The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

Well, yes. They are the same social ideology, control by a central power. They are opposites in economic ideology, one thinking that the economy should be communal and the other that it should be individual.

The difference is, the Fascist believes that the control and wealth needs to be with the Corporations and smaller Government comes from ceasing control of the Legislation (at least 60%) and either seizing control of the Supreme Court or by legislatively disbanding them. In the end, the Government will control everything by permission from the Corporations. If the Corporations won't cooperate, the Dictator threatens them with the Military. Italy's Mussolini is famous for that. Italy didn't have a whole lot to stop the Seizure of the Country back then. The US was quickly headed that way until 2020 but we have two things in place that prevent this from happening; Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. While I dislike Rump, I don't wish to see him stripped, hanging upside down in the town square or poisoning himself in an underground bunker.

Communists believe that it's for the best of the country for the Government to have the major control. They will end up using the Military to put down the public. So the end results are exactly the same. Play ball or you get arrested or worse.

Now, take both Fascism and Communism one for step, one to the right and one to the left, you end up with one man ruling by force using the Military to back him up. Welcome to the linking of the circle; Dictatorship.
The difference is, the Fascist believes that the control and wealth needs to be with the Corporations and smaller Government comes from ceasing control of the Legislation (at least 60%) and either seizing control of the Supreme Court or by legislatively disbanding them. In the end, the Government will control everything by permission from the Corporations. If the Corporations won't cooperate, the Dictator threatens them with the Military. Italy's Mussolini is famous for that. Italy didn't have a whole lot to stop the Seizure of the Country back then. The US was quickly headed that way until 2020 but we have two things in place that prevent this from happening; Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. While I dislike Rump, I don't wish to see him stripped, hanging upside down in the town square or poisoning himself in an underground bunker.

Communists believe that it's for the best of the country for the Government to have the major control. They will end up using the Military to put down the public. So the end results are exactly the same. Play ball or you get arrested or worse.

Now, take both Fascism and Communism one for step, one to the right and one to the left, you end up with one man ruling by force using the Military to back him up. Welcome to the linking of the circle; Dictatorship.
Basically my point I stated earlier.

Patriot put up the challenge but seems uninterested in actually following through now.....
The difference is, the Fascist believes that the control and wealth needs to be with the Corporations and smaller Government comes from ceasing control of the Legislation (at least 60%) and either seizing control of the Supreme Court or by legislatively disbanding them. In the end, the Government will control everything by permission from the Corporations. If the Corporations won't cooperate, the Dictator threatens them with the Military. Italy's Mussolini is famous for that. Italy didn't have a whole lot to stop the Seizure of the Country back then. The US was quickly headed that way until 2020 but we have two things in place that prevent this from happening; Constitution of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. While I dislike Rump, I don't wish to see him stripped, hanging upside down in the town square or poisoning himself in an underground bunker.

Communists believe that it's for the best of the country for the Government to have the major control. They will end up using the Military to put down the public. So the end results are exactly the same. Play ball or you get arrested or worse.

Now, take both Fascism and Communism one for step, one to the right and one to the left, you end up with one man ruling by force using the Military to back him up. Welcome to the linking of the circle; Dictatorship.

the Fascist believes that the control and wealth needs to be with the Corporations

In the end, the Government will control everything by permission from the Corporations.

Where did you get this crazy idea that a fascist gov't is controlled by the corporations? The hallmark of a fascist gov't is (1) a centralized autocratic government (2) headed by a dictatorial leader, (3) severe economic and social regimentation, and (4) forcible suppression of opposition. A fascst gov't controls the corps, not the other way around.
the Fascist believes that the control and wealth needs to be with the Corporations

In the end, the Government will control everything by permission from the Corporations.

Where did you get this crazy idea that a fascist gov't is controlled by the corporations? The hallmark of a fascist gov't is (1) a centralized autocratic government (2) headed by a dictatorial leader, (3) severe economic and social regimentation, and (4) forcible suppression of opposition. A fascst gov't controls the corps, not the other way around.

Stop and think about it. Whom makes up the Autocrats? The Uber Rich. And whom owns or controls the Corporations? The Uber Rich. And exactly what say in anything does anyone other than the Autocrats have? Fascism NEEDS the Autocrat Corporate Leaders to accomplish the takeover. The problem is, sometime after the takeover, the powerful Dictator controls the Military and Corporate America loses that power. So they settle for less and less knowing they can't oppose the Military. Now, if they can get the Generals to side with them it's called a Military Coup and many types of government can come out in the long run except a Military Government. Sooner or later, the Military has to make a decision on what is to replace it. It's a pretty well know fact that the Military makes a crappy government.
Mussolini and Hitler started out as Fascists but made the last step to Dictators.
Nazi is short for National Socialist. Which, as everybody knows (even you), that is left-wing. Hitler started off left-wing, stayed left-wing, finished left-wing. Because, well, fascism is exclusively left-wing.
Well, considering fascism is exclusively left-wing, it is simply impossible for anything "ultra right-wing" to end in fascism. But thanks for playing son.

Both of these two started out claiming to be social democrats. After WWI, that was the excepted thing to do. But in the 20s, Mussolini made the switch to what he really was. He moves so far right he almost went off the scale but he didn't inform but a handful what he was up to. In 1926 Mussolini was elected and slowly started disassembling many parts of the Italian government. In reality, Mussolini was NEVER a Democratic Socialist. After Hitler got out of Prison, he started studying Mussolini and conversing with him. But his real motives were not announced as it would prevent him from growing inside the Democratic Socialist Government of Germany. They both seized control using taking over the Congressional groups and banned the Federal Supreme courts. The first two steps of establishing a Fascist Movement (a successful on at least).

I won't bother to repost the 14 rules that Fascism needs. But, like the two above, you believe that YOU are superior to other groups. And you found a leader that makes you think he and you are both superior to other groups and classes. What you don't understand is, your Leader believes that only HE is superior just like the two above. And the only two things that stopped him from success (and he believes it's still his birthright) was the two things that neither Italy nor Germany had which is the United States Constitution and the Military version called the Uniform Code of Military justice. The Constitution is sometimes slow to act but the UCMJ acts in a matter of minutes, hours or days.

You are extreme rw and following a wanna be dictator. He is using Fascism to gain his control. But in the United States, Fascism will NEVER be successful. The problem is, you are buying wholesale each and everything he is selling. Enjoy the ride, Rump will not get past 2024. He will be 77 and for many of the reasons (notice, I said reasons) that you oppose Biden, he also is in the same boat. The problem is, you don't have anything any better than even come close to be electable. So you keep buying everything he is selling. He's done in 2024 or maybe sooner.
Nazi is short for National Socialist. Which, as everybody knows (even you), that is left-wing. Hitler started off left-wing, stayed left-wing, finished left-wing. Because, well, fascism is exclusively left-wing.

LOL, tell me another joke. Can I send you a dozen Roses? Found a bunch of them just laying around the cow pasture. You can call anything anything but those of us that stay informed know that a Rose smells sweet. If it smells like shit, it's a cow patty that someone is calling a rose.
Both of these two started out claiming to be social democrats. After WWI, that was the excepted thing to do. But in the 20s, Mussolini made the switch to what he really was. He moves so far right he almost went off the scale but he didn't inform but a handful what he was up to. In 1926 Mussolini was elected and slowly started disassembling many parts of the Italian government. In reality, Mussolini was NEVER a Democratic Socialist. After Hitler got out of Prison, he started studying Mussolini and conversing with him. But his real motives were not announced as it would prevent him from growing inside the Democratic Socialist Government of Germany. They both seized control using taking over the Congressional groups and banned the Federal Supreme courts. The first two steps of establishing a Fascist Movement (a successful on at least).

I won't bother to repost the 14 rules that Fascism needs. But, like the two above, you believe that YOU are superior to other groups. And you found a leader that makes you think he and you are both superior to other groups and classes. What you don't understand is, your Leader believes that only HE is superior just like the two above. And the only two things that stopped him from success (and he believes it's still his birthright) was the two things that neither Italy nor Germany had which is the United States Constitution and the Military version called the Uniform Code of Military justice. The Constitution is sometimes slow to act but the UCMJ acts in a matter of minutes, hours or days.

You are extreme rw and following a wanna be dictator. He is using Fascism to gain his control. But in the United States, Fascism will NEVER be successful. The problem is, you are buying wholesale each and everything he is selling. Enjoy the ride, Rump will not get past 2024. He will be 77 and for many of the reasons (notice, I said reasons) that you oppose Biden, he also is in the same boat. The problem is, you don't have anything any better than even come close to be electable. So you keep buying everything he is selling. He's done in 2024 or maybe sooner.

How is it you expect to be taken seriously?
Well, considering fascism is exclusively left-wing, it is simply impossible for anything "ultra right-wing" to end in fascism. But thanks for playing son.
often the ultra right wing is nationalist, and it doesnt take much to go from nationalism to fascism. The nationalists are easy to spot, they mention globalism with negative connotations.

Case in point just now is republican Indiana state senator Scott Baldwin, who was telling a history teachers that they need to be impartial when teaching about Nazism. Then later had to walk that back.

But in the 20s, Mussolini made the switch to what he really was. He moves so far right he almost went off the scale but he didn't inform but a handful what he was up to.
Any jack-ass can scream “that person moved so far right” or “that person moved so far left”. I back up 100% of what I state with indisputable facts. The fact that you cannot state what actions Mussolini took that made him “move so far right” just proves that you’re not only wrong, but that you know you are wrong.

You cannot have small, limited government, totalitarianism. It’s literally impossible to the point of being absurd and comical.
They both seized control using taking over the Congressional groups
Oh, you mean like the Dumbocrats did when they proposed Congressional rules banning anything that had a historical tie to what they considered to be “racist”? Which was the ultimate irony of course, considering the Dumbocrats long and ugly history of racism.
and banned the Federal Supreme courts.
So once again like the Dumbocrats here in the U.S.?
Any jack-ass can scream “that person moved so far right” or “that person moved so far left”. I back up 100% of what I state with indisputable facts. The fact that you cannot state what actions Mussolini took that made him “move so far right” just proves that you’re not only wrong, but that you know you are wrong.

You cannot have small, limited government, totalitarianism. It’s literally impossible to the point of being absurd and comical.

More than once I posted the 1926 Mussolini Manifesto with it's 14 points to establish a Fascist Italy. Hitler used the same manifesto to get in position to completely dominate Germany. You seem to ignore that. One does not get any RW than that manifesto. Stop lying.

Another person has tried to establish his own Fascist Government. He succeeded in 12 of the 14 points. The US Military refused to do his bidding and the Jan 6th (and others) failed him as well. But two things got in his way, The United States Constitution and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Like him, you are a domestic terrorist and deserve to be put in prison for many, many years or outright shot when you open try and operate.
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. The Biden Administration directed the Executive Branch to “characterized disruptions at school board meetings as a form of domestic terrorism and hate crime.”

Parents. As in soccer mom’s. At school board meetings. Labeled as “domestic terrorists” with calls to use the full resources of the federal government anti-terrorist resources against them. Somewhere, Adolf Hitler is smiling ear-to-ear.
More than once I posted the 1926 Mussolini Manifesto with it's 14 points to establish a Fascist Italy.
And all 14 of those “points” are left-wing.

So for the 45th fucking time - what exactly did Mussolini do that was “right-wing”?

Your refusal to cite speaks volumes.
Oh, you mean like the Dumbocrats did when they proposed Congressional rules banning anything that had a historical tie to what they considered to be “racist”? Which was the ultimate irony of course, considering the Dumbocrats long and ugly history of racism.

These actions should have been done in 1865.

So once again like the Dumbocrats here in the U.S.?

You don't get it. America was about 5 minutes from becoming a Fascist Government and 10 minutes away from a self appointed King. One of the points of establishing a Fascist Government is to either seize control (that was nearly done by you terrorists) or to outlaw the Supreme Court (like Mussolini did)

Whomever wrote this didn't even bother to put his name on it. The fear that it tries to put into place is completely unfounded. The packing of the Supreme Court ain't going to happen. But what we got was another form of packing and that is the refusal to allow Democrat Presidents to appoint Judges. Normally, it wouldn't be a problem but the last 2 Judges was extremists. One of the 3 turned out to be more of a free thinker, not what you or your Head Terrorist wanted. We were that close to becoming a Fascist Government. We have to remember to be vigil.
These actions should have been done in 1865.

You don't get it. America was about 5 minutes from becoming a Fascist Government and 10 minutes away from a self appointed King. One of the points of establishing a Fascist Government is to either seize control (that was nearly done by you terrorists) or to outlaw the Supreme Court (like Mussolini did)

Whomever wrote this didn't even bother to put his name on it. The fear that it tries to put into place is completely unfounded. The packing of the Supreme Court ain't going to happen. But what we got was another form of packing and that is the refusal to allow Democrat Presidents to appoint Judges. Normally, it wouldn't be a problem but the last 2 Judges was extremists. One of the 3 turned out to be more of a free thinker, not what you or your Head Terrorist wanted. We were that close to becoming a Fascist Government. We have to remember to be vigil.
How many gallons of Kook-Ade did you drink?
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. The Biden Administration directed the Executive Branch to “characterized disruptions at school board meetings as a form of domestic terrorism and hate crime.”

Parents. As in soccer mom’s. At school board meetings. Labeled as “domestic terrorists” with calls to use the full resources of the federal government anti-terrorist resources against them. Somewhere, Adolf Hitler is smiling ear-to-ear.

Epoch Times?


Overall, we rate The Epoch Times Right Biased and Questionable based on the publication of pseudoscience and the promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, as well as numerous failed fact checks.
And all 14 of those “points” are left-wing.

So for the 45th fucking time - what exactly did Mussolini do that was “right-wing”?

Your refusal to cite speaks volumes.

You really need to study up on the 1920s Italy, 1030s USSR and the 1930s Spain. For the umpteenth time, learn the history before you make a damned fool of yourself again. And don't expect me to do your work for you anymore.

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