The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

  1. The left has embraced fascism in its purest form
  2. This violates every aspect of “public accommodation” laws

1. Fascism is Right Wing and you have attempted to install an unelected Fascist leader. Lyndell is still attempting that. And there are actions and reactions. Why would any business (yes, Dorathy, a bank is a business) want to have any association with this nutbag.
1. Fascism is Right Wing and you have attempted to install an unelected Fascist leader. Lyndell is still attempting that. And there are actions and reactions. Why would any business (yes, Dorathy, a bank is a business) want to have any association with this nutbag.
How do you do it? How are you so consistently wrong?
I’ve been screaming it at the top of my lungs for nearly 15 years now. The left has embraced fascism in its purest form.
"But, maybe this isn't such a crazy conspiracy theory after all. And after seeing everything we've seen with the governments enacting all sorts of authoritarian controls and many other conspiracy theories coming true, maybe there's something to be concerned about”.
The left hates liberty. The left fears liberty. They are always afraid that society will fall apart if everyone isn’t forced to Nazi-goose-step in the exact same direction, for their benefit.
I’ve been screaming it at the top of my lungs for nearly 15 years now. The left has embraced fascism in its purest form.

The left hates liberty. The left fears liberty. They are always afraid that society will fall apart if everyone isn’t forced to Nazi-goose-step in the exact same direction, for their benefit.

You need to change your name to sobbing terrorist. In the bit bucket you go.
1. Fascism is Right Wing and you have attempted to install an unelected Fascist leader. Lyndell is still attempting that. And there are actions and reactions. Why would any business (yes, Dorathy, a bank is a business) want to have any association with this nutbag.
  1. You cannot have small, limited government fascism, you high school dropout. Fascism is exclusively left-wing.
  2. Mike Lyndell is not “attempting” to “install” anything. He doesn’t even have that kind of power, even if he wanted to. Why are you such a Drama Queen? I’ve literally seen 12-year old girls who are less emotional and more intelligent.
  3. What the fuck is a “Dorathy”? It’s spelled “Dorothy” you fucking high school dropout. It’s no wonder fascism and the political spectrum confuses the hell out of you. You’re so dumb and illiterate that you can’t even spell basic American names correctly.
  4. A client or customer is not an “association”. WalMart does not have “an association” with every person who walks in and buys a pack of gum.
It is painfully obvious after your post here why you vote Dumbocrat. You have the intellect of a retarded child. There is no way you could make it in life without government holding your hand and providing for you.
And don't expect me to do your work for you anymore.
It’s painfully obvious you haven’t done any work in your entire miserable life. Never given back. Never produced. Never provided. Like most liberals, you’re dumb and useless.

Psst…high school dropout…NAZI was short for National SOCIALIST :lmao:
Fascists believe that children belong to the state. Make no mistake about it, ⁦‪Gavin Newsom‬⁩ and the liberals of the shit-hole state of California desperately want total control over your children.
  1. The left has embraced fascism in its purest form
  2. This violates every aspect of “public accommodation” laws
a bank is not a public accommodation.
Its a private business, free market because you have a choice of several banks.
Cool. So I should be able to refuse service to black people in my restaurant, right?
A public accommodation is a place that offers goods and services to the general public such as a restaurant that is open to the public

see here:

A public accommodation is a place that offers goods and services to the general public such as a restaurant that is open to the public

see here:


Banks should be able to refuse service to a Black person? Unless its housing at least, there are specific regulations in relation to housing.

Banks should be able to refuse service to a Black person? Unless its housing at least, there are specific regulations in relation to housing.
thats a good point.
That was covered in the Fair Housing Act of '68, which was part of the civil rights act.
thats a good point.
That was covered in the Fair Housing Act of '68, which was part of the civil rights act.
The housing was. Not banking in general afaik.

It would mean a bank would be legally required to give you a loan but could refuse you a savings account, credit card or a number of other things.

It makes public accommodation laws look silly tbh. I also do not see how it is any different than entering a restaurant. They are still offering services. The ruling is rather nonsensical IMHO.
a bank is not a public accommodation.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

That’s like saying, “it’s a restaurant, not a public accommodation” or “it’s a hotel, not a public accommodation”.

You clearly have no idea what “public accommodation” means.

Anyone want to explain this to dudmuck since he’s too dumb to know it and too lazy to Google it?
You're haven't got the slightest clue what you are blabbing about
Seriously, this is the most amazing conversation I’ve ever seen. dudmuck isn’t even aware how much he is humiliating the left right now.

When you see comments like his, you realize why they vote Dumbocrat. There is absolutely no way this fuck’n guy could provide for himself. No way. He absolutely needs government to provide for him.

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