The modern day police officer has become the old Vietnam vet

Contrary to protesters' claims, then and now, the Vietnam War did not begin without good reasons. It was a direct result of the 1945 Yalta Conference, where Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill agreed to abandon the Vietnamese (who had helped defeat the Japanese in World War II) and give all of Indo-China back to the French. Despite U.S. economic support and military advisers, the French lost the ensuing Vietnamese independence struggle and withdrew from all of Indo-China. Vietnam ended up divided.

Actually, there was never a question during the war about the colonial possessions. They were going to be returned to their respective empires. The only Country that got any special consideration was India, because ethey had contributed so many troops to the British War Effort.

We need to remember that it was the South Vietnamese government that lost their war, not the much-maligned American soldier. American service members did not suffer defeat, even though most of us felt defeated. Policy and politics out of Washington had failed, not the military.

No, guy, the problem was that the people in the Pentagon knew that the people we were propping up were corrupt, and that Ho Chi Mihn was considered a national hero for defeating the French. The Pentagon papers proved that the government knew this before the war even started, but kept it going anyway.

Vietnam vets were raised in a society that honored veterans. Despite Sirota's contentions, Vietnam vets were a bit crushed coming home. We were not honored, but were treated as the face of an unpopular war.
I am not aware of many Vietnam vets who were not subjected to some disrespect, either personal or from the culture that called us "baby killers." We were shamed and embarrassed. My car (with a military base sticker) was "egged." I bought a wig to hide my military haircut.

Oh, noes... an "egg". What a horrifying experience. He must have been scarred for life.

But Lembcke is refuted by many other sources, including Jim Lindgren, a Northwestern University law professor who cited news accounts that documented many spitting incidents. One example: A 1967 Bucks County Courier Times article reporting that two sailors were spat on outside a high school football game by a gang of about 10 young men. One of the sailors was stabbed.

Do you have a link to that article? that sounds awfully vague.

Links to contemporary accounts... or you have nothing.
No, guy, the problem was that the people in the Pentagon knew that the people we were propping up were corrupt, and that Ho Chi Mihn was considered a national hero for defeating the French. The Pentagon papers proved that the government knew this before the war even started, but kept it going anyway.

More communist propaganda. More bullshit piled higher and deeper. During WWII Good ole "Uncle Ho" received aid from the Allies in his fight against the Japanese. The area was then known as Indochina or considered part of China, or part of Japan, or part of France depending on political persuasion. After WWII the French attempted to reoccupy France and Indochina and Uncle Ho was one of the rebel leaders that opposed them and eventually drove them out. At that time he was allied with, and supplied by, the communists while the US considered France an ally as we had during WWII. Ho might have considered himself a "National Hero", but there was in fact no Nation to be a hero of, nor is there any evidence that he was widely liked by the people of the area. When the area-by international treaty- divided into the two separate Countries of North Vietnam and South Vietnam (as Korea had been) the people were given a time period to move to the Nation they prefered. Hundreds of thousands of the people left everything they owned, and that their ancestors left them, behind and voted with their feet and moved to South Vietnam rather than be governed by Uncle Ho and his communist butt buddies. This was not the action of people that were very fond of their potential new leader. The US soldier did not fight for a corrupt government (except maybe our own) but in an effort to protect the South Vietnamese people from annihilation by the communists who had every intention of ruling the world which made their defeat in our best interests also. You think Ho's government was any less "corrupt" than the South Vietnamese government? If so think again.
The Boat People Were Chickenhawks

The South Vietnamese were cowards, crooks, and collaborators. Treating such scum as allies cost over 50,000 American lives. Their refugees never should have been let into our country, where our transnationalist government has given them many unearned benefits that our own people are excluded from.

A typical betrayal was that we Marines were sent into an area where the South Vietnamese Army had a peace treaty with the Viet Cong. The ARVN compound was lit up all night and never attacked.
Untrue. And I don't believe you were there or a Marine.
"The Vietnamese Armies Were Like South Vietnam's Flag: If It's Not Red, It's Yellow"

Who cares what a bootlicking Chickenhawk-lover like you believes? I've had enough of you blowhards trying to appease the privileged multicultie traitors by claiming what wonderful people the gooks were.
Actually, if you want a real metaphor for what the Cops are today, I would use the Catholic Clergy.

The Catholic Clergy had a problem. They had priests who liked to have sex with children and abused their authority. The problem wasn't that all Clergy were pedophiles, most of them weren't. Just like most cops aren't racists who abuse their authority.

The problem is, the majority of good priests were way too willing to tolerate the bad ones. They got a report of Father McFeely, they didn't turn him over to the cops, they moved him to a new parish, made him say a bunch of Hail Marys and didn't warn his new congregation why they moved him. Then he'd do it again. Rinse, Wash, Repeat. Even though the Church has taken steps to purge out the creeps, they've still suffered a black eye from these incidents.

Same problem with Cops. They saw a Chauvin or a Van Dyke abusing his authority or acting in an inappropriate way, and they all turned a blind eye. They filed reports that downplayed misconduct. The unions went to the mattresses to protect even the worst offenders. So, yes, the whole institution of policing has gotten a bad rep from a few bad actors.
The Catholic Church has a black eye for that. And deserves it. The issue you stated with cops is correct. But there is one thing. There are only a percentage of them who will get involved or on the streets and do the dirty work needed in potentially dangerous situations. Some like Chauvin go to far. To many times, we make martyrs out of scumbags. Floyd was an unrepentant felon. At 46 he should have learned lessons. He did not. He did not even try to be a good citizen. We are going to wake up one day and the money available will be reduced to the point where one ending of many not good will be anarchy on the streets. An unseen wall will be the border where policing will actually happen letting the Road Warrior theatrics go on in the permanent ghettos throughout the nation if it still exists.
Wow, this is a lot of babbling, but let's break it down.

Does anyone remember or ,learned of the time when Vietnam Vets would come home to the states after the war in the 1960s, only to be spit on by the Left in their own country?

Um, no, that never happened. The whole "Spitting on soldiers" thing was a myth that was promoted in the 1980's as part of the Right Wing's "Stabbed in the Back" excuse about why they surrendered in Vietnam.

Can you imagine fighting a war in the jungles of Vietnam having just surrendered years of your life or lost buddies during the conflict that became closer than family, a war where you came back after being exposed to Agent Orange only to find out that the government would deny you health care, along with the myriad of soldiers who committed suicide because they could no longer live with the demons created in the minds of these poor Vets during that horrific war?

Um, okay. And that was different from any other war, how? My dad served in WWII, the supposed "Good War", but he had PTSD for the rest of his life (which was very short, he died at 56). Guys who came back from the Gulf War had Gulf War Syndrome, and they STILL don't know if that was because of half-assed Anthrax Vaccines or chemical weapons that Saddam might have released.

You are then confronted to a society that has learned to hate you because the media only reported instances where Vietnam Vets may have committed a war crime, mind you all wars have war crimes. It does not matter the war or races involved. But in the minds of many in the public, all Vets became baby killers. What is ironic today is, the Left loves real baby killers as they openly embrace abortion on demand.

Except nobody really thought that, and more often than not, the guys in those protests were the guys who just got back from Vietnam and knew the war was bullshit. Let's not forget, the reason we got stuck with four more years of Dubya's incompetence is because he was able to demonize a decorated vet's protests against an unjust war. (Dubya himself got a cush job in the National Guard where he didn't even show up for drills).

If anything, the problem is that we didn't punish war crimes in Vietnam. Rusty Calley, the only guy convicted in the Mai Lai Massacre, spent less than year in prison. Just as of the 1000 AMERICANS who are killed by police every year, only a handful lose their jobs, and ones that go to prison are rare.

I was listening to Dennis Prager today and he said something very profound. He speculates as to why the Left hated the Vietnam Vet as well as the modern day police officer. His theory is that the Left hates those that fight evil because Leftism is based upon an evil premise.

Wow. Really? And what did Dennis Prager do in Vietnam? He was born in 1948, which means he would have been old enough to have served in Vietnam. So if he thought it was this crusade against "Evil", why didn't he sign up? He's up there with all the right wing hypocrites like Cheney, Bush, Trump, Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich who all found ways to avoid service in Vietnam, while guys like Kerry and Gore actually DID go. Not to mention the shameful way the right has treated John McCain.

Of course, no one hated the Vietnam vet, he was seen as a victim of a government that lied to send him over to die for a cause they knew from the start they couldn't win.

And so it goes, police officers are also there to fight evil. However, this is a duty of the US government, to fight evil within it's own borders. Without this duty being fulfilled, government has no purpose.. You might even say that as the Left continues to wage war on the police, whether it be constantly accusing them of racism, or whether it be defunding them, or whether it be causing many police to quit their jobs or cause others not to want the job, the Left is causing government to have less and less legitimacy every day. In fact, as they attack the police, that is those who can use deadly force to defend you against deadly force, they want to also take away your guns. Have they even wondered how they will take away everyone's guns without a police force? LOL.

We spend 193 BILLION dollars a year on police in this country. The Police are not underfunded. If the police have a problem, it's largely one of their own making, because they aren't the ones firing the "Bad Apples".
I can see you have no clue of reality as all out to destroy this country. The only thing missing from the spiting is how the cowards would run.
Sure you were, buddy. Sure you were.

So when did this happen? Was there documentation. Because at that time, people didn't go through the airports in uniform. They returned to bases and then were dispatched in civilian clothing.
Wrong, during Vietnam all soldiers, sailers and Marines were required to travel in uniform. The airlines even had special stand by tockets at low cost for troops in uniform. The hostility was very real back then I saw it and experienced it. It was very rarely reported because it wasn’t considered newsworthy. It was so dangerous to wear uniforms off base that we were forbidden to wear them unless our duty required it like driving a military vehicle, being the honor guard at a funeral, of going to court. But regulations required troops traveling to be in full iniform, and there were MPs or SPs at airports, bus and train stations to enforce the regulations.
Wrong, during Vietnam all soldiers, sailers and Marines were required to travel in uniform. The airlines even had special stand by tockets at low cost for troops in uniform. The hostility was very real back then I saw it and experienced it. It was very rarely reported because it wasn’t considered newsworthy. It was so dangerous to wear uniforms off base that we were forbidden to wear them unless our duty required it like driving a military vehicle, being the honor guard at a funeral, of going to court. But regulations required troops traveling to be in full iniform, and there were MPs or SPs at airports, bus and train stations to enforce the regulations.

Sorry, man, Spitting On Soldiers was a myth.

Veterans of the Conscript Army were more likely to be in with the demonstrators than against them. They knew the Vietnam War was bullshit.

When troops returned from Nam, they were flown into military bases on military flights, and then changed into civilian clothes when they returned home on leave or separation.
Trump actually eats the big meal and laughs about how he didn't have to be in Nam..
Bonespurs aren’t something that can be faked. A simple x ray shows them and they are an automatic down check because they can make it very painful to stand or walk, both are important components of military life. Asthma o. The other hand is easily faked as Biden did; playing college football while on multiple deferments for asthma.
Wrong, during Vietnam all soldiers, sailers and Marines were required to travel in uniform. The airlines even had special stand by tockets at low cost for troops in uniform. The hostility was very real back then I saw it and experienced it. It was very rarely reported because it wasn’t considered newsworthy. It was so dangerous to wear uniforms off base that we were forbidden to wear them unless our duty required it like driving a military vehicle, being the honor guard at a funeral, of going to court. But regulations required troops traveling to be in full iniform, and there were MPs or SPs at airports, bus and train stations to enforce the regulations.

I never saw any evidence of soldiers in uniform being abused.. quite the opposite.

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