The Point of No Return


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Point of No Return

With the precedent shattered, the onus now falls on the "deplorables" of the American Right to recognize that the United States is at the point of no return when it comes to weaponizing government.
7 Apr 2023 ~~ By Josh Hammer

The Roman historian Suetonius described Julius Caesar as timid and noncommittal as he initially approached the Rubicon River—a shallow and narrow waterway that, at the time, demarcated the boundary between Cisalpine Gaul and Italy proper—in January 49 B.C.E. In fact, the historian ultimately attributed Caesar’s decision to cross the waterway, precipitating a four-year civil war and ultimate Caesarian dictatorship, to the supernatural. Prior to crossing, again according to Suetonius, Caesar uttered the now-infamous phrase: “The die has been cast.”
While we cannot know for certain whether New York County, New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s catastrophic decision to successfully indict and arraign a former president of the United States was partially attributable to an intervening apparition, we can reasonably conclude that the actions of this past week have cast a most woeful die for the trajectory of our decadent, declining republic. The 34-count formal indictment of former President Donald Trump, laughably meritless on the legal merits and scandalously imprudent on the broader political judgment, represents a genie that cannot, and will not, ever be returned to its bottle.
But the deed is done. If not dismissed beforehand, a trial would likely not unfold until later this year or early next. And in the interim, other ambitious prosecutors investigating Trump in Georgia and Washington, D.C., have now watched Bragg shatter the hitherto unbroken precedent of the ruling political party never criminally indicting a former and defeated president of the opposite political party, which had been—until this past week—one of the few remaining things to which we might point to distinguish our late-stage republic from its third-world banana republic equivalents the world over. Perhaps additional indictments in those jurisdictions will indeed follow. Either way, the political ramifications for the 2024 Republican presidential primary are legion.
With the precedent forever shattered, the onus now falls on the “deplorables” of the American Right to sober up and recognize that the United States is now at the point of no return when it comes to weaponizing governmental powers and partisan prosecutorial apparatuses to reward political friends and punish political enemies within the (sometimes highly debatable, as is the case here) confines of the rule of law. There is simply no choice but for the Right, and for Republican prosecutors in deep-red jurisdictions across the country, to prudentially and reasonably respond in kind, upping the ante further in the short- to mid-term in an attempt to ultimately de-escalate toward a long-term “mutually assured destruction” footing.
Surely there is some creative and ambitious right-wing prosecutor in the Oklahoma Panhandle or West Texas who would like to summon Hunter Biden or Anthony Fauci out to “flyover country,” right?
Sometimes, the only way out is through.

There should never be more than one point of no return. Yet, we have instead never-ending cascades of points of no return; an endless expanse of Rubicon's, each one presenting more dire circumstances than the one that preceded it. What we have is a demented unhinged president, a gutless Congress, and a spineless citizenry too fearful to decisively reverse course. This isn't just about Trump. It's about the pernicious destruction of America, while all we do is observe and bang our gums.
This insane agenda and attacks by Maoist Democrats, on all fronts we can think of and others they haven't even started on yet, is being ramrodded straight up our collective arses. The State Media is all in, providing cover and affirming the demonization and destruction of anybody who dares to challenge. They will not stop and there's no going back. It's like Germany in the 1930's and fearfully may end like that.

The Point of No Return

With the precedent shattered, the onus now falls on the "deplorables" of the American Right to recognize that the United States is at the point of no return when it comes to weaponizing government.
7 Apr 2023 ~~ By Josh Hammer

The Roman historian Suetonius described Julius Caesar as timid and noncommittal as he initially approached the Rubicon River—a shallow and narrow waterway that, at the time, demarcated the boundary between Cisalpine Gaul and Italy proper—in January 49 B.C.E. In fact, the historian ultimately attributed Caesar’s decision to cross the waterway, precipitating a four-year civil war and ultimate Caesarian dictatorship, to the supernatural. Prior to crossing, again according to Suetonius, Caesar uttered the now-infamous phrase: “The die has been cast.”
While we cannot know for certain whether New York County, New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s catastrophic decision to successfully indict and arraign a former president of the United States was partially attributable to an intervening apparition, we can reasonably conclude that the actions of this past week have cast a most woeful die for the trajectory of our decadent, declining republic. The 34-count formal indictment of former President Donald Trump, laughably meritless on the legal merits and scandalously imprudent on the broader political judgment, represents a genie that cannot, and will not, ever be returned to its bottle.
But the deed is done. If not dismissed beforehand, a trial would likely not unfold until later this year or early next. And in the interim, other ambitious prosecutors investigating Trump in Georgia and Washington, D.C., have now watched Bragg shatter the hitherto unbroken precedent of the ruling political party never criminally indicting a former and defeated president of the opposite political party, which had been—until this past week—one of the few remaining things to which we might point to distinguish our late-stage republic from its third-world banana republic equivalents the world over. Perhaps additional indictments in those jurisdictions will indeed follow. Either way, the political ramifications for the 2024 Republican presidential primary are legion.
With the precedent forever shattered, the onus now falls on the “deplorables” of the American Right to sober up and recognize that the United States is now at the point of no return when it comes to weaponizing governmental powers and partisan prosecutorial apparatuses to reward political friends and punish political enemies within the (sometimes highly debatable, as is the case here) confines of the rule of law. There is simply no choice but for the Right, and for Republican prosecutors in deep-red jurisdictions across the country, to prudentially and reasonably respond in kind, upping the ante further in the short- to mid-term in an attempt to ultimately de-escalate toward a long-term “mutually assured destruction” footing.
Surely there is some creative and ambitious right-wing prosecutor in the Oklahoma Panhandle or West Texas who would like to summon Hunter Biden or Anthony Fauci out to “flyover country,” right?
Sometimes, the only way out is through.

There should never be more than one point of no return. Yet, we have instead never-ending cascades of points of no return; an endless expanse of Rubicon's, each one presenting more dire circumstances than the one that preceded it. What we have is a demented unhinged president, a gutless Congress, and a spineless citizenry too fearful to decisively reverse course. This isn't just about Trump. It's about the pernicious destruction of America, while all we do is observe and bang our gums.
This insane agenda and attacks by Maoist Democrats, on all fronts we can think of and others they haven't even started on yet, is being ramrodded straight up our collective arses. The State Media is all in, providing cover and affirming the demonization and destruction of anybody who dares to challenge. They will not stop and there's no going back. It's like Germany in the 1930's and fearfully may end like that.
….and the vilified will not be Jews, but anyone and everyone who not merely tries to stop the Maoist agenda, but all those who dissent in any way: conservatives who do not support the Regime.
The Decline of America started long ago while the leftist's cabal have grown confident in open defiance of the Republic they want to destroy because the many people here and elsewhere who have been brainwashed into supporting leftism.

The true decline started around 110 years ago when that Tax Amendment was passed and the direct vote for Senator's amendment which both Amendments greatly expanded Federal power over states power in direct attack on the balancing separation of power doctrine the Founding Father created which has made it increasingly possible to overthrow the Republic and install something far more Authoritarian in its place.
The Decline of America started long ago while the leftist's cabal have grown confident in open defiance of the Republic they want to destroy because the many people here and elsewhere who have been brainwashed into supporting leftism.

The true decline started around 110 years ago when that Tax Amendment was passed and the direct vote for Senator's amendment which both Amendments greatly expanded Federal power over states power in direct attack on the balancing separation of power doctrine the Founding Father created which has made it increasingly possible to overthrow the Republic and install something far more Authoritarian in its place.
It might have started back then, but only in recent years, when those set on destroying America saw that Americans had sunk to such a low level that they could be brainwashed - with the media’s help - into thinking Biden was preferable to Trump did we start to see the chaos and immorality we see today.

I think it started in earnest back in the mid-60s, when LBJ substituted the government for a responsible, self-supporting family unit.
….and the vilified will not be Jews, but anyone and everyone who not merely tries to stop the Maoist agenda, but all those who dissent in any way: conservatives who do not support the Regime.
And christians...especially christians.
And christians...especially christians.
I’m not sure it’s limited to Christians. The leftists have vilified me plenty - calling me a Nazi more than once - and I’m Jewish. Which they know.

The truth is they will vilify and demonize ANYONE who doesn’t submit to their destructive, anti-American agenda.
And christians...especially christians.
Christians, as well as any one else, who bows their knee to the DNC will be welcomed.

Jesus simply needs to bow his knee to the DNC for them to openly embrace them, just so long as they are the ultimate moral authority is all that matters. Reverends like Warnock is an example, as he proudly proclaims that Jesus loves abortion and grooming children for sex changes.
Christians, as well as any one else, who bows their knee to the DNC will be welcomed.

Jesus simply needs to bow his knee to the DNC for them to openly embrace them, just so long as they are the ultimate moral authority is all that matters. Reverends like Warnock is an example, as he proudly proclaims that Jesus loves abortion and grooming children for sex changes.
Christians must bend the knee to the new Religion of Leftism but they cannot remain christian. and even then i don't think the left will accept them.
I was listening to glen beck (yeah...I know...I know)

He said if we get to a point where we NEED retribution our country is finished.

I thunked...we're there already! Even if the left were to stop all their bullshit today...THAT WILL NOT WIPE THE SLATE CLEAN!

There MUST be retribution!
You cannot build a country on distrust, corruption, redistribution of wealth, or oppression. These things only end up with government being overthrown from within or by other opportunistic countries. It is simple history, not a threat.
Not looking to bow to anyone. Could care less about acceptance from the Left.
I hear you but you know that some christians WILL be willing to cooperate because they are not strong enough to withstand the persecution. Same as some people I KNOW who have always been fearful that they would be fooled by the antichrist, took the covid vaxx... and i am sorry to say that they have paid for that decision.
You cannot build a country on distrust, corruption, redistribution of wealth, or oppression. These things only end up with government being overthrown from within or by other opportunistic countries. It is simple history, not a threat.
And our FF warned us about what we are seeing now - that the country would be destroyed not by an external enemy, but from within.
I hear you but you know that some christians WILL be willing to cooperate because they are not strong enough to withstand the persecution. Same as some people I KNOW who have always been fearful that they would be fooled by the antichrist, took the covid vaxx... and i am sorry to say that they have paid for that decision.
Covid closed our church for awhile. I went to the church parking lot and listened to the broadcast of services. We are told to turn the other cheek, but then there are angels that wield swords. I'm more the sword type.
Covid closed our church for awhile. I went to the church parking lot and listened to the broadcast of services. We are told to turn the other cheek, but then there are angels that wield swords. I'm more the sword type.
I hear ya. But also realize that the Biden regime would like nothing better than for a christian to harm a trans in any way so that the regime feels justified in going after white in particular conservative christians.
Covid closed our church for awhile. I went to the church parking lot and listened to the broadcast of services. We are told to turn the other cheek, but then there are angels that wield swords. I'm more the sword type.
A devout Christian farmer was slapped. He turned the other cheek, and was slapped again. Calmly removing his coat, he told the attacker, "Scripture having been fulfilled, I shall now beat the stuffing out of thee."
I’m not sure it’s limited to Christians. The leftists have vilified me plenty - calling me a Nazi more than once - and I’m Jewish. Which they know.
The truth is they will vilify and demonize ANYONE who doesn’t submit to their destructive, anti-American agenda.
My DNA says I'm 0.01% Ashkenazi jew. I just noticed that the last 4-letters are Nazi. So wtf?
Crossing the Rubicon was more than the point of no return. It was Ceasar's message that the Roman Republic was dead. Rome would go forward as a dictatorship.

Prosecuting the former President was the same message. The Republic of the United States of America is dead. It would go forward as a tyranny.
The Decline of America started long ago while the leftist's cabal have grown confident in open defiance of the Republic they want to destroy because the many people here and elsewhere who have been brainwashed into supporting leftism.

The true decline started around 110 years ago when that Tax Amendment was passed and the direct vote for Senator's amendment which both Amendments greatly expanded Federal power over states power in direct attack on the balancing separation of power doctrine the Founding Father created which has made it increasingly possible to overthrow the Republic and install something far more Authoritarian in its place.
You are speaking of Woodrow Wilson and his Democrat sympathetic Fabian Eugenicist friends embracing racism, segregation and slavery.

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