The Good Samaritan and how it influences your political beliefs.

It seems pretty clear that USMB Christians have little time for the Good Samaritan and that is reflected in their own politics. They worship money not God.

If individual charity could ever get the job done then we would never have staving people without a home.

Why is it so easy for you to dismiss the Good Samaritan but be willing to go to court in order to persecute Gays ? If you accept one then surely you should accept the other ?
It seems pretty clear that USMB Christians have little time for the Good Samaritan and that is reflected in their own politics. They worship money not God.

If individual charity could ever get the job done then we would never have staving people without a home.

Why is it so easy for you to dismiss the Good Samaritan but be willing to go to court in order to persecute Gays ? If you accept one then surely you should accept the other ?
Man is a SOCIAL CREATURE-----as are many other animals Man congregates
with, eats with, nurtures children, engages in protection in SOCIAL GROUPS.
It is for this _^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ reason that "charity"
will not do it-----CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME is not an empty phrase
It seems pretty clear that USMB Christians have little time for the Good Samaritan and that is reflected in their own politics. They worship money not God.

If individual charity could ever get the job done then we would never have staving people without a home.

Why is it so easy for you to dismiss the Good Samaritan but be willing to go to court in order to persecute Gays ? If you accept one then surely you should accept the other ?
I don't dismiss the good Samaritan, Thomas. You do.
It seems pretty clear that USMB Christians have little time for the Good Samaritan and that is reflected in their own politics. They worship money not God.

If individual charity could ever get the job done then we would never have staving people without a home.

Why is it so easy for you to dismiss the Good Samaritan but be willing to go to court in order to persecute Gays ? If you accept one then surely you should accept the other ?
I don't dismiss the good Samaritan, Thomas. You do.
Its difficult to discern that in your postings. Your main concern is the effect on your tax bill.
It seems pretty clear that USMB Christians have little time for the Good Samaritan and that is reflected in their own politics. They worship money not God.

If individual charity could ever get the job done then we would never have staving people without a home.

Why is it so easy for you to dismiss the Good Samaritan but be willing to go to court in order to persecute Gays ? If you accept one then surely you should accept the other ?
I don't dismiss the good Samaritan, Thomas. You do.
Its difficult to discern that in your postings. Your main concern is the effect on your tax bill.
It's only difficult because your bias gets in the way. I can agree with the need and disagree with the solution. The thing you need to remember is that you want someone else to do it for you and think that makes you good.
It seems pretty clear that USMB Christians have little time for the Good Samaritan and that is reflected in their own politics. They worship money not God.

If individual charity could ever get the job done then we would never have staving people without a home.

Why is it so easy for you to dismiss the Good Samaritan but be willing to go to court in order to persecute Gays ? If you accept one then surely you should accept the other ?
I don't dismiss the good Samaritan, Thomas. You do.
you missed it, dingbat----tainted says that USMB posters worship money
It seems pretty clear that USMB Christians have little time for the Good Samaritan and that is reflected in their own politics. They worship money not God.

If individual charity could ever get the job done then we would never have staving people without a home.

Why is it so easy for you to dismiss the Good Samaritan but be willing to go to court in order to persecute Gays ? If you accept one then surely you should accept the other ?
I don't dismiss the good Samaritan, Thomas. You do.
you missed it, dingbat----tainted says that USMB posters worship money
Depends on how one defines worship I suppose. And he didn't say USMB posters. He said USMB Christians, so you are off the hook.

Of course since he is making this about money wouldn't he be guilty of worshiping money?

The dunning effect in Thomas is strong. He sees himself as more charitable than he really is and sees others as less charitable as they really are. Classic Dunning-Kruger effect as there ever was. :clap:
It seems pretty clear that USMB Christians have little time for the Good Samaritan and that is reflected in their own politics. They worship money not God.

If individual charity could ever get the job done then we would never have staving people without a home.

Why is it so easy for you to dismiss the Good Samaritan but be willing to go to court in order to persecute Gays ? If you accept one then surely you should accept the other ?
I don't dismiss the good Samaritan, Thomas. You do.
you missed it, dingbat----tainted says that USMB posters worship money
Depends on how one defines worship I suppose. And he didn't say USMB posters. He said USMB Christians, so you are off the hook.

Of course since he is making this about money wouldn't he be guilty of worshiping money?

The dunning effect in Thomas is strong. He sees himself as more charitable than he really is and sees others as less charitable as they really are. Classic Dunning-Kruger effect as there ever was. :clap:
I was always off the hook-----Luke did not know a samaritin from a Levite and
did not speak the language of either
It seems pretty clear that USMB Christians have little time for the Good Samaritan and that is reflected in their own politics. They worship money not God.

If individual charity could ever get the job done then we would never have staving people without a home.

Why is it so easy for you to dismiss the Good Samaritan but be willing to go to court in order to persecute Gays ? If you accept one then surely you should accept the other ?
I don't dismiss the good Samaritan, Thomas. You do.
you missed it, dingbat----tainted says that USMB posters worship money
Depends on how one defines worship I suppose. And he didn't say USMB posters. He said USMB Christians, so you are off the hook.

Of course since he is making this about money wouldn't he be guilty of worshiping money?

The dunning effect in Thomas is strong. He sees himself as more charitable than he really is and sees others as less charitable as they really are. Classic Dunning-Kruger effect as there ever was. :clap:
I was always off the hook-----Luke did not know a samaritin from a Levite and
did not speak the language of either
Thank you for that evangelization. :rolleyes:
It seems pretty clear that USMB Christians have little time for the Good Samaritan and that is reflected in their own politics. They worship money not God.

If individual charity could ever get the job done then we would never have staving people without a home.

Why is it so easy for you to dismiss the Good Samaritan but be willing to go to court in order to persecute Gays ? If you accept one then surely you should accept the other ?
I don't dismiss the good Samaritan, Thomas. You do.
Its difficult to discern that in your postings. Your main concern is the effect on your tax bill.
It's only difficult because your bias gets in the way. I can agree with the need and disagree with the solution. The thing you need to remember is that you want someone else to do it for you and think that makes you good.
Nope, just practical. History has shown that individual acts of charity do not get the job done.
It seems pretty clear that USMB Christians have little time for the Good Samaritan and that is reflected in their own politics. They worship money not God.

If individual charity could ever get the job done then we would never have staving people without a home.

Why is it so easy for you to dismiss the Good Samaritan but be willing to go to court in order to persecute Gays ? If you accept one then surely you should accept the other ?
I don't dismiss the good Samaritan, Thomas. You do.
Its difficult to discern that in your postings. Your main concern is the effect on your tax bill.
It's only difficult because your bias gets in the way. I can agree with the need and disagree with the solution. The thing you need to remember is that you want someone else to do it for you and think that makes you good.
Nope, just practical. History has shown that individual acts of charity do not get the job done.
Can you prove that?
My religious beliefs already influences my political beliefs and The Good Samaritan's parable is a part of it.

The Jews despised the Samaritans. They considered them half breeds and bad Jews because they were descended from 4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria by Sargon 2 sometime in the 6th century BC.

Context makes the story that much more poignant because of the Samaritan's kindness to a Jew who despised him.
The Jews despised the Samaritans. They considered them half breeds and bad Jews because they were descended from 4 Arab tribes settled in Samaria by Sargon 2 sometime in the 6th century BC.

Context makes the story that much more poignant because of the Samaritan's kindness to a Jew who despised him.
wrong again----jews rejected the Samaritan SECT and still do because the Samaritans
reject the talmudists (like Hillel) whom Jesus quoted incessantly. The rejection of the
Samaritan sect has been WEAPONIZED by islamo nazi pigs even to the point of their
false claims that jews MURDERED THEM like muslims murder christians, jews, hindus,
zoroastrians and hindus. For the record----there are STILL SAMARATINS alive and well
living in Israel. They are considered a sect of Judaism Their own history traces them back to biblical jews and NOT ARABS.
ISLAMO NAZI propaganda is actually hilarious BTW islamo nazi propagandaists ALSO
have Chassidic and non chassidic jews KILLING each other (WISHFUL THINKING)
wrong again----jews rejected the Samaritan SECT and still do because the Samaritans
reject the talmudists (like Hillel) whom Jesus quoted incessantly. The rejection of the
Samaritan sect has been WEAPONIZED by islamo nazi pigs even to the point of their
false claims that jews MURDERED THEM like muslims murder christians, jews, hindus,
zoroastrians and hindus. For the record----there are STILL SAMARATINS alive and well
living in Israel. They are considered a sect of Judaism Their own history traces them back to biblical jews and NOT ARABS.
ISLAMO NAZI propaganda is actually hilarious BTW islamo nazi propagandaists ALSO
have Chassidic and non chassidic jews KILLING each other (WISHFUL THINKING)

Josephus's Wars of the Jews also refers to the Samaritans as the Cuthites.[10] In the biblical account, however, Kuthah was one of several cities from which people were brought to Samaria,[11] and they worshiped Nergal.[12][13] Modern genetics partially support both the claims of the Samaritans and the account in the Hebrew Bible (and Talmud), suggesting that the genealogy of the Samaritans lies in some combination of these two accounts.[14] This suggests that the Samaritans remained a genetically isolated population.[15]

The Samaritans are adherents of Samaritanism, a religion closely related to Judaism. Samaritans believe that their worship, which is based on the Samaritan Pentateuch,[16] is the true religion of the ancient Israelites from before the Babylonian captivity, preserved by those who remained in the Land of Israel, as opposed to Judaism, which they see as a related but altered and amended religion, brought back by those returning from the Babylonian Captivity. The Samaritans believe that Mount Gerizim was the original Holy Place of Israel from the time that Joshua conquered Canaan. The major issue between Jews and Samaritans has always been the location of the Chosen Place to worship God: The Temple Mount of Moriah in Jerusalem according to Judaism or Mount Gerizim according to Samaritanism.[8]

Once a large community, the Samaritan population appears to have shrunk significantly in the wake of the bloody suppression of the Samaritan Revolts (mainly in 525 and 555) against the Byzantine Empire. Conversion to Christianity under the Byzantines also reduced their numbers. Conversions to Islam took place as well,[17][18] and by the mid–Middle Ages, Benjamin of Tudela estimated only around 1,900 Samaritans remained in Palestine and Syria.[19]

Assyrian conquest of the Israelite Kingdom of Israel in approximately 721 BCE. The records of Sargon II of Assyria indicate that he deported 27,290 inhabitants of the former kingdom.

Jewish tradition affirms the Assyrian deportations and replacement of the previous inhabitants by forced resettlement by other peoples but claims a different ethnic origin for the Samaritans. The Talmud accounts for a people called "Cuthim" on a number of occasions, mentioning their arrival by the hands of the Assyrians. According to 2 Kings[39] and Josephus,[40] the people of Israel were removed by the king of the Assyrians (Sargon II)[41] to Halah, to Gozan on the Khabur River and to the towns of the Medes. The king of the Assyrians then brought people from Babylon, Cuthah, Avah, Emath, and Sepharvaim to place in Samaria.[42] Because God sent lions among them to kill them, the king of the Assyrians sent one of the priests from Bethel to teach the new settlers about God's ordinances. The eventual result was that the new settlers worshiped both the God of the land and their own gods from the countries from which they came.[4
Wikki is not a source. It boggles my mind that anyone would do a cut and paste of
a WIKKI. It's good for concrete facts but NOT HISTORICAL RECREATIONS

So it was told to explain what being a good neighbour was all about.

How does it influence how you deal with your neighbours and how do you modify your behaviour to keep within the teachings ? How does your politics reflect this ?
The most "sentient" message from Luke is being overlooked. Along with treating others as you would have them treat you...i.e., being a good neighbor, Jesus added more, when a rich ruler approached Him and asked, "...Good Master what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus answered and said, "Why callest thou Me good? none is good save one, that is God." Then Jesus instructed him to keep the commandments, the rich ruler stated, "All these I have kept since my youth." Jesus said, "Thou lackest one thing........sell what thou hast and "give/distribute" to the poor." Jesus did not declare that you had to give everything.......just share in the blessings that God has bestowed upon you......he said distribute to the poor. One must remember that Jesus was a practicing Jew......and there was a command from God to tith 10% (in fact its mentioned 51 times)

When the rich young ruler heard this........he hung his head and walked away for he had great riches. -- Luke 18:18-27

There are no "good people"........only good intentions, all men sin either through omission or commission, and if you say you do not you lie to yourself. (1 John 1:8)

Under the new testament of Christ Jesus one is instructed to give as one purposes in his heart (2 Cor. 9:7)

I say, if 10% was good enough for God........its good enough for Big Brother. Its the LOVE OF MONEY that is the root to most evil. (1 Tim. 6:10) Wealth is a tool that can be used for good or evil, depending upon how its wield. Clearly the rich young ruler did not want to give of his wealth.

There is no one sin that is greater than the next........all have the same wages, enternal separation from God. The best you can do is the best you can do, as we have an addvocat that stands between our sins and God, Christ Jesus. Salvation is a gift, you cannot earn it, as Jesus stated, there is none good, save one, God. But that grace/gift has conditions. You must earnestly seek the faith and do the best you can, if you slip (as we all do) Jesus is there as our high priest to intercede on our behalf, for He has paid the ultimate price as the perfect lamb of God.
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The most "sentient" message from Luke is being overlooked. Along with treating others as you would have them treat you...i.e., being a good neighbor, Jesus added more, when a rich ruler approached Him and asked, "...Good Master what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus answered and said, "Why callest thou Me good? none is good save one, that is God." Then Jesus instructed him to keep the commandments, the rich ruler stated, "All these I have kept since my youth." Jesus said, "Thou lackest one thing........sell what thou hast and "give/distribute" to the poor." Jesus did not declare that you had to give everything.......just share in the blessings that God has bestowed upon you......he said distribute to the poor. One must remember that Jesus was a practicing Jew......and there was a command from God to tith 10% (in fact its mentioned 51 times)

When the rich young ruler heard this........he hung his head and walked away for he had great riches. -- Luke 18:18-27

There are no "good people"........only good intentions, all men sin either through omission or commission, and if you say you do not you lie to yourself. (1 John 1:8)

Under the new testament of Christ Jesus one is instructed to give as one purposes in his heart (2 Cor. 9:7)

I say, if 10% was good enough for God........its good enough for Big Brother. Its the LOVE OF MONEY that is the root to most evil. (1 Tim. 6:10) Wealth is a tool that can be used for good or evil, depending upon how its wield. Clearly the rich young ruler did not want to give of his wealth.

There is no one sin that is greater than the next........all have the same wages, enternal separation from God. The best you can do is the best you can do, as we have an addvocat that stands between our sins and God, Christ Jesus. Salvation is a gift, you cannot earn it, as Jesus stated, there is none good, save one, God. But that grace/gift has conditions. You must earnestly seek the faith and do the best you can, if you slip (as we all do) Jesus is there as our high priest to intercede on our behalf, for He has paid the ultimate price as the perfect lamb of God.
When pastors fly around in private jets and we are judged by the car we drive that seems sadly out of fashion.

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