The New York Commie Times Calls for Destruction of Mount Rushmore


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Why am I not surprized at this nest of vipers doing this?

The New York Times has set its sights on Mount Rushmore as protesters demand the removal of historic monuments in the name of racial justice, citing its location on “Indigenous land,” the sculptor’s purported ties to white supremacy, and two of its subjects’ slave ownership.
“Mount Rushmore was built on land that belonged to the Lakota tribe and sculpted by a man who had strong bonds with the Ku Klux Klan. It features the faces of 2 U.S. presidents who were slaveholders,” the New York Times wrote, linking to a news article detailing complaints against American landmark:
Why am I not surprized at this nest of vipers doing this?

The New York Times has set its sights on Mount Rushmore as protesters demand the removal of historic monuments in the name of racial justice, citing its location on “Indigenous land,” the sculptor’s purported ties to white supremacy, and two of its subjects’ slave ownership.
“Mount Rushmore was built on land that belonged to the Lakota tribe and sculpted by a man who had strong bonds with the Ku Klux Klan. It features the faces of 2 U.S. presidents who were slaveholders,” the New York Times wrote, linking to a news article detailing complaints against American landmark:
All the protestors can show they are serious by setting a good example and leading the way. They can start by giving up all the indigenous land they occupy and moving back to Europe.
Fake news..not a surprise..the NYT has not called for any such thing--you should be ashamed for your lies and deception:

the NYT article in question:

Why am I not surprized at this nest of vipers doing this?

The New York Times has set its sights on Mount Rushmore as protesters demand the removal of historic monuments in the name of racial justice, citing its location on “Indigenous land,” the sculptor’s purported ties to white supremacy, and two of its subjects’ slave ownership.
“Mount Rushmore was built on land that belonged to the Lakota tribe and sculpted by a man who had strong bonds with the Ku Klux Klan. It features the faces of 2 U.S. presidents who were slaveholders,” the New York Times wrote, linking to a news article detailing complaints against American landmark:
These revisionist morons are a pain in the ass. If they don't like it here, they should immigrate to the country of their choice at their expense.
Why am I not surprized at this nest of vipers doing this?

The New York Times has set its sights on Mount Rushmore as protesters demand the removal of historic monuments in the name of racial justice, citing its location on “Indigenous land,” the sculptor’s purported ties to white supremacy, and two of its subjects’ slave ownership.
“Mount Rushmore was built on land that belonged to the Lakota tribe and sculpted by a man who had strong bonds with the Ku Klux Klan. It features the faces of 2 U.S. presidents who were slaveholders,” the New York Times wrote, linking to a news article detailing complaints against American landmark:
Why do Democrats hate America and Americans so much ? Why don't they just move ? Instead they destroy America!
Statue vandals getting arrested today and will be charged under Trumps executive order....10 year minimum sentences.....a great day....
I've always thought Mt. Rushmore is a huge monument to American arrogance, treachery and racism.

The Black Hills are the Natives' holiest of holies. The American government not only stole it from them in order to get hands on some gold, then they chiseled the enormous faces of four of our leaders on its face. Graffiti in the most monstrous way. It was an entirely arrogant, tone deaf chest thumping piece of work and I'm embarrassed every time I see a picture of it.

It can't be undone. But it sure as hell could be closed and left to weather away. There is ongoing maintenance to keep it in good shape. Maybe in a hundred years there wouldn't be much left to recognize.

I don't believe in tearing down statues or renaming streets. But Mt. Rushmore is actually a monument to something America should NOT be proud of.
One surface to air solution would suffice, right 2nd Amenders?
Why am I not surprized at this nest of vipers doing this?

The New York Times has set its sights on Mount Rushmore as protesters demand the removal of historic monuments in the name of racial justice, citing its location on “Indigenous land,” the sculptor’s purported ties to white supremacy, and two of its subjects’ slave ownership.
“Mount Rushmore was built on land that belonged to the Lakota tribe and sculpted by a man who had strong bonds with the Ku Klux Klan. It features the faces of 2 U.S. presidents who were slaveholders,” the New York Times wrote, linking to a news article detailing complaints against American landmark:
Why do Democrats hate America and Americans so much ? Why don't they just move ? Instead they destroy America!

It's becoming more and more clear.
50 years ago, the Dimocrat party was mostly made up of good Americans who loved their country and supported the American dream. They are a far cry from that today.
I've always thought Mt. Rushmore is a huge monument to American arrogance, treachery and racism.

The Black Hills are the Natives' holiest of holies. The American government not only stole it from them in order to get hands on some gold, then they chiseled the enormous faces of four of our leaders on its face. Graffiti in the most monstrous way. It was an entirely arrogant, tone deaf chest thumping piece of work and I'm embarrassed every time I see a picture of it.

It can't be undone. But it sure as hell could be closed and left to weather away. There is ongoing maintenance to keep it in good shape. Maybe in a hundred years there wouldn't be much left to recognize.

I don't believe in tearing down statues or renaming streets. But Mt. Rushmore is actually a monument to something America should NOT be proud of.
Why am I not surprized at this nest of vipers doing this?

The New York Times has set its sights on Mount Rushmore as protesters demand the removal of historic monuments in the name of racial justice, citing its location on “Indigenous land,” the sculptor’s purported ties to white supremacy, and two of its subjects’ slave ownership.
“Mount Rushmore was built on land that belonged to the Lakota tribe and sculpted by a man who had strong bonds with the Ku Klux Klan. It features the faces of 2 U.S. presidents who were slaveholders,” the New York Times wrote, linking to a news article detailing complaints against American landmark:
Why do Democrats hate America and Americans so much ? Why don't they just move ? Instead they destroy America!
So genius, you fell for the Breibart article without reading NYTimes article. As noted earlier by someone who isn’t lazy like you and who actually read the article (like myself), Breibart distorted the article into a lie and you naturally took the bait. Figures.

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