The New "In" Thing To Do! Bash Men!


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Without a doubt, there are some real jerks out there who have done bad things and need dealt with. Perhaps in some cases, they might be a victim themselves of circumstances or even have some problem that goes into the medical realm needing treatment. But it is quickly becoming clear a few things now:

1). Lawyers run this world and they have made us all afraid of our shadows for fear one might come after you next.

2). Women are quickly proving in their race to merge into the commonwealth of society at all levels that some of them are simply ill-prepared for this world and are making guys pay a terrible price for their being ill-equipped to deal with it.

3). All you need to do now is say the word "inappropriate behavior," and you can bring a corporation to its knees trembling in fear that if they don't immediately fire someone and take 12 steps to hire a legal firm to investigate and create an HR course to retrain all employees on "sensitivity," that they will end up in a court battle.

4). Many "career" women are by their very natures appearing much too sensitive to deal with all the realities of the outside world and are in for one continuous trauma lest some artificial bubble of protection be built around them at the expense of all else, meantime, most guys are not very sensitive at all. We have thick skin, toughened in order to survive; that is how we take land, conquer enemies, build empires, design missiles, create vast corporations, and win wars. This is a fatal conflict of incongruity between the sexes and by the early looks of it, men are now becoming the new target of vilification because of it to replace Civil War Statues of long dead soldiers (who incidentally were all men).

5). As the world drama unfolds in future decades now, it will be seen that nations whose men remain bold, daring men will in matters of war and business, always succeed far greater over other nations whose men are not.


Garrison Keillor fired, says he put hand on woman's back

Best as I can tell, she was wearing a loose shirt with an open back in a business environment and somehow his hand inadvertently slipped under the fabric as he went to pat her on her back.
The war on men needs to fucking stop! Innocent until proven Guility by ones peers.

Women should report such and press charges if the guy really did something wrong...Most of this shit is out of hatred for men as they can't compete with them so they need to rip them down in order to have a chance. Sick
Well, have any of these allegations proved to be untrue? I mean, other than the one conservative O'Keefe tried to pass off in order to discredit the Washington Post, scumbag that he is.

Fact is, most seem to be legitimate accusations. Most of these incidents are happening in the workplace.
Well, have any of these allegations proved to be untrue? I mean, other than the one conservative O'Keefe tried to pass off in order to discredit the Washington Post, scumbag that he is.

Fact is, most seem to be legitimate accusations. Most of these incidents are happening in the workplace.
Love O’Keefe and Wapo discredited itself long ago and continues to.
Without a doubt, there are some real jerks out there who have done bad things and need dealt with. Perhaps in some cases, they might be a victim themselves of circumstances or even have some problem that goes into the medical realm needing treatment. But it is quickly becoming clear a few things now:

1). Lawyers run this world and they have made us all afraid of our shadows for fear one might come after you next.

2). Women are quickly proving in their race to merge into the commonwealth of society at all levels that some of them are simply ill-prepared for this world and are making guys pay a terrible price for their being ill-equipped to deal with it.

3). All you need to do now is say the word "inappropriate behavior," and you can bring a corporation to its knees trembling in fear that if they don't immediately fire someone and take 12 steps to hire a legal firm to investigate and create an HR course to retrain all employees on "sensitivity," that they will end up in a court battle.

4). Many "career" women are by their very natures appearing much too sensitive to deal with all the realities of the outside world and are in for one continuous trauma lest some artificial bubble of protection be built around them at the expense of all else, meantime, most guys are not very sensitive at all. We have thick skin, toughened in order to survive; that is how we take land, conquer enemies, build empires, design missiles, create vast corporations, and win wars. This is a fatal conflict of incongruity between the sexes and by the early looks of it, men are now becoming the new target of vilification because of it to replace Civil War Statues of long dead soldiers (who incidentally were all men).

5). As the world drama unfolds in future decades now, it will be seen that nations whose men remain bold, daring men will in matters of war and business, always succeed far greater over other nations whose men are not.


Garrison Keillor fired, says he put hand on woman's back

Best as I can tell, she was wearing a loose shirt with an open back in a business environment and somehow his hand inadvertently slipped under the fabric as he went to pat her on her back.

Liberals kicked the pillars out from society that always guided us. Now they don’t know how to respond to the havoc they have unleashed.
Mike Pence’s rule of never being in a room alone with a woman besides his wife is starting to look pretty wise.
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Well, have any of these allegations proved to be untrue? I mean, other than the one conservative O'Keefe tried to pass off in order to discredit the Washington Post, scumbag that he is.

Fact is, most seem to be legitimate accusations. Most of these incidents are happening in the workplace.
Love O’Keefe and Wapo discredited itself long ago and continues to.

Of course you "love" O'Keefe. Like attracts like. Scum loves scum.
Oh, pullleeezzee! Everybody knows that it is wrong to touch another person, don't they? Male persons: stop whining. You know that this is true.
No. I didn't like being pinned against a wall, I didn't like having someone trying to stick his tongue down my throat. I didn't like having someone sitting on the front porch reaching over as I opened the door to my house to actually bite my buttocks. I don't like the people who wished to restrain me and unbutton my clothes.
This is NOT directed at every human person who lives in a male body. It is only directed at people who would do such disgraceful things and have no notion of morality and freedom.
The New "In" Thing To Do! Bash Men!

Only online. Therein lays how extremely gullible fools are...they believe in news articles without testing their credibility in REAL TIME. Those, of course, with their own biases will chose to believe in news that supports their ideology. They cannot or more importantly, will not, see their own cognitive biases, hence are clueless about the actual world around them.

Are there women who bash men? Of course, but they are cloistered into academic communities while others are firmly lodged into political ideologies and organizations BUT their numbers are a minutiae when compared to the total population of females in the US. In other words, much ado about nothing.

Well, have any of these allegations proved to be untrue? I mean, other than the one conservative O'Keefe tried to pass off in order to discredit the Washington Post, scumbag that he is.

Fact is, most seem to be legitimate accusations. Most of these incidents are happening in the workplace.
Love O’Keefe and Wapo discredited itself long ago and continues to.

Of course you "love" O'Keefe. Like attracts like. Scum loves scum.
Thank you for your kind words.

Someone has to call out DNC media...otherwise people like you would believe every word.
The New "In" Thing To Do! Bash Men!

Only online. Therein lays how extremely gullible fools are...they believe in news articles without testing their credibility in REAL TIME. Those, of course, with their own biases will chose to believe in news that supports their ideology. They cannot or more importantly, will not, see their own cognitive biases, hence are clueless about the actual world around them.

Are there women who bash men? Of course, but they are cloistered into academic communities while others are firmly lodged into political ideologies and organizations BUT their numbers are a minutiae when compared to the total population of females in the US. In other words, much ado about nothing.


Come on here. We bash them. All the time.
I was just about to say... when was that ever NOT a thing for women?

I mean, men just don't want to exert any kind of self control. So, they suck.
It is true he put his hand on her back in an effort to console her, but according to his statements, she recoiled & he immediately corrected himself & apologized. Then he later sent her an email to apologize again and she responded that she had forgiven him & to not think about it. They had been friends and still were even after the incident.......until her lawyers contacted him.

IF what he says is true, then the accusations here are about as clear as in, yes the incident happened, but there is no intent.

I'm sure this particular story isn't over yet & we'll probably find out more
I was just about to say... when was that ever NOT a thing for women?

I mean, men just don't want to exert any kind of self control. So, they suck.
Which, unfortunately, makes those of us who do control ourselves suspect and walking on eggshells. Even expected to apologize for those who do "suck."
I was just about to say... when was that ever NOT a thing for women?

I mean, men just don't want to exert any kind of self control. So, they suck.
Which, unfortunately, makes those of us who do control ourselves suspect and walking on eggshells. Even expected to apologize for those who do "suck."

I married one of the good ones. He's awesome. I got very very lucky.....
I was just about to say... when was that ever NOT a thing for women?

I mean, men just don't want to exert any kind of self control. So, they suck.
Which, unfortunately, makes those of us who do control ourselves suspect and walking on eggshells. Even expected to apologize for those who do "suck."

I married one of the good ones. He's awesome. I got very very lucky.....

I wish you two the best.

I've been married to a wonderful and trusting woman for years.
So, I guess the guilty men are just not going to frequent this thread! :badgrin:
So, I guess the guilty men are just not going to frequent this thread! :badgrin:

I am 'guilty' of being a sexual masher (according to the PC idiots), and have posted this several times.

And I have the scars to prove it.

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