The modern day police officer has become the old Vietnam vet


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Does anyone remember or ,learned of the time when Vietnam Vets would come home to the states after the war in the 1960s, only to be spit on by the Left in their own country? Can you imagine fighting a war in the jungles of Vietnam having just surrendered years of your life or lost buddies during the conflict that became closer than family, a war where you came back after being exposed to Agent Orange only to find out that the government would deny you health care, along with the myriad of soldiers who committed suicide because they could no longer live with the demons created in the minds of these poor Vets during that horrific war? You are then confronted to a society that has learned to hate you because the media only reported instances where Vietnam Vets may have committed a war crime, mind you all wars have war crimes. It does not matter the war or races involved. But in the minds of many in the public, all Vets became baby killers. What is ironic today is, the Left loves real baby killers as they openly embrace abortion on demand.

I was listening to Dennis Prager today and he said something very profound. He speculates as to why the Left hated the Vietnam Vet as well as the modern day police officer. His theory is that the Left hates those that fight evil because Leftism is based upon an evil premise. Just look at the author of the Left, Karl Marx, who was also a racist. (I realize those on the Left don't care that he was a racist, which speaks volumes as well as to their love of evil). It is a man whom Marxist despots throughout time have murdered hundreds of millions of people, and those were the lucky ones who died because they did not have to live in a society that was stripped of all hope and freedom.

Now I'm not going to get into a debate as to whether the US should have gotten into the Vietnam war. After all, there is evil all over the globe, it consumes it, but does that mean the US should get into a war in all those instances? No. However, there is little debate, that is for those with a knowledge of history or personal experience, that communism is evil. Just look at the US involvement in Korea. Half the country, after being divided after the war, is free and the other slaves living in misery.

And so it goes, police officers are also there to fight evil. However, this is a duty of the US government, to fight evil within it's own borders. Without this duty being fulfilled, government has no purpose.. You might even say that as the Left continues to wage war on the police, whether it be constantly accusing them of racism, or whether it be defunding them, or whether it be causing many police to quit their jobs or cause others not to want the job, the Left is causing government to have less and less legitimacy every day. In fact, as they attack the police, that is those who can use deadly force to defend you against deadly force, they want to also take away your guns. Have they even wondered how they will take away everyone's guns without a police force? LOL.

So as we see the Jane Fonda's of the world in the press spit on the very foundation that gave them wealth, that lets them live in peace, etc., just remember that the Left hates those that fight the very evil in the world that would take all those things from them.

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Your premise that American soldiers killing people in Vietnam allows the Jane Fonda’s of the nation the freedom to speak out, is flawed. Their killing and destroying only benefits the wealthy oligarchy, but does great harm to the rest of us. It doesn’t protect us or allow us to live in peace.

This in no way approves of the treatment of Vietnam veterans by some Americans, when they returned home. They were merely pawns in the game.
What is really criminal is, the very people who chastise the police as being racist, as if to say, they hunt down and kill black folk, are the very people who run to them for help. Just look at Chicago Mayor Lightfoot as she defunded the police and then increased police presence on the very street where she lived

Chicago mayor defends beefed-up police presence near home - ABC News

Or just look at Lebron James Tweet death threats to police who shoot and kill those who would murder blacks in the violent communities that they are forced to live in. Lebron hires police officers for his personal safety

NBA Star LeBron James Employs Off-Duty Police Officers for Protection – While he Threatens Other Officers | TCP News (

So as we see, the demagogues that wish to take police safety from society at large, are the same ones hiring them to protect them personally as society devolves into Leftist chaos.

And ALWAYS remember the woman shot at the Capital. It is the only time in history where an unarmed citizen was gunned down by a police officer where the police officer was not criminally investigated. In fact, the press would not even tell you his name so that Lebron could Tweet death threats to them. For you see, those police are the personal safety net for the Leftists in government who are destroying the police all over the country so those police must be kept while yours is taken away.
Your premise that American soldiers killing people in Vietnam allows the Jane Fonda’s of the nation the freedom to speak out, is flawed. Their killing and destroying only benefits the wealthy oligarchy, but does great harm to the rest of us. It doesn’t protect us or allow us to live in peace.

This in no way approves of the treatment of Vietnam veterans by some Americans, when they returned home. They were merely pawns in the game.
The US entered Vietnam on a false premise. LBJ lied about Vietnam attacking the US in the Gulf of Tonkin much like Hitler who staged an attack on Germany by Polish forces before starting that war. However, this does not stop Leftists from worshiping at the feet of LBJ, now does it. Just look at any poll asking people who were the greatest Presidents and LBJ ranks up there every time.

The lies and legacy of LBJ’s Gulf of Tonkin resolution |

But as you say, his intentions were not admirable, More than likely, he was just giving into international corporate desires like we see the Left today do every day today

As I said, I don't want to get into a conversation about whether the US should have gotten into the war because the US cannot police the world like that. All I'm saying is that the communism that took a grip in Vietnam was evil.

As we look at this picture of Korea at night, I have two thoughts

How does the Left look at this picture?

1. Do they look at it as South Korea being better off due to it's freedom at night

2. Or do they look at this picture thinking of the reduced carbon emissions in North Korea that should be the model for us all?

What does everyone think? Which choice is more likely the case?
Does anyone remember or ,learned of the time when Vietnam Vets would come home to the states after the war in the 1960s, only to be spit on by the Left in their own country? Can you imagine fighting a war in the jungles of Vietnam having just surrendered years of your life or lost buddies during the conflict that became closer than family, a war where you came back after being exposed to Agent Orange only to find out that the government would deny you health care, along with the myriad of soldiers who committed suicide because they could no longer live with the demons created in the minds of these poor Vets during that horrific war? You are then confronted to a society that has learned to hate you because the media only reported instances where Vietnam Vets may have committed a war crime, mind you all wars have war crimes. It does not matter the war or races involved. But in the minds of many in the public, all Vets became baby killers. What is ironic today is, the Left loves real baby killers as they openly embrace abortion on demand.

I was listening to Dennis Prager today and he said something very profound. He speculates as to why the Left hated the Vietnam Vet as well as the modern day police officer. His theory is that the Left hates those that fight evil because Leftism is based upon an evil premise. Just look at the author of the Left, Karl Marx, who was also a racist. (I realize those on the Left don't care that he was a racist, which speaks volumes as well as to their love of evil). It is a man whom Marxist despots throughout time have murdered hundreds of millions of people, and those were the lucky ones who died because they did not have to live in a society that was stripped of all hope and freedom.

Now I'm not going to get into a debate as to whether the US should have gotten into the Vietnam war. After all, there is evil all over the globe, it consumes it, but does that mean the US should get into a war in all those instances? No. However, there is little debate, that is for those with a knowledge of history or personal experience, that communism is evil. Just look at the US involvement in Korea. Half the country, after being divided after the war, is free and the other slaves living in misery.

And so it goes, police officers are also there to fight evil. However, this is a duty of the US government, to fight evil within it's own borders. Without this duty being fulfilled, government has no purpose.. You might even say that as the Left continues to wage war on the police, whether it be constantly accusing them of racism, or whether it be defunding them, or whether it be causing many police to quit their jobs or cause others not to want the job, the Left is causing government to have less and less legitimacy every day. In fact, as they attack the police, that is those who can use deadly force to defend you against deadly force, they want to also take away your guns. Have they even wondered how they will take away everyone's guns without a police force? LOL.

So as we see the Jane Fonda's of the world in the press spit on the very foundation that gave them wealth, that lets them live in peace, etc., just remember that the Left hates those that fight the very evil in the world that would take all those things from them.

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The heat of the Vietnam War was the Easter/Spring Offensive., April 1972. Vietnam wasn't just sixties. We battled PAVN (NVA).
Fairly accurate comparison.
The left painted Vietnam vets as a bunch of baby killers, as if they all sat around having baby BBQ's.
Same with the left and cops. They paint all cops as murderous racist. As if they begin their days hoping they can shoot someone today.

The left, as a matter of practice, demonizes everything that doesn't comply with their current chosen narrative. And right now, the police is their current whipping pole. So they will not be satisfied until crime rates are back to the 1970's, race relations as bad as pre civil rights. It is what they do.
Wow, this is a lot of babbling, but let's break it down.

Does anyone remember or ,learned of the time when Vietnam Vets would come home to the states after the war in the 1960s, only to be spit on by the Left in their own country?

Um, no, that never happened. The whole "Spitting on soldiers" thing was a myth that was promoted in the 1980's as part of the Right Wing's "Stabbed in the Back" excuse about why they surrendered in Vietnam.

Can you imagine fighting a war in the jungles of Vietnam having just surrendered years of your life or lost buddies during the conflict that became closer than family, a war where you came back after being exposed to Agent Orange only to find out that the government would deny you health care, along with the myriad of soldiers who committed suicide because they could no longer live with the demons created in the minds of these poor Vets during that horrific war?

Um, okay. And that was different from any other war, how? My dad served in WWII, the supposed "Good War", but he had PTSD for the rest of his life (which was very short, he died at 56). Guys who came back from the Gulf War had Gulf War Syndrome, and they STILL don't know if that was because of half-assed Anthrax Vaccines or chemical weapons that Saddam might have released.

You are then confronted to a society that has learned to hate you because the media only reported instances where Vietnam Vets may have committed a war crime, mind you all wars have war crimes. It does not matter the war or races involved. But in the minds of many in the public, all Vets became baby killers. What is ironic today is, the Left loves real baby killers as they openly embrace abortion on demand.

Except nobody really thought that, and more often than not, the guys in those protests were the guys who just got back from Vietnam and knew the war was bullshit. Let's not forget, the reason we got stuck with four more years of Dubya's incompetence is because he was able to demonize a decorated vet's protests against an unjust war. (Dubya himself got a cush job in the National Guard where he didn't even show up for drills).

If anything, the problem is that we didn't punish war crimes in Vietnam. Rusty Calley, the only guy convicted in the Mai Lai Massacre, spent less than year in prison. Just as of the 1000 AMERICANS who are killed by police every year, only a handful lose their jobs, and ones that go to prison are rare.

I was listening to Dennis Prager today and he said something very profound. He speculates as to why the Left hated the Vietnam Vet as well as the modern day police officer. His theory is that the Left hates those that fight evil because Leftism is based upon an evil premise.

Wow. Really? And what did Dennis Prager do in Vietnam? He was born in 1948, which means he would have been old enough to have served in Vietnam. So if he thought it was this crusade against "Evil", why didn't he sign up? He's up there with all the right wing hypocrites like Cheney, Bush, Trump, Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich who all found ways to avoid service in Vietnam, while guys like Kerry and Gore actually DID go. Not to mention the shameful way the right has treated John McCain.

Of course, no one hated the Vietnam vet, he was seen as a victim of a government that lied to send him over to die for a cause they knew from the start they couldn't win.

And so it goes, police officers are also there to fight evil. However, this is a duty of the US government, to fight evil within it's own borders. Without this duty being fulfilled, government has no purpose.. You might even say that as the Left continues to wage war on the police, whether it be constantly accusing them of racism, or whether it be defunding them, or whether it be causing many police to quit their jobs or cause others not to want the job, the Left is causing government to have less and less legitimacy every day. In fact, as they attack the police, that is those who can use deadly force to defend you against deadly force, they want to also take away your guns. Have they even wondered how they will take away everyone's guns without a police force? LOL.

We spend 193 BILLION dollars a year on police in this country. The Police are not underfunded. If the police have a problem, it's largely one of their own making, because they aren't the ones firing the "Bad Apples".
Protestors spitting on soldiers is an overblown myth started by those who feared the hippies were getting too much mainstream support for ending the dirtiest war America ever fought. For the most part the antiwar protestors saved their rage for the generals and politicians who perpetuated the war. Those people deserved way worse than spit.
So as we see the Jane Fonda's of the world in the press spit on the very foundation that gave them wealth, that lets them live in peace, etc., just remember that the Left hates those that fight the very evil in the world that would take all those things from them.

Um. No.

I'm not sure how old you are, but you didn't live through those times. I was a child during those times, and what I remember was most people got to see a war that dragged on too long and caused too much suffering and no one could give us a good reason why we were doing it at all. If anything, Jane Fonda was one of the people brave enough to say, "No" to the actual evil, which was a government fighting an unnecessary war that they had concluded they couldn't win.

Nobody wants a bunch of foreigners running around their country. That's why the Vietnamese resisted us. Not because they were "Evil". We spend all this time whining about how our poor vets suffered in country for six months, the Vietnamese people suffered for years from the war, their land is still poisoned from Agent Orange, their children are still getting maimed from our leftover ordnance.

Of course, we hadn't learned that lesson 60 years earlier when we tried to subjugate the Philippines, and we didn't learn that lesson 50 years later when we tried to bully Iraq into submission.
Protestors spitting on soldiers is an overblown myth started by those who feared the hippies were getting too much mainstream support for ending the dirtiest war America ever fought. For the most part the antiwar protestors saved their rage for the generals and politicians who perpetuated the war. Those people deserved way worse than spit.

Actually, it wasn't even that. The myth really didn't start appearing until the 1980's.

Lembcke writes:

If spitting on veterans had occurred all that frequently, surely some veteran or soldier would have called it to the attention of the press at the time. … Indeed, we would imagine that news reporters would have been camping in the lobby of the San Francisco airport, cameras in hand, just waiting for a chance to record the real thing—if, that is, they had any reason to believe that such incidents might occur.

In researching the book, Lembcke found no news accounts or even claims from the late 1960s or early 1970s of vets getting spat at. He did, however, uncover ample news stories about anti-war protesters receiving the saliva shower from anti-anti-war types.

Then, starting around 1980, members of the Vietnam War generation began sharing the tales, which Lembcke calls “urban myths.” As with most urban myths, the details of the spat-upon vets vary slightly from telling to telling, while the basic story remains the same. The protester almost always ambushes the soldier in an airport (not uncommonly the San Francisco airport), after he’s just flown back to the states from Asia. The soiled soldier either slinks away or does nothing.

One of the early vet-spit stories appears in First Blood, the 1982 film that was the first of the Rambo stories. John Rambo, played by Sylvester Stallone, claims to have been spat upon by protesters at the airport when he returned from Vietnam. “Protesting me. Spitting. Calling me baby killer,” Rambo says. “Who are they to protest me?”
Wow, this is a lot of babbling, but let's break it down.

Does anyone remember or ,learned of the time when Vietnam Vets would come home to the states after the war in the 1960s, only to be spit on by the Left in their own country?

Um, no, that never happened. The whole "Spitting on soldiers" thing was a myth that was promoted in the 1980's as part of the Right Wing's "Stabbed in the Back" excuse about why they surrendered in Vietnam.

Can you imagine fighting a war in the jungles of Vietnam having just surrendered years of your life or lost buddies during the conflict that became closer than family, a war where you came back after being exposed to Agent Orange only to find out that the government would deny you health care, along with the myriad of soldiers who committed suicide because they could no longer live with the demons created in the minds of these poor Vets during that horrific war?

Um, okay. And that was different from any other war, how? My dad served in WWII, the supposed "Good War", but he had PTSD for the rest of his life (which was very short, he died at 56). Guys who came back from the Gulf War had Gulf War Syndrome, and they STILL don't know if that was because of half-assed Anthrax Vaccines or chemical weapons that Saddam might have released.

You are then confronted to a society that has learned to hate you because the media only reported instances where Vietnam Vets may have committed a war crime, mind you all wars have war crimes. It does not matter the war or races involved. But in the minds of many in the public, all Vets became baby killers. What is ironic today is, the Left loves real baby killers as they openly embrace abortion on demand.

Except nobody really thought that, and more often than not, the guys in those protests were the guys who just got back from Vietnam and knew the war was bullshit. Let's not forget, the reason we got stuck with four more years of Dubya's incompetence is because he was able to demonize a decorated vet's protests against an unjust war. (Dubya himself got a cush job in the National Guard where he didn't even show up for drills).

If anything, the problem is that we didn't punish war crimes in Vietnam. Rusty Calley, the only guy convicted in the Mai Lai Massacre, spent less than year in prison. Just as of the 1000 AMERICANS who are killed by police every year, only a handful lose their jobs, and ones that go to prison are rare.

I was listening to Dennis Prager today and he said something very profound. He speculates as to why the Left hated the Vietnam Vet as well as the modern day police officer. His theory is that the Left hates those that fight evil because Leftism is based upon an evil premise.

Wow. Really? And what did Dennis Prager do in Vietnam? He was born in 1948, which means he would have been old enough to have served in Vietnam. So if he thought it was this crusade against "Evil", why didn't he sign up? He's up there with all the right wing hypocrites like Cheney, Bush, Trump, Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich who all found ways to avoid service in Vietnam, while guys like Kerry and Gore actually DID go. Not to mention the shameful way the right has treated John McCain.

Of course, no one hated the Vietnam vet, he was seen as a victim of a government that lied to send him over to die for a cause they knew from the start they couldn't win.

And so it goes, police officers are also there to fight evil. However, this is a duty of the US government, to fight evil within it's own borders. Without this duty being fulfilled, government has no purpose.. You might even say that as the Left continues to wage war on the police, whether it be constantly accusing them of racism, or whether it be defunding them, or whether it be causing many police to quit their jobs or cause others not to want the job, the Left is causing government to have less and less legitimacy every day. In fact, as they attack the police, that is those who can use deadly force to defend you against deadly force, they want to also take away your guns. Have they even wondered how they will take away everyone's guns without a police force? LOL.

We spend 193 BILLION dollars a year on police in this country. The Police are not underfunded. If the police have a problem, it's largely one of their own making, because they aren't the ones firing the "Bad Apples".
-yes, YES---the police are unjustifiably being vilified MORE than the Nam vets!!!!!
Fairly accurate comparison.
The left painted Vietnam vets as a bunch of baby killers, as if they all sat around having baby BBQ's.
Same with the left and cops. They paint all cops as murderous racist. As if they begin their days hoping they can shoot someone today.

Actually, nothing of the sort happened with Vietnam vets. If anything, most of the worst war crimes of Vietnam went unpunished and largely unreported.

As stated above, Rusty Calley's platoon killed 504 Vietnamese civilians, and the only one who spent any time under HOUSE ARREST was Calley himself. Not his troops, who did it, and not his superiors, who ordered it.

The left, as a matter of practice, demonizes everything that doesn't comply with their current chosen narrative. And right now, the police is their current whipping pole. So they will not be satisfied until crime rates are back to the 1970's, race relations as bad as pre civil rights. It is what they do.

It seems to me that if anything, the people making race relations and crime worse are the bad apple cops.

Now, yeah, 99% of the cops are great guys. They execute 10 million arrests and 40 million traffic stops and 99.999% of the time, they do this well and professionally. But when a Chauvin or a Van Dyke or a Guyver really fuck up, they really fuck up.

And yes, the media reports on it. just like they report on the one plane that crashed, not the thousands that land safely every day.
Fairly accurate comparison.
The left painted Vietnam vets as a bunch of baby killers, as if they all sat around having baby BBQ's.
Same with the left and cops. They paint all cops as murderous racist. As if they begin their days hoping they can shoot someone today.

Actually, nothing of the sort happened with Vietnam vets. If anything, most of the worst war crimes of Vietnam went unpunished and largely unreported.

As stated above, Rusty Calley's platoon killed 504 Vietnamese civilians, and the only one who spent any time under HOUSE ARREST was Calley himself. Not his troops, who did it, and not his superiors, who ordered it.

The left, as a matter of practice, demonizes everything that doesn't comply with their current chosen narrative. And right now, the police is their current whipping pole. So they will not be satisfied until crime rates are back to the 1970's, race relations as bad as pre civil rights. It is what they do.

It seems to me that if anything, the people making race relations and crime worse are the bad apple cops.

Now, yeah, 99% of the cops are great guys. They execute 10 million arrests and 40 million traffic stops and 99.999% of the time, they do this well and professionally. But when a Chauvin or a Van Dyke or a Guyver really fuck up, they really fuck up.

And yes, the media reports on it. just like they report on the one plane that crashed, not the thousands that land safely every day.
..they can't make race relations worse, because there's not many--the MSM and RACIST blacks are making relations worse
Wow, this is a lot of babbling, but let's break it down.

Does anyone remember or ,learned of the time when Vietnam Vets would come home to the states after the war in the 1960s, only to be spit on by the Left in their own country?

Um, no, that never happened. The whole "Spitting on soldiers" thing was a myth that was promoted in the 1980's as part of the Right Wing's "Stabbed in the Back" excuse about why they surrendered in Vietnam.

Can you imagine fighting a war in the jungles of Vietnam having just surrendered years of your life or lost buddies during the conflict that became closer than family, a war where you came back after being exposed to Agent Orange only to find out that the government would deny you health care, along with the myriad of soldiers who committed suicide because they could no longer live with the demons created in the minds of these poor Vets during that horrific war?

Um, okay. And that was different from any other war, how? My dad served in WWII, the supposed "Good War", but he had PTSD for the rest of his life (which was very short, he died at 56). Guys who came back from the Gulf War had Gulf War Syndrome, and they STILL don't know if that was because of half-assed Anthrax Vaccines or chemical weapons that Saddam might have released.

You are then confronted to a society that has learned to hate you because the media only reported instances where Vietnam Vets may have committed a war crime, mind you all wars have war crimes. It does not matter the war or races involved. But in the minds of many in the public, all Vets became baby killers. What is ironic today is, the Left loves real baby killers as they openly embrace abortion on demand.

Except nobody really thought that, and more often than not, the guys in those protests were the guys who just got back from Vietnam and knew the war was bullshit. Let's not forget, the reason we got stuck with four more years of Dubya's incompetence is because he was able to demonize a decorated vet's protests against an unjust war. (Dubya himself got a cush job in the National Guard where he didn't even show up for drills).

If anything, the problem is that we didn't punish war crimes in Vietnam. Rusty Calley, the only guy convicted in the Mai Lai Massacre, spent less than year in prison. Just as of the 1000 AMERICANS who are killed by police every year, only a handful lose their jobs, and ones that go to prison are rare.

I was listening to Dennis Prager today and he said something very profound. He speculates as to why the Left hated the Vietnam Vet as well as the modern day police officer. His theory is that the Left hates those that fight evil because Leftism is based upon an evil premise.

Wow. Really? And what did Dennis Prager do in Vietnam? He was born in 1948, which means he would have been old enough to have served in Vietnam. So if he thought it was this crusade against "Evil", why didn't he sign up? He's up there with all the right wing hypocrites like Cheney, Bush, Trump, Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich who all found ways to avoid service in Vietnam, while guys like Kerry and Gore actually DID go. Not to mention the shameful way the right has treated John McCain.

Of course, no one hated the Vietnam vet, he was seen as a victim of a government that lied to send him over to die for a cause they knew from the start they couldn't win.

And so it goes, police officers are also there to fight evil. However, this is a duty of the US government, to fight evil within it's own borders. Without this duty being fulfilled, government has no purpose.. You might even say that as the Left continues to wage war on the police, whether it be constantly accusing them of racism, or whether it be defunding them, or whether it be causing many police to quit their jobs or cause others not to want the job, the Left is causing government to have less and less legitimacy every day. In fact, as they attack the police, that is those who can use deadly force to defend you against deadly force, they want to also take away your guns. Have they even wondered how they will take away everyone's guns without a police force? LOL.

We spend 193 BILLION dollars a year on police in this country. The Police are not underfunded. If the police have a problem, it's largely one of their own making, because they aren't the ones firing the "Bad Apples".
I was a sailor and got spit on and called baby killer inside LAX wearing Dress Blues by a group of hippies. I was alone and of course that started a spitting contest and I bared my fists. A Marine Officer came running running wanting to kick all their asses. I said no sir, I'm going home on leave..
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I was a sailor and got spit on and called baby killer inside LAX wearing Dress Blues by a group of hippies. I was alone and of course that started a spitting contest and I bared my fists. A Marine Officer came running running wanting to kick all their I said no sir I'm going home on leave.

Sure you were, buddy. Sure you were.

So when did this happen? Was there documentation. Because at that time, people didn't go through the airports in uniform. They returned to bases and then were dispatched in civilian clothing.
I was a sailor and got spit on and called baby killer inside LAX wearing Dress Blues by a group of hippies. I was alone and of course that started a spitting contest and I bared my fists. A Marine Officer came running running wanting to kick all their I said no sir I'm going home on leave.

Sure you were, buddy. Sure you were.

So when did this happen? Was there documentation. Because at that time, people didn't go through the airports in uniform. They returned to bases and then were dispatched in civilian clothing.
1974, asshole. I went to Westpac twice and Commander 7th Fleet came to see me, once. The Admiral had to ride a helo and our Guided Missile Destroyer didn't have a helo deck.
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both entities of the cops and the military were demoralized by constant warfare with people and a nation that didn't deserve what they got from the US god-damn govt. run by megalomaniacs and deviant socialites.
Protestors spitting on soldiers is an overblown myth started by those who feared the hippies were getting too much mainstream support for ending the dirtiest war America ever fought. For the most part the antiwar protestors saved their rage for the generals and politicians who perpetuated the war. Those people deserved way worse than spit.

Actually, it wasn't even that. The myth really didn't start appearing until the 1980's.

Lembcke writes:

If spitting on veterans had occurred all that frequently, surely some veteran or soldier would have called it to the attention of the press at the time. … Indeed, we would imagine that news reporters would have been camping in the lobby of the San Francisco airport, cameras in hand, just waiting for a chance to record the real thing—if, that is, they had any reason to believe that such incidents might occur.

In researching the book, Lembcke found no news accounts or even claims from the late 1960s or early 1970s of vets getting spat at. He did, however, uncover ample news stories about anti-war protesters receiving the saliva shower from anti-anti-war types.

Then, starting around 1980, members of the Vietnam War generation began sharing the tales, which Lembcke calls “urban myths.” As with most urban myths, the details of the spat-upon vets vary slightly from telling to telling, while the basic story remains the same. The protester almost always ambushes the soldier in an airport (not uncommonly the San Francisco airport), after he’s just flown back to the states from Asia. The soiled soldier either slinks away or does nothing.

One of the early vet-spit stories appears in First Blood, the 1982 film that was the first of the Rambo stories. John Rambo, played by Sylvester Stallone, claims to have been spat upon by protesters at the airport when he returned from Vietnam. “Protesting me. Spitting. Calling me baby killer,” Rambo says. “Who are they to protest me?”
A total lie and hardcore Leftist/Communist propaganda. I was there. I saw and experienced the spitting and much worse. The left simply would like to rewrite history in an attempt to look a little less like the anti-American pro-communist traitors many of them were at this time. I was an American soldier; not some kind of war monger. I served because my Country called on me to do so. I believed it to be my duty as an American citizen to serve if called. Still do. The many sniveling cowards who ran off to become Canadians were just like those who order big expensive meals but vanish when it's time to pay the check. All take; no give. And those traitors like Jane Fonda and John Kerry who actively worked for the enemy during time of war should have faced a firing squad and continue to deserve to.

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