the global village


no fly list
Jan 6, 2007
the global village

Imagine a tiny village of 100 people, where the demographics of the village mirror the demographics of the world’s 6 billion people.

49 people are female
51 people are male

half the people are over age 26
half the people are under 26

30 people are age 0-14
63 people are age 15-64
7 people are 65 and over

34 people are Christians
22 people are Muslim
15 people are Hindu
14 people are non-religious
6 people are Buddhist
4 people practice Chinese traditional religion
5 people practice other faiths

14 people speak Mandarin
6 speak Hindi
6 speak Spanish
6 speak English
3 speak Bengali
3 speak Portuguese
3 speak Russian
2 speak Japanese
2 speak German
the remaining 55 people speak 200 other languages

(for sources and notes, see the excel spreadsheet)

food & water food
18 people are overweight
16 people are underfed
66 people are at a healthy weight

3 of the underfed children suffer from stunted growth
3 of the overweight people have diabetes

25 people have iron deficiency anemia
12 people have iodine deficiency disorders
3 people are vitamin A deficient

83 people have safe drinking water
17 people don’t

60 people have modern sanitation facilities
40 people don’t
(for sources and notes, see the excel spreadsheet)

health life cycle
1 person will die this year
2 women will give birth, one to a boy, and one to a girl
this year's newborn boy will live to 65, and the girl will live to 69

1 person has HIV
3 people have diabetes

16 women and girls have been beaten or sexually abused in their lives
33 haven’t been
(for sources and notes, see the excel spreadsheet)

drugs alcohol
Between them the 100 people each year consume:
5,000 glasses of wine
2,500 beers
8,000 servings hard liquor
10 people, mostly men, drink about half the alcohol
90 people drink the other half

Between them the 100 people each year consume:
90,000 cigarettes

20 people smoke tobacco (averaging 4,500 cigarettes per year each!)
80 people are non-smokers

12 kids are secondhand smokers

97 people don’t use drugs other than alcohol and tobacco
2 people smoke pot
1 person uses some other drug (probably speed, ecstasy, cocaine, or heroin)

(for sources and notes, see the excel spreadsheet)

education & employment education
1 person has a college education

14 adults are illiterate
56 adults are literate

12 school age kids are in school
2 school kids aren’t in school, one boy and one girl

50 people are not members of the paid workforce (children, elderly people, full time parents, etc.)
33 members of the workforce have steady jobs
17 members of the workforce are unemployed or underemployed

2 children under age 15 work full time, one doing farm work and the other in industry
2 children work part time, both doing farm work

1 woman is a teacher*
0.5 men are soldiers*
0.1 men are incarcerated

(for sources and notes, see the excel spreadsheet)
*(no source info available -- lost track of my notes :-(

information internet
7 people had access to the Internet in 2000
93 people didn’t

11 people had access to the Internet in 2001
89 people didn’t

Between them the 100 people have:
2 Internet hosts
8 personal computers
9 newspaper subscriptions
17 phones lines
25 television sets
43 radios

of the 17 phone lines:
10 of them belong to just 15 people
7 are shared by the other 85 people

Between them, the 100 people will go out to the movies 210 times this year.*
(for sources and notes, see the excel spreadsheet)
*(no source info available -- lost track of my notes :-(

agriculture production
The farms in the village produce, per capita per year:
2.5 pounds of coffee
30 gallons of milk
60 pounds of soybeans
670 pounds of grain (mostly wheat, corn, and rice)

50 pounds of fertilizer are used per capita per year

farm animals
Between them the 100 people keep over 400 farm animals:
240 chickens
15 ducks
4 geese
4 turkeys
18 sheep
15 pigs
12 goats
22 head of cattle
3 buffalo
78 rabbits
(for sources and notes, see the excel spreadsheet)

energy fossil fuel
Between them, the 100 people each year consume:
55 metric tons of oil
38 metric tons of natural gas (oil equivalent tons)
34 metric tons of coal (oil equivalent tons)

Between them, the 100 people each year consume:
5,700 watts of nuclear power
300 watts of wind power
5 watts of solar power

73 people live in homes that have electricity
27 people don't (22 of those 27 live in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa)

carbon dioxide
Between them, the 100 people each year produce:
104 metric tons of carbon emissions (in the form of 381 metric tons CO2)
(for sources and notes, see the excel spreadsheet)

geography urban vs. rural
47 people live in the city
53 people live in the country

99 people live at home
1 person is a refugee
55 people live in electoral democracies
45 people don't

12 people live in Europe
13 people live in Africa
14 people live in North and South America
60 people live in Asia
1 person lives in Oceania

land area
The 100 people live on:
1 square mile of land
2 square miles of ocean

land type
The land area the people live on is equal to 555 football fields. Of those 555 football fields there are:
6 football fields of crops
60 football fields arable land
140 football fields of pasture
180 football fields of woodland
170 football fields of desert, tundra, and other wasteland
(10 football fields of the 555 are irrigated)

(for sources and notes, see the excel spreadsheet)

objects cars
Between them the 100 people have:
9 cars
3 trucks and busses
maybe about 30 bicycles (this is a rough guess)
Between them the 100 people have:
8 guns

nuclear weapons
The explosive power of the nuclear arsenal works out to 1,800 pounds of TNT equivalent per person.

Last year, the factories run by the 100 people produced:
1 car
2 bicycles
1,200 pounds of aluminum (300 recycled, 900 made from ore)

(for sources and notes, see the excel spreadsheet)

unknowns housing
73 people live in homes with electricity
N in homes with central heating
N in homes with flush toilets
N in homes with refrigerators
N in homes with washing machines
N in homes with air conditioning
80 people live in "substandard" housing*
20 people are well housed*

6 people control 50% of the global wealth (all 6 are US citizens) *

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