The inept and corrupt federal government

I think our federal government does a fair job considering the entire world wishes to come to this country and enjoy our clean air, water and enjoy our innovation.

I find it down right treasonous your attitude towards our country...If you don't like America then get the fuck out.
I think our federal government does a fair job considering the entire world wishes to come to this country and enjoy our clean air, water and enjoy our innovation.
Exactly. And what do we have that other nations don't? A very strong conservative base. Venezuela, Cuba, Ethiopia, etc. are all trying to escape from the miserable progressivism you're trying to cram down people's throats here.
Unbelievable corruption...
A novel feature of those agreements, however, was that the government allowed the defendants to pay some of that money over to third parties approved by the government who were not victims of any wrongdoing, but who were often political allies of the administration.
It's mind-boggling how the left-wing idiots adore and bow to the federal government when it is so corrupt, inept, and illegal.

How Jeff Sessions Just Stopped the Justice Department From Robbing the Public
One would think this would be BIG news, but one would be wrong in the Age of Ignorance (aka Age of Leftism).

I am willing to bet the farm that nearly all left leaning Americans know nothing about these exposed scandals, thanks to lying media.

The "Age of Leftism" is a great lie. Leftists are a small minority in this country. They have just gotten into all the right places to cause the most trouble and make the most noise because regular people have real jobs and better things to worry about.
These animals - who are so violent and dangerous that El Salvador is in a panic and holding emergency meetings over - are the people who the left not only invited into our nation, they insisted that these animals should be allowed to stay in the U.S. permanently.
The Trump administration is sending violent gang members back to their home countries in droves -- so many that one country is dreading what's to come.

El Salvador authorities are holding emergency meetings and trying to come up with new laws to keep track of all the criminals being deported from the U.S., The Washington Post reports.
Thank God for President Trump. Just compare that with what Dumbocrat Barack Insane Obama did..
This is the opposite of what former president Barack Obama did. "The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency released nearly 600 illegal immigrants convicted of sex crimes, many because their home countries refused to take them back, according to newly obtained documents," the Washington Examiner wrote.
So Obama actually gave other nations a choice and these thugs were so bad, their own nations refused to take them back. So what did Obama do? Just turned them loose on the streets of America (while his wife and daughters were in bullet proof compounds and limos, surrounded by the finest Personal Security Details in the world, armed with fully automatic weapons). Typical lefty.

Trump Sending So Many Gang Members Back to El Salvador That Officials There Now in a Panic
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This isn't the federal government - but it is an example of the astounding ineptitude of government.
Recently, Seattle’s Waterfront Park decided it would be a good idea to buy a set of three wind turbines for around $107,000. The three wind turbines (who are all white, if you were wondering) will generate $1.39 worth of electricity a day, or a spectacular $42 a month. Now, that may not seem like a lot, but that’s because that’s the low estimate. At peak generation, the turbines will create about . . . wait for it . . . over 5 bucks a day! Or $168 a month in electricity! At that rate, it will only take about 53 years for the wind turbines to pay for themselves! Well, assuming no maintenance costs. Or staffing. Or anything else.
Proving yet again that progressives are completely ignorant of basic business and basic economics. They have absolutely no concept of ROI or TCO, etc. But wait. The insanity doesn't stop there. It gets better. As usual, the ignorant progressive "representative" has no idea what they are voting on...
City Councilwoman Sissi Bruch summed up the wind turbines’ energy production perfectly — along with the reason government is horrible at everything: “I did not realize they would produce so little energy. I wouldn’t have voted for it knowing it was that little.”
#GreenFail: Taxpayers Foot $107K Bill for Wind Turbines That Don’t Work
Astounding ineptitude...
Interior Department officials have no idea how much land they bought for $815 million, nor if the properties are being used for their intended purpose, a government watchdog reported.
And to think progressives want the federal government to have complete and total control over every aspect of civilization.

Government Has No Clue How Much Land It Bought With $815 Million
The federal government is an ocean of unimaginable corruption...
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) wrote to current FBI Director Christopher Wray that Comey’s preparation of the statement to exonerate Clinton in April or May 2016 showed a prejudicial bias in her favor. Comey announced in July 2016 that the FBI would not recommend charges against Clinton.
New revelation about Comey’s refusal to charge Clinton sparks outrage
Just remember progressives - the Democrats "care" about you... :lmao:
U.S. Senator Bob Menendez abused his power to help a wealthy benefactor in a years-long bribery scheme that netted the New Jersey Democrat lavish gifts and major campaign donations, federal prosecutors told a jury on Wednesday.

"This case is about a corrupt politician who sold his Senate office for a life of luxury he couldn't afford," the lead prosecutor, Peter Koski, said at the start of Menendez's corruption trial in Newark.
Senator Bob Menendez faces federal corruption trial
Astounding ineptitude. FEMA will be out of money by Monday - and this is what the federal government has spent money on.
In 2016, the government used money to study TV bingewatching, comedy clubs, monkey drool and hamster fights. Half a billion was spent on a radio and TV station in Miami that attempted to broadcast into Cuba even though the country’s communist leadership was blocking the signal. “What happens when you have a country more concerned with political favors than prioritizing what really matters?” Glenn asked. “It won’t survive.”
And to think progressives want the federal government to have complete and total control over every aspect of civilization.

The Government Spent Money on This Instead of Hurricane Preparations in Miami
Crooked Donnie has the most corrupt Presidency that Russia could buy

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