How the illiberal left uses silencing tactics


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Funny how liberals will viciously attack people for not agreeing with them, unless the person is a Democrat. It's a good question to ask why one guy is attacked for taking an opposing stance on the gay marriage issue, but Obama was never criticized for taking the same stance. Even before his fake 'evolution' on same sex marriage, the left didn't give Obama a hard time for his views. Liberals do claim to support the minority groups, but only when they approve of how a group thinks. Never do they say that freedom of speech allows everyone to hold their own opinions and leave it at that. Nope, they seek to crush those who dare to speak out against them. They wanted Chic Fil A shut down. They demand people be fired if they support something they don't like. They find it reasonable when Facebook refuses to allow someone with anti-liberal views to have an account, but don't like it when Christian companies don't want to involve themselves in weddings. Even though it's the same exact thing, liberals refrain from criticizing the exclusive nature of the business as long as they like them. Turning down people for religious or political beliefs is either right or wrong. Tolerance is a one-way street with liberals.


In March 2014, pioneering Internet company Mozilla announced the appointment of co-founder Brendan Eich as CEO. That same day, a Twitter mob exploded with criticism of Eich. Gay rights supporters were angry about a 6-year-old donation of $1,000 to the "Yes on 8" campaign, which sought to ban same-sex marriage in California in 2008.

It’s OK to be angry about Eich’s donation. Screaming for Eich’s head on a pike for his failure to conform to Mozilla’s majority view on same-sex marriage is not.

Liberals are supposed to believe in protecting minority views, even when they disapprove of those views.

Instead an online mob of presumably "liberal" people tweeted about Eich’s donation, many calling him a bigot and homophobe for supporting Prop 8. Remember, this proposition passed the same year Senator Barack Obama sat in Rick Warren’s church to explain his religious based opposition to same-sex marriage. Eich took the time to address the criticisms.

On his blog he wrote, "I am committed to ensuring that Mozilla is, and will remain, a place that includes and supports everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, economic status, or religion."

Such assurances proved inadequate, however. Almost 70,000 people signed a petition organized at Credo Action, a progressive social change organization, telling Eich to renounce his beliefs or resign as Mozilla’s CEO. They accused him of "advocat[ing] for inequality and hate" and ordered Mozilla to fire him if he refused to resign.

Finally, just over a week after his appointment, Mozilla announced that Eich would be stepping down as CEO. "While painful," wrote Executive Chairwoman Mitchell Baker, "the events of the last week show exactly why we need the Web. So all of us can engage freely in the tough conversations we need to make the world better."

It’s not necessary to support Eich’s donation to recognize something deeply disturbing occurred here. Pushing someone out of his job for dissenting on an issue that has nothing to do with the mission of the company and then portraying the purge as a "free" conversation that boosted humanity is creepily Orwellian.

The writer Andrew Sullivan—who is gay and was one of the earliest public advocates of same-sex marriage—wrote at the time of Eich’s ouster, "When people’s lives and careers are subject to litmus tests, and fired if they do not publicly renounce what may well be their sincere conviction, we have crossed a line. This is McCarthyism applied by civil actors. This is the definition of intolerance."
Another way the left tries to silence people is to pretend to check facts. They often quote Politifact and act as if this should end the debate.

Only one problem with that. Politifact is full of shit and exists to defend liberals and help them lie about their opponents.

This is hysterical. Politifact holds themselves out as the truth detectors, but they are nothing more than liberal hacks trying to legitimize leftist talking points. In this case, they actually "fact-checked" Walker's sweater to see if his claim that he only paid $1 after using his Kohl's cash. Anyone who shops at Kohl's knows that for every $50 you spend, you get $10 in Kohl's cash. Then you spend it like real cash. After applying his Kohl's cash, he did indeed only have to pay $1 out of pocket for the sweater. Politifact apparently couldn't bear admitting that he told the truth so they reported it as, "we heard from readers from around the country who thought it was an unbelievable story." They gave the impression that Walker must be making it up because it's just too incredible. And this over a sweater. Don't expect anything else when it's something of importance.

They didn't quote Kohl's, any Kohl's shoppers or explain that Walker was being honest. They hoped to catch him in a lie over a piece of clothing and wouldn't come clean even after finding actual facts. How desperate.

Politifact also declined to look into Hillary's claim that she complied with every rule regarding her email account. I guess they were either afraid of what they would find or they knew and just weren't prepared to blatantly make up a lie, so they simply passed on that one.

Politifact also dropped the ball here regarding a claim made by a Republican. They have no shame and couldn't care any less about the truth, yet libs continue to cite them as proof of their claims.
People have been fired for less than the Mozilla CEO.
Another way the left tries to silence people is to pretend to check facts. They often quote Politifact and act as if this should end the debate.

Only one problem with that. Politifact is full of shit and exists to defend liberals and help them lie about their opponents.

This is hysterical. Politifact holds themselves out as the truth detectors, but they are nothing more than liberal hacks trying to legitimize leftist talking points. In this case, they actually "fact-checked" Walker's sweater to see if his claim that he only paid $1 after using his Kohl's cash. Anyone who shops at Kohl's knows that for every $50 you spend, you get $10 in Kohl's cash. Then you spend it like real cash. After applying his Kohl's cash, he did indeed only have to pay $1 out of pocket for the sweater. Politifact apparently couldn't bear admitting that he told the truth so they reported it as, "we heard from readers from around the country who thought it was an unbelievable story." They gave the impression that Walker must be making it up because it's just too incredible. And this over a sweater. Don't expect anything else when it's something of importance.

They didn't quote Kohl's, any Kohl's shoppers or explain that Walker was being honest. They hoped to catch him in a lie over a piece of clothing and wouldn't come clean even after finding actual facts. How desperate.

Politifact also declined to look into Hillary's claim that she complied with every rule regarding her email account. I guess they were either afraid of what they would find or they knew and just weren't prepared to blatantly make up a lie, so they simply passed on that one.

Politifact also dropped the ball here regarding a claim made by a Republican. They have no shame and couldn't care any less about the truth, yet libs continue to cite them as proof of their claims.

It's about actions. President Obama never tried to pass anti gay legislation. In fact, gays have had more civil rights advancements under him than all past presidents combined.

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