This is what I would tell the court, if I was a former Nazi over in "germany"..
I'm 95 years old, I don't give a fuck about anything anymore, you could execute me right now today and I already outlived upto 99 % of all Humans.
This court is nothing but a jew created kangaroo court that exists to hear to the moaning kikes, hold political prisoners who have a grim prognosis in the process of being a political prisoner period... and convict white people, so get the fuck on with what is 100 % inevitable and convict me.
I did my job, and I'd do it again and if you don't like that, Fuck you.
So lets Get on with it.
That's what I would say.
I'm 95 years old, I don't give a fuck about anything anymore, you could execute me right now today and I already outlived upto 99 % of all Humans.
This court is nothing but a jew created kangaroo court that exists to hear to the moaning kikes, hold political prisoners who have a grim prognosis in the process of being a political prisoner period... and convict white people, so get the fuck on with what is 100 % inevitable and convict me.
I did my job, and I'd do it again and if you don't like that, Fuck you.
So lets Get on with it.
That's what I would say.