The Republican Party has a communicable disease


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
The Republican Party has a communicable disease. It has been intimate for so long with President Trump that it acts pretty much as he does. He lies and then Republicans lie about his lies — they don’t matter, just noise, the wall is more important, etc. These evasions are intended to suggest that moral squalor can be cleansed by a jump in the Dow Jones or a handshake with Kim Jong Un. The months of Trump have taken a toll. The GOP has been stripped of its dignity and honor by a president who has neither.
Richard Cohen -columnist

Opinion | The GOP has a communicable disease

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The Republican Party has a communicable disease. It has been intimate for so long with President Trump that it acts pretty much as he does. He lies and then Republicans lie about his lies — they don’t matter, just noise, the wall is more important, etc. These evasions are intended to suggest that moral squalor can be cleansed by a jump in the Dow Jones or a handshake with Kim Jong Un. The months of Trump have taken a toll. The GOP has been stripped of its dignity and honor by a president who has neither.
Richard Cohen -columnist

Richard Cohen, he of the Washington Compost.....I'll pass.
Been around for a long time,

used to call it Democrapitis
What were once tent pole issues for Republicans; free trade, containment of communism, reducing the deficit, family values are now left in the ditch. Instead, today's Republicans turn a blind eye to corruption. They favor cozying up to Authoritarians and dictators. They ignore traditional values and have forced us to know more about porn stars and Playboy bunnies.

The only thing that matters is a wall on the border that Trump assured everyone Mexico would foot the bill for, demeaning our allies, thinking Canada poses a strategic threat and a Dow Jones above 25,000. As long as the wealthy get a health tax cut and nobody with a pre-existing condition can secure affordable medical insurance, all is right in the new Republican world.
The Republican Party has a communicable disease. It has been intimate for so long with President Trump that it acts pretty much as he does. He lies and then Republicans lie about his lies — they don’t matter, just noise, the wall is more important, etc. These evasions are intended to suggest that moral squalor can be cleansed by a jump in the Dow Jones or a handshake with Kim Jong Un. The months of Trump have taken a toll. The GOP has been stripped of its dignity and honor by a president who has neither.
Richard Cohen -columnist

The reality is, like it or not; bury your head in the sand or watch stupefied, history will remember President Donald Trump in a light similar to U.S. Grant, and possibly, compare him to Lincoln and find him Lincoln's equal or better. With unabashed honesty, I must admit a prevailing lack of comprehension—on every strata of my sentient existence—of the contemporary American Left's habitual tendency for claiming the higher moral ground while standing firmly on the skull mountain of historical revolutionary Leftism. And as if that weren't enough; to stand on the bones of tens and hundreds of millions of victims of their worshipped ideologies, the radical Left doubles down willingly on their cultural revolution politics, a social and political movement aligned with Atheism and based on moral nihilism and moral relativism; anti-Americanism, and aims for no less a goal than the collapse of Western Civilization, as we know it and live in it.

And yet, punditry like Cohen's has the anti-intellectual, anti-moral fact acrimony and shamelessness to accuse our President and his tens of millions of largely Christian and fiercely patriotic voters, of sinking beneath the Leftism religion of moral nihilism and anti-fact, deep into some kind of amoral quicksand quagmire. Ye who believe such as this, like Cohen, lack basic understanding of moral fact. The ideologies of radical, revolutionary Leftism are synonymous with artificially created moral entropy.


The American Left worships a religion of atheistic mass murder; yet somehow the Democratic Party paints itself as mounted atop some moral high-horse, in comparison to our President. In other words, the American Left: radical and moderate (who support the radical by voting for them), lies hypocrisy and anti-Americanism through its gleet stained teeth. And somehow, millions of idiots blind to history; social, cultural, political and military—swallow its lethal disease—hook, line, split shot and bobber.
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The Republican Party has a communicable disease

It is called progressive liberal democrats.
It's called a Cult of Personality and no good has ever come of that.

Yeah, we dealt with that for eight years when Barrypuppet was the face of the franchise of USA.INC.....of course YOU think he was the epitome of honesty and (snicker) "integrity"
It takes a disturbingly low level of insight for a Trumpian to think he can use the words honesty and integrity with any credibility.
The Republican Party has a communicable disease. It has been intimate for so long with President Trump that it acts pretty much as he does. He lies and then Republicans lie about his lies — they don’t matter, just noise, the wall is more important, etc. These evasions are intended to suggest that moral squalor can be cleansed by a jump in the Dow Jones or a handshake with Kim Jong Un. The months of Trump have taken a toll. The GOP has been stripped of its dignity and honor by a president who has neither.
sounds like a "at least I went down fighting" epitaph

Richard Cohen -columnist
communist is spelled wrong
What were once tent pole issues for Republicans; free trade, containment of communism, reducing the deficit, family values are now left in the ditch. Instead, today's Republicans turn a blind eye to corruption. They favor cozying up to Authoritarians and dictators. They ignore traditional values and have forced us to know more about porn stars and Playboy bunnies.

The only thing that matters is a wall on the border that Trump assured everyone Mexico would foot the bill for, demeaning our allies, thinking Canada poses a strategic threat and a Dow Jones above 25,000. As long as the wealthy get a health tax cut and nobody with a pre-existing condition can secure affordable medical insurance, all is right in the new Republican world.

You should fear the ideology of hatred for the rich, and by association, the middle class. Near history has prescribed but one political philosophy other than the rule of law for dethroning the wealthy, and for making the poorest equal to the wealthiest. And that other political philosophy is French Revolutionism, as derived and later known as Marxism; as derived and later applied, and know as: Leninism, Stalinism; as derived an later known as postmodernism. Take a guess what the first political philosophy was for equalizing the ancient, Old World feudal classes? Hint: if you're American, then you're living under it.
The Republican Party has a communicable disease. It has been intimate for so long with President Trump that it acts pretty much as he does. He lies and then Republicans lie about his lies — they don’t matter, just noise, the wall is more important, etc. These evasions are intended to suggest that moral squalor can be cleansed by a jump in the Dow Jones or a handshake with Kim Jong Un. The months of Trump have taken a toll. The GOP has been stripped of its dignity and honor by a president who has neither.
Richard Cohen -columnist

President Trump is a success, and success brings imitators.

Donald J. Trump conquered the Republican Party, and now the party can see how to fight the Left and win. The idea of being a babyface like Mitt Romney just doesn't work.

Imagine if Kasich got the nomination in 2016, and in October, Hillary Clinton's stooges at NBC came out with an Access Hollywood tape.
He would have folded like a house of cards.

The only one who could have fought that successfully was Trump.

Trump figured out the libs. He figured out they don't like mockery, they hate it when you fight back. Trump doesn't pick fights, he's a gentleman. But if you pick one with him, he'll not only counterpunch you and deck you, he'll jump on top of you and go MMA style, just like he did at Wrestlemania 23 to Vince McMahon.
The Republican Party has a communicable disease

It is called progressive liberal democrats.
It's called a Cult of Personality and no good has ever come of that.

Yeah, we dealt with that for eight years when Barrypuppet was the face of the franchise of USA.INC.....of course YOU think he was the epitome of honesty and (snicker) "integrity"
It takes a disturbingly low level of insight for a Trumpian to think he can use the words honesty and integrity with any credibility.

I don't particpate in the elections of this banana republic. If Trump was picked by the white hats and prevented the Hildebeast and her deep state lackeys from finishing us off? Then arrests are forthcoming...if not, then we are fubar'd . Your believe that a fabian socialist regime is what is needed simply exposes you as one of the useful idiots.
What were once tent pole issues for Republicans; free trade, containment of communism, reducing the deficit, family values are now left in the ditch. Instead, today's Republicans turn a blind eye to corruption. They favor cozying up to Authoritarians and dictators. They ignore traditional values and have forced us to know more about porn stars and Playboy bunnies.

The only thing that matters is a wall on the border that Trump assured everyone Mexico would foot the bill for, demeaning our allies, thinking Canada poses a strategic threat and a Dow Jones above 25,000. As long as the wealthy get a health tax cut and nobody with a pre-existing condition can secure affordable medical insurance, all is right in the new Republican world.

You should fear the ideology of hatred for the rich, and by association, the middle class. Near history has prescribed but one political philosophy other than the rule of law for dethroning the wealthy, and for making the poorest equal to the wealthiest. And that other political philosophy is French Revolutionism, as derived and later known as Marxism; as derived and later applied, and know as: Leninism, Stalinism; as derived an later known as postmodernism. Take a guess what the first political philosophy was for equalizing the ancient, Old World feudal classes? Hint: if you're American, then you're living under it.
Your skewed perception of your political opposition leads you through the political labyrinth you laid out here.

And it's particularly interesting the first step on your road to Authoritarianism is the French Revolution. Donald Trump is channeling Louis XV. 'Apres moi, le deluge. He alone stands between law and order and the criminal chaos that would be wrought by the election of even one Democrat.

The hatred is not of the rich. It's of the boorish comportment, the lack of competence, the missing curiosity, the unfitness of Donald Trump to be president.

The rich understand they hold a disproportionate amount of wealth. They must decide if it is in the greater good to endow the majority of wage earners with larger salaries. After all, it's consumer spending that drives the economy. There just aren't enough rich to offset the majority as consumers. It is all about redistribution of wealth. It's happening now. But the wealth is being distributed among the few. And the many are starting to mind.
The Republican Party has a communicable disease

It is called progressive liberal democrats.
It's called a Cult of Personality and no good has ever come of that.

Yeah, we dealt with that for eight years when Barrypuppet was the face of the franchise of USA.INC.....of course YOU think he was the epitome of honesty and (snicker) "integrity"
It takes a disturbingly low level of insight for a Trumpian to think he can use the words honesty and integrity with any credibility.

I don't particpate in the elections of this banana republic. If Trump was picked by the white hats and prevented the Hildebeast and her deep state lackeys from finishing us off? Then arrests are forthcoming...if not, then we are fubar'd . Your believe that a fabian socialist regime is what is needed simply exposes you as one of the useful idiots.
Way to trip over yourself as you walk back that 'honesty and integrity ' stuff.

"Deep State"? You can't be serious!
It is called progressive liberal democrats.
It's called a Cult of Personality and no good has ever come of that.

Yeah, we dealt with that for eight years when Barrypuppet was the face of the franchise of USA.INC.....of course YOU think he was the epitome of honesty and (snicker) "integrity"
It takes a disturbingly low level of insight for a Trumpian to think he can use the words honesty and integrity with any credibility.

I don't particpate in the elections of this banana republic. If Trump was picked by the white hats and prevented the Hildebeast and her deep state lackeys from finishing us off? Then arrests are forthcoming...if not, then we are fubar'd . Your believe that a fabian socialist regime is what is needed simply exposes you as one of the useful idiots.
Way to trip over yourself as you walk back that 'honesty and integrity ' stuff.

"Deep State"? You can't be serious!
I know more than you......infinitely more.
What were once tent pole issues for Republicans; free trade, containment of communism, reducing the deficit, family values are now left in the ditch. Instead, today's Republicans turn a blind eye to corruption. They favor cozying up to Authoritarians and dictators. They ignore traditional values and have forced us to know more about porn stars and Playboy bunnies.

The only thing that matters is a wall on the border that Trump assured everyone Mexico would foot the bill for, demeaning our allies, thinking Canada poses a strategic threat and a Dow Jones above 25,000. As long as the wealthy get a health tax cut and nobody with a pre-existing condition can secure affordable medical insurance, all is right in the new Republican world.

You should fear the ideology of hatred for the rich, and by association, the middle class. Near history has prescribed but one political philosophy other than the rule of law for dethroning the wealthy, and for making the poorest equal to the wealthiest. And that other political philosophy is French Revolutionism, as derived and later known as Marxism; as derived and later applied, and know as: Leninism, Stalinism; as derived an later known as postmodernism. Take a guess what the first political philosophy was for equalizing the ancient, Old World feudal classes? Hint: if you're American, then you're living under it.
Your skewed perception of your political opposition leads you through the political labyrinth you laid out here.

And it's particularly interesting the first step on your road to Authoritarianism is the French Revolution. Donald Trump is channeling Louis XV. 'Apres moi, le deluge. He alone stands between law and order and the criminal chaos that would be wrought by the election of even one Democrat.

The hatred is not of the rich. It's of the boorish comportment, the lack of competence, the missing curiosity, the unfitness of Donald Trump to be president.

The rich understand they hold a disproportionate amount of wealth. They must decide if it is in the greater good to endow the majority of wage earners with larger salaries. After all, it's consumer spending that drives the economy. There just aren't enough rich to offset the majority as consumers. It is all about redistribution of wealth. It's happening now. But the wealth is being distributed among the few. And the many are starting to mind.

Not even close to "the road to Authoritarianism" was I speaking to. I was speaking to the road to revolution by mass murderous mob. You have confused the two. Historically, the answer to radical revolutionary cultural and political revolution has been the call for authoritarianism to stop it in its tracks. That should also terrify you, and the rest of the American Left.

Nevertheless, thank your for taking the time to write an excellent response.
The Republican Party has a communicable disease. It has been intimate for so long with President Trump that it acts pretty much as he does. He lies and then Republicans lie about his lies — they don’t matter, just noise, the wall is more important, etc. These evasions are intended to suggest that moral squalor can be cleansed by a jump in the Dow Jones or a handshake with Kim Jong Un. The months of Trump have taken a toll. The GOP has been stripped of its dignity and honor by a president who has neither.
Richard Cohen -columnist

The reality is, like it or not; bury your head in the sand or watch stupefied, history will remember President Donald Trump in a light similar to U.S. Grant, and possibly, compare him to Lincoln and find him Lincoln's equal or better. With unabashed honesty, I must admit a prevailing lack of comprehension—on every strata of my sentient existence—of the contemporary American Left's habitual tendency for claiming the higher moral ground while standing firmly on the skull mountain of historical revolutionary Leftism. And as if that weren't enough; to stand on the bones of tens and hundreds of millions of victims of their worshipped ideologies, the radical Left doubles down willingly on their cultural revolution politics, a social and political movement aligned with Atheism and based on moral nihilism and moral relativism; anti-Americanism, and aims for no less a goal than the collapse of Western Civilization, as we know it and live in it.

And yet, punditry like Cohen's has the anti-intellectual, anti-moral fact acrimony and shamelessness to accuse our President and his tens of millions of largely Christian and fiercely patriotic voters, of sinking beneath the Leftism religion of moral nihilism and anti-fact, deep into some kind of amoral quicksand quagmire. Ye who believe such as this, like Cohen, lack basic understanding of moral fact. The ideologies of radical, revolutionary Leftism are synonymous with artificially created moral entropy.


The American Left worships a religion of atheistic mass murder; yet somehow the Democratic Party paints itself as mounted atop some moral high-horse, in comparison to our President. In other words, the American Left: radical and moderate (who support the radical by voting for them), lies hypocrisy and anti-Americanism through its gleet stained teeth. And somehow, millions of idiots blind to history; social, cultural, political and military—swallow its lethal disease—hook, line, split shot and bobber.
Comparing Trump with Lincoln is absurd. Never could two men be any more different. About the only thing the two have in common is both are Republicans although Trump has to be reminded of that quite often.

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