreign policy and even the liberal media outlets grasp that.
Your guys are also on record for receiving plenty of funding from Russian interests. Equality is about equal protection of the laws and the social morality of doing unto others as you would have others do unto you.
That's pure horseshit. Biden is the one who received funding from Russian interests, moron.
Did you even read that, Daniel? Keep in mind that the Washington Post is on a par with the New York Times when it comes to liberal bias which means they did everything they could to make Biden's record look less awful than it is...and even THEY don't think Biden has a good foreign policy record!
The point is, they think Your guy is even worse.
Duh? It's the freakin' Washington Post, Daniel! It's a liberally biased newspaper! What part of that don't you grasp?
You get your news from FoxNews or NewsMax.
I read the Wall Street Journal, Daniel. I don't watch TV...seldom watch Fox and I don't even know what NewsMax IS let alone where to find it! My that even a liberal paper like the Washington Post is taking Joe Biden to task for his foreign policy record and they're almost REQUIRED to print nice things about Democrats! Biden has an awful track record when it comes to foreign policy and even the liberal media outlets grasp that.
Your guys are also on record for receiving plenty of funding from Russian interests. Equality is about equal protection of the laws and the social morality of doing unto others as you would have others do unto you.
That's pure horseshit. Biden is the one who received funding from Russian interests, moron.
lol. You have even more. See how easy it is to type and proclaim any Thing on the Internet.
As an ordinary nobody, I -- of course -- do not know what the truth is.

But if we accept the proposition that the Dems (and their puppet media) have misrepresented the gravity of the virus situation in order to make President Trump look bad, then it would logically follow that starting on January 20, the virus situation will see a marked improvement.

Actually, what made Trump look bad was his narcissism and inability to empathize with the people who were suffering.

A tragedy can make a president look good, if he strikes the right tone, shows leadership, and understands it isn't about him. Obama did this with recession, Bush did this with 9/11, etc.

Trump hit all the wrong notes on Covid. that's why it made him look "bad"

That really says it all! Great find!
Too bad Trump will be remembered as the worst President this country ever elected. I mean, when you win a race with Polk, Pierce, Johnson, and Hoover to take the bottom slot....whew.
And he's winning that race going away
I think we're about to see the worst President this country has ever elected take office in January, Lesh! Joe Biden has been one of the dumber members of the US Senate for decades now and that was before he became obviously senile! Now he's going to attempt to hold down what is arguably the most difficult job in the world when he needed to rest nearly every other day when he was campaigning! Biden will be a figurehead President and the US will be run by individuals that we the American people didn't elect to do that!
And you base this nonsense on what exactly?

Be specific
Did you watch Biden during the campaign, Lesh? Are you kidding me? He could barely read his lines from a teleprompter and when he lost his place it became farce! Look, Joe Biden was never a bright guy. He had to cheat to get through law school and he graduated near the bottom of his class. He stayed in the Senate for all those years because lets face it...the Senate is the easiest job in Washington! Review Joe's stands on foreign policy. It would be hard to find someone who was wrong on issues as consistently as Joe Biden. He literally NEVER got it right! So you take THAT guy and then throw in his rather obvious senility? What do you have? This is going to be ugly...
Save your bullshit for someone who cares. Biden is fine.

Trump is a blithering moron.
Bullshit? He didn't cheat when he was going to law school? He didn't graduate near the bottom of his class? What has Biden ever gotten right on foreign policy? Joe Biden looks like the Crypt Keeper at this point! He's old. He's senile. He has no stamina.

Imagine this if you will. A person commander in chief of the military that breaks his foot playing with a dog. :auiqs.jpg: doodoodoodoodoodoo. You're now in the twilight!

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