*The Last Politician, That Goes To Jail Turn Off Lights; We The People Will Hire New People!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Yes I'm saying they should *ALL* go to prison, some shot in the head.
2. Lets not forget the FBI, or CIA, they should be in jail with them.
3. Just throw all politicians in jail.
4. But to get this to happen is impossible.
5. They are not going to escort each other into jail cells.
6. And the last one get to turn off the lights, till new People we send show up, and turn them back on.
7. It is sort of a pipe dream, of mine, but it isn't going to happen, wonderful thought, but will never happen.
8. They protect each other at all times.
9. And we the People are their favorite pets, like lap dogs, and cats.
10. They make bogglely eyes at us saying how bad the other side is, and say, "I'm going to get that boy!"
11. All the while they stay seated and stroke our collective fur.
12. And its a crying shame, thats who we elected, guess it comes with the job.
13. They even make laws that make them immune to our laws, laws that apply to, We The People.
14. They made this, read this:
15. Most of you are fleas on the dogs/cats, butt, read this the grand daddy of all USA laws.

I'm all for reanimating our founding fathers and patriots who fought in the Revolutionary War, arming them with AR-15s, and letting the zombie patriots deal with these modern-day traitors, Tories, and usurpers of American liberty and independence. Maybe even throw in some zombie French Revolutionaries for some guillotine hilarity.

That would be especially awesome to watch, if they televised it. Of course, our founding fathers, patriots, and French Revolutionaries weren't very fond of television, considering that they didn't even have any TVs. But as smart as they were, they would adapt pretty quickly. Especially Ben Franklin, because he knew a little about electricity. I know this comes as a shock to some, but it's true.
The Founding Fathers created the opportunity to hire and fire Representatives every two years, the president every four years and senators every six years. You get what you vote for.
The founding fathers did not create the opportunity to hire Senators every six years. They made that after the civil war, because it was up to the state legislators before then to change a Senator that wasnt representing the state. But the senators saw that Congress got elected many times, so why shouldnt the senators. That is why Diane Frankenstein is still in office along with UpChuck Schumer.

17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Direct Election of U.S. Senators

17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Direct Election of U.S. Senators​

En Español

Americans did not directly vote for senators for the first 125 years of the Federal Government. The Constitution, as it was adopted in 1788, stated that senators would be elected by state legislatures. The first proposal to amend the Constitution to elect senators by popular vote was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1826, but the idea did not gain considerable support until the late 19th century when several problems related to Senate elections had become evident. Several state legislatures deadlocked over the election of senators, which led to Senate vacancies lasting months and even years.

Also Congress didnt get paid but had their own businesses they had to attend to. This congressional pay is bullshit.....
Sorry bout that,

1. So your encouraging others to take up arms and attack those in DC?

It is either while we have arms to defend ourselves or the Marxists/Demofacists will take them all, and then it will be stones and Molotov Cocktails to go against our dangerous government.
Notice that the governments have the guns while the citizens have rocks and Molotov Cocktails?
Sorry bout that,

1. Lots of nations in the world, the people are slaves to the government.
2. They got the guns, we got the numbers.
3. Americans vote, often.
4. The problem is, those running for office, suck real bad.
5. Greedy fucks.
6. Thats why they want in office, to get money.
7. We are in for so much trouble hiring or voting for these money grubbers.
8. Money is indeed the root of all evil.
9. To get filthy lucre all you gotta do is offer to hold a position of elected office.
10. Snakes would offer to be elected, there is a great stigma now on political seats in our government, and the stigma is *GREED*.

Sorry bout that,

1. Lots of nations in the world, the people are slaves to the government.
2. They got the guns, we got the numbers.
3. Americans vote, often.
4. The problem is, those running for office, suck real bad.
5. Greedy fucks.
6. Thats why they want in office, to get money.
7. We are in for so much trouble hiring or voting for these money grubbers.
8. Money is indeed the root of all evil.
9. To get filthy lucre all you gotta do is offer to hold a position of elected office.
10. Snakes would offer to be elected, there is a great stigma now on political seats in our government, and the stigma is *GREED*.

The voting no longer works since the Marxists/Democrats have perfected the big steal. I know exactly how they do it also.


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