The Genius of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

RANT ^^^, Ad Hominem and a failure to trigger me. Note to the reader, Credibility and Truth are alien to the blue boy. He is what is wrong in America.

LOL... From an assclown who decries the massive amounts of people in prison thanks in large part to Biden's "Crime Bill" that put millions of blacks in prison for life for crack, (while his son was thrown out of the navy for being a crack head mind you) and also demands the imprisonment of kids who defend themselves from violent leftist sociopaths.

Who would want Spooge Catcher on their jury?


I suggested long ago that AOC has to be acting, and Mark Dice makes a compelling argument that she is trolling the fuck out of DC and making complete fools out of the democrook party. For someone too actually be as stupid as AOC appears to be and survive is just too hard to believe. After watching this video I'm more convinced now than ever that she has scammed her way into the US House and is using her position to make a mockery of the entire leftwing loon establishment.

She's acting to a certain extent and has come a long way from her early days - the Justice Democrats are her sponsors and they have done an admirable job of grooming her over the past year or so ....

Re: Justice Democrats

Justice Democrats have a well orchestrated and data driven approach in their quest to commandeer the Democratic Party. Their platform includes not only suppressing cow farts with the Green New Deal, [which incidentally, they freely confess was written in a single weekend around Christmas 2018.] but suppressing and subverting the will of the people.

Like their candidates, as well as our former President [Obama], they have zero qualifications YET they seek unfetterred control of the instruments of governmenal power,. Similar to the underwear gnomes from South Park [if you didn't see it you wouldn't understand] their first goal is control of the Democratic Party .... then Congress .....Senate ... White House .... then the USA and eventually World Domination !

View attachment 386028

Law and Order sans Law and Order and Justice seems to be missing in your post. Calling the Democratic Party "Justice Democrats" is high praise, given in the context of "lock her up" vigilantism common to Trump supporters.

OAC is a leading member of the Progressive Wing of the Democratic Party, she and it seek to mitigate any factors which may impact Climate Change, or the Justice System in America.

You may not believe the US has incarcerated more people than any other single nation on earth:

See: Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2020

You may not believe Climate Change is real and having impacts which need to be mitigated.

You can take a conservative to culture, but you can't make them think.

All nations then need to get involved in the climate change legislation. Not just us. Then we all can spend our wealth to the poor house.

There is truth to your comment, the problem is the United States is no longer a world leader. Donald Trump has alienated our allies, and seems to have a foreign policy which must be seen as schizophrenic.

Our "Allies" can not afford to be alienated for too long and they know it - they know what side their bread is buttered on ... neither China or Russia can or will fill that void. He's let it be known that if they wanna suck on our teats we need something in return - otherwise they can suck our dix
I suggested long ago that AOC has to be acting, and Mark Dice makes a compelling argument that she is trolling the fuck out of DC and making complete fools out of the democrook party. For someone too actually be as stupid as AOC appears to be and survive is just too hard to believe. After watching this video I'm more convinced now than ever that she has scammed her way into the US House and is using her position to make a mockery of the entire leftwing loon establishment.

The SCARY thing about AOC, Pete, is that at whatever level, her idiocy actually APPEALS to and MAKES SENSE to enough of the voting public that she is a major figure in the democratic party!
AOC is very bright, attractive and is supporting those the GOP has tossed under the bus for decades. To defame her intelligence and energy as you do is one more example of the hate and fear the current Republican Party has and continues under to the extreme under trump.

Having noticed your "Free Kyle Rittenhouse" signature you've proved to be evil, and I use that word in its real sense.
I just wish she wasn’t a fraud. She claims to be a progressive, but voted for the CARES act. Like Bernie, she’s a fake afraid to go up against crazy Nancy P and the D Party leadership.

Gipper, It is politics, needs compromise, we don't need purity tests....

The facts is she has stated she would like to move US towards a more Scandinavian or German economic model. She can't do this on her own and while trying to achieve this or get closer to it she supports positions that mean not moving further away...
It is not about getting the Hail Mary pass caught everyday... Sometime you have to just grind it out to not go backwards...
Rye Catcher...What if she really is ditzy? That is a major issue in moving this nation in a certain direction.

When you watch the video a strong case could be made that she is actually brilliant and manipulating the dumbest people in the country to embrace things like "The Green New Deal" and leftist policies that destroy countries. I don't believe it's possible for someone to be as ridiculously stupid as she appears to be to get elected and maintain a position in the spotlight like she has.

Imbeciles like Hank Johnson are largely ignored by the media and the idiotic shit they say suppressed, but she has them eating out of her hands.

Our "Allies" can not afford to be alienated for too long and they know it - they know what side their bread is buttered on ... neither China or Russia can or will fill that void. He's let it be known that if they wanna suck on our teats we need something in return - otherwise they can suck our dix

That's just it, they're not allies if we're supporting them. You don't buy "allies". You can only buy whores.
AOC is very bright, attractive and is supporting those the GOP has tossed under the bus for decades. To defame her intelligence and energy as you do is one more example of the hate and fear the current Republican Party has and continues under to the extreme under trump.

Having noticed your "Free Kyle Rittenhouse" signature you've proved to be evil, and I use that word in its real sense.

Lol she's as stupid as a stump, dude
The SCARY thing about AOC, Pete, is that at whatever level, her idiocy actually APPEALS to and MAKES SENSE to enough of the voting public that she is a major figure in the democratic party!

True, she attracts and manipulates jabbering retards that the democrook billionaire class seek to control. That said I doubt she will have any success in taxing those billionaires any more than all of the other lunatic democrooks who have been preaching about "The Rich" not paying enough have had for decades. That is the point of the DNC's entire existence. Pretend to want to tax the fuck out of "The 1%", but never actually do it.
RANT ^^^, Ad Hominem and a failure to trigger me. Note to the reader, Credibility and Truth are alien to the blue boy. He is what is wrong in America.

LOL... From an assclown who decries the massive amounts of people in prison thanks in large part to Biden's "Crime Bill" that put millions of blacks in prison for life for crack, (while his son was thrown out of the navy for being a crack head mind you) and also demands the imprisonment of kids who defend themselves from violent leftist sociopaths.

Who would want Spooge Catcher on their jury?


Another lie by the blue boy. The Punishments in the Federal law on Crack Cocaine and powder were different, until 2010 [noted Biden was VP when the laws on cocaine changed]

President Obama signed the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010, doing away with the five-year mandatory minimum for possession of five grams of crack cocaine, and increasing the amount of crack required to result in a mandatory sentencing for federal drug trafficking crimes. (21 U.S.C. § § 841, 844.) The 2010 Act changed the ratio of crack to powder cocaine (for purposes of imposing the same sentence for possession of each form of the drug) from 100-to-one to 18-to-one. So, the federal law still imposes a different and harsher sentence for crack cocaine possession than it does for powder cocaine possession, but the disparity is not nearly as great as under the 1986 Act.

Almost immediately upon its passage, African-American defendants experienced the harsh crack cocaine sentences imposed by the 1986 Act. Crack cocaine’s lower price, ease of production, and manner of distribution (small quantities sold to individuals for personal use) was thought to have made it more accessible in poor, urban communities than powder cocaine. Young black men found themselves in the crosshairs of enforcement efforts aimed at halting the unproven “crack epidemic” the Act supposedly addressed. [noted, the 1986 bill was signed by President Reagan, Bush I was his VP]
She's for real. The creatures that vote for her and Bernie really are that dumb.
RANT ^^^, Ad Hominem and a failure to trigger me. Note to the reader, Credibility and Truth are alien to the blue boy. He is what is wrong in America.

LOL... From an assclown who decries the massive amounts of people in prison thanks in large part to Biden's "Crime Bill" that put millions of blacks in prison for life for crack, (while his son was thrown out of the navy for being a crack head mind you) and also demands the imprisonment of kids who defend themselves from violent leftist sociopaths.

Who would want Spooge Catcher on their jury?


Another lie by the blue boy. The Punishments in the Federal law on Crack Cocaine and powder were different, until 2010 [noted Biden was VP when the laws on cocaine changed]

President Obama signed the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010, doing away with the five-year mandatory minimum for possession of five grams of crack cocaine, and increasing the amount of crack required to result in a mandatory sentencing for federal drug trafficking crimes. (21 U.S.C. § § 841, 844.) The 2010 Act changed the ratio of crack to powder cocaine (for purposes of imposing the same sentence for possession of each form of the drug) from 100-to-one to 18-to-one. So, the federal law still imposes a different and harsher sentence for crack cocaine possession than it does for powder cocaine possession, but the disparity is not nearly as great as under the 1986 Act.

Almost immediately upon its passage, African-American defendants experienced the harsh crack cocaine sentences imposed by the 1986 Act. Crack cocaine’s lower price, ease of production, and manner of distribution (small quantities sold to individuals for personal use) was thought to have made it more accessible in poor, urban communities than powder cocaine. Young black men found themselves in the crosshairs of enforcement efforts aimed at halting the unproven “crack epidemic” the Act supposedly addressed. [noted, the 1986 bill was signed by President Reagan, Bush I was his VP]
You sure do put a lot of effort posting leftist agitprop in response to someone who you insist has no credibility.

Besides that I said nothing about powder coke. Democrooks in 1994 deliberately stuffed our prisons with blacks that possessed or sold crack. You piss and moan about the massive incarceration rate, but you also support putting people in prison for defending themselves against violent libtard sociopaths.

It's pieces of shit like you that wiped out millions in the name of "The People" in the KGB, SS, Khmer Rouge and Red Guard. You're a complete blithering idiot and you have no moral compass of any sort. As much as I detest abortion, in your case I would have paid for it.

RANT ^^^, Ad Hominem and a failure to trigger me. Note to the reader, Credibility and Truth are alien to the blue boy. He is what is wrong in America.

LOL... From an assclown who decries the massive amounts of people in prison thanks in large part to Biden's "Crime Bill" that put millions of blacks in prison for life for crack, (while his son was thrown out of the navy for being a crack head mind you) and also demands the imprisonment of kids who defend themselves from violent leftist sociopaths.

Who would want Spooge Catcher on their jury?


Another lie by the blue boy. The Punishments in the Federal law on Crack Cocaine and powder were different, until 2010 [noted Biden was VP when the laws on cocaine changed]

President Obama signed the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010, doing away with the five-year mandatory minimum for possession of five grams of crack cocaine, and increasing the amount of crack required to result in a mandatory sentencing for federal drug trafficking crimes. (21 U.S.C. § § 841, 844.) The 2010 Act changed the ratio of crack to powder cocaine (for purposes of imposing the same sentence for possession of each form of the drug) from 100-to-one to 18-to-one. So, the federal law still imposes a different and harsher sentence for crack cocaine possession than it does for powder cocaine possession, but the disparity is not nearly as great as under the 1986 Act.

Almost immediately upon its passage, African-American defendants experienced the harsh crack cocaine sentences imposed by the 1986 Act. Crack cocaine’s lower price, ease of production, and manner of distribution (small quantities sold to individuals for personal use) was thought to have made it more accessible in poor, urban communities than powder cocaine. Young black men found themselves in the crosshairs of enforcement efforts aimed at halting the unproven “crack epidemic” the Act supposedly addressed. [noted, the 1986 bill was signed by President Reagan, Bush I was his VP]
Cutting and pasting more leftist agitprop I see.

Agitprop: political (originally communist) propaganda, especially in art or literature.

This lie once again proves you lack the integrity and confidence to admit you're wrong. Thus you add lies to lies and seem to believe an ad hominem is credible. It ain't.

btw, using communistic forms of propaganda can be telling; are you posting from the Kremlin? I doubt it, Putin's too smart to allow someone like you to be an agent provocateur.
AOC is very bright, attractive and is supporting those the GOP has tossed under the bus for decades. To defame her intelligence and energy as you do is one more example of the hate and fear the current Republican Party has and continues under to the extreme under trump.

Having noticed your "Free Kyle Rittenhouse" signature you've proved to be evil, and I use that word in its real sense.
I just wish she wasn’t a fraud. She claims to be a progressive, but voted for the CARES act. Like Bernie, she’s a fake afraid to go up against crazy Nancy P and the D Party leadership.

Gipper, It is politics, needs compromise, we don't need purity tests....

The facts is she has stated she would like to move US towards a more Scandinavian or German economic model. She can't do this on her own and while trying to achieve this or get closer to it she supports positions that mean not moving further away...
It is not about getting the Hail Mary pass caught everyday... Sometime you have to just grind it out to not go backwards...
Oh bs. The right likes claim she’s a communist, when she isn’t even a progressive. She’s just another fraud.

At the beginning of the pandemic the self proclaimed progressives should have banned together to demand more help for the people, instead of voting for more benefits for the 1%. Why didn’t they push for Medicare for all?
AOC is very bright, attractive and is supporting those the GOP has tossed under the bus for decades. To defame her intelligence and energy as you do is one more example of the hate and fear the current Republican Party has and continues under to the extreme under trump.

Having noticed your "Free Kyle Rittenhouse" signature you've proved to be evil, and I use that word in its real sense.
I just wish she wasn’t a fraud. She claims to be a progressive, but voted for the CARES act. Like Bernie, she’s a fake afraid to go up against crazy Nancy P and the D Party leadership.

Gipper, It is politics, needs compromise, we don't need purity tests....

The facts is she has stated she would like to move US towards a more Scandinavian or German economic model. She can't do this on her own and while trying to achieve this or get closer to it she supports positions that mean not moving further away...
It is not about getting the Hail Mary pass caught everyday... Sometime you have to just grind it out to not go backwards...
Oh bs. The right likes claim she’s a communist, when she isn’t even a progressive. She’s just another fraud.

At the beginning of the pandemic the self proclaimed progressives should have banned together to demand more help for the people, instead of voting for more benefits for the 1%. Why didn’t they push for Medicare for all?

Agitprop: political (originally communist) propaganda, especially in art or literature.

This lie once again proves you lack the integrity and confidence to admit you're wrong. Thus you add lies to lies and seem to believe an ad hominem is credible. It ain't.

btw, using communistic forms of propaganda can be telling; are you posting from the Kremlin? I doubt it, Putin's too smart to allow someone like you to be an agent provocateur.

Considering how you came here to defend the intelligence of someone who is infamous for being a blithering idiot, I am not surprised by this response. While I don't like to make light of the tragedy of "Shaken Baby" issues, it appears to me Spooge Catcher was stuffed in a commercial clothes dryer to have suffered this much head trauma.


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