The Myth of Republicans Walking Away because of Trump

Imagine you are a rock-solid Republican and you have held your nose at some of President Trump's antics but support....essentially every tangible thing he did for the past four years (taxes, immigration, international agreements, the economy, regulations). And now this series of events of January 6th, and YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH! You are LEAVING!

OK. Then President Biden revokes the permits for the Keystone XL pipeline. Then he stops construction of the border wall, a stunt that will COST MORE THAN COMPLETING IT. Then he rejoins the corrupt WHO. Then he illegally claims that we are back into the Paris Climate fiasco and the foolish Iran agreement that Iran never actually lived up to. Then he opens up immigration from the shit-hole mainly-Muslim countries. Then he starts releasing thousands of bogus asylum seekers, promising to let in hundreds of thousands more per year, even KNOWING THAT MORE THAN 90% OF THEM HAVE NO LEGITIMATE CLAIM UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW. And on and on. It never ends.

OK people, if you leave the Republican Party, where are you going to go? To this shit festival?

As stated in the linked article, Joe Biden is the greatest hope for re-unifying the Republican Party under Trumpism, if not under Trump. He has undertaken more mindless, self-destructive, vindictive actions in a month than any President in history. He has NO POLICIES other than repudiating Trump's accomplishments.

Where are you going to go? To the Democrats? Ain't happening. We see these fatuous articles about Republicans leaving the party, but they are nothing but Leftist wishful thinking. Americans who actually work for a living (as few Leftists do) know which side of the bread is buttered.

American conservatives, not Republicans, but REAL conservatives, are appalled at the total incompetence and mismanagement of the American economy. The business community wants economic and social stability, and Trump delivered neither. You can plan long term when the President might wake up tomorrow and start another trade war.

The Repulican Party didn't even bother to have a platform this last election. The vote was either, we're with Trump, or we're not, and many more Americans are NOT with Trump. The assumption that 74 million people voted FOR Trump is a total fallacy. Many of those 74 million voted for the (R) after his name and nothing more. Millions more voted against the Democrats.

Unless and until Republicans ditch the white supremacy and the authoritarianism, they will continue to be a party that decent people will not support. They're lost mainstream Americans and are just the party of lies and hate at the moment. That's why people are leaving. The Republican Party offers NOTHING to the American people but hate and violence.
/——-/ “Unless and until Republicans ditch the white supremacy and the authoritarianism”
Ahhhh, I love the smell of libtard straw man arguments in the morning.

It's not a strawman argument. The Republican Party has gone full blown authoritarian with their refusal to hold Trump accountable for any of his crimes against the nation. They won't even try to stop him from doing it again.

Wall Street and the business community sent a very strong signal to Republicans when they announced no further donations for Republicans who voted against certification of the election. Today, the Washington Post has a big story about a big money Republican donor who is demanding True the Vote refund the $2.5 million dollar donation he made to "stop the steal", and I'm willing to bet he's just the first.

BEFORE the election, a European think tank dubbed Trump's Republican Party an anti-democratic authoritarian political party and everything that has happened since November 3, 2020, has confirmed that assessment.

Back in the 1980's, the Democratic Congress voted to condemn the apartheid regime of South Africa, and Ronald Reagan vetoed the Bill. At the time, I thought it bizarre that Reagan would veto a bill condemning Apartheid, and sanctioning the South Africans. You're America - Home of the Brave, land of the free. Why would you not condemn Apartheid. But today, it's makes perfect sense that he did it.

Republicans never believed the words of the Constitution. Ever.
Trumpism has replaced Conservatism as the ethos of the Party. They overlap but are not the same. The Mitt Romney/Bush wing is obsolete and powerless.

Trumpism supports one thing.....Trump

Nope. It supports a better, stronger America. Before the very convenient Chinese Virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. All with Trump at the helm.

Biden has already undone loads of the good Trump did. Expect the Second Great Depression with your boy Biden at the helm.
Oh get real Trump was riding the Obama Recovery wave and spending trillions to do it.

You know nothing and say much

Oh Barry left him a fair hand but by doing what he did Trump improved on it and that's why we had UE the lowest its been in 50 years, jobs all across this country and a great economy.

Trump did away with Barry's business killing EO's. You can bet Biden reinstated them.

Oh and I do know what I'm talking about. Google is your friend. Use it dumbass.

Get ready for the Second Great Depression cause it coming with Biden at the helm.

The Great Depression, and the three economic collapses that have occurred since the Great Depression, all came as a direct result of Republican policies. No Democratic President has ever crashed the economy. 3 out of the last 4 Republican Presidents have crashed the US economy, and on both of the previous occasions, the nation was bailed out by the Democratic Party, who restored the economy, only to have the next Republican President, make a worse mess of the economy than the previous Republicans.

Obama's orders didn't kill businesses. Trump's erratic policies, and instability killed businesses. Job creation SLOWED when Trumpo killed the regulations and his own EPA said that the removal of clean air and water regulations would kill thousands of Americans every year. That's what Donald Trump did best of all - killed Americans.

What a load of horse shit. But then no one expects anything else from your stupid Canadian ass.

Barry's EO's did indeed kill business. Trump wrote orders that helped business hence the UE the lowest it had been in 50 years. Jobs all across the country and a great economy.

The EPA has way to much power. Hell if someone dumps a load of shit on YOUR property. Guess who has to clean it up?? That right. You pay the clean up costs.

Donald Trump did great for America and Americans. You won't see that with Biden. He's already dumped 1.9 trillion into the debt and his EO's sure don't help America or Americans.

If Republicans didn't lie, they'd never say anything. Everything Trump told you about Obama was a lie. EVERYTHING.

The virulence with which the Trump Cult rejects facts and reality, and clings to Trumps lies about the economy and his record, is astonishing, even as thousands of Americans continue to die as a result of the failures of the Trump Regime.

Life expectancy in the USA has been declining for years, and you cling to the fiction that the EPA is killing jobs. Once again, you choose killing Americans over protecting the environment. You chose killing Americans, over controlling the pandemic. You chose killing Americans over universal health care. You chose killing Americans over police reform.

The party that condemns Democrats for killing the unborn, does nothing to stop the killing of real live Americans.
The Republican Party has gone full blown authoritarian with their refusal to hold Trump accountable

Not only do they refuse to hold Trump accountable, they censure those who do.

But they refused to censure the Qanon House Rep who wants to shoot the Squad.

I think it's very telling indeed that they refuse to stop Trump from running again, which in reality, is the ONLY thing that Impeachment would have accomplished. The Party did absolutely nothing to restain ANY of Trump's authoritarian impulses throughout his administration. They wouldn't even criticize him for it. Even after he sent an armed mob to kill them.
Trumpism has replaced Conservatism as the ethos of the Party. They overlap but are not the same. The Mitt Romney/Bush wing is obsolete and powerless.

Trumpism supports one thing.....Trump

Nope. It supports a better, stronger America. Before the very convenient Chinese Virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. All with Trump at the helm.

Biden has already undone loads of the good Trump did. Expect the Second Great Depression with your boy Biden at the helm.
Oh get real Trump was riding the Obama Recovery wave and spending trillions to do it.

You know nothing and say much

Oh Barry left him a fair hand but by doing what he did Trump improved on it and that's why we had UE the lowest its been in 50 years, jobs all across this country and a great economy.

Trump did away with Barry's business killing EO's. You can bet Biden reinstated them.

Oh and I do know what I'm talking about. Google is your friend. Use it dumbass.

Get ready for the Second Great Depression cause it coming with Biden at the helm.

The Great Depression, and the three economic collapses that have occurred since the Great Depression, all came as a direct result of Republican policies. No Democratic President has ever crashed the economy. 3 out of the last 4 Republican Presidents have crashed the US economy, and on both of the previous occasions, the nation was bailed out by the Democratic Party, who restored the economy, only to have the next Republican President, make a worse mess of the economy than the previous Republicans.

Obama's orders didn't kill businesses. Trump's erratic policies, and instability killed businesses. Job creation SLOWED when Trumpo killed the regulations and his own EPA said that the removal of clean air and water regulations would kill thousands of Americans every year. That's what Donald Trump did best of all - killed Americans.

What a load of horse shit. But then no one expects anything else from your stupid Canadian ass.

Barry's EO's did indeed kill business. Trump wrote orders that helped business hence the UE the lowest it had been in 50 years. Jobs all across the country and a great economy.

The EPA has way to much power. Hell if someone dumps a load of shit on YOUR property. Guess who has to clean it up?? That right. You pay the clean up costs.

Donald Trump did great for America and Americans. You won't see that with Biden. He's already dumped 1.9 trillion into the debt and his EO's sure don't help America or Americans.

If Republicans didn't lie, they'd never say anything. Everything Trump told you about Obama was a lie. EVERYTHING.

The virulence with which the Trump Cult rejects facts and reality, and clings to Trumps lies about the economy and his record, is astonishing, even as thousands of Americans continue to die as a result of the failures of the Trump Regime.

Life expectancy in the USA has been declining for years, and you cling to the fiction that the EPA is killing jobs. Once again, you choose killing Americans over protecting the environment. You chose killing Americans, over controlling the pandemic. You chose killing Americans over universal health care. You chose killing Americans over police reform.

The party that condemns Democrats for killing the unborn, does nothing to stop the killing of real live Americans.

LOL No one had to tell me. Google is your friend. Use it. Better yet go inflict yourself on Canadians.
The Myth of Republicans Walking Away because of Trump

Just like the polls were a myth?
Polls are the world's purest paid propaganda, and if some people haven't figured out never to look at one or finish an article that the word "poll" pops up in, I have.

The polls predicted Trump would lose by a wide margin.....he did

The polls predicted Trump would lose Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona.....he did
Makes me think 2016 was the rigged election. The deep state knew how many Supreme Court picks would be up during the next four years and they had to have that one. Same way they had to win 2000 because they already planned the iraq invasion in the 1990s. PNAC. And heritage foundation. That’s the deep state.

I have always believed that Donald Trump wanted to be President to punish Wall Street for his bankruptcies, and for American banks' refusal to lend to him, because his economic policies were just so wrong headed and damaging to the economy. His spending was beyond out of control and there was no reason to for that huge deficit during a boom economy.

His tax cuts have hobbled the government's response to the pandemic, and deepened the economic devastation caused. The economic costs of testing and treating the more than 25 million people who have become ill is a devasting millstone around your economic necks.

In comparison, the rate of infection in Canada is 1/3 what you have, so instead of 9.5 million active cases, we have 35,000 - the equivalent of 350,000 in the USA. It costs a lot less money to treat and cure the 850,000 Canadians who have gotten sick than the 27 million Americans who have.

Economically speaking, it was really fucking stupid NOT to shut down and quash the virus.

our schools would be open today if not for the blizzard. They re-opened yesterday - and they have all of the mitigation in place recommended by the CDC, because we did ALL of that stuff before we re-opened last September.
LOL Well Biden just added 1.9 trillion to the debt. mitigate a fucking PANDEMIC ya fucking moron. Trump added trillions BEFORE the pandemic hit
Just to let you know. I'm not a Republican. I'm an Independent.
You're a Trump Humper. There's nothing "Independent" about that. You're a cultist

Nope. I'm a Trump voter. You seem to be the anti-Trump cultist. And I am an Independent. Sorry if that burst your Rep hating ass but so be it.

I'll just stand over her and LMAO at your stupidity.
Trumpism has replaced Conservatism as the ethos of the Party. They overlap but are not the same. The Mitt Romney/Bush wing is obsolete and powerless.

Trumpism supports one thing.....Trump

Nope. It supports a better, stronger America. Before the very convenient Chinese Virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. All with Trump at the helm.

Biden has already undone loads of the good Trump did. Expect the Second Great Depression with your boy Biden at the helm.
Oh get real Trump was riding the Obama Recovery wave and spending trillions to do it.

You know nothing and say much

Oh Barry left him a fair hand but by doing what he did Trump improved on it and that's why we had UE the lowest its been in 50 years, jobs all across this country and a great economy.

Trump did away with Barry's business killing EO's. You can bet Biden reinstated them.

Oh and I do know what I'm talking about. Google is your friend. Use it dumbass.

Get ready for the Second Great Depression cause it coming with Biden at the helm.

The Great Depression, and the three economic collapses that have occurred since the Great Depression, all came as a direct result of Republican policies. No Democratic President has ever crashed the economy. 3 out of the last 4 Republican Presidents have crashed the US economy, and on both of the previous occasions, the nation was bailed out by the Democratic Party, who restored the economy, only to have the next Republican President, make a worse mess of the economy than the previous Republicans.

Obama's orders didn't kill businesses. Trump's erratic policies, and instability killed businesses. Job creation SLOWED when Trumpo killed the regulations and his own EPA said that the removal of clean air and water regulations would kill thousands of Americans every year. That's what Donald Trump did best of all - killed Americans.

What a load of horse shit. But then no one expects anything else from your stupid Canadian ass.

Barry's EO's did indeed kill business. Trump wrote orders that helped business hence the UE the lowest it had been in 50 years. Jobs all across the country and a great economy.

The EPA has way to much power. Hell if someone dumps a load of shit on YOUR property. Guess who has to clean it up?? That right. You pay the clean up costs.

Donald Trump did great for America and Americans. You won't see that with Biden. He's already dumped 1.9 trillion into the debt and his EO's sure don't help America or Americans.

If Republicans didn't lie, they'd never say anything. Everything Trump told you about Obama was a lie. EVERYTHING.

The virulence with which the Trump Cult rejects facts and reality, and clings to Trumps lies about the economy and his record, is astonishing, even as thousands of Americans continue to die as a result of the failures of the Trump Regime.

Life expectancy in the USA has been declining for years, and you cling to the fiction that the EPA is killing jobs. Once again, you choose killing Americans over protecting the environment. You chose killing Americans, over controlling the pandemic. You chose killing Americans over universal health care. You chose killing Americans over police reform.

The party that condemns Democrats for killing the unborn, does nothing to stop the killing of real live Americans.

LOL No one had to tell me. Google is your friend. Use it. Better yet go inflict yourself on Canadians.

I'm sure you have no problem finding website to confirm Trump's lies. After all the Murdoch's, the Sinclairs, the Mercers, and others are making an enormous amount of money telling you what you want to hear, all while pocketing the Republican tax cuts.

You can find someone to tell you anything you want to hear on the internet, but that doesn't mean it's true.
The Republican Party has gone full blown authoritarian with their refusal to hold Trump accountable

Not only do they refuse to hold Trump accountable, they censure those who do.

But they refused to censure the Qanon House Rep who wants to shoot the Squad.

Well you refuse to condemn the Dem Sharia Law mutants we have in Congress and their lets hate Jews philosophy.

You also refuse to condemn the Dems when they called Trump a racist when he tried to stop flights into the US to slow the pandemic.

You also refuse to condemn Pelousy when she told one and all the virus was nothing and not to worry about it. You refuse to condemn Dems on anything.

Oh and I do hold Trump accountable for the great job he did as POTUS. The country was doing great before the very convenient Chinese virus.
LOL Well Biden just added 1.9 trillion to the debt. mitigate a fucking PANDEMIC ya fucking moron. Trump added trillions BEFORE the pandemic hit
Just to let you know. I'm not a Republican. I'm an Independent.
You're a Trump Humper. There's nothing "Independent" about that. You're a cultist

Nope. I'm a Trump voter. You seem to be the anti-Trump cultist. And I am an Independent. Sorry if that burst your Rep hating ass but so be it.

I'll just stand over her and LMAO at your stupidity.

We've heard your laughter. It puts the lie to everything you claim to stand for. You have cheered on as Trump separated families, with no intention of reuniting the parents. You have cheered while he locked up 40,000 minority immigrants, without due process, and left them in taxpayer funded squalor for two years.

You believe his lies, and tune out anyone who tries to enlighten you because, in truth, you're enjoying the cruelty to to people you think are your "inferiors". You want a facist, authoritarian President, because you believe in facism.

You want democracy in the USA destroyed.
LOL No one had to tell me. Google is your friend. Use it. Better yet go inflict yourself on Canadians.
So how far down the QAnon rabbit hole did Google take you?

Be honest

Since I have no interest in QAnon I never went down the rabbit hole like you did. Google is your friend. Use it.
So let's be clear.

You don't believe in the "deep state"

You don't believe that Seth Rich was killed by Hillary

You don't believe that Dems/liberals/Hollywood types are involved in a satanic pedo cabal

You don't believe that Trump will be installed as Prez on March 4

You don't believe that the election was stolen from you

Ghead.,..fess up
LOL Well Biden just added 1.9 trillion to the debt. mitigate a fucking PANDEMIC ya fucking moron. Trump added trillions BEFORE the pandemic hit
Just to let you know. I'm not a Republican. I'm an Independent.
You're a Trump Humper. There's nothing "Independent" about that. You're a cultist

Nope. I'm a Trump voter. You seem to be the anti-Trump cultist. And I am an Independent. Sorry if that burst your Rep hating ass but so be it.

I'll just stand over her and LMAO at your stupidity.

We've heard your laughter. It puts the lie to everything you claim to stand for. You have cheered on as Trump separated families, with no intention of reuniting the parents. You have cheered while he locked up 40,000 minority immigrants, without due process, and left them in taxpayer funded squalor for two years.

You believe his lies, and tune out anyone who tries to enlighten you because, in truth, you're enjoying the cruelty to to people you think are your "inferiors". You want a facist, authoritarian President, because you believe in facism.

You want democracy in the USA destroyed.

And you are full of shit. Funny, didn't hear your mouth when Obama built the cages and separated kids from parents. If they were their parents that is. Well those 40,000 should have stayed in their own country.

Since your a socialist what does US democracy matter to you?? It doesn't. Just another subject you can flap your gums on.

You wouldn't know the truth if it slapped your face. Go inflict yourself on Canadian message boards. If they didn't throw you out that is.
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LOL No one had to tell me. Google is your friend. Use it. Better yet go inflict yourself on Canadians.
So how far down the QAnon rabbit hole did Google take you?

Be honest

Since I have no interest in QAnon I never went down the rabbit hole like you did. Google is your friend. Use it.

No you went down the Trump rabbit hole. There really isn't any difference.

Well I happen to like Trump. He was a great POTUS. Be glad you aren't American and have to suffer the Second Great Depression under Biden.

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