****The Republican Debates****


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Last night was the third of a series of scheduled Republican debates with I believe two more scheduled over the next two or three weeks. I don't know that these are helping us know how any of the candidates might govern, but they are helpful in letting us get a glimpse of the style and a bit of the substance.

As much as it pains me, I think MSNBC ran the best of the three so far. There were fewer 'gotcha' questions than came from either Fox or CNN and more questions that the people really want to be asked.

It is probably a pipedream, but I would like this to be an ongoing thread through the remainder of the campaign to evaluate how well the candidate's handled themselves and whether the debates are making a difference in our perception and evaluation of the candidates.

Currently those participating are:

Michelle Bachmann, Congresswoman from Minnesota
Herman Cain, Business Executive most recognized as former CEO of Godfathers
Newt Gingrich, Former Congressman from Georgia; former Speaker of the House
Jon Huntsman, Former Governor of Utah; former U.S. Diplomat
Ron Paul, Congressman from Texas; physician
Rick Perry, Current Governor of Texas
Mitt Romney, Businessman and former Governor of Massachusetts
Rick Santorum, Former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania

(Gary Johnson, former contractor and Governor of New Mexico is still a candidate but has been dropped from the debates due to him only polling at 1% or less.)

So are you watching? What is your impression of the candidates? Are the debates making a difference to you?

(P.S. I don't expect everybody to like the candidates or the GOP or have an intention of voting for any of them. But if we could keep this as civil as possible, it would be much appreciated.)
Last night was a debut in the debates for both Rick Perry and Jon Huntsman and I think both made a very good impression. As the debates go along, however, I am becoming more comfortable with all the candidates and think the GOP will probably come out with somebody who will be competent and have his/her head on straight to lead the country out of this economic mess we are in.

The weakest performance last night I think was Rick Santorum who was less convincing that he had a plan and seemed to use more general platitudes and talking points than the others. He also brings the weakest resume to the mix as he has a law degree, but I don't think he has much private sector experience.
I find it sad and odd that Rick Santorm and Herman Cain could be there
but they excluded Buddy Roemer ?

That's not right.
Last night was a debut in the debates for both Rick Perry and Jon Huntsman and I think both made a very good impression. As the debates go along, however, I am becoming more comfortable with all the candidates and think the GOP will probably come out with somebody who will be competent and have his/her head on straight to lead the country out of this economic mess we are in.

The weakest performance last night I think was Rick Santorum who was less convincing that he had a plan and seemed to use more general platitudes and talking points than the others. He also brings the weakest resume to the mix as he has a law degree, but I don't think he has much private sector experience.

I tend to agree. Perry and Hunstman Looked pretty good.

I liked a lot of what I saw last night. Didn't watch the whole thing but I liked what I did see.

Although there is no way he could get the nom I really liked OL'Newt. He's one smart guy and he knows his shit. I liked Cain as well.

Will have to catch the whole of the rest of these debates.
I find it sad and odd that Rick Santorm and Herman Cain could be there
but they excluded Buddy Roemer ?

That's not right.

To tell you the truth I didn't even know he was a candidate so he must be polling even worse than Gary Johnson. But I checked him out and he indeed is a candidate so should be added to the mix:

Buddy Roemer, former banker and former Congressman from Louisiana.
I was disappointed in the debate. same old same old from everyone.

Well, once they've said it, and if they believe it, what can they do but keep driving the same points home? Do you object to what they are saying/proposing?

Personally I think one of the GOP's problems has been that they don't focus on the most important isues and keep hammering that home until people understand it and get behind it.
Last night was the third of a series of scheduled Republican debates with I believe two more scheduled over the next two or three weeks. I don't know that these are helping us know how any of the candidates might govern, but they are helpful in letting us get a glimpse of the style and a bit of the substance.

As much as it pains me, I think MSNBC ran the best of the three so far. There were fewer 'gotcha' questions than came from either Fox or CNN and more questions that the people really want to be asked.

It is probably a pipedream, but I would like this to be an ongoing thread through the remainder of the campaign to evaluate how well the candidate's handled themselves and whether the debates are making a difference in our perception and evaluation of the candidates.

Currently those participating are:

Michelle Bachmann, Congresswoman from Minnesota
Herman Cain, Business Executive most recognized as former CEO of Godfathers
Newt Gingrich, Former Congressman from Georgia; former Speaker of the House
Jon Huntsman, Former Governor of Utah; former U.S. Diplomat
Ron Paul, Congressman from Texas; physician
Rick Perry, Current Governor of Texas
Mitt Romney, Businessman and former Governor of Massachusetts
Rick Santorum, Former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania

(Gary Johnson, former contractor and Governor of New Mexico is still a candidate but has been dropped from the debates due to him only polling at 1% or less.)

So are you watching? What is your impression of the candidates? Are the debates making a difference to you?

(P.S. I don't expect everybody to like the candidates or the GOP or have an intention of voting for any of them. But if we could keep this as civil as possible, it would be much appreciated.)

Last night I liked, in order:

Herman Cain
Newt Gingrich
Rick Perry
Mitt Romney

The others didn't do it for me, I am a big Ron Paul guy but he was having one of "those" nights last night and any ron paul follower knows what I mean ;)
Last night was a debut in the debates for both Rick Perry and Jon Huntsman and I think both made a very good impression. As the debates go along, however, I am becoming more comfortable with all the candidates and think the GOP will probably come out with somebody who will be competent and have his/her head on straight to lead the country out of this economic mess we are in.

The weakest performance last night I think was Rick Santorum who was less convincing that he had a plan and seemed to use more general platitudes and talking points than the others. He also brings the weakest resume to the mix as he has a law degree, but I don't think he has much private sector experience.

I tend to agree. Perry and Hunstman Looked pretty good.

I liked a lot of what I saw last night. Didn't watch the whole thing but I liked what I did see.

Although there is no way he could get the nom I really liked OL'Newt. He's one smart guy and he knows his shit. I liked Cain as well.

Will have to catch the whole of the rest of these debates.

Perry really, really stumbled. There is no way one could make such inflammatory remarks about SS and global warming and still be taken seriously as a candidate. Hell, he couldn't explain why Texas lags behind so much on education and wages.

Romney and Huntsman looked great. They would make a formidable team should they choose to run together.

Newt looked very presidential when he scolded the moderators. That will only help his dismal polls.

The rest of them were simply there and didn't contribute much.

I was disappointed in the debate. same old same old from everyone.

Well, once they've said it, and if they believe it, what can they do but keep driving the same points home? Do you object to what they are saying/proposing?

Personally I think one of the GOP's problems has been that they don't focus on the most important isues and keep hammering that home until people understand it and get behind it.

I liked Newt and Herman but I disagree with your statement about what was focused on. Several times during the debate the debaters kept hammering on the economy and the taxes, and the fact that the President hasn't done enough to move the economy foward. They were also hammering the loss of jobs in this country.

However, it was the way the moderators started out which set the pace of the early opening round by trying to get Romney and Perry to get in a fight against one another, which Newt put a stop to. If it hadn't been for Newt's outburst I thing the whole debate would have centered around the differences between Romney and Perry, and none of the other participants in the debate would have had much say in the event.
Zander likes Mitt.
Claudette gives at least an acknowledgment nod to Newt.
Pilgrim ranks the winners as Cain, Gingrich, Perry, and Romney in that order.

I tend to agree with Pilgrim that the most impressive last night were those four. At least for me. Ron Paul wasn't as quick on his feet last night and wandered into the 'extremist' category that tends to scare the electorate.

Bachmann blew her chance to gain points on the economic issues by repeating her resume instead of putting out a preliminary plan. Ditto Santorum.

Huntsman didn't make any serious mistakes but also didn't come across as likeable and didn't come up with anything memorable that would make a good sound bite. Not a bad start but he'll need to do better.

Gingrich, the educator, brings the most experience, the most vision, the most brain power but unfortunately also the most baggage to the mix. When he speaks I listen, but I just don't think he has the charisma to attract and gain the trust of the electorate.

Perry didn't help himself by zoning in on the "Ponzi scheme' aspect of Social Security and Mitt gained some good points by reassuring us that he wouldn't dismantle Social Security and nobody would lose any benefits, but he would reform it slowly and carefully. That's what the GOP has to do on that issue. All of us with a brain knows the program isn't sustainable as it is. But it has to be fixed slowly and incrementally just as the problem has accrued. Those who can be made scary on that issue will have the kiss of death in the general election.

I suspect the polls will still show Perrry and Romney as the strong leaders following the debate.
I was disappointed in the debate. same old same old from everyone.

Well, once they've said it, and if they believe it, what can they do but keep driving the same points home? Do you object to what they are saying/proposing?

Personally I think one of the GOP's problems has been that they don't focus on the most important isues and keep hammering that home until people understand it and get behind it.

I liked Newt and Herman but I disagree with your statement about what was focused on. Several times during the debate the debaters kept hammering on the economy and the taxes, and the fact that the President hasn't done enough to move the economy foward. They were also hammering the loss of jobs in this country.

However, it was the way the moderators started out which set the pace of the early opening round by trying to get Romney and Perry to get in a fight against one another, which Newt put a stop to. If it hadn't been for Newt's outburst I thing the whole debate would have centered around the differences between Romney and Perry, and none of the other participants in the debate would have had much say in the event.

My comment was intended to be a general observation rather than just referring to the debate. The GOP have generally been bad campaigners because they can't stay focused on key issues. I agree the candidates were good at staying on topic last night, and I agree that Gingrich's continuing boldness in deflecting the 'gotcha' questions and the attempts for 'you and him fight' have been great. He got virtual applause from me last night on that and especially in the Fox News debate in which the hosts were terrible with the 'gotcha' questions.

One of the things that I have most appreciated about these debates is that even the sparring between the candidates has been pointed but respectful and good natured. I get so sick of the politics of personal destruction.

This morning I'm still seeing comments on the 'fiery exchange' on jobs between Perry and Romney. Those commentators must not have watched the same debate I saw. The 'fiery exchange' was congenial, funny, endearing, and made both candidates likable.
Romney is the man. The others are just there to make him look good...

I think Jon Huntsman kicked ass. Romney was a close second.

I heard a guy on the radio say this today....don't take it personal i just saw huntsman and wanted to share. Also it doesn't mean I agree because I dont.

"People who support Huntsman are liberals who would rather have a white president than a black one" This guy said some other wackadoodle stuff too but when he said that I though "i need to post it on the forum when given the opportunity" so here it is :D
Romney is the man. The others are just there to make him look good...

I think Jon Huntsman kicked ass. Romney was a close second.

I heard a guy on the radio say this today....don't take it personal i just saw huntsman and wanted to share. Also it doesn't mean I agree because I dont.

"People who support Huntsman are liberals who would rather have a white president than a black one" This guy said some other wackadoodle stuff too but when he said that I though "i need to post it on the forum when given the opportunity" so here it is :D


Zander likes Mitt.
Claudette gives at least an acknowledgment nod to Newt.
Pilgrim ranks the winners as Cain, Gingrich, Perry, and Romney in that order.

I tend to agree with Pilgrim that the most impressive last night were those four. At least for me. Ron Paul wasn't as quick on his feet last night and wandered into the 'extremist' category that tends to scare the electorate.

Bachmann blew her chance to gain points on the economic issues by repeating her resume instead of putting out a preliminary plan. Ditto Santorum.

Huntsman didn't make any serious mistakes but also didn't come across as likeable and didn't come up with anything memorable that would make a good sound bite. Not a bad start but he'll need to do better.

Gingrich, the educator, brings the most experience, the most vision, the most brain power but unfortunately also the most baggage to the mix. When he speaks I listen, but I just don't think he has the charisma to attract and gain the trust of the electorate.

Perry didn't help himself by zoning in on the "Ponzi scheme' aspect of Social Security and Mitt gained some good points by reassuring us that he wouldn't dismantle Social Security and nobody would lose any benefits, but he would reform it slowly and carefully. That's what the GOP has to do on that issue. All of us with a brain knows the program isn't sustainable as it is. But it has to be fixed slowly and incrementally just as the problem has accrued. Those who can be made scary on that issue will have the kiss of death in the general election.

I suspect the polls will still show Perrry and Romney as the strong leaders following the debate.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oT_esEcNeWE]GINGRICH - "GOP UNIFIED TO DEFEAT OBAMA IN 2012" - YouTube[/ame]

That segment alone makes me want newt as the VP for whomever wins the nom......they will need a guy like that to counter the media's tendancy to report with a liberal opinion slant and little tricks the openly liberal media pundits use to push their opinions.
Romney is the man. The others are just there to make him look good...

I think Jon Huntsman kicked ass. Romney was a close second.

He's the new Tim Pawlenty. Boring, bland, and very very nice!

For his first time out I think Huntsman did well, but like Pawlenty, didn't come up with anything memorable. Pawlenty however is likeable. So far Huntman did not come across that way to me, and he needs to find a way to overcome that image.

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