The Left is Losing Politically--and Culturally

Democrats are soft on crime and many blue cities this is an issue. In Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and other cities do not prosecute crimes such as shoplifting, auto theft and other types of crime. That is causing stores to close and raises the cost of living in an environment where the costs are already high. Building codes which cities regulate are stricter and drive housing costs up, with housing costs up, people cannot afford a place to live and thus they become homeless. These are all Democrats and their rules and regs, spare the excuses and show us a blue city that is void of all these issues.
Those awful building codes huh?

I liver near a Hasidic community and they have taken over their local zoning board.

They put up massive apartment complexes with five story apartments and WOODEN fire escapes

That’s what you get
I don’t watch Fox.
I read Reuters, AP News and the BBC.
Of course you already know that because I have posted that fact 100s of times and I presume you’re not too much of an imbecile to actually ignore people’s posts.
I tend to not watch or read Fox either but lefties like mamooth are lazy and if you disagree with them it is because you watch Fox, it is their way of not having to explain or defend their issue.
Those awful building codes huh?

I liver near a Hasidic community and they have taken over their local zoning board.

They put up massive apartment complexes with five story apartments and WOODEN fire escapes

That’s what you get
Which city? Seattle? Portland? New York? Baltimore? San Francisco? Nice antidotal story.
NAMES????? I googled this and got NOTHING. You make this blanket charge without evidence or links to back this up. It's just another FOX News lie/right wing talking point with no facts to back it up, so far as I can tell.
Not even Lightfoot and the DA of NYC?
You idiot!
Those awful building codes huh?

I liver near a Hasidic community and they have taken over their local zoning board.

They put up massive apartment complexes with five story apartments and WOODEN fire escapes

That’s what you get
You said you live in farm country.
Yawn... nothing new under the sun. You'll always have stupid white people willing to vote against their own economic interests based on their racial, religious and sexual fears.

Which is why we won't make real progress until white people are in the minority.

Don't go down there... These are bunch of idiots...

They are getting a raw er and rawer deal compared to other 1st world countries around the world and they are heavily invested in the blame game. They believe there problems are either:
  • Mexicans
  • Globalists
  • Black People
  • Hispanics
  • Marxism (I know that is real stupid)
  • Communism
  • Chinese
  • Liberals
  • Intellectuals
  • Scientists
  • Western Europeans
  • Hillary Clinton
  • ....
This is their con...
Which city? Seattle? Portland? New York? Baltimore? San Francisco? Nice antidotal story.
The antidote is protecting building codes from unscrupulous people

And it’s Hudson Valley NY. Why does that matter?
Democrats are soft on crime and many blue cities this is an issue. In Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and other cities do not prosecute crimes such as shoplifting, auto theft and o types of crime. That is causing stores to close and raises the cost of living in an environment where the costs are already high. Building codes which cities regulate are stricter and drive housing costs up, with housing costs up, people cannot afford a place to live and thus they become homeless. These are all Democrats and their rules and regs, spare the excuses and show us a blue city that is void of all these issues.

They're not prosecuting these crimes because the courts are overloaded, and the jails are full to bursting with gang bangers and gun criminals. There has been no increase in the number of courts, and Trump cut funding and staffing in the federal court system across the board.

This drive to cut taxes and "shrink government" everywhere is threatening your basic infrastructure, and national security. Of course the Republicans want to sabotage the Justice Department. And Public Education, and Immigration. Republicans want to sabotage ANYTHING that helps working Americans succeed and growth their own wealth.

Anything that Republicans want to destroy, they first make so bad, they people want it gone, so they can take over and "fix it". Like immigration. Like public education. Like the Justice Department. Like public voting.
"The Left has lost the culture"--I have been saying this for about a year now, but it's not a single event that prompted me. It was more a "thousand little cuts"--their inability mostly to see that people are fed up with their incessant scolding, dividing us by race, etc.

At any rate, Andrew Sullivan weighs in with what so many have noticed. This is a cultural sea-change; it is beyond politics. He calls for a Bill Clinton or Barack Obama to save the movement. I guess it's always possible, but would involve them denouncing what has been Leftist Orthodoxy for a decade at least. Good luck with that, liberals.

This is a liberal nation; embrace the horror!
They're not prosecuting these crimes because the courts are overloaded, and the jails are full to bursting with gang bangers and gun criminals. There has been no increase in the number of courts, and Trump cut funding and staffing in the federal court system across the board.

This drive to cut taxes and "shrink government" everywhere is threatening your basic infrastructure, and national security. Of course the Republicans want to sabotage the Justice Department. And Public Education, and Immigration. Republicans want to sabotage ANYTHING that helps working Americans succeed and growth their own wealth.

Anything that Republicans want to destroy, they first make so bad, they people want it gone, so they can take over and "fix it". Like immigration. Like public education. Like the Justice Department. Like public voting.
They have haven't prosecuted for those crimes in many areas for a lot longer than Trump being in office, is that your knee jerk response? Unless you want to be honest about the issues, don't waste my time with your lies and excuses.
Democrats are soft on crime and many blue cities this is an issue. In Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and other cities do not prosecute crimes such as shoplifting, auto theft and other types of crime. That is causing stores to close and raises the cost of living in an environment where the costs are already high. Building codes which cities regulate are stricter and drive housing costs up, with housing costs up, people cannot afford a place to live and thus they become homeless. These are all Democrats and their rules and regs, spare the excuses and show us a blue city that is void of all these issues.

Where are the Democrats supposed to put all of these "criminals"? THE JAILS ARE FULL OF VIOLENT AND DANGEROUS CRIMINALS. People languish in jail for years without going to trial because the justice system has been starved of cash and resources, and is overwhelmed.

The USA has the highest rate of incarceration in the world. You already have more people in jail than Russia and China combined. Your police shoot and kill more than a 1000 civilians a day. Donald Trump cut funding to "sanctuary cities" and tried to force municipal jails to hold illegals for ICE. Municipal jails don't have the space for these federal prisoners.

What you're doing is clearly not working, but you want to do more of it????

Donald Trump cut funding for courts, funding for judges, closed courts in sanctuary cities, and used the "urban/rural" issue to further divide Americans.
The antidote is protecting building codes from unscrupulous people

And it’s Hudson Valley NY. Why does that matter?
If the people in that town elected the people they wanted to the Zoning Board, what right do you have to think you can come in and "protect them"?

That's facisist thinking...not democratic.

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