The GOP Has a Problem: My Generation Isn't Conservative

Whatever happened to this twink? AIDS?

I thought it was bullshit, and now you admitted that what you said was bullshit. Thanks for admitting it so readily.

I have admitted no such thing. I have told you to google it because the information is readily available. Those who are stupid or ignorant would not bother to know what laws apply to their employment, and only the lazy would refuse to do google to find out if a thing were true.

Lazy, stupid and willfully ignorant are the very definition of today's Republican Party and its voters.
I have admitted no such thing. I have told you to google it because the information is readily available. Those who are stupid or ignorant would not bother to know what laws apply to their employment, and only the lazy would refuse to do google to find out if a thing were true.

Lazy, stupid and willfully ignorant are the very definition of today's Republican Party and its voters.
Go back and read your response to me, you admitted you were spewing BS, Yes, and Republicans are ignorant voters, as are Democrats.

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


No problem. Your votes won't count until all of us boomers are dead. It's sort of like Germany/Austria and the Jews. (-: you think you're the first generation that wasn't "liberal" when you were young? When I was in High School and College I marched against the Vietnam War and voted for McGovern. Being young and naive is a rite of passage. You'll grow out of it...unless of course your career is in academics or you work in the Public Sector...then you'll grow older and still be just AS naive!

In 1984, Reagan won 18-30 year-olds by 9 points.

In 2016, Trump lost 18-30 year-olds by 28 points.

If someone votes for the same party in the first two Presidential elections, they will vote for that party 80% of the time for the rest of their life.

The GOP is the party of old people, the party of yesterday.

Fortunately for the Republicans, their opponents are incredibly incompetent, and the Democrats will find a way to screw up this natural advantage somehow.
it is time to end an approach to governance where the wealthy and well-connected are first in line and working people are an afterthought.

that's REAL conservatism!
These younger generations are waiting longer to have kids because they can’t afford to raise them.

Child care is currently running $200 per week per child. My youngest daughter, who is in her early 30’s, is the only one of her childhood friends who has children.

Only Americans have grown more conservative as they've aged, but really, what Republicans have been promoting is hardly conservative principles. Republicans, since Reagan, have promoted the idea that poverty is the result of race, sloth and lack of motivation, not lack of opportunity or racial injustice.

While Republican tax and labour policies destroyed the unions, suppressed worker wages, and rewarded wealth over work in the USA, other countries were enacting family friendly labour legislation, child care and health care policies, and free education for as much of the population as possible. Their tax and labour policies rewarded work over wealth, and tax dollars are reinvested in infrastructure, eduction, and innovation.

Most top American universities educate the children of the wealthy first and foremost - 30% legacy, and then sell admissions to the children of the elite from around the world. Not much chance for those without wealth and connections to get in, and certainly not enough to change the current social strata. Added to which, the white people whine like bitches if AA ensures that at least some poor minorities get in.

If your Dad went to Yale, you can go to Yale too, with or without the marks. George W. Bush was a legacy student, son of the Speaker of the House, when he was admitted to Yale. Despite being a C student at best. Even W admits he was a rich kid fuck up when he was younger. But he got into Yale all the same.

Where in the heck did you get that George H. W. Bush was Speaker of the House?

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


dems have a bigger problem his name is joe not sure teenagers get excited by this confused old relic from kkk days

Millennials and Generation Z show no sign of growing more conservative over time like the Boomers did. We must address the age gap.

The GOP has a problem, and it MIGHT be because they haven't had a good President since *checks notes*


The Boomers were spoiled rotten

But they had less liberal brainwashing than their children and their children’s children had

Maybe the newer generations will be happy in a godless world that worships only sex and money

Or maybe not

Which means they are doomed to live and die even more unhappy than the Boomers did
In 1984, Reagan won 18-30 year-olds by 9 points.

In 2016, Trump lost 18-30 year-olds by 28 points.

If someone votes for the same party in the first two Presidential elections, they will vote for that party 80% of the time for the rest of their life.

The GOP is the party of old people, the party of yesterday.

Fortunately for the Republicans, their opponents are incredibly incompetent, and the Democrats will find a way to screw up this natural advantage somehow.
That's what an additional 30 years of brainwashing will do.
Or it might be that dimwit children are allowed to remain dimwit children forever, instead of being forced to grow up and shoulder adult responsibility, the way baby boomers and Gen Xers were.

Please spare us your immature and ignorant assessments of "good Presidents' as though we're supposed to believe you would know one way or the other.
In their defense, they aren't the generation that put the US trillions in debt Boomer.

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