The myth that public schools are a failure


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
The Myth Behind Public School Failure by Dean Paton YES Magazine

The blame is clearly on the parents and the legislatures,not the educators or the students. Unfetter teachers, make parents accountable, legislatures have to do their job instead of trying to privatize schools for big financial kickbacks.

In the rush to privatize the country’s schools, corporations and politicians have decimated school budgets, replaced teaching with standardized testing, and placed the blame on teachers and students.
Yes where we live the public schools do a very nice job. So why is their funding being cut and gutted? We will depend on referendums for the foreseeable future so while our taxes went down a whopping $5 per 100,000 house value, people will be paying more and more just to stay afloat. Makes zero sense. And the amount of standardized testing is ridiculous. Its part of a plan to shut down public education. Meanwhile, teachers are the problem... pure false rhetoric.
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Indeed, teachers and concerned parents are the only salvation. If they work together, they can break the backs of those that are trying to get wealthy in privatizing public education.
Education in the USA is pretty pizz poor , I think that the idea is to dumb down the American kids so that they are on the same level as the mass of third worlders that are being imported into the USA . Course my kids are grown and educated Jake !!
The Myth Behind Public School Failure by Dean Paton YES Magazine

The blame is clearly on the parents and the legislatures,not the educators or the students. Unfetter teachers, make parents accountable, legislatures have to do their job instead of trying to privatize schools for big financial kickbacks.

In the rush to privatize the country’s schools, corporations and politicians have decimated school budgets, replaced teaching with standardized testing, and placed the blame on teachers and students.

Balderdash. If you want to make parents accountable, then do away with compulsory education. As long as education is compulsory, it is the State's job. As soon as you want to make parents accountable, then education must be completely in their hands.

The problem is, the State wants to use education not for the growth and development of citizens, but for indoctrinating kids and creating human resources for the corporations.
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Of course education is compulsory. We need an educated work force.
Hmmm. My kids went to public school and I never saw one ounce of indoctrination other than they had to say the pledge every morning.
I think our schools are doing well because most all go onto further training after college... nobody joins the military and only a couple hang around and go right to work for low wages.
Kids are being educated. Parents are failing. The work ethic of students is low low low.
Hmmm. My kids went to public school and I never saw one ounce of indoctrination other than they had to say the pledge every morning.

Ask them WHY the civil war happened.

I am willing to bet they will answer, "To free the slaves." I will bet you anything you want.
think that lots of those kids are living in their moms basements 'init' , anyway , that's what I hear . As far as high wages these kids that do get jobs are making less money then I made in 1981 . And they have no benefits like I had and many young adults have huge student loans to pay off which is something I didn't have to worry about .
think that lots of those kids are living in their moms basements 'init' , anyway , that's what I hear . As far as high wages these kids that do get jobs are making less money then I made in 1981 . And they have no benefits like I had and many young adults have huge student loans to pay off which is something I didn't have to worry about . "

Well you are correct that the plan to take down the middle class is being masterfully orchestrated. As far as the civil war, slavery was only one aspect. But you must admit that slave owners were scum.
like I say 'init' , education is poor as well as jobs under mrobamas regime [imo] . And if there are a few good jobs competition for them is fierce plus these younger people are said to go from job to job over their working careers and to add insult to injury no one offers a good retirement or benefits like I and my Father had and Social Security is said to be going broke and probably unavailable in the future . Everything is service jobs that are low paying compared to when I got my first good job as an independent married 21 year old with one baby girl in 1971 .
And 'init' , take down the middle class is being orchestrated by repubs and dems and accelerating under mrobama and people like JAKE that keep advocating the importation of more third worlder's to compete with American youth for low paying service jobs !! Pretty neat if you are old enough or rich enough to be unaffected because its interesting to watch whats happening in the USA !!
I think our schools are doing well because most all go onto further training after college... nobody joins the military and only a couple hang around and go right to work for low wages.
think that lots of those kids are living in their moms basements 'init' , anyway , that's what I hear . As far as high wages these kids that do get jobs are making less money then I made in 1981 . And they have no benefits like I had and many young adults have huge student loans to pay off which is something I didn't have to worry about .
Not so, or you would post convincing support, which you can't. Other than the student loans: that is right on.

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