The Planet is Heating Up Faster than Models Predict -- James Hansen

Hansen believes things are worse than the models indicate. You think the error is in the other direction and to a much greater degree. Hansen's view doesn't validate yours. It refutes it.
Hansen agrees that the models got it wrong.
The article in the OP says that they're wrong too.
aNd ThAts aLL I NeED tO kNoW

From what flaws do you believe the models suffer?
From the flaw of being incorrect, as expressed by the title of this thread, which infers that the previous models were wrong (but this one we should believe of course).
From the flaw of being incorrect, as expressed by the title of this thread, which infers that the previous models were wrong (but this one we should believe of course).
So proudly shadow and ignorant.

As is required, to be a freakish denier.
Do you have anything but ad homonyms?

Haven't changed in a bit in 4+ years. Insult, insult, insult and then point the finger at the other guy.

You didn't make any argument. That isn't how ad hominems work.

Your words are shallow and ignorant. No, you didn't think for 2 seconds and figure out models and outsmart the scientists. You sound like a fking idiot.
You didn't make any argument. That isn't how ad hominems work.

Your words are shallow and ignorant. No, you didn't think for 2 seconds and figure out models and outsmart the scientists. You sound like a fking idiot.
More of the same.

Boring and predictable. Always the exact same lame playback from you.

Then it's the other that is deficient.

It's hilarious.
More of the same.

Boring and predictable. Always the exact same lame playback from you.

Then it's the other that is deficient.

It's hilarious.
More of the same? Yes, you ca expect to be mocked for your ignorance and shallowness in this topic in any educated company. And you deserve it. Cry about it.
More of the same? Yes, you ca expect to be mocked for your ignorance and shallowness in this topic in any educated company. And you deserve it. Cry about it.
It is always the same.

Here again.

Trying to elicit a response so you can grab onto that and declare some weird sort of victory.

You bring nothing, ever, and have brought nothing to this discussion.

You're fucking unbelievable. Literally. Given your lies about your qualifications, why should anyone here believe anything you say?

Your local weatherman is attempting to forecast temperature, windspeed, wind direction and precipitation with roughly one kilometer accuracy. GCMs {climate models) are attempting to forecast the average temperature of the entire planet. Do you actually want to say that you believe they have the same chronological limitations?

Where is the Medieval warm period?
Where is the Little Ice Age?

All you doomsdayers have are lies.
From the flaw of being incorrect, as expressed by the title of this thread, which infers that the previous models were wrong (but this one we should believe of course).
I know what Hansen thinks is wrong with the current crop of models because he tells us: he thinks climate sensitivity is higher than the values currently being used.

Now, what do YOU think is wrong with current models? If all you can say is "they're wrong" I'll have to conclude you don't have the faintest fuck of an idea what you're talking about.
I know what Hansen thinks is wrong with the current crop of models because he tells us: he thinks climate sensitivity is higher than the values currently being used.

Now, what do YOU think is wrong with current models? If all you can say is "they're wrong" I'll have to conclude you don't have the faintest fuck of an idea what you're talking about.
I read the article and other scientists think he's wrong as well.

Gee, maybe they don't have the faintest fuck of an idea what they're talking about either.

If you'd like to have a discussion, have it. The moment you start with that ^^^ kind of shit I will immediately, and correctly, point out what a sad zealot you really are at your core. You are here to push your narrative. Anyone that disagrees is promptly insulted.

You are kindly invited to GFY.
I read the article and other scientists think he's wrong as well.

Gee, maybe they don't have the faintest fuck of an idea what they're talking about either.

If you'd like to have a discussion, have it. The moment you start with that ^^^ kind of shit I will immediately, and correctly, point out what a sad zealot you really are at your core. You are here to push your narrative. Anyone that disagrees is promptly insulted.

You are kindly invited to GFY.
I could have said that on post #1 because it was fairly obvious then, but I didn't. You don't have a clue how climate models work. Perhaps you'd feel better if you actually did a little research and learned.
I could have said that on post #1 because it was fairly obvious then. You don't have a clue how climate models work. Perhaps you'd feel better if you actually did a little research and learned.

Well, of course you could have. It is your intent to say that to anyone that doesn't 100% agree with you.

Ask a question, then get mad at answers that don't validate your position.

Well, of course you could have. It is your intent to say that to anyone that doesn't 100% agree with you.

Ask a question, then get mad at answers that don't validate your position.

But you haven't provided ANY answers.

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