*The Politics Of Covid*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Didn't get your shot, die motherfuckers!!!!!!
2. Happened all across this Nation, people that died, had no choice but to die.
3. Hospitals withheld possible cure.
4. And its time some one said something, so here it is, I'm saying something.
5. READ: Opinion | Why the Covid cult of ivermectin won't die

6. Sample:
"Of course, the ivermectin myth also fits broader anti-vaccination narratives, such as those pushed by Dr. Peter McCullough, a physician well-known for his Covid conspiracies. In his notorious three-hour, bunk-filled appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast in December, he claimed that the failure to use drug therapies like ivermectin resulted in “a giant loss of life — a giant number — millions and millions of unnecessary hospitalizations,”

7. People lied, people died.
8. They will turn their back on you if you didn't get a shot, and just watch and see if you survive.

Sorry bout that,

1. Didn't get your shot, die motherfuckers!!!!!!
2. Happened all across this Nation, people that died, had no choice but to die.
3. Hospitals withheld possible cure.
4. And its time some one said something, so here it is, I'm saying something.
5. READ: Opinion | Why the Covid cult of ivermectin won't die

6. Sample:
"Of course, the ivermectin myth also fits broader anti-vaccination narratives, such as those pushed by Dr. Peter McCullough, a physician well-known for his Covid conspiracies. In his notorious three-hour, bunk-filled appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast in December, he claimed that the failure to use drug therapies like ivermectin resulted in “a giant loss of life — a giant number — millions and millions of unnecessary hospitalizations,”

7. People lied, people died.
8. They will turn their back on you if you didn't get a shot, and just watch and see if you survive.

Except it doesn't. But feel free to deworm yourself anytime you'd like. :auiqs.jpg:

Sorry bout that. :)

The Politics Of Covid​

I'm sick of the bitching by liberals about this. Trump handled this perfectly.

Liberals bitched about a lack of tests. It was a good thing we had a shortage of tests. Too many positive test results would have caused a panic.

Trump knew if he spent too much time talking about Covid it would lead to panic by investors and then there would be a crash on Wall Street.
"Jackson's whistleblower's lawyer said that Pfizer demands to dismiss Jackson's claim of fraud in COVID-19 clinical trials, because the US government knew about the violations, but continued to do business with the vaccine manufacturer."

If there are such abominations that the dealer is not capable of...

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