The Obama legacy: 92898000 Americans not working

One nutter after another......desperate to soothe their butthurt over the fact that the US economy has improved under the guidance of President Barack Hussein Obama.
You really think this is an economic boom? How fucking stupid does a person have to be to believe that? If you ever choose to venture out of your mom's basement you will see things aren't all that great out here. God forbid your mom cut you off and make you participate in this sewer of obie's economy and support yourself. Maybe then you would actually get it.

Ahhhhhh...the mom's basement meme! How original. The economy is in recovery, dickhead. My business is up year on year for January and February. That's the third year in a row that I can say that. My customers are busy.

Sucks to be you.
Bullshit, you've never had your own business and you know it.

Interesting post. Tell me what you know. I'm listening.
If you call collecting a welfare check every month a business then I guess you're a real entrepreneur.
People age 16 to 17, who likely are in high school: 9 million

People who are enrolled in either two- or four-year colleges: 21 million

People age 65 and older, who have reached retirement age: 40 million people

That means 20 million people are of normal working age, not in college and not working. That’s less than one-quarter the amount repeatedly cited by the IDIOTS !
But so far they have killed 93 million.
Children staying in school after turning 16 do not kill one job, people retiring do not kill one job, stay at home spouses do not kill one job, retirees do not kill one job, the disabled do not kill one job, a person caring for a sick or elderly family member does not kill one job. These are the people who make up the 93 million not in the work force.
93 million the rest of us have to support. In a weak economy where there are no good jobs for college grads to go into to help support. 93 million people are on the government dole for their living, one third of the population expects you and I to pay for them. Half of the population gets food stamps, we need to pay for that as well. Public sector unions expect to retire at 50 and get full wages and healthcare for life.

You don't see a problem here?
But so far they have killed 93 million.
Children staying in school after turning 16 do not kill one job, people retiring do not kill one job, stay at home spouses do not kill one job, retirees do not kill one job, the disabled do not kill one job, a person caring for a sick or elderly family member does not kill one job. These are the people who make up the 93 million not in the work force.
93 million the rest of us have to support. In a weak economy where there are no good jobs for college grads to go into to help support. 93 million people are on the government dole for their living, one third of the population expects you and I to pay for them. Half of the population gets food stamps, we need to pay for that as well. Public sector unions expect to retire at 50 and get full wages and healthcare for life.

You don't see a problem here?

yeah 93 million is bullshit.

next question
But so far they have killed 93 million.
Children staying in school after turning 16 do not kill one job, people retiring do not kill one job, stay at home spouses do not kill one job, retirees do not kill one job, the disabled do not kill one job, a person caring for a sick or elderly family member does not kill one job. These are the people who make up the 93 million not in the work force.
93 million the rest of us have to support. In a weak economy where there are no good jobs for college grads to go into to help support. 93 million people are on the government dole for their living, one third of the population expects you and I to pay for them. Half of the population gets food stamps, we need to pay for that as well. Public sector unions expect to retire at 50 and get full wages and healthcare for life.

You don't see a problem here?

yeah 94 million is bullshit.

next question
I guess my next question is just how fucking retarded are you?
But so far they have killed 93 million.
Children staying in school after turning 16 do not kill one job, people retiring do not kill one job, stay at home spouses do not kill one job, retirees do not kill one job, the disabled do not kill one job, a person caring for a sick or elderly family member does not kill one job. These are the people who make up the 93 million not in the work force.
93 million the rest of us have to support. In a weak economy where there are no good jobs for college grads to go into to help support. 93 million people are on the government dole for their living, one third of the population expects you and I to pay for them. Half of the population gets food stamps, we need to pay for that as well. Public sector unions expect to retire at 50 and get full wages and healthcare for life.

You don't see a problem here?

yeah 94 million is bullshit.

next question
I guess my next question is just how fucking retarded are you?

retarded enough to fully understand the number is closer to 20 million than 93 million ...

whats your excuse?

post #22 you RW retard
"The Obama legacy: 92898000 Americans not working"

Another lie from the right, how unoriginal.

The December 2007 recession began a year and one month before the president took office; current unemployment is the consequence of that event, having nothing to do with the president. Indeed, any lingering effects of the December 2007 recession is more likely the result of Congressional republicans who refused to take action to address unemployment, fearful it would politically benefit the president. Republicans had little interest in helping Americans find work, they were more interested in making Obama a 'one term president.'

No, Obama's Not to Blame for Our Historically Pathetic Participation Rate
Father Time and colleges are

In December, the U.S. participation rate—that's the share of the working-age population that's working or looking to work—dropped to its lowest percentage in four decades. In Washington, bad news means somebody must be blamed, so some Republicans (e.g.: Rep. Lynn Jenkins and Rep. Marsha Blackburn) have decided that someone is President Obama.

Unlike the country's high unemployment and slow job-creation, our low participation rate (the lowest since 1978, to be exact) is sometimes considered something of a mystery. But upon examination, it's really not that mysterious. The recession has discouraged many people from looking for a job and encouraged marginal workers to find other things to do with their time, like care for their kids. But most of the decline appears to be the predictable result of an aging country that is waiting longer to enter the workforce because we're spending more time in school. And, since one of those things (aging) is inevitable and the other (school) is arguably good, it's hard to see how the low participation rate is the president's fault.

In a way, this graph below—which, at first glance, seems innocuous and even a little boring—offers a perfect solution to the participation puzzle. It shows that young people are working less (because they're in school) and it shows that old people are working more than they used to, but still much less than other workers (because they're retired).


But so far they have killed 93 million.
Children staying in school after turning 16 do not kill one job, people retiring do not kill one job, stay at home spouses do not kill one job, retirees do not kill one job, the disabled do not kill one job, a person caring for a sick or elderly family member does not kill one job. These are the people who make up the 93 million not in the work force.
93 million the rest of us have to support. In a weak economy where there are no good jobs for college grads to go into to help support. 93 million people are on the government dole for their living, one third of the population expects you and I to pay for them. Half of the population gets food stamps, we need to pay for that as well. Public sector unions expect to retire at 50 and get full wages and healthcare for life.

You don't see a problem here?

yeah 94 million is bullshit.

next question
I guess my next question is just how fucking retarded are you?

retarded enough to fully understand the number is closer to 20 million than 93 million ...

whats your excuse?

post #22 you RW retard
Post #22 was retarded and you aren't getting any better. Your math doesn't even add up. If only 20 million weren't working the unemployment rate would be .0625%. Not even the idiot obie can work that number into his lies. Why are you trying to?
Children staying in school after turning 16 do not kill one job, people retiring do not kill one job, stay at home spouses do not kill one job, retirees do not kill one job, the disabled do not kill one job, a person caring for a sick or elderly family member does not kill one job. These are the people who make up the 93 million not in the work force.
93 million the rest of us have to support. In a weak economy where there are no good jobs for college grads to go into to help support. 93 million people are on the government dole for their living, one third of the population expects you and I to pay for them. Half of the population gets food stamps, we need to pay for that as well. Public sector unions expect to retire at 50 and get full wages and healthcare for life.

You don't see a problem here?

yeah 94 million is bullshit.

next question
I guess my next question is just how fucking retarded are you?

retarded enough to fully understand the number is closer to 20 million than 93 million ...

whats your excuse?

post #22 you RW retard
Post #22 was retarded and you aren't getting any better. Your math doesn't even add up. If only 20 million weren't working the unemployment rate would be .0625%. Not even the idiot obie can work that number into his lies. Why are you trying to?

left the workforce try again
"The Obama legacy: 92898000 Americans not working"

Another lie from the right, how unoriginal.

The December 2007 recession began a year and one month before the president took office; current unemployment is the consequence of that event, having nothing to do with the president. Indeed, any lingering effects of the December 2007 recession is more likely the result of Congressional republicans who refused to take action to address unemployment, fearful it would politically benefit the president. Republicans had little interest in helping Americans find work, they were more interested in making Obama a 'one term president.'
Yeah, six years just isn't enough time for the greatest man to ever be voted in president to get this shit fixed. It's all Bush's fault.
93 million the rest of us have to support. In a weak economy where there are no good jobs for college grads to go into to help support. 93 million people are on the government dole for their living, one third of the population expects you and I to pay for them. Half of the population gets food stamps, we need to pay for that as well. Public sector unions expect to retire at 50 and get full wages and healthcare for life.

You don't see a problem here?

yeah 94 million is bullshit.

next question
I guess my next question is just how fucking retarded are you?

retarded enough to fully understand the number is closer to 20 million than 93 million ...

whats your excuse?

post #22 you RW retard
Post #22 was retarded and you aren't getting any better. Your math doesn't even add up. If only 20 million weren't working the unemployment rate would be .0625%. Not even the idiot obie can work that number into his lies. Why are you trying to?

left the workforce try again
Is that supposed to be a coherent reply?
But so far they have killed 93 million.
Children staying in school after turning 16 do not kill one job, people retiring do not kill one job, stay at home spouses do not kill one job, retirees do not kill one job, the disabled do not kill one job, a person caring for a sick or elderly family member does not kill one job. These are the people who make up the 93 million not in the work force.
93 million the rest of us have to support. In a weak economy where there are no good jobs for college grads to go into to help support. 93 million people are on the government dole for their living, one third of the population expects you and I to pay for them. Half of the population gets food stamps, we need to pay for that as well. Public sector unions expect to retire at 50 and get full wages and healthcare for life.

You don't see a problem here?
Yes, I see a problem: you are misinterpreting what not in the Labor Force means and you're just making up other numbers
yeah 94 million is bullshit.

next question
I guess my next question is just how fucking retarded are you?

retarded enough to fully understand the number is closer to 20 million than 93 million ...

whats your excuse?

post #22 you RW retard
Post #22 was retarded and you aren't getting any better. Your math doesn't even add up. If only 20 million weren't working the unemployment rate would be .0625%. Not even the idiot obie can work that number into his lies. Why are you trying to?

left the workforce try again
Is that supposed to be a coherent reply?

not for idiots that don't know the difference between the unemployment rate and people who left the workforce ... take you for instance

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