The Kurds don´t want to release ISIS members


Nov 14, 2012
The Kurds´ "Foreign Minister", Abdulkarim Omar, some appointee, told the German newspaper that the SDF won´t release the captured ISIS members. He said, that they are SDF-captives and that Trump has no say in this issue. The captives will be treated according to international conventions, he added. Trump threatened the world with the release of them.
But he also stressed that the SDF cannot impeach them due to a lack of "capacity" and said they must go back.

The problem with those 1500 Isils is that there is simply no law against ISIS-membership and there must be explicit charges such as war crimes.

While Trump blackmails us with the release of terrorists, he does not even allow a girl back into his country.

Kurden wollen ausländische IS-Männer nicht freilassen
So, what do the Kurds want to do with them? It seems they
Why did they capture and just not kill them?

They're following international legal agreements, something most Muslims laugh at and ignore routinely. The Kurdish leaderships' word is worth something, while the word of vermin like Syria and Iran and most otehr Muslim ruled shitholes are worth less than zero.
Well, at least Iran has followed and still follows the nuclear agreement according to various reports of IAEA. While the US unilaterally withdrew from it, despite the stance of so-called allies.
So, what do the Kurds want to do with them? It seems they
Why did they capture and just not kill them?

They're following international legal agreements, something most Muslims laugh at and ignore routinely. The Kurdish leaderships' word is worth something, while the word of vermin like Syria and Iran and most otehr Muslim ruled shitholes are worth less than zero.
Well, at least Iran has followed and still follows the nuclear agreement according to various reports of IAEA. While the US unilaterally withdrew from it, despite the stance of so-called allies.

Well, at least Iran has followed and still follows the nuclear agreement

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So, what do the Kurds want to do with them? It seems they
Why did they capture and just not kill them?

They're following international legal agreements, something most Muslims laugh at and ignore routinely. The Kurdish leaderships' word is worth something, while the word of vermin like Syria and Iran and most otehr Muslim ruled shitholes are worth less than zero.
Well, at least Iran has followed and still follows the nuclear agreement according to various reports of IAEA. While the US unilaterally withdrew from it, despite the stance of so-called allies.

Well, at least Iran has followed and still follows the nuclear agreement


I wonder if Iranians ever thanked Hillary for the American uranium the Russians sold them?
So, what do the Kurds want to do with them? It seems they
Why did they capture and just not kill them?

They're following international legal agreements, something most Muslims laugh at and ignore routinely. The Kurdish leaderships' word is worth something, while the word of vermin like Syria and Iran and most otehr Muslim ruled shitholes are worth less than zero.
Well, at least Iran has followed and still follows the nuclear agreement according to various reports of IAEA. While the US unilaterally withdrew from it, despite the stance of so-called allies.

Well, at least Iran has followed and still follows the nuclear agreement

What a profound post. The only thing it lacks is some links. Do you have any? On IAEA for example?
So, what do the Kurds want to do with them? It seems they
Why did they capture and just not kill them?

They're following international legal agreements, something most Muslims laugh at and ignore routinely. The Kurdish leaderships' word is worth something, while the word of vermin like Syria and Iran and most otehr Muslim ruled shitholes are worth less than zero.
Well, at least Iran has followed and still follows the nuclear agreement according to various reports of IAEA. While the US unilaterally withdrew from it, despite the stance of so-called allies.

Well, at least Iran has followed and still follows the nuclear agreement


I wonder if Iranians ever thanked Hillary for the American uranium the Russians sold them?
I have no idea. She was your SoS and represented your country.

If your officials do something that contradicts the interests of your country, that simply means that your governmental system sucks.
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