Zone1 The John Jay Report RE sexual abuse in the Catholic Church


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022

I am just now learning about this report but thought I would share w/ others.

I do know about how priests (or so called priests) who molested children were protected by the fake Vatican sect..

And to me, this abuse and its cover up are one of the primary reasons Catholics cannot / should not believe that the Vatican sect is the Catholic Church. No, the Catholic Church used to reside in the Vatican. But the Vatican was taken over by non-believers... liberals.. Communists in 1958. I do not say this lightly. I have studied the matter rather in depth
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I would be more impressed if you actually read the report and understood your error.
Reading the whole report will not make me give up sedevacantism.

I know that is the true Catholic position on what has happened since 1958. I do not just "believe" it.
so you couldn't care less what I think but the John Jay folks are pure as the driven snow and totally trustworthy and more erudite than anyone!

sheez.. whatever
Almost correct. You are a biased piece of shit hell bent on unjustifiably destroying the Catholic Church. John Jay is a prestigious College of Criminal Justice which was hired to do an independent investigation of the Church scandal - which began prior to Vatican II - and present their findings.

The report determined that, during the period from 1950 to 2002, a total of 10,667 individuals had made allegations of child sexual abuse. Of these, the dioceses had been able to identify 6,700 unique accusations against 4,392 clergy over that period in the USA, which is about 4% of all 109,694 ordained clergy, i.e., priests or deacons or members of religious orders, active in the USA during the time covered by the study.[2] However, of these 4392 accused, 252 (5.7% of those accused or less than 0.1% of total clergy) were convicted. The number of alleged abuses increased in the 1960s, peaked in the 1970s, declined in the 1980s, and by the 1990s had returned to the levels of the 1950s.[3]

The surveys filtered information provided from diocesan files on each cleric accused of sexual abuse and on each of the clerics' victims to the research team so that they did not have access to the names of the accused clergy or the dioceses where they worked. The dioceses were encouraged to issue reports of their own based on the surveys that they had completed. Of the 4,392 clergy accused, 3,300 were not investigated because the cleric had already died. Of the remainder 1,021 were reported to police and of those, 384 were charged, resulting in 252 convictions and 100 prison sentences; In total, out of the 109,694 priests who were surveyed, 100 were imprisoned.

Thus, 6% of the 4,392 clergy against whom allegations were made (252 priests in total or <0.25% of all clerics) were convicted, and about 2% of the 4,392 accused priests (100 clerics or <0.1% of all clerics) received prison sentences.[2][4] According to the report, one-third of the accusations were made in 2002 and 2003, and another third of the allegations were reported between 1993 and 2001.[3] Over the same period there were about 1,000 new clergy ordained per year in the 1960s, declining to about 500 per year in 2014, and about 60,000 clergy at any one time. [5] Thus one can say there were over 100,000 newly ordained and existing Roman Catholic clergy (109,694 John Jay p. 4) in the USA over the fifty-year period of the John Jay Report. The 100 convicted clergy therefore represent less than 0.1% of the total number of US based Roman Catholic clergy over the period. Of the 4,392 accused clergy, 3,300 of these accusations (~3.3% of clergy) were not investigated due to the accused having already died. Of the accusations that were investigated, 93% were reported. Of those reports, 37% were charged and of those 66% were convicted, making a total of 23% of the still alive being convicted. Of the convictions, 40% received prison sentences.

In summary, over a 50-year period, out of more than 100,000 priests deacons and religious order clergy, 4,392 (~4.4%) were accused of sexual abuse, 252 (<0.26%) were convicted and 100 (<0.1%) sentenced to prison.


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