The Perfect Revenge...


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
Crazy election cycle we're having... Init? All the tensions have led to discussions about reactions of constituents, should Trump lose.
The left has suggested that voters will do everything from protest to outright violence. I have a better suggestion...
For those who would be inclined to violence it's important to realize that, not only is it illegal; it's unlikely to be effective. There is however something republicans can do. Something far, far more damaging. Something that would literally collapse the entire system in less than a week. There is no fail safe for this reaction. And the best part? It's perfectly legal. Stay home... That's it. The day of Hillarys inauguration refuse to go to work for a solid week. Or as long as it takes; which wouldn't be long. You would need to have all republicans on board, which would be the tricky part. But if a national strike were organized, across every single field of employment. The beuracracy would collapse under its own weight in under a week. 2 weeks tops.
Every cop. Every doctor. Every single everyone in every proffesion.
So if you want to make a difference...
Consider your legal options before doing anything crazy. You'll have a couple months to organize this before inauguration. So if you really want to make a difference. The easiest thing to do... Is nothing at all...
Crazy election cycle we're having... Init? All the tensions have led to discussions about reactions of constituents, should Trump lose.
The left has suggested that voters will do everything from protest to outright violence. I have a better suggestion...
For those who would be inclined to violence it's important to realize that, not only is it illegal; it's unlikely to be effective. There is however something republicans can do. Something far, far more damaging. Something that would literally collapse the entire system in less than a week. There is no fail safe for this reaction. And the best part? It's perfectly legal. Stay home... That's it. The day of Hillarys inauguration refuse to go to work for a solid week. Or as long as it takes; which wouldn't be long. You would need to have all republicans on board, which would be the tricky part. But if a national strike were organized, across every single field of employment. The beuracracy would collapse under its own weight in under a week. 2 weeks tops.
Every cop. Every doctor. Every single everyone in every proffesion.
So if you want to make a difference...
Consider your legal options before doing anything crazy. You'll have a couple months to organize this before inauguration. So if you really want to make a difference. The easiest thing to do... Is nothing at all...

I think this is why they have so many illegals entering the country. They are preparing to replace us all.

They would just print more money until we are replaced. Then what do we do?
Not enough time. No truckers no restaurants, no police, no doctors, no medical, no gas... or at least no enough to go around. Not enough time or man power to come up with a plan before the system crashes. Not to mention the instantaneous cessation of revenue generation. It would be one of the most crippling crisis's this nation has ever seen.
With the two months leading up to the event; the participants should stock up on food,water, medicine, and ammunition. The biggest danger will come from all the jobless serfs on welfare whose checks won't arrive. And even if they do. There will be no banks, stores, food, fuel, ambulances, police, utilities... It would cause a figuarative "zombie apocalypse". And those who took the previous 2 months to prepare will have an enormous advantage.
I'm just making people aware of thier legal options. It sure beats the leftist method of engaging in criminality...
Crazy election cycle we're having... Init? All the tensions have led to discussions about reactions of constituents, should Trump lose.
The left has suggested that voters will do everything from protest to outright violence. I have a better suggestion...
For those who would be inclined to violence it's important to realize that, not only is it illegal; it's unlikely to be effective. There is however something republicans can do. Something far, far more damaging. Something that would literally collapse the entire system in less than a week. There is no fail safe for this reaction. And the best part? It's perfectly legal. Stay home... That's it. The day of Hillarys inauguration refuse to go to work for a solid week. Or as long as it takes; which wouldn't be long. You would need to have all republicans on board, which would be the tricky part. But if a national strike were organized, across every single field of employment. The beuracracy would collapse under its own weight in under a week. 2 weeks tops.
Every cop. Every doctor. Every single everyone in every proffesion.
So if you want to make a difference...
Consider your legal options before doing anything crazy. You'll have a couple months to organize this before inauguration. So if you really want to make a difference. The easiest thing to do... Is nothing at all...

I think this is why they have so many illegals entering the country. They are preparing to replace us all.

They would just print more money until we are replaced. Then what do we do?
Take Republicans advice. Stop working for someone else. Start your own business like trump.

After you attend trump edu of course
Better legal option. Leave the country because it no longer represents your values - or if you think it has become so corrupt as to be unsaveable. I'll be pulling a shit ton of money off the market on the 9th if Hillary wins, by January I'll be in my temp shelter waiting for my lawyers to get done with the paperwork.

Why pay for something you don't want? They tried to force us to with ACA, now it's illegals and refugees. I'm fed up with it - my money's walking.
Better legal option. Leave the country because it no longer represents your values - or if you think it has become so corrupt as to be unsaveable. I'll be pulling a shit ton of money off the market on the 9th if Hillary wins, by January I'll be in my temp shelter waiting for my lawyers to get done with the paperwork.

Why pay for something you don't want? They tried to force us to with ACA, now it's illegals and refugees. I'm fed up with it - my money's walking.
Take Republicans advice. Stop working for someone else. Start your own business like trump.

After you attend trump edu of course
I never heard the Republicans say advise everyone to work for themselves. You just made that up. Trump U was about real estate, many people did great. Getting an education doesn't guarantee outcome. Lots of college grads are as dumb as a box of rocks.
Great idea, stay home, corporations will love you, Japan, Korea, Germany will continue building cars you buy, China too, as well as much of Asia will make your furniture, clothing and electronics, and you will be home protesting as the world works and builds and you whine cause you lost, and that bad media didn't support a man whose clothing is made in China. And Americans still wonder why the economy only works for the wealthy, unaware that they are not only the problem but they are played like a banjo.

"There is no need to sally forth, for it remains true that those things which make us human are, curiously enough, always close at hand. Resolve, then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tiny blasts of tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us." Pogo
Not enough time. No truckers no restaurants, no police, no doctors, no medical, no gas... or at least no enough to go around. Not enough time or man power to come up with a plan before the system crashes. Not to mention the instantaneous cessation of revenue generation. It would be one of the most crippling crisis's this nation has ever seen.

I don't want to cripple the nation. Just the Democrats.
I'm just making people aware of thier legal options. It sure beats the leftist method of engaging in criminality...

There it is again. It isn't fair that the "i" and "e" keys are so damned close together!

Thanks for being you.

Oh....and on the topic.....most Americans are sane. While many won't vote for Clinton, most will accept the results of the election and move on. You don't have near enough nutbags to carry out your dopey plan.
Take Republicans advice. Stop working for someone else. Start your own business like trump.

After you attend trump edu of course
I never heard the Republicans say advise everyone to work for themselves. You just made that up. Trump U was about real estate, many people did great. Getting an education doesn't guarantee outcome. Lots of college grads are as dumb as a box of rocks.
What? Wow! When all those high paying manufacturing jobs left on bushs watch and blue collar jobs were being lost the only advice Republicans had for those people was go back to school or start their own company. Now you're going to tell me that isn't the Republicans position? Another flip flop?

At least you realize how unrealistic that is.
Crazy election cycle we're having... Init? All the tensions have led to discussions about reactions of constituents, should Trump lose.
The left has suggested that voters will do everything from protest to outright violence. I have a better suggestion...
For those who would be inclined to violence it's important to realize that, not only is it illegal; it's unlikely to be effective. There is however something republicans can do. Something far, far more damaging. Something that would literally collapse the entire system in less than a week. There is no fail safe for this reaction. And the best part? It's perfectly legal. Stay home... That's it. The day of Hillarys inauguration refuse to go to work for a solid week. Or as long as it takes; which wouldn't be long. You would need to have all republicans on board, which would be the tricky part. But if a national strike were organized, across every single field of employment. The beuracracy would collapse under its own weight in under a week. 2 weeks tops.
Every cop. Every doctor. Every single everyone in every proffesion.
So if you want to make a difference...
Consider your legal options before doing anything crazy. You'll have a couple months to organize this before inauguration. So if you really want to make a difference. The easiest thing to do... Is nothing at all...

Ok, look. There have been calls to overthrow the government since before I can even remember. I know there were calls in the 1970s. In the last decade there have been calls with every presidential election cycle. Then there are your regular everyday calls much like the ones in the 1970s. It appears to be media driven at this point. Keep the division going. That's the ticket.

Fear your neighbor, the postperson, the checkout girl at the grocery store. They are the enemy.

Every time the upper echelons start with the mantra........are you going to's a bunch of crap. Divide. Divide. Divide.

This isn't India and the Democrats don't give a damn if you stay home from work.........H1B visas, etc. and so on. If they don't give a damn if people are working hard now and for less money, do you really think it's going to bother them if you stay home? This isn't India and it won't shutdown the trains.
Take Republicans advice. Stop working for someone else. Start your own business like trump.

After you attend trump edu of course
I never heard the Republicans say advise everyone to work for themselves. You just made that up. Trump U was about real estate, many people did great. Getting an education doesn't guarantee outcome. Lots of college grads are as dumb as a box of rocks.
What? Wow! When all those high paying manufacturing jobs left on bushs watch and blue collar jobs were being lost the only advice Republicans had for those people was go back to school or start their own company. Now you're going to tell me that isn't the Republicans position? Another flip flop?

At least you realize how unrealistic that is.
Bush was 8 years ago and many more companies have closed or left. You're full of shit and can't back up your statements and stupid to think it would fly.

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