The Myth of Republicans Walking Away because of Trump

LOL No one had to tell me. Google is your friend. Use it. Better yet go inflict yourself on Canadians.
So how far down the QAnon rabbit hole did Google take you?

Be honest

Since I have no interest in QAnon I never went down the rabbit hole like you did. Google is your friend. Use it.
So let's be clear.

You don't believe in the "deep state"

You don't believe that Seth Rich was killed by Hillary

You don't believe that Dems/liberals/Hollywood types are involved in a satanic pedo cabal

You don't believe that Trump will be installed as Prez on March 4

You don't believe that the election was stolen from you

Ghead.,..fess up
Claud's posting like crazy but couldn't respond to these very specific questions.

LOL No one had to tell me. Google is your friend. Use it. Better yet go inflict yourself on Canadians.
So how far down the QAnon rabbit hole did Google take you?

Be honest

Since I have no interest in QAnon I never went down the rabbit hole like you did. Google is your friend. Use it.
So let's be clear.

You don't believe in the "deep state"

You don't believe that Seth Rich was killed by Hillary

You don't believe that Dems/liberals/Hollywood types are involved in a satanic pedo cabal

You don't believe that Trump will be installed as Prez on March 4

You don't believe that the election was stolen from you

Ghead.,..fess up

Oh the election was stolen all right. Way to much proof to think otherwise. As for March 4th?? Time will tell on that.

The rest of your post is bullshit.

Oh I have no problem fessing up but you sure do. You actually believe that shit you posted. Never fear. March is coming fast.
LOL No one had to tell me. Google is your friend. Use it. Better yet go inflict yourself on Canadians.
So how far down the QAnon rabbit hole did Google take you?

Be honest

Since I have no interest in QAnon I never went down the rabbit hole like you did. Google is your friend. Use it.
So let's be clear.

You don't believe in the "deep state"

You don't believe that Seth Rich was killed by Hillary

You don't believe that Dems/liberals/Hollywood types are involved in a satanic pedo cabal

You don't believe that Trump will be installed as Prez on March 4

You don't believe that the election was stolen from you

Ghead.,..fess up
Claud's posting like crazy but couldn't respond to these very specific questions.


Oh I responded all right. Not my fault most of what you posted in shit. Ohhh.
Oh the election was stolen all right. Way to much proof to think otherwise. As for March 4th?? Time will tell on that.
There is the joy of the Chinese menu that is QAnon.

"Stolen election". March 4 uprising...'re about as "sane" as any Trump Humper.

Oh the election was stolen all right. Way to much proof to think otherwise. As for March 4th?? Time will tell on that.
There is the joy of the Chinese menu that is QAnon.

"Stolen election". March 4 uprising...'re about as "sane" as any Trump Humper.


Yup. Whatever. Guess we will see come March now won't we.
The Myth of Republicans Walking Away because of Trump

Just like the polls were a myth?
Polls are the world's purest paid propaganda, and if some people haven't figured out never to look at one or finish an article that the word "poll" pops up in, I have.

The polls predicted Trump would lose by a wide margin.....he did

The polls predicted Trump would lose Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona.....he did
Polls are not relevant to stolen elections.
We've heard your laughter. It puts the lie to everything you claim to stand for. You have cheered on as Trump separated families, with no intention of reuniting the parents. You have cheered while he locked up 40,000 minority immigrants, without due process, and left them in taxpayer funded squalor for two years.

At least Trump addressed that problem. He stopped them from coming here. Remember those pictures of kids in dog pens were actually from the Obama era and the lying leftist media tried to make claim those were current photos under President Trump.

As for the kids, they were placed in foster homes with relatives already here, or with people from the kids own country. The problem is that many of those people were illegal too, and when we went to make contact, they didn't answer the phone or door.
We've heard your laughter. It puts the lie to everything you claim to stand for. You have cheered on as Trump separated families, with no intention of reuniting the parents. You have cheered while he locked up 40,000 minority immigrants, without due process, and left them in taxpayer funded squalor for two years.

At least Trump addressed that problem. He stopped them from coming here. Remember those pictures of kids in dog pens were actually from the Obama era and the lying leftist media tried to make claim those were current photos under President Trump.

As for the kids, they were placed in foster homes with relatives already here, or with people from the kids own country. The problem is that many of those people were illegal too, and when we went to make contact, they didn't answer the phone or door.

LOL Don't bother. She's a Canadian socialist who never looks up anything. She'd rather run her mouth so she can feel important.

You and I know what happened but she will never believe you or I. After all she's a legend in her own mind. LOL
I'm sure you have no problem finding website to confirm Trump's lies. After all the Murdoch's, the Sinclairs, the Mercers, and others are making an enormous amount of money telling you what you want to hear, all while pocketing the Republican tax cuts.

Well the Democrats are in charge now. Why don't they take away those tax cuts? They can do it in one day. I never heard a word mentioned about that from the commies.
I think it's very telling indeed that they refuse to stop Trump from running again, which in reality, is the ONLY thing that Impeachment would have accomplished. The Party did absolutely nothing to restain ANY of Trump's authoritarian impulses throughout his administration. They wouldn't even criticize him for it. Even after he sent an armed mob to kill them.

Trump didn't send people to kill anybody. He told them to march there to peacefully and patriotically protest. Don't believe Communists. They will lie every time to you.
LOL Well Biden just added 1.9 trillion to the debt. mitigate a fucking PANDEMIC ya fucking moron. Trump added trillions BEFORE the pandemic hit
Just to let you know. I'm not a Republican. I'm an Independent.
You're a Trump Humper. There's nothing "Independent" about that. You're a cultist

Nope. I'm a Trump voter. You seem to be the anti-Trump cultist. And I am an Independent. Sorry if that burst your Rep hating ass but so be it.

I'll just stand over her and LMAO at your stupidity.

We've heard your laughter. It puts the lie to everything you claim to stand for. You have cheered on as Trump separated families, with no intention of reuniting the parents. You have cheered while he locked up 40,000 minority immigrants, without due process, and left them in taxpayer funded squalor for two years.

You believe his lies, and tune out anyone who tries to enlighten you because, in truth, you're enjoying the cruelty to to people you think are your "inferiors". You want a facist, authoritarian President, because you believe in facism.

You want democracy in the USA destroyed.

And you are full of shit. Funny, didn't hear your mouth when Obama built the cages and separated kids from parents. If they were their parents that is. Well those 40,000 should have stayed in their own country.

Since your a socialist what does US democracy matter to you?? It doesn't. Just another subject you can flap your gums on.

You wouldn't know the truth if it slapped your face. Go inflict yourself on Canadian message boards. If they didn't throw you out that is.

Well that's because Obama didn't take babies away from their parents, or lock families up in cages. The detention facilities were built for unaccompanied minors - children who weren't travelling with their parents. Furthermore, the Obama Administration complied with court orders regarding detention of these children, and released them to the custody of family members in the USA.

Liars, such as yourself, have repeatedly tried to promote this false equivalency, but there is nothing remotely equivalent to taking nursing babies away from their mothers with absolutely no way of reuniting the families - and to do that on purpose. Furthermore, Trump's cabinet voted in favour of all these criminal actions.

I'm sure you have no problem finding website to confirm Trump's lies. After all the Murdoch's, the Sinclairs, the Mercers, and others are making an enormous amount of money telling you what you want to hear, all while pocketing the Republican tax cuts.

Well the Democrats are in charge now. Why don't they take away those tax cuts? They can do it in one day. I never heard a word mentioned about that from the commies.

You bet your ass, that's the in the works. It will be done. But one thing at a time, and the Thing #1 is the pandemic. Next, economic reform, to BUILD BACK BETTER.

Of course, all of this would be a whole lot easier, without an armed insurrection going on in the nation.
LOL Well Biden just added 1.9 trillion to the debt. mitigate a fucking PANDEMIC ya fucking moron. Trump added trillions BEFORE the pandemic hit
Just to let you know. I'm not a Republican. I'm an Independent.
You're a Trump Humper. There's nothing "Independent" about that. You're a cultist

Nope. I'm a Trump voter. You seem to be the anti-Trump cultist. And I am an Independent. Sorry if that burst your Rep hating ass but so be it.

I'll just stand over her and LMAO at your stupidity.

We've heard your laughter. It puts the lie to everything you claim to stand for. You have cheered on as Trump separated families, with no intention of reuniting the parents. You have cheered while he locked up 40,000 minority immigrants, without due process, and left them in taxpayer funded squalor for two years.

You believe his lies, and tune out anyone who tries to enlighten you because, in truth, you're enjoying the cruelty to to people you think are your "inferiors". You want a facist, authoritarian President, because you believe in facism.

You want democracy in the USA destroyed.

And you are full of shit. Funny, didn't hear your mouth when Obama built the cages and separated kids from parents. If they were their parents that is. Well those 40,000 should have stayed in their own country.

Since your a socialist what does US democracy matter to you?? It doesn't. Just another subject you can flap your gums on.

You wouldn't know the truth if it slapped your face. Go inflict yourself on Canadian message boards. If they didn't throw you out that is.

Well that's because Obama didn't take babies away from their parents, or lock families up in cages. The detention facilities were built for unaccompanied minors - children who weren't travelling with their parents. Furthermore, the Obama Administration complied with court orders regarding detention of these children, and released them to the custody of family members in the USA.

Liars, such as yourself, have repeatedly tried to promote this false equivalency, but there is nothing remotely equivalent to taking nursing babies away from their mothers with absolutely no way of reuniting the families - and to do that on purpose. Furthermore, Trump's cabinet voted in favour of all these criminal actions.


The pictures from 2014 tell a different story.

You love crimes against humanity. You spout them all the time on this board only you accuse others.

Have a nice day dumbass. LOL

Imagine you are a rock-solid Republican and you have held your nose at some of President Trump's antics but support....essentially every tangible thing he did for the past four years (taxes, immigration, international agreements, the economy, regulations). And now this series of events of January 6th, and YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH! You are LEAVING!

OK. Then President Biden revokes the permits for the Keystone XL pipeline. Then he stops construction of the border wall, a stunt that will COST MORE THAN COMPLETING IT. Then he rejoins the corrupt WHO. Then he illegally claims that we are back into the Paris Climate fiasco and the foolish Iran agreement that Iran never actually lived up to. Then he opens up immigration from the shit-hole mainly-Muslim countries. Then he starts releasing thousands of bogus asylum seekers, promising to let in hundreds of thousands more per year, even KNOWING THAT MORE THAN 90% OF THEM HAVE NO LEGITIMATE CLAIM UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW. And on and on. It never ends.

OK people, if you leave the Republican Party, where are you going to go? To this shit festival?

As stated in the linked article, Joe Biden is the greatest hope for re-unifying the Republican Party under Trumpism, if not under Trump. He has undertaken more mindless, self-destructive, vindictive actions in a month than any President in history. He has NO POLICIES other than repudiating Trump's accomplishments.

Where are you going to go? To the Democrats? Ain't happening. We see these fatuous articles about Republicans leaving the party, but they are nothing but Leftist wishful thinking. Americans who actually work for a living (as few Leftists do) know which side of the bread is buttered.
You wanna "reunify" behind a guy who lost the last election, cost your party the senate, has been impeached twice, and is gonna be spending the foreseeable future in court?

Go for it.
Trump didn't send people to kill anybody. He told them to march there to peacefully and patriotically protest.
He told them to "Fight like hell" THAT DAY. He told them that this was fraud and that when fraud is involved there are "different rules".

Well they used those "different rules" and attacked the Capitol and Congress
LOL Well Biden just added 1.9 trillion to the debt. mitigate a fucking PANDEMIC ya fucking moron. Trump added trillions BEFORE the pandemic hit
Just to let you know. I'm not a Republican. I'm an Independent.
You're a Trump Humper. There's nothing "Independent" about that. You're a cultist

Nope. I'm a Trump voter. You seem to be the anti-Trump cultist. And I am an Independent. Sorry if that burst your Rep hating ass but so be it.

I'll just stand over her and LMAO at your stupidity.

We've heard your laughter. It puts the lie to everything you claim to stand for. You have cheered on as Trump separated families, with no intention of reuniting the parents. You have cheered while he locked up 40,000 minority immigrants, without due process, and left them in taxpayer funded squalor for two years.

You believe his lies, and tune out anyone who tries to enlighten you because, in truth, you're enjoying the cruelty to to people you think are your "inferiors". You want a facist, authoritarian President, because you believe in facism.

You want democracy in the USA destroyed.

And you are full of shit. Funny, didn't hear your mouth when Obama built the cages and separated kids from parents. If they were their parents that is. Well those 40,000 should have stayed in their own country.

Since your a socialist what does US democracy matter to you?? It doesn't. Just another subject you can flap your gums on.

You wouldn't know the truth if it slapped your face. Go inflict yourself on Canadian message boards. If they didn't throw you out that is.

Well that's because Obama didn't take babies away from their parents, or lock families up in cages. The detention facilities were built for unaccompanied minors - children who weren't travelling with their parents. Furthermore, the Obama Administration complied with court orders regarding detention of these children, and released them to the custody of family members in the USA.

Liars, such as yourself, have repeatedly tried to promote this false equivalency, but there is nothing remotely equivalent to taking nursing babies away from their mothers with absolutely no way of reuniting the families - and to do that on purpose. Furthermore, Trump's cabinet voted in favour of all these criminal actions.


The pictures from 2014 tell a different story.

You love crimes against humanity. You spout them all the time on this board only you accuse others.

Have a nice day dumbass. LOL
Use that google machine you're so proud of stupid and see if Obama actually separated families.
Republicans never believed the words of the Constitution. Ever.

Right, the Republicans. You just watched and I'm sure cheered when the Nazis impeached a sitting US President for exercising his first amendment rights, and then tell us how Republicans don't respect the Constitution????
I'm sure you have no problem finding website to confirm Trump's lies. After all the Murdoch's, the Sinclairs, the Mercers, and others are making an enormous amount of money telling you what you want to hear, all while pocketing the Republican tax cuts.

Well the Democrats are in charge now. Why don't they take away those tax cuts? They can do it in one day. I never heard a word mentioned about that from the commies.

You bet your ass, that's the in the works. It will be done. But one thing at a time, and the Thing #1 is the pandemic. Next, economic reform, to BUILD BACK BETTER.

Of course, all of this would be a whole lot easier, without an armed insurrection going on in the nation.

LMAO No one can control a pandemic. Anyone who says they can is flat out lying.

If your waiting for a Biden economic reform you will get one. How bout the Second Great Depression?? He's already added 1.9 trillion to the debt and on day one he kicked every American tax payer in the teeth. His EO's sure don't help America or Americans. Look them up. Google is your friend.

There was no armed insurrection. If it had been an insurrection then every one of them would have been armed and they would have shot the shit out of the Capital Buildings.

You don't know what you are talking about. But then you never do. Run along now and annoy someone else.

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