The hate whitey movement...when will it work?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I said Dems moved a little too soon on the Make America Mexico Again movement back in 2016 and I believe the Dems have done the same with the hate whitey mantra currently. BUT when will it take hold? As CNN and social networking continue to pound it in our youth...are we just a few years away from it being effective?
I will never hate whitey ...


... not even if he peed on my carpet.
Democrats can only focus on one victim group at a time as they all have competing interests. Illegals take away jobs from black people among other things, gays piss of the black people when they claim the same struggle, radical feminist and the gays are at odds with the trans...
The "hate whitey" campaign's greatest effect is cause whitey to hate those who them, and since white people make up the vast majority of America, "hate whitey" isn't a very good strategy. But that is exactly why democrats have worked overtime in the last decades to flood America with as many foreigners as they possibly can. It's a movement to displace white people as the majority in America, all under the guise of "diversity." It's really got nothing to do with diversity at all. The true agenda is POWER FOR DEMOCRATS...


Schumer's expression in the bottom picture looks positively evil.
Democrats are evil. They're also corrupt, and when it comes to getting and hanging onto power, they are capable of anything under the sun.

Democrats are the party of trash.
Schumer's expression in the bottom picture looks positively evil.
Democrats are evil. They're also corrupt, and when it comes to getting and hanging onto power, they are capable of anything under the sun.

Democrats are the party of trash.
Yes and they are racists. They use 'race' as a bludgeon against law and order by claiming law enforcement is somehow 'racist.' Democrats support anarchists pure and simple.
Schumer's expression in the bottom picture looks positively evil.
Democrats are evil. They're also corrupt, and when it comes to getting and hanging onto power, they are capable of anything under the sun.

Democrats are the party of trash.
Yes and they are racists. They use 'race' as a bludgeon against law and order by claiming law enforcement is somehow 'racist.'
And I'm a little surprised to hear anyone say that's a winning strategy.

Trump isn't losing. The democrat propaganda wing is LYING, AGAIN, only worse than they did last time. I guess some people just don't learn. You can lie to them repeatedly and they'll believe the lies over and over again. I think the vast majority of Americans are absolutely disgusted with democrats, with the riots, with the tearing down statues and the BLM garbage. I haven't talked to anyone that likes it, no one. Course I don't live in a city full of brain washed, America hating leftist filth either, but there's a huge nation here besides these democrat toilets they call cities. I guess the city slickers and their propaganda wing need to be reminded of that every four years...

There is a strong Issue for the Democrats right now - COVID-19!
It's working VERY well against Trump.
Now Americans can SEE the cost of voting for an idiot.
130,000 dead and counting... Should be close to 250,000+ by November.

WHY would anyone vote to re-elect a President of Death & Chaos?
There is a strong Issue for the Democrats right now - COVID-19!
It's working VERY well against Trump.
Now Americans can SEE the cost of voting for an idiot.
130,000 dead and counting... Should be close to 250,000+ by November.

WHY would anyone vote to re-elect a President of Death & Chaos?
The response was up to the governors...

When you look at the death rate by state, why would anybody vote for a Democrat???
There is a strong Issue for the Democrats right now - COVID-19!
It's working VERY well against Trump.
Now Americans can SEE the cost of voting for an idiot.
130,000 dead and counting... Should be close to 250,000+ by November.

WHY would anyone vote to re-elect a President of Death & Chaos?
The response was up to the governors...

When you look at the death rate by state, why would anybody vote for a Democrat???

you are counting on the hopeless and endless ignorance of the masses?
Of course, the "Hate Euro-American Campaign" is working.

The huge numbers of Euro-American youth who took part in last month's Insurrection proves that.

Their university professors have been very successful in their indoctrination.

As everyone knows, the birthrate of Euro-Americans is far below that of ladies of other backgrounds.

By the end of this century, the genuine racists will no longer have Euro-Americans to kick around.

I can imagine what this nation will be like at that time. For a glimpse of the future, just take a gander at certain cities (the names of which we all know).
nope-----the program is counter productive and YOU are playing victim now-----as in
"THE POOR BESIEGED WHITE MALE" The program will go down the cosmic
sewer just as did so many populist toxic deliriums of the past----both right
and left------they always fail
Schumer's expression in the bottom picture looks positively evil.
Democrats are evil. They're also corrupt, and when it comes to getting and hanging onto power, they are capable of anything under the sun.

Democrats are the party of trash.
Yes and they are racists. They use 'race' as a bludgeon against law and order by claiming law enforcement is somehow 'racist.'
And I'm a little surprised to hear anyone say that's a winning strategy.

Trump isn't losing. The democrat propaganda wing is LYING, AGAIN, only worse than they did last time. I guess some people just don't learn. You can lie to them repeatedly and they'll believe the lies over and over again. I think the vast majority of Americans are absolutely disgusted with democrats, with the riots, with the tearing down statues and the BLM garbage. I haven't talked to anyone that likes it, no one. Course I don't live in a city full of brain washed, America hating leftist filth either, but there's a huge nation here besides these democrat toilets they call cities. I guess the city slickers and their propaganda wing need to be reminded of that every four years...


Migration from urban areas continues to climb, but it will still be decade or two to make that count. It is going to be close.

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