The Scam Is Unraveling

Let's hope.

1. I have posited that, as Trump's greatest asset in the campaign has been his miraculous economy, after Hussein 'masterminded' the slowest recovery in history, and the answer to this by the party of evil is to organize a nationwide shutdown of the economy through lock-downs, riots, and closing schools to keep parents from going back to work.

And, it appears to have been successful.

2. The method was to make voters fearful by presenting hugely inflated numbers of deaths, reported as ‘positive cases,’ and ‘infections,’ the number constantly reported, and constantly inflated. Regular news reports claim somewhere in the neighborhood of 250,000 ‘covid’ deaths.
As I never use vulgarity, I’m left to merely describe this as nonsense.

3. This morn, on the radio I heard this: “Heart disease is no longer the number one killer…..covid has replaced it.”
Let’s unravel the Wuhan Red Death Scam.

4. The diseases actually responsible for the most deaths are heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia

“Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. One person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease. About 655,000 Americans die from heart disease each year—that's 1 in every 4 deaths.Sep 8, 2020

Includes causes of death: Coronary artery disease

Includes Diseases: Coronary artery disease; Stroke
Heart Disease Facts |

5. In order to advance the scheme, the powers arranged against Trump simply ordered their minions, supporters, to claim deaths due to heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia, were due to the Wuhan.

“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc.,” the guidance continued.
“If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.”
Is The Number of Deaths Due To COVID-19 Being Inflated, And, If So, Why? | NewsRadio 740 KTRH | Michael Berry

No matter the actual's the Chinavirus!

6. A startling coincidence…..the reductions in reported deaths due to the four usual causes just happen to be the number now reported due to the Chinese flu, and patients with those conditions just happened to have DNRs (do not resuscitate), and would have died with or without the virus.

“The study found that “This trend is completely contrary to the pattern observed in all previous years.” In fact, “the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19.”

Briand concludes that the COVID-19 death toll in the United States is misleading and that deaths from other diseases are being categorized as COVID-19 deaths.

There have reports of inflated COVID-19 deaths numbers for months.
Study Finds 89% of Patients Who Died From COVID-19 Had a Do-Not-Resuscitate Order

Just one more scam and hoax......

....but this one may have worked.

Great post
Let's hope.

1. I have posited that, as Trump's greatest asset in the campaign has been his miraculous economy, after Hussein 'masterminded' the slowest recovery in history, and the answer to this by the party of evil is to organize a nationwide shutdown of the economy through lock-downs, riots, and closing schools to keep parents from going back to work.

And, it appears to have been successful.

2. The method was to make voters fearful by presenting hugely inflated numbers of deaths, reported as ‘positive cases,’ and ‘infections,’ the number constantly reported, and constantly inflated. Regular news reports claim somewhere in the neighborhood of 250,000 ‘covid’ deaths.
As I never use vulgarity, I’m left to merely describe this as nonsense.

3. This morn, on the radio I heard this: “Heart disease is no longer the number one killer…..covid has replaced it.”
Let’s unravel the Wuhan Red Death Scam.

4. The diseases actually responsible for the most deaths are heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia

“Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. One person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease. About 655,000 Americans die from heart disease each year—that's 1 in every 4 deaths.Sep 8, 2020

Includes causes of death: Coronary artery disease

Includes Diseases: Coronary artery disease; Stroke
Heart Disease Facts |

5. In order to advance the scheme, the powers arranged against Trump simply ordered their minions, supporters, to claim deaths due to heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia, were due to the Wuhan.

“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc.,” the guidance continued.
“If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.”
Is The Number of Deaths Due To COVID-19 Being Inflated, And, If So, Why? | NewsRadio 740 KTRH | Michael Berry

No matter the actual's the Chinavirus!

6. A startling coincidence…..the reductions in reported deaths due to the four usual causes just happen to be the number now reported due to the Chinese flu, and patients with those conditions just happened to have DNRs (do not resuscitate), and would have died with or without the virus.

“The study found that “This trend is completely contrary to the pattern observed in all previous years.” In fact, “the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19.”

Briand concludes that the COVID-19 death toll in the United States is misleading and that deaths from other diseases are being categorized as COVID-19 deaths.

There have reports of inflated COVID-19 deaths numbers for months.
Study Finds 89% of Patients Who Died From COVID-19 Had a Do-Not-Resuscitate Order

Just one more scam and hoax......

....but this one may have worked.

As usual you are full of it. You are the one who tried to run a scam.

1. The unemployment rayte was a hardly imposing 4.7%. The GDP under Trump has been no better than it was under Obama. There was also another path to re-election. Handling the coronavirus better. Trump constantly did the same thing you have done. Downplay it. Even Trump admitted the coronavirus was deadly. Yet he refused to take it seriously. Gov Sununu in NH as he agreed to allow mail in voting as well as taking tough measures. He won re-election in a landslide with strong majorities of Republicans and Democrats approving of his policies on the coronavirus.

There are no inflated numbers. Just ignorant people like you who prove a old saying that figures lie and liars figure.

Let's check.

Obama did a terrible job with his Democrat policies:

"...the economy was stagnating in 2016 after the weakest recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

In fact, The New York Times itself described Obama's economy this way in August 2016: "For three quarters in a row, the growth rate of the economy has hovered around a mere 1%. In the last quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, the economy expanded at feeble annual rates of 0.9% and 0.8%, respectively. The initial reading for the second quarter of this year, released on Friday, was a disappointing 1.2%."

...GDP growth decelerated in each of the last three quarters of 2016."

And on January 27, 2017, after the government reported that GDP growth for all 2016 was a mere 1.6% — the weakest in five years —"

Trump picked up an revitalized the economy:

In short, there was no upward trajectory to the economy on anyone's radar when Trump took office.”

Sorry you lose.

Obama’s last three years had better growth than Trump’s three years

A better metric to use than the GDP growth rate that is reported each quarter is the change year over year. The main reason is that quarterly results take the quarter-to-quarter change and multiples it by four. This means that any component having a stronger or weaker result in a quarter can create a yearly number that is not a good indicator of the real economy.

When Obama took office he inherited an economy that was in the teeth of the Great Recession. In 2009 personal consumption dropped 2.5% year over year and business investment fell off a cliff, down 21.2%. Both segments recovered and started the current 10-year plus economic expansion.

Using the same GDP metric of consumer spending plus business investment adjusted for inventory changes, Obama’s last three years in office had growth rates of at least 2.17% and as high as 3.06%.

For Trump the high point was 2.83% in 2018 when the tax cut seems to have had the largest impact and even fell short of Obama’s 2014 and 2015 growth rates of 3.06% and 3.05%, respectively.

In 2019 the adjusted growth rate was only 1.99%. This is less than Obama’s three last years in office and less than five of his last six years.

I use the timeframe of Obama’s last three years to compare to Trump’s three years since they had similar economic environments and are not distorted by the Great Recession.

Real GDP growth using consumer spending, business investment adjusted for inventory changes

Trump’s Economic Growth Is Slower Than Obama’s Last 3 Years (

15 yards for unnecessary roughness -- using facts on a rightard.
Separating kids from adults when you don't know if the kid's belong to the adults that are with them is the only prudent thing to do.

Except that isn't what Trump did. Trump yanked kids from their parents, and there are 600 or so who still haven't been returned.

It was Obama Administration policies that CAUSED the caravans of illegals to show up at our more problem that Trump had to deal with that was caused by Barry's lack of immigration reform!

Naw, man, the reason why caravans showed up is that people actually believed a wall was going to go up, and they wanted to get in before it did.

So that's the best you've got, Joey? That's the only thing you can think of that Trump did that was "far right"? Something that Obama did as well? Now who looks stupid?

Well, you can keep lying that "Obama did it too", this is why I don't really bother listing Trump's crimes.. because you guys pretend it's okay.

I could go on with his attacks on a free press, his sending storm troopers out to attack protestors, etc. But you think all these things are just fine.

Trump isn't the disease, he's a symptom of a right wing that can't acheive what it wants at the ballot box because their ideas are stupid.
You keep trying to spin bs------but the fact is that the BUSH recession was caused by a housing bubble. You do remember the HOUSING BUBBLE don't you---------which was started off by dem policies and dem presidents dating back to CARTER followed by Clinton and his republican congress writing laws forcing banks and rewarding banks for giving out loans to dead beats----least they be called haters and racists for reserving loans for those that pay their bills.

The Housing "Bubble" wasn't the problem, it was the behavior of the banks... That they sold mortgages to middle class people that couldn't afford them on the expectation they could flip the house in a couple of years, then took those worthless mortgages and sold them as investments. It wasn't 'dead beats' (Really, I wish you guys would just say the N-word, it would be more honest of you) it was middle class white people who looked at buying a new house, throwing a few improvement on it, and flipping it.

That and the Bush administration, unlike past ones, didn't actually bother to regulate the banks. It's like you guys never learn. You push deregulation, we have an economic disaster because the economy goes off the rails, a Democrat comes in and fixes things, and then you do the whole thing over again.
CRA required banks and rewarded the banks to make bad loans to dead beats especially if they were black. This caused an artificial demand for houses with a large group of borrowers who don't pay their bills and who largely don't have the sense to pay off bills or buy within their means. Their worse credit scores allowed for the banks to charge higher interest------creating a musical chairs effect. Eventually, the music was going to run out, with these bad borrowers not paying on their loans would crash the markets taking other homes with them.

The flippers weren't the problem---there simply wasn't enough homes owned by flippers at one time to cause the crash..they buy, fix, and flip quickly, so they could move on.

It was the DEAD BEATS that caused it particularily those in REDLINE districts that banks should have never been giving loans to.

Want to prevent such behavior---raise the minimum down payment to 20%. Which would end PMI saving borrowers a boatload. It would force much of the deadbeats out of the market and make it where people would always have equity in their homes while keeping home prices more reasonable.
CRA required banks and rewarded the banks to make bad loans to dead beats especially if they were black. This caused an artificial demand for houses with a large group of borrowers who don't pay their bills and who largely don't have the sense to pay off bills or buy within their means. Their worse credit scores allowed for the banks to charge higher interest------creating a musical chairs effect. Eventually, the music was going to run out, with these bad borrowers not paying on their loans would crash the markets taking other homes with them.

Oh, no, it's THAT lie again.

the problem wasn't CRA loans.... The CRA Loans were actually regulated.

The problem was the loans made to middle class white people buying McMansions.

The flippers weren't the problem---there simply wasn't enough homes owned by flippers at one time to cause the crash..they buy, fix, and flip quickly, so they could move on.

Um, no. that's EXACTLY what happened.

Mounting evidence suggests that the notion that the 2007 crash happened because people with shoddy credit borrowed to buy houses they couldn’t afford is just plain wrong. The latest comes in a new NBER working paper arguing that it was wealthy or middle-class house-flipping speculators who blew up the bubble to cataclysmic proportions, and then wrecked local housing markets when they defaulted en masse.

Recall that back then the mantra was that housing prices would keep rising forever. Since owning a home is one of the best ways to build wealth in America, most of those with sterling credit already did. Low rates encouraged some of them to parlay their credit pedigree and growing existing home value into mortgages for additional homes. Some of these were long-term purchases (e.g. vacation homes, homes held for rental income). But as a Federal Reserve Bank of New York report from 2011 reveals (pdf, p.26), an increasing share bought with the aim to “flip” the home a few months or years later for a tidy profit.

Want to prevent such behavior---raise the minimum down payment to 20%. Which would end PMI saving borrowers a boatload. It would force much of the deadbeats out of the market and make it where people would always have equity in their homes while keeping home prices more reasonable.

Actually, that would just kill the housing market altogether.

the biggest problem with the housing market right now is that thanks to Trump's tax "reforms", people buying houses to get a tax break don't anymore. It makes just as much sense to rent right now than it does to own. A lot of Condo associations are selling out and converting back to rentals. (My own association is considering doing this.)
Can't argue with cold hard facts so you attempt to confuse the issue? Why don't you save us both all kinds of time and just skip to the part where you call me a racist?

You don't have cold hard facts... you have something you take out of context.

Most people on welfare are white. Deal with it.

Oh stop it. You are either ignorant or lying ........

Welfare Statistics by Race, State and Payment
There are approximately 12.8 million Americans on welfare, accounting for 4.1% of the US population. An estimated $131.9 billion is spent by the government on welfare each year.

Welfare Demographics
The following percentages are recipients of welfare based on race.

• White – 38.8%
• Black – 39.8%
• Hispanic – 15.7%
• Asian – 2.4%
• Other – 3.3%

Average Duration Spent on Welfare
The below percentages are based on the timeframe welfare recipients receive assistance.

• Less than 7 months – 19%
• 7-12 months – 15.2%
• 1-2 years – 19.3%
• 2-5 years – 26.9%
• Over 5 years – 19.6%

Oh stop it. You are either ignorant or lying ........

You got your sources, I have mine. So the best you could come up with was that ALMOST as many White people are on welfare as black.

And that's straight up "Welfare", which is a pittance. I wasn't even talking about "Entitlements" (AKA WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE) Like Social Security, Unemployment, Medicare, Veteran's Benefits, etc.

Did you even read your a
CRA required banks and rewarded the banks to make bad loans to dead beats especially if they were black. This caused an artificial demand for houses with a large group of borrowers who don't pay their bills and who largely don't have the sense to pay off bills or buy within their means. Their worse credit scores allowed for the banks to charge higher interest------creating a musical chairs effect. Eventually, the music was going to run out, with these bad borrowers not paying on their loans would crash the markets taking other homes with them.

Oh, no, it's THAT lie again.

the problem wasn't CRA loans.... The CRA Loans were actually regulated.

The problem was the loans made to middle class white people buying McMansions.

The flippers weren't the problem---there simply wasn't enough homes owned by flippers at one time to cause the crash..they buy, fix, and flip quickly, so they could move on.

Um, no. that's EXACTLY what happened.

Mounting evidence suggests that the notion that the 2007 crash happened because people with shoddy credit borrowed to buy houses they couldn’t afford is just plain wrong. The latest comes in a new NBER working paper arguing that it was wealthy or middle-class house-flipping speculators who blew up the bubble to cataclysmic proportions, and then wrecked local housing markets when they defaulted en masse.

Recall that back then the mantra was that housing prices would keep rising forever. Since owning a home is one of the best ways to build wealth in America, most of those with sterling credit already did. Low rates encouraged some of them to parlay their credit pedigree and growing existing home value into mortgages for additional homes. Some of these were long-term purchases (e.g. vacation homes, homes held for rental income). But as a Federal Reserve Bank of New York report from 2011 reveals (pdf, p.26), an increasing share bought with the aim to “flip” the home a few months or years later for a tidy profit.

Want to prevent such behavior---raise the minimum down payment to 20%. Which would end PMI saving borrowers a boatload. It would force much of the deadbeats out of the market and make it where people would always have equity in their homes while keeping home prices more reasonable.

Actually, that would just kill the housing market altogether.

the biggest problem with the housing market right now is that thanks to Trump's tax "reforms", people buying houses to get a tax break don't anymore. It makes just as much sense to rent right now than it does to own. A lot of Condo associations are selling out and converting back to rentals. (My own association is considering doing this.)

Did you even read your article and its supposed evidence?

They are basing their weak claim on following the credit crisis that subprime borrowers who always account for most of the foreclosures not jumping up further after the 2007 crash. What these manipulative morons leave out is that following the crash---standards for borrowing were raised----especially as it related to down payments and credit scores which pushed out dead beat borrowing-------the Geneva and Pittsburg college contributors are clueless.

Yahoo is a lib rag and not a reliable source as they have agenda----and manipulate on a regular basis. Subprime and other other dead beat borrowing caused the 2007 crash.

With Rent soaring up----and house prices soaring up (atleast in republican control areas) it makes more sense to have bought before the shoot up in home prices before Trump got in. Not to worry though for you non-owners---next year a recession is coming that will push down prices hopefully. (Have some doubts about Florida's housing market going down though---no many moving in from NY/NJ etc.) Losing the tax incentive has not harmed home prices----------Florida, TEXAS, other republicans areas have seen home prices soar-----this likely can't be said for NY/Cali and other mismanaged dem places though which has nothing to do with incentives but people fleeing lib areas.

We are to see a giant inflationary period hun------------this means that the dollar loses value while hard assets like homes will rise in value............You want to own a home and get your homestead property taxes locked in----------
Yahoo is a lib rag and not a reliable source as they have agenda----and manipulate on a regular basis. Subprime and other other dead beat borrowing caused the 2007 crash.

No, it really didn't. It was the houseflippers who drove up the pricing.

I look at my own condo association. When I bought into it in 2004, my Condo cost 96,000. by 2006, Condos in my complex were selling for $150,000. I had realtors calling me every other week trying to get me to sell. Now, this was in a Chicago Suburb that is 88% White. No CRA involved here.

When the BUSH-43 Recession came, a bunch of people defaulted on their loans, and prices crashed to as low as $48,000. Some of the people who bought condos as investments were renting out to some real lowlifes. In 2010, we had the cops out here every other weekend.

Prices are almost back to what they were in 2004, which means I might actually come out on this deal ahead.

We are to see a giant inflationary period hun------------this means that the dollar loses value while hard assets like homes will rise in value............You want to own a home and get your homestead property taxes locked in----------

Okay, I know you guys have to tell yourselves things are going to be horrible after Trump crashed and burned the country... I k now you need to believe that.

We aren't going to see inflation and we are unlikely to see another recession anytime soon.
Yahoo is a lib rag and not a reliable source as they have agenda----and manipulate on a regular basis. Subprime and other other dead beat borrowing caused the 2007 crash.

No, it really didn't. It was the houseflippers who drove up the pricing.

I look at my own condo association. When I bought into it in 2004, my Condo cost 96,000. by 2006, Condos in my complex were selling for $150,000. I had realtors calling me every other week trying to get me to sell. Now, this was in a Chicago Suburb that is 88% White. No CRA involved here.

When the BUSH-43 Recession came, a bunch of people defaulted on their loans, and prices crashed to as low as $48,000. Some of the people who bought condos as investments were renting out to some real lowlifes. In 2010, we had the cops out here every other weekend.

Prices are almost back to what they were in 2004, which means I might actually come out on this deal ahead.

We are to see a giant inflationary period hun------------this means that the dollar loses value while hard assets like homes will rise in value............You want to own a home and get your homestead property taxes locked in----------

Okay, I know you guys have to tell yourselves things are going to be horrible after Trump crashed and burned the country... I k now you need to believe that.

We aren't going to see inflation and we are unlikely to see another recession anytime soon.

A Condo in Chicago and you think no CRA was involved there? Hun, you will never come out a head in the condo-----you have condo fees and what 15 years of them and a dollar worth less..... You lived in the condo so that may be your only saving grace depending on Chicagos rent prices. We all need a place to live.

Hun, I've been screaming that a recession is coming for months now--well before the election regardless of candidate. Trump did not crash and burn the economy----dem government did with congressional spending and new rules for not evicting those who don't pay along with massive migration from lib control areas to republican ones. Covid shut downs and higher cost of doing business added to this is going to force a recession next year for everyone.
A Condo in Chicago and you think no CRA was involved there? Hun, you will never come out a head in the condo-----you have condo fees and what 15 years of them and a dollar worth less..... You lived in the condo so that may be your only saving grace depending on Chicagos rent prices. We all need a place to live.

Are you fucking illiterate.

I stated it was a CHICAGO SUBURB that was 88% WHITE. No CRA Involved.

I probably couldn't afford a Condo in Chicago...

Well, I could, but I wouldn't want to pay that much or take roommates.

Hun, I've been screaming that a recession is coming for months now--well before the election regardless of candidate.

Uh, there's already one here... Thanks to TRUMP PLAGUE.

Trump did not crash and burn the economy----dem government did with congressional spending and new rules for not evicting those who don't pay along with massive migration from lib control areas to republican ones. Covid shut downs and higher cost of doing business added to this is going to force a recession next year for everyone.

Yes, we know that is what you are wishing for. The reality - the economy will bounce right back once vaccinations are in place. The Trump Slump will give way to the Biden Boom.

You see, funny thing. The last three Republicans have left the economy in recession. It's not a bug, it's a design feature. Trump probably wishes his recession came after the election, he might have even won.
Separating kids from adults when you don't know if the kid's belong to the adults that are with them is the only prudent thing to do.

Except that isn't what Trump did. Trump yanked kids from their parents, and there are 600 or so who still haven't been returned.

It was Obama Administration policies that CAUSED the caravans of illegals to show up at our more problem that Trump had to deal with that was caused by Barry's lack of immigration reform!

Naw, man, the reason why caravans showed up is that people actually believed a wall was going to go up, and they wanted to get in before it did.

So that's the best you've got, Joey? That's the only thing you can think of that Trump did that was "far right"? Something that Obama did as well? Now who looks stupid?

Well, you can keep lying that "Obama did it too", this is why I don't really bother listing Trump's crimes.. because you guys pretend it's okay.

I could go on with his attacks on a free press, his sending storm troopers out to attack protestors, etc. But you think all these things are just fine.

Trump isn't the disease, he's a symptom of a right wing that can't acheive what it wants at the ballot box because their ideas are stupid.
What a crock! Trump didn't "attack" the free press! He criticized them for being so blatantly biased. Obama on the other hand accused James Rosen of being a criminal so that he could wire tap him to find out who in his White House was leaking information. THAT is an attack on a free press! Can you imagine the howls of outrage if Trump had done something like that? Yet you look the other way when Obama did it!

Storm troopers? President Trump sent Federal agents to protect Federal buildings when local Democratic leaders allowed violent mobs to riot without a response! To call those Federal law enforcement personnel "storm troopers" shows just what a political hack you really are!
A Condo in Chicago and you think no CRA was involved there? Hun, you will never come out a head in the condo-----you have condo fees and what 15 years of them and a dollar worth less..... You lived in the condo so that may be your only saving grace depending on Chicagos rent prices. We all need a place to live.

Are you fucking illiterate.

I stated it was a CHICAGO SUBURB that was 88% WHITE. No CRA Involved.

I probably couldn't afford a Condo in Chicago...

Well, I could, but I wouldn't want to pay that much or take roommates.

Hun, I've been screaming that a recession is coming for months now--well before the election regardless of candidate.

Uh, there's already one here... Thanks to TRUMP PLAGUE.

Trump did not crash and burn the economy----dem government did with congressional spending and new rules for not evicting those who don't pay along with massive migration from lib control areas to republican ones. Covid shut downs and higher cost of doing business added to this is going to force a recession next year for everyone.

Yes, we know that is what you are wishing for. The reality - the economy will bounce right back once vaccinations are in place. The Trump Slump will give way to the Biden Boom.

You see, funny thing. The last three Republicans have left the economy in recession. It's not a bug, it's a design feature. Trump probably wishes his recession came after the election, he might have even won.
Of course the economy will bounce back once the vaccinations that Trump fast tracked are in place! That's the only thing that will save Joe Biden from having to admit that he has no more of a "plan" to address this pandemic than he did to address the Swine Flu! The bounce back will be weakened by the utterly stupid agenda of the Biden Administration of course but you on the left will still claim that he's an economic "genius" like Barry was! God help us if you buffoons get control of the Senate and we're saddled with the Green New Deal! That alone will give us another long slow recovery like we had under Obama/Biden.
What a crock! Trump didn't "attack" the free press! He criticized them for being so blatantly biased.

Oh, okay. You see, when you scream at even Fox News as being "FAKE NEWS" when they report stuff you don't like, that's an attack on a free press. Of course, Trump is a five year old who can't take any criticism, unlike other presidents who realized that came with the job.

Obama on the other hand accused James Rosen of being a criminal so that he could wire tap him to find out who in his White House was leaking information. THAT is an attack on a free press! Can you imagine the howls of outrage if Trump had done something like that? Yet you look the other way when Obama did it!

James Rosen was reporting classified information that was a danger to the troops. Um, yeah, that's a guy you want to go after.

Storm troopers? President Trump sent Federal agents to protect Federal buildings when local Democratic leaders allowed violent mobs to riot without a response! To call those Federal law enforcement personnel "storm troopers" shows just what a political hack you really are!

Unmarked vans, no badges, gassing peaceful protestors outside the White House so he could hold a bible upside down... Um, yeah, Stormtroopers. And he got really upset with Sec. Esper when Esper pushed back on using the military to do that sort of shit.

Of course the economy will bounce back once the vaccinations that Trump fast tracked are in place! That's the only thing that will save Joe Biden from having to admit that he has no more of a "plan" to address this pandemic than he did to address the Swine Flu!

Only 12,000 people died from H1N1, and it wouldn't have been that many if people got their damned shots. Trump plague just hit 300,000 dead.

The bounce back will be weakened by the utterly stupid agenda of the Biden Administration of course but you on the left will still claim that he's an economic "genius" like Barry was!

Again- Last three Republicans have gotten us into recessions... Last two Democrats gave us economic booms. Yes, Biden will get credit for his economic boom.

God help us if you buffoons get control of the Senate and we're saddled with the Green New Deal! That alone will give us another long slow recovery like we had under Obama/Biden.

Yes, how dare we save the planet and stop the rich from getting richer. You guys keep singing this song... and then you turn to stupid social issues when your economic issues don't work.
What a crock! Trump didn't "attack" the free press! He criticized them for being so blatantly biased.

Oh, okay. You see, when you scream at even Fox News as being "FAKE NEWS" when they report stuff you don't like, that's an attack on a free press. Of course, Trump is a five year old who can't take any criticism, unlike other presidents who realized that came with the job.

Obama on the other hand accused James Rosen of being a criminal so that he could wire tap him to find out who in his White House was leaking information. THAT is an attack on a free press! Can you imagine the howls of outrage if Trump had done something like that? Yet you look the other way when Obama did it!

James Rosen was reporting classified information that was a danger to the troops. Um, yeah, that's a guy you want to go after.

Storm troopers? President Trump sent Federal agents to protect Federal buildings when local Democratic leaders allowed violent mobs to riot without a response! To call those Federal law enforcement personnel "storm troopers" shows just what a political hack you really are!

Unmarked vans, no badges, gassing peaceful protestors outside the White House so he could hold a bible upside down... Um, yeah, Stormtroopers. And he got really upset with Sec. Esper when Esper pushed back on using the military to do that sort of shit.

Of course the economy will bounce back once the vaccinations that Trump fast tracked are in place! That's the only thing that will save Joe Biden from having to admit that he has no more of a "plan" to address this pandemic than he did to address the Swine Flu!

Only 12,000 people died from H1N1, and it wouldn't have been that many if people got their damned shots. Trump plague just hit 300,000 dead.

The bounce back will be weakened by the utterly stupid agenda of the Biden Administration of course but you on the left will still claim that he's an economic "genius" like Barry was!

Again- Last three Republicans have gotten us into recessions... Last two Democrats gave us economic booms. Yes, Biden will get credit for his economic boom.

God help us if you buffoons get control of the Senate and we're saddled with the Green New Deal! That alone will give us another long slow recovery like we had under Obama/Biden.

Yes, how dare we save the planet and stop the rich from getting richer. You guys keep singing this song... and then you turn to stupid social issues when your economic issues don't work.
The Obama Administration lied to a FISA Court about James Rosen...accusing him of being a criminal involved in illegal activities when they knew that wasn't the case! THAT is an attack on a free press! It's also indicative of how Obama would abuse the FISA Court later on in order to spy on his political opponents!
The Obama Administration lied to a FISA Court about James Rosen...accusing him of being a criminal involved in illegal activities when they knew that wasn't the case! THAT is an attack on a free press! It's also indicative of how Obama would abuse the FISA Court later on in order to spy on his political opponents!

Rosen was involved in criminal activity...

In August 2010, Kim was indicted by a grand jury on two charges:[10][11]

The government alleges that Kim's conversation with Rosen contained information related to the "national defense"[11][12] (793(d) does not use the word "classified"). The alleged false statements to the FBI occurred in September 2009,[7] regarding whether or not Kim had any contact with Rosen (whom he allegedly met around March 2009).[13]

On February 7, 2014, Kim entered a guilty plea to a single felony count of disclosing classified national defense information to an unauthorized person, Rosen. His lawyer, Lowell, admitted that his client "made a decision to cross a line" and that he "should have known better." Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Harvey added that Kim "was motivated not by an altruistic purpose but by his own ego and desire for professional advancement." Before sentencing, US District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly said Kim "did lose his moral compass."[3] Kim was sentenced to a 13-month prison term.[1]

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