The Pelosi attack was an assassination attempt, we need to treat this seriously.

Nobody in leftist society or in MSM Democrat world seemed to give much of a F_ck when Kavanaugh was nearly assassinated.

I wonder why it wasn't so pushed and lectured when it happened to Kavanaugh... Hmmmm, I wonder why? Well, actually.. Not to wonder, I'm sure Whoopi Goldberg, along with her angry, Joyless cohorts on "The View" will be on cue to present this horrid event to the nation and world as some sort of coordinated attack by Donald Trump and the Republicans. At the same time, she will claim, or shockingly be, oblivious to the fact that a rabid leftist nearly assassinated a SCOTUS judge because of horrid rhetoric that many, including her, perpetuated. She will pretend such violence is unprecidented, and those who are underinformed will believe it.

So let's review what happened with Rapey Brett.

A mentally ill man was able to get a gun, but fortunately had the presence of mind to turn himself in before anyone got hurt. Now, since this is America, it was hard for him to get mental health treatment but EASY for him to get a gun. Wouldn't it have been awesome if it was EASY for him to get mental health treatment and HARD for him to get a gun.

A mentally ill person (and I think that's what we are going to find out here) who spent all his time on QAnon and other crazy websites broke into Speaker Pelosi's home and gravely injured her elderly husband with a hammer. I'm not going to claim that the super-heated rhetoric is what set this guy off without more evidence. It's very possible this guy would have gone off about something at some point and hurt someone.
But let us ask the question that is always asked by the left...

What does this attack say about the entire leftist movement? Does it perpetuate and cause such violence, anger, and hatred? Shouldn't we flood the MSM and daytime talk shows with this discussion? Why is such violence happening under such a clearly divisive president??? Is he not responsible?

Of course, you don't see these questions and MSM coverage, because they will drop the story to protect the president and his party. Coverage bias is real, alive, and well.

A couple of points.

It's you fucking right wingers who claim that the Second Amendment exists so that the people can threaten the government when it does things they don't like. So by your own logic, you should be happy a mentally ill man tried to kill Kavanaugh. (Even though he turned himself in long before he got to Kavanaugh's house.) Shit, Kavanaugh is part of the knuckle dragging clique on SCOTUS that thinks armed groups of idiots should determine our policy instead of elections. He should be happy that people are trying to kill him, by that logic.

It's not like he's going to go back and say to his colleagues, "Hey, guys, you know what, maybe we should make it HARDER for crazy people to get guns!"
Oh no... Biden made it clear that "MAGA Republicans" are enemies to democracy. Weirdos can clearly take that as a call to action. Biden has indirectly called for violence..., far greater than any supposed "dog whistling" that the leftists would claim Trump did.
I'd argue that Trump Deplorables are absolutely enemies to democracy. They proved that on Jan 6. Can you please point to tweets - or anything - where Biden has called for any violence - directly or indirectly towards anybody. Take your time.
I'd argue that Trump Deplorables are absolutely enemies to democracy. They proved that on Jan 6. Can you please point to tweets - or anything - where Biden has called for any violence - directly or indirectly towards anybody. Take your time.
You must be new in life.

Or, you came in one of those cargo containers?
I'd argue that Trump Deplorables are absolutely enemies to democracy. They proved that on Jan 6. Can you please point to tweets - or anything - where Biden has called for any violence - directly or indirectly towards anybody. Take your time.


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Brush it all under the rug?... because there are some pretty odd things about this story that you would love to disappear?
We don't even know who was the third person there... why were they not arrested?
What third person?

Have you read the police report?

It doesn't say anything about a third person.

That's someone else's assumption and conclusion
There is no extreme right wing in this country.

The fact you say that just goes to show how delusional you are. That is the problem with those like yourself that populate a right-wing site like this. You come across so many people that think like you, you think you are the norm/mainstream. Most posters on this board are extreme right wingers.
No, I don't think so

You're going by those dumbass leftard talking points

They're getting old

What talking points? You mistake me for a friend of Pelosi and antifa. You couldn't be further from the truth. Antifa are idiots and Pelosi should be put out to pasture. Her time is over. If you support a nutjob idiot like Trump. Own it. You are a right-wing loon. If not, meh, apologies. I can only go on the half dozen posts I've seen of yours.
that’s cause kavenaugh wasn’t the gay lover of the guy. paul was merely in lover spat not assassinated

Neither was Paul Pelosi you lying piece of shit. Spreading lies like this is all the bottom feeding creeps are doing. Spewing hatred.

There really is no limit to the depths you will sink to. This is where the shit hits the fan for right wing lies and hate.

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