The Republican obsessive wish for "balloon gate."


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

You've got to feel a little sorry for the Republican party these days. They are mired in a swamp of their own making, and don't seem able to extricate themselves from it.

President Biden, who does not claim to be "smarter than the generals," took their advice and ended the balloon's trek just the way he should have.

They are stuck with a 2024 presidential candidate they don't want.

They are elbow to elbow with a recently elected congressman who lied his head off repeatedly to get the job.

Their beloved Russia with its Trump loving dictator is slogging along in a war of its own making with no end in sight. They hate Ukraine and its leader Zelenskyy because he wouldn't publicly investigate Hunter Biden and his all powerful laptop, causing Trump to get impeached.

Trump badly flunked the 2022 mid term elections and is now trying to wreck the Republican 2024 presidential candidate field.

And, to top it all off, if Trump does manage to steal the 2024 nomination, he will have to face again the man who slaughtered him badly in the 2020 election.

But, good times are coming; with a little grooming, George Santos will be the perfect Republican presidential candidate in 2028! Bigly!!!

The Republican obsessive wish for "balloon gate."​

Wow, this balloon snafu must really have the Left worried now! They're already trying to deflect from it or spin it as a Trump thing or a GOP "obsession" even giving it a name: "Balloon-gate!"

Meantime, these are the same people who had a fucking COW because Trump once used a weather map that had a mark on it where a hurricane might go but went another way instead! :21:

You've got to feel a little sorry for the Republican party these days. They are mired in a swamp of their own making, and don't seem able to extricate themselves from it.

President Biden, who does not claim to be "smarter than the generals," took their advice and ended the balloon's trek just the way he should have.

They are stuck with a 2024 presidential candidate they don't want.

They are elbow to elbow with a recently elected congressman who lied his head off repeatedly to get the job.

Their beloved Russia with its Trump loving dictator is slogging along in a war of its own making with no end in sight. They hate Ukraine and its leader Zelenskyy because he wouldn't publicly investigate Hunter Biden and his all powerful laptop, causing Trump to get impeached.

Trump badly flunked the 2022 mid term elections and is now trying to wreck the Republican 2024 presidential candidate field.

And, to top it all off, if Trump does manage to steal the 2024 nomination, he will have to face again the man who slaughtered him badly in the 2020 election.

But, good times are coming; with a little grooming, George Santos will be the perfect Republican presidential candidate in 2028! Bigly!!!

Post Vaxx Brain Fog or attempted humour?
Look Trump cultists, a balloon!


Okay, you can all run and change your diapers now.

I'm _never_ going to get tired of doing that.

Trump cult cowards, just because your masters ordered you to get hysterical, you didn't have to obey.

Just because all of your squealing pajama-boi fellow cultists were shrieking like little girls, you didn't have to join in.

But you did. You all chose to act like world-class wimps. Since it was your free choice, we'll never let you live it down. We'll be reminding you of your humiliation forever.
Now we know. Democrats have absolutely no problem with China controlling our skies. Indeed they may want Chinese control over the entirety of our government. Not just the federal part. That's already paid for anyway.

The question is forming, are you a traitor or a Chinese loyalist?
The dems are already in deflection mode trying to fabricate chi-com balloon fly-overs during Trump's term that never happened. At least that fell flat.

Dems are lower than pond scum.
Another Chinese loyalist.
Many Republican politicians are on the CCP payroll, and you tongue bathe all of them.

The question is "why?". Do you get a cut of that sweet commie cash, or do your serve China purely out of ideological devotion?

Heck, are you even American at all, or are you a shill from some commie hellhole?

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