The Scam Is Unraveling

What a crock! Trump didn't "attack" the free press! He criticized them for being so blatantly biased.

Oh, okay. You see, when you scream at even Fox News as being "FAKE NEWS" when they report stuff you don't like, that's an attack on a free press. Of course, Trump is a five year old who can't take any criticism, unlike other presidents who realized that came with the job.

Obama on the other hand accused James Rosen of being a criminal so that he could wire tap him to find out who in his White House was leaking information. THAT is an attack on a free press! Can you imagine the howls of outrage if Trump had done something like that? Yet you look the other way when Obama did it!

James Rosen was reporting classified information that was a danger to the troops. Um, yeah, that's a guy you want to go after.

Storm troopers? President Trump sent Federal agents to protect Federal buildings when local Democratic leaders allowed violent mobs to riot without a response! To call those Federal law enforcement personnel "storm troopers" shows just what a political hack you really are!

Unmarked vans, no badges, gassing peaceful protestors outside the White House so he could hold a bible upside down... Um, yeah, Stormtroopers. And he got really upset with Sec. Esper when Esper pushed back on using the military to do that sort of shit.

Of course the economy will bounce back once the vaccinations that Trump fast tracked are in place! That's the only thing that will save Joe Biden from having to admit that he has no more of a "plan" to address this pandemic than he did to address the Swine Flu!

Only 12,000 people died from H1N1, and it wouldn't have been that many if people got their damned shots. Trump plague just hit 300,000 dead.

The bounce back will be weakened by the utterly stupid agenda of the Biden Administration of course but you on the left will still claim that he's an economic "genius" like Barry was!

Again- Last three Republicans have gotten us into recessions... Last two Democrats gave us economic booms. Yes, Biden will get credit for his economic boom.

God help us if you buffoons get control of the Senate and we're saddled with the Green New Deal! That alone will give us another long slow recovery like we had under Obama/Biden.

Yes, how dare we save the planet and stop the rich from getting richer. You guys keep singing this song... and then you turn to stupid social issues when your economic issues don't work.
How many of the rioters arrested by Federal agents for criminal acts were then killed while in custody? Would that be ZERO, Joey? How many were beaten when arrested? Would that again be ZERO? The TRUTH is Trump used Federal agents to protect law and order in the US and that the rights of those arrested by what you claim are "Storm Troopers" were never in any way violated! Now compare that with the actions of Nazi Storm Troopers, also known as "Brown Shirts" who operated outside of the law in Germany, literally beating political opponents to death in the streets! Once again...calling Trump a Nazi or Federal agents Storm Troopers shows how ignorant you are of what the Nazis were!
The Obama Administration lied to a FISA Court about James Rosen...accusing him of being a criminal involved in illegal activities when they knew that wasn't the case! THAT is an attack on a free press! It's also indicative of how Obama would abuse the FISA Court later on in order to spy on his political opponents!

Rosen was involved in criminal activity...

In August 2010, Kim was indicted by a grand jury on two charges:[10][11]

The government alleges that Kim's conversation with Rosen contained information related to the "national defense"[11][12] (793(d) does not use the word "classified"). The alleged false statements to the FBI occurred in September 2009,[7] regarding whether or not Kim had any contact with Rosen (whom he allegedly met around March 2009).[13]

On February 7, 2014, Kim entered a guilty plea to a single felony count of disclosing classified national defense information to an unauthorized person, Rosen. His lawyer, Lowell, admitted that his client "made a decision to cross a line" and that he "should have known better." Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Harvey added that Kim "was motivated not by an altruistic purpose but by his own ego and desire for professional advancement." Before sentencing, US District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly said Kim "did lose his moral compass."[3] Kim was sentenced to a 13-month prison term.[1]
So why wasn't Rosen charged with a crime, Joey?
How many of the rioters arrested by Federal agents for criminal acts were then killed while in custody? Would that be ZERO, Joey? How many were beaten when arrested? Would that again be ZERO?

Well, that's not true, Federal Agents did manage to kill the guy who shot the Trump supporter in Portland.

But totally take our word for it, he was aiming a gun at us.. No really, even though he had said on a video tape that he was going to turn himself in.

Once again...calling Trump a Nazi or Federal agents Storm Troopers shows how ignorant you are of what the Nazis were!

Wow, so this is your argument, "Well, we managed to not kill anyone during these demonstrations about the police using excessive force and would have made things a lot worse if we had."

Of course, Trump made the riots worse than they needed to be because he knew he could scare stupid white people and distract from how bad he fucked up covid and the economy.

So why wasn't Rosen charged with a crime, Joey?

He wasn't the target. Kim was.

They got the guy they wanted to get.
How many of the rioters arrested by Federal agents for criminal acts were then killed while in custody? Would that be ZERO, Joey? How many were beaten when arrested? Would that again be ZERO?

Well, that's not true, Federal Agents did manage to kill the guy who shot the Trump supporter in Portland.

But totally take our word for it, he was aiming a gun at us.. No really, even though he had said on a video tape that he was going to turn himself in.

Once again...calling Trump a Nazi or Federal agents Storm Troopers shows how ignorant you are of what the Nazis were!

Wow, so this is your argument, "Well, we managed to not kill anyone during these demonstrations about the police using excessive force and would have made things a lot worse if we had."

Of course, Trump made the riots worse than they needed to be because he knew he could scare stupid white people and distract from how bad he fucked up covid and the economy.

So why wasn't Rosen charged with a crime, Joey?

He wasn't the target. Kim was.

They got the guy they wanted to get.
But you claim that Rosen broke the law! So why wasn't he charged?
The truth is they accused a reporter of criminal acts that they knew never took place because they were trying to plug leaks coming from their own administration!
But you claim that Rosen broke the law! So why wasn't he charged?

Same reason most people who break the law aren't charged... not worth the trouble of prosecuting.

The point was made by sending the leaker to jail.

They lied to a FISA court about Rosen just like they would later lie to a FISA court three times about Carter Page!

Okay, if you need to tell yourself that. Carter Page is a traitor, and so was Rosen.
How many of the rioters arrested by Federal agents for criminal acts were then killed while in custody? Would that be ZERO, Joey? How many were beaten when arrested? Would that again be ZERO?

Well, that's not true, Federal Agents did manage to kill the guy who shot the Trump supporter in Portland.

But totally take our word for it, he was aiming a gun at us.. No really, even though he had said on a video tape that he was going to turn himself in.

Once again...calling Trump a Nazi or Federal agents Storm Troopers shows how ignorant you are of what the Nazis were!

Wow, so this is your argument, "Well, we managed to not kill anyone during these demonstrations about the police using excessive force and would have made things a lot worse if we had."

Of course, Trump made the riots worse than they needed to be because he knew he could scare stupid white people and distract from how bad he fucked up covid and the economy.

So why wasn't Rosen charged with a crime, Joey?

He wasn't the target. Kim was.

They got the guy they wanted to get.
As for Michael Reinohel? He was a murder suspect that shot it out with law enforcement officers trying to take him into custody. Claiming that FBI agents or US Marshals were acting like "Storm Troopers" when they defended themselves against a violent criminal is laughable!
But you claim that Rosen broke the law! So why wasn't he charged?

Same reason most people who break the law aren't charged... not worth the trouble of prosecuting.

The point was made by sending the leaker to jail.

They lied to a FISA court about Rosen just like they would later lie to a FISA court three times about Carter Page!

Okay, if you need to tell yourself that. Carter Page is a traitor, and so was Rosen.
So why wasn't Carter Page charged with a crime?
Why is it that these accused "traitors" were never brought to trial? Is it because if they HAD been...the lies that the Obama Administration told about them would have been exposed in court?
Too bad Trump will be remembered as the worst President this country ever elected. I mean, when you win a race with Polk, Pierce, Johnson, and Hoover to take the bottom slot....whew.
And he's winning that race going away
Why is it that these accused "traitors" were never brought to trial? Is it because if they HAD been...the lies that the Obama Administration told about them would have been exposed in court?

I think you are right and the real answer is that the Swamp is deep and wide.
Too bad Trump will be remembered as the worst President this country ever elected. I mean, when you win a race with Polk, Pierce, Johnson, and Hoover to take the bottom slot....whew.
And he's winning that race going away
I think we're about to see the worst President this country has ever elected take office in January, Lesh! Joe Biden has been one of the dumber members of the US Senate for decades now and that was before he became obviously senile! Now he's going to attempt to hold down what is arguably the most difficult job in the world when he needed to rest nearly every other day when he was campaigning! Biden will be a figurehead President and the US will be run by individuals that we the American people didn't elect to do that!
I think we're about to see the worst President this country has ever elected take office in January, Lesh! Joe Biden has been one of the dumber members of the US Senate for decades now and that was before he became obviously senile! Now he's going to attempt to hold down what is arguably the most difficult job in the world when he needed to rest nearly every other day when he was campaigning! Biden will be a figurehead President and the US will be run by individuals that we the American people didn't elect to do that!
Too bad Trump will be remembered as the worst President this country ever elected. I mean, when you win a race with Polk, Pierce, Johnson, and Hoover to take the bottom slot....whew.
And he's winning that race going away
I think we're about to see the worst President this country has ever elected take office in January, Lesh! Joe Biden has been one of the dumber members of the US Senate for decades now and that was before he became obviously senile! Now he's going to attempt to hold down what is arguably the most difficult job in the world when he needed to rest nearly every other day when he was campaigning! Biden will be a figurehead President and the US will be run by individuals that we the American people didn't elect to do that!
And you base this nonsense on what exactly?

Be specific
China was the puppet master,
the fake news media was their propaganda tools
The Democrats were the communists' dupes who cheated and stole the election

Too bad Trump will be remembered as the worst President this country ever elected. I mean, when you win a race with Polk, Pierce, Johnson, and Hoover to take the bottom slot....whew.
And he's winning that race going away
I think we're about to see the worst President this country has ever elected take office in January, Lesh! Joe Biden has been one of the dumber members of the US Senate for decades now and that was before he became obviously senile! Now he's going to attempt to hold down what is arguably the most difficult job in the world when he needed to rest nearly every other day when he was campaigning! Biden will be a figurehead President and the US will be run by individuals that we the American people didn't elect to do that!
And you base this nonsense on what exactly?

Be specific
Did you watch Biden during the campaign, Lesh? Are you kidding me? He could barely read his lines from a teleprompter and when he lost his place it became farce! Look, Joe Biden was never a bright guy. He had to cheat to get through law school and he graduated near the bottom of his class. He stayed in the Senate for all those years because lets face it...the Senate is the easiest job in Washington! Review Joe's stands on foreign policy. It would be hard to find someone who was wrong on issues as consistently as Joe Biden. He literally NEVER got it right! So you take THAT guy and then throw in his rather obvious senility? What do you have? This is going to be ugly...

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