The Planet is Heating Up Faster than Models Predict -- James Hansen

Where is the Medieval warm period?
Where is the Little Ice Age?

All you doomsdayers have are lies.
View attachment 863775
Excellent point. They don't like showing that data because it shows the warming trend started 400 years ago and couldn't have been caused by CO2.

Your ‘experts’ fabricated this chart.

Where is the Medieval warm period?
Where is the Little Ice Age?
View attachment 863999
The LIA is clearly visible. The MWP was regional to the northern Atlantic and not really discernible in global data. Are you trying to suggest that the rapid rise on the right end didn't happen or that similar events should have appeared elsewhen in these data?
The LIA is clearly visible. The MWP was regional to the northern Atlantic and not really discernible in global data. Are you trying to suggest that the rapid rise on the right end didn't happen or that similar events should have appeared elsewhen in these data?
Clearly visible!

And per the courts and common sense - the chart is bullshit.
The LIA is clearly visible. The MWP was regional to the northern Atlantic and not really discernible in global data. Are you trying to suggest that the rapid rise on the right end didn't happen or that similar events should have appeared elsewhen in these data?
Can you see me now?

Your ‘experts’ fabricated this chart.

Where is the Medieval warm period?
Where is the Little Ice Age?
View attachment 863999

IF you smooth out the Black line average by using a longer average period, you Indeed have a Hockey Stick.

Even AS IS it could be called such as, esp if you just lower the straight edge stick down 1/4 on the left and 3/4 inch on the right. It would basically BE a Hockey stick with a bit of fuzz.
But perfectly Legit to characterize that way AS IS even tho Nature, of course, doesn't move in perfect straight lines,
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IF you smooth out the Black line average by using a longer average period, you Indeed have a Hockey Stick.

Even AS IS it could be called such as, esp if you just lower the straight edge stick down 1/4 on the left and 3/4 inch on the right. It would basically BE a Hockey stick with a bit of fuzz.
But perfectly Legit to characterize that way AS IS even tho Nature, of course, doesn't move in perfect straight lines,

IF you smooth out the Black line average by using a longer average period, you Indeed have a Hockey Stick.

If you lie. Did Michael Mann pay his legal judgments yet?
IF you smooth out the Black line average by using a longer average period, you Indeed have a Hockey Stick.

Even AS IS it could be called such as, esp if you just lower the straight edge stick down 1/4 on the left and 3/4 inch on the right. It would basically BE a Hockey stick with a bit of fuzz.
But perfectly Legit to characterize that way AS IS even tho Nature, of course, doesn't move in perfect straight lines,
There’s good reason the fabricator of the chart refused to release the raw data.
There’s good reason the fabricator of the chart refused to release the raw data.
He didn't refuse to release it. He refused to release it to unqualified individuals who only wanted it to facilitate character assassination. Those data were released to a large number of other researchers.
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He didn't refuse to release it. He refused to release it to unqualified individuals who only wanted it to facilitate character assassination. Those data were released to a large number of other researchers.
How convenient. Give it to his comrades.

He could have put it on the web for public display if he wasn’t hiding anything.
He didn't refuse to release it. He refused to release it to unqualified individuals who only wanted it to facilitate character assassination. Those data were released to a large number of other researchers.

He refused to release it to unqualified individuals who only wanted it to facilitate character assassination.

If his data and methods are good, he should have nothing to fear. From anyone.
How convenient. Give it to his comrades.

He could have put it on the web for public display if he wasn’t hiding anything.
Just like Rudy Giuliani with Ruby Freeman and Wandrea Moss, conservative AGW deniers have accused Mann of all manner of wrongdoing with no evidence or proof whatsoever. That he should act to defend himself and his work from assholes like YOU is fine with me.

James Hansen whose 1988 testimony before Congress was the first many had heard of global warming, has co-published a study in which he claims that the globe is warming faster than models predict primarily because of reductions in aerosol emissions from China and internationally from shipping. Michael Mann disagrees, noting that the truth is bad enough. Hansen says the 1.5C threshold is dead as a doornail and keeping us withing 2C by 2050 will require concerted effort. Hansen suggests we consider the use of solar geoengineering though several other experts warn that such a strategy poses severe dangers. The article notes that June, July, August, September and October of this year have all set monthly global temperature records
Do you even realize that you are citing people like Mann and Hansen? Those bitches who are proven fraudsters.

Why do you repeatedly cite thoroughly debunked pseudo-scientists?

Is your ego so fragile that you are afraid to admit that they fooled you?

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