The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.
You mean like how the democrats this cycle dumped all the black candidates quickly?

The democrats didn't dump anybody. People voted. You white republicans need to quit this bullshit. I am 59 years old and I'm telling you why blacks left the party according to blacks who are no longer here who did the leaving. Katsteve is older than I am and he's telling you the same thing. And most certainly we can see what the party stands for today simply by coming in places like this and talking directly to republicans. So this blacks being told what to do by white liberals who keep us on a democratic plantation is an insult that's even worse than calling us the n word. And posting comments from sorry ass black uncle toms and sellouts is even more insulting because we know that the ONLY reason you even support them is because they are dumb ass naïve idiots thinking they are working to bring the races together by appeasing your racist asses but in reality they are working to help you implement your anti black agenda.

This is an old article, but the writer did an exceptional job of explaining the psychology behind the term "Democrat Plantation", as well as the psychosis of FAR right black conservatives who use the term.

A childhood friend of mine who is a professor at SDSU emailed this to me, and believes this to be 21st century code language that is being used to shame ill informed, gullible black citizens into committing to a right leaning political party, in spite of the fact that NEITHER party represents the best interests of black voters.

Opinion | Blacks, Conservatives and Plantations

That's exactly what it is. And even worse, they find these dumb blacks to go out and talk this shit. Idiots like Larry Elders, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Candice Owns, Shelby Teele, Star Parker, etc.

Yes indeed. But like Joe Madison says, "this is nothing new". All of the above are just another generation of Booker T. Washingtons.
The Party of Lincoln has blocked every major civil rights protection for the last 50 years
Such as...?

But it's interesting that you set the cutoff at 50 years. Because if you'd gone back further, you'd have forced me to illustrate the Democratic Party's opposition to civil rights legislation since the founding of the GOP.

Unfortunately for you, you will find that the republican party was just as much in opposition if you go further back.
That is absolutely false. The Republican Party has supported civil rights for all since its establishment.
They opposed gay rights

Still do
Nobody is perfect. But show me in their platform where it says that.
“Marriage is between one man and one woman”
Lefties. They spend decades telling blacks that republicans are evil and racist.

And then attack republicans for not having more blacks in the party.

Someday, someone will invent a word, to describe that level of asshole. To date, the english language is not up to the task.

You fucking asshole.

Go eat a dick. And choke on it. And die.
The numbers don’t lie

Republicans do not welcome blacks in their tent.
White, male, Protestant

Numbers do lie. And so do you, you fucking asshole.

8 blacks elected by Republicans in a hundred years?

Says the fucking asshole that doesn't let a day pass without spreading vicious race baiting lies about republicans, you fucking faggot.
The only lie is that is really more like 8 blacks in the last 150 years.

Which proves nothing. By your logic, you dems are racist and sexist because the blacks and women in your primary lost, and the last men standing are old white men.

You fucktard.
Lefties. They spend decades telling blacks that republicans are evil and racist.

And then attack republicans for not having more blacks in the party.

Someday, someone will invent a word, to describe that level of asshole. To date, the english language is not up to the task.

You fucking asshole.

Go eat a dick. And choke on it. And die.
The numbers don’t lie

Republicans do not welcome blacks in their tent.
White, male, Protestant

Numbers do lie. And so do you, you fucking asshole.

8 blacks elected by Republicans in a hundred years?

Correll is just a racist sack of lying shit. My grandparents were republicans, my parents were republicans when they were young. They all left the party because the party kept fucking blacks over. That is how they explained it to me. Republicans would promise blacks things and never keep their promises. Things like ending segregation. In classic white supremacist fashion, Correll cannot face the truth and has to manufacture blame elsewhere for I personal failure of the failure of the republican party.

It was a democrat that signed the emancipation proclamation of my generation. Yet these idiots want to post racist comments from him, while telling us how we should be republicans because of Lincoln, a man that believed blacks were inferior. These guys are so full of shit, they are surrounded all day by flies.
It is more than Republicans not keeping their promises.
In the mid 60s they sold out their values to embrace the disgruntled racists in the south and elsewhere. They know what buttons to push in scapegoating minorities and immigrants for all our problems in life.

Working Americans are not struggling because of their employers manipulating the are struggling because some poor woman gets food stamps or god forbid.... a cell phone

1. Republicans did not sell out their values in the 60s to pander to racists. That is a lie told by fucking assholes like RW.

2. Wage stagnation is a complicated issue, and the labor pool being flooded by immigrant labor, is certainly part of the issue, you fucking race baiting asshole.
The numbers don’t lie

Republicans do not welcome blacks in their tent.
White, male, Protestant

Numbers do lie. And so do you, you fucking asshole.

8 blacks elected by Republicans in a hundred years?

Correll is just a racist sack of lying shit. My grandparents were republicans, my parents were republicans when they were young. They all left the party because the party kept fucking blacks over. That is how they explained it to me. Republicans would promise blacks things and never keep their promises. Things like ending segregation. In classic white supremacist fashion, Correll cannot face the truth and has to manufacture blame elsewhere for I personal failure of the failure of the republican party.

It was a democrat that signed the emancipation proclamation of my generation. Yet these idiots want to post racist comments from him, while telling us how we should be republicans because of Lincoln, a man that believed blacks were inferior. These guys are so full of shit, they are surrounded all day by flies.
It is more than Republicans not keeping their promises.
In the mid 60s they sold out their values to embrace the disgruntled racists in the south and elsewhere. They know what buttons to push in scapegoating minorities and immigrants for all our problems in life.

Working Americans are not struggling because of their employers manipulating the are struggling because some poor woman gets food stamps or god forbid.... a cell phone
For blacks it was 100 years of broken promises. We were leaving before the mid 60's but when the republican party went full racist, that just increased the leaving. Wealthy whites in all political parties that have existed during American history have played the blame the black person for your problems game on poor or middle class whites since America was a British colony.

THe social programs of FDR got a lot of black voters to switch parties. WAY before the 60s.

The Southern Strategy is a myth. A lie told by assholes to smear their enemies.
8 blacks elected by Republicans in a hundred years?

Correll is just a racist sack of lying shit. My grandparents were republicans, my parents were republicans when they were young. They all left the party because the party kept fucking blacks over. That is how they explained it to me. Republicans would promise blacks things and never keep their promises. Things like ending segregation. In classic white supremacist fashion, Correll cannot face the truth and has to manufacture blame elsewhere for I personal failure of the failure of the republican party.

It was a democrat that signed the emancipation proclamation of my generation. Yet these idiots want to post racist comments from him, while telling us how we should be republicans because of Lincoln, a man that believed blacks were inferior. These guys are so full of shit, they are surrounded all day by flies.
It is more than Republicans not keeping their promises.
In the mid 60s they sold out their values to embrace the disgruntled racists in the south and elsewhere. They know what buttons to push in scapegoating minorities and immigrants for all our problems in life.

Working Americans are not struggling because of their employers manipulating the are struggling because some poor woman gets food stamps or god forbid.... a cell phone
For blacks it was 100 years of broken promises. We were leaving before the mid 60's but when the republican party went full racist, that just increased the leaving. Wealthy whites in all political parties that have existed during American history have played the blame the black person for your problems game on poor or middle class whites since America was a British colony.
The Party of Lincoln has blocked every major civil rights protection for the last 50 years
Such as...?

But it's interesting that you set the cutoff at 50 years. Because if you'd gone back further, you'd have forced me to illustrate the Democratic Party's opposition to civil rights legislation since the founding of the GOP.

Libs just say shit. It don't mean nuthin.
The numbers don’t lie

Republicans do not welcome blacks in their tent.
White, male, Protestant

Numbers do lie. And so do you, you fucking asshole.

8 blacks elected by Republicans in a hundred years?

Says the fucking asshole that doesn't let a day pass without spreading vicious race baiting lies about republicans, you fucking faggot.
The only lie is that is really more like 8 blacks in the last 150 years.

Which proves nothing. By your logic, you dems are racist and sexist because the blacks and women in your primary lost, and the last men standing are old white men.

You fucktard.
It proves Republicans do not elect black people.
If you have statistics to show otherwise, you are welcome to post them
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Numbers do lie. And so do you, you fucking asshole.

8 blacks elected by Republicans in a hundred years?

Correll is just a racist sack of lying shit. My grandparents were republicans, my parents were republicans when they were young. They all left the party because the party kept fucking blacks over. That is how they explained it to me. Republicans would promise blacks things and never keep their promises. Things like ending segregation. In classic white supremacist fashion, Correll cannot face the truth and has to manufacture blame elsewhere for I personal failure of the failure of the republican party.

It was a democrat that signed the emancipation proclamation of my generation. Yet these idiots want to post racist comments from him, while telling us how we should be republicans because of Lincoln, a man that believed blacks were inferior. These guys are so full of shit, they are surrounded all day by flies.
It is more than Republicans not keeping their promises.
In the mid 60s they sold out their values to embrace the disgruntled racists in the south and elsewhere. They know what buttons to push in scapegoating minorities and immigrants for all our problems in life.

Working Americans are not struggling because of their employers manipulating the are struggling because some poor woman gets food stamps or god forbid.... a cell phone
For blacks it was 100 years of broken promises. We were leaving before the mid 60's but when the republican party went full racist, that just increased the leaving. Wealthy whites in all political parties that have existed during American history have played the blame the black person for your problems game on poor or middle class whites since America was a British colony.

THe social programs of FDR got a lot of black voters to switch parties. WAY before the 60s.

The Southern Strategy is a myth. A lie told by assholes to smear their enemies.
The Southern Strategy worked
LBJ predicted that he would lose the South to Republicans.

Want proof?
The south voted for Goldwater in 64.
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Lefties. They spend decades telling blacks that republicans are evil and racist.

And then attack republicans for not having more blacks in the party.

Someday, someone will invent a word, to describe that level of asshole. To date, the english language is not up to the task.

You fucking asshole.

Go eat a dick. And choke on it. And die.
The numbers don’t lie

Republicans do not welcome blacks in their tent.
White, male, Protestant

Numbers do lie. And so do you, you fucking asshole.

8 blacks elected by Republicans in a hundred years?

Correll is just a racist sack of lying shit. My grandparents were republicans, my parents were republicans when they were young. They all left the party because the party kept fucking blacks over. That is how they explained it to me. Republicans would promise blacks things and never keep their promises. Things like ending segregation. In classic white supremacist fashion, Correll cannot face the truth and has to manufacture blame elsewhere for I personal failure of the failure of the republican party.

It was a democrat that signed the emancipation proclamation of my generation. Yet these idiots want to post racist comments from him, while telling us how we should be republicans because of Lincoln, a man that believed blacks were inferior. These guys are so full of shit, they are surrounded all day by flies.

My parents and grandparents were Republicans back in the 50's and early 60's.

They gave the middle finger to that party when Barry Goldwater opposed the civil rights act of 1964, which contributed to Johnson winning by a landslide, then he further insulted the intelligence of black voters by justifying his position, claiming that the civil rights act was a "government overreach".

They are all politicians and are dirty on both sides, and black citizens would be far better off just focusing more on local elections that have an immediate impact on their self interest.

There will never be another black POTUS in America again.

After what Obama endured, what sane black person would even want to be president of this country?

Why do you assume that Barry Goldwater was not sincere in his concerns about government overreach?
Numbers do lie. And so do you, you fucking asshole.

8 blacks elected by Republicans in a hundred years?

Says the fucking asshole that doesn't let a day pass without spreading vicious race baiting lies about republicans, you fucking faggot.
The only lie is that is really more like 8 blacks in the last 150 years.

Which proves nothing. By your logic, you dems are racist and sexist because the blacks and women in your primary lost, and the last men standing are old white men.

You fucktard.
It proves Republicans do not elect black people.
If you have statistics to show otherwise, you are welcome to post them

Herman Cain was not elected, because he was destroyed by the vile media. ANd he probably would have lost to Obama if he had not been.

Obama winning, would not have been a fault of Republicans, but Obama appealing to moderates better than Cain would have.

That you want to spin it as evidence of something bad about republicans, is just you being a fucking asshole.
8 blacks elected by Republicans in a hundred years?

Correll is just a racist sack of lying shit. My grandparents were republicans, my parents were republicans when they were young. They all left the party because the party kept fucking blacks over. That is how they explained it to me. Republicans would promise blacks things and never keep their promises. Things like ending segregation. In classic white supremacist fashion, Correll cannot face the truth and has to manufacture blame elsewhere for I personal failure of the failure of the republican party.

It was a democrat that signed the emancipation proclamation of my generation. Yet these idiots want to post racist comments from him, while telling us how we should be republicans because of Lincoln, a man that believed blacks were inferior. These guys are so full of shit, they are surrounded all day by flies.
It is more than Republicans not keeping their promises.
In the mid 60s they sold out their values to embrace the disgruntled racists in the south and elsewhere. They know what buttons to push in scapegoating minorities and immigrants for all our problems in life.

Working Americans are not struggling because of their employers manipulating the are struggling because some poor woman gets food stamps or god forbid.... a cell phone
For blacks it was 100 years of broken promises. We were leaving before the mid 60's but when the republican party went full racist, that just increased the leaving. Wealthy whites in all political parties that have existed during American history have played the blame the black person for your problems game on poor or middle class whites since America was a British colony.

THe social programs of FDR got a lot of black voters to switch parties. WAY before the 60s.

The Southern Strategy is a myth. A lie told by assholes to smear their enemies.
The Southern Strategy worked
LBJ predicted that he would lose the South to Republicans.

Want proof?
The south voted for Goldwater in 64.

There was no Southern Strategy. Nixon did more to desegregate Southern Schools than anyone.

Sure. The GOP won the South in 64. Carter won it in 76.
The numbers don’t lie

Republicans do not welcome blacks in their tent.
White, male, Protestant

Numbers do lie. And so do you, you fucking asshole.

8 blacks elected by Republicans in a hundred years?

Correll is just a racist sack of lying shit. My grandparents were republicans, my parents were republicans when they were young. They all left the party because the party kept fucking blacks over. That is how they explained it to me. Republicans would promise blacks things and never keep their promises. Things like ending segregation. In classic white supremacist fashion, Correll cannot face the truth and has to manufacture blame elsewhere for I personal failure of the failure of the republican party.

It was a democrat that signed the emancipation proclamation of my generation. Yet these idiots want to post racist comments from him, while telling us how we should be republicans because of Lincoln, a man that believed blacks were inferior. These guys are so full of shit, they are surrounded all day by flies.

My parents and grandparents were Republicans back in the 50's and early 60's.

They gave the middle finger to that party when Barry Goldwater opposed the civil rights act of 1964, which contributed to Johnson winning by a landslide, then he further insulted the intelligence of black voters by justifying his position, claiming that the civil rights act was a "government overreach".

They are all politicians and are dirty on both sides, and black citizens would be far better off just focusing more on local elections that have an immediate impact on their self interest.

There will never be another black POTUS in America again.

After what Obama endured, what sane black person would even want to be president of this country?

Why do you assume that Barry Goldwater was not sincere in his concerns about government overreach?
It was nothing new

Just another rehash of “States can restrict the Civil Rights of their citizens if they want to”

If a state wants have second class citizens, they are free to do so. Even if those citizens are not allowed to vote.
The numbers don’t lie

Republicans do not welcome blacks in their tent.
White, male, Protestant

Numbers do lie. And so do you, you fucking asshole.

8 blacks elected by Republicans in a hundred years?

Correll is just a racist sack of lying shit. My grandparents were republicans, my parents were republicans when they were young. They all left the party because the party kept fucking blacks over. That is how they explained it to me. Republicans would promise blacks things and never keep their promises. Things like ending segregation. In classic white supremacist fashion, Correll cannot face the truth and has to manufacture blame elsewhere for I personal failure of the failure of the republican party.

It was a democrat that signed the emancipation proclamation of my generation. Yet these idiots want to post racist comments from him, while telling us how we should be republicans because of Lincoln, a man that believed blacks were inferior. These guys are so full of shit, they are surrounded all day by flies.

My parents and grandparents were Republicans back in the 50's and early 60's.

They gave the middle finger to that party when Barry Goldwater opposed the civil rights act of 1964, which contributed to Johnson winning by a landslide, then he further insulted the intelligence of black voters by justifying his position, claiming that the civil rights act was a "government overreach".

They are all politicians and are dirty on both sides, and black citizens would be far better off just focusing more on local elections that have an immediate impact on their self interest.

There will never be another black POTUS in America again.

After what Obama endured, what sane black person would even want to be president of this country?

Why do you assume that Barry Goldwater was not sincere in his concerns about government overreach?

Where did I state that I didn't think he was sincere about his concerns?

It appears that you "assumed" what I think.

Obviously he was more concerned with "government overreach" than he was the rights of people.
Numbers do lie. And so do you, you fucking asshole.

8 blacks elected by Republicans in a hundred years?

Correll is just a racist sack of lying shit. My grandparents were republicans, my parents were republicans when they were young. They all left the party because the party kept fucking blacks over. That is how they explained it to me. Republicans would promise blacks things and never keep their promises. Things like ending segregation. In classic white supremacist fashion, Correll cannot face the truth and has to manufacture blame elsewhere for I personal failure of the failure of the republican party.

It was a democrat that signed the emancipation proclamation of my generation. Yet these idiots want to post racist comments from him, while telling us how we should be republicans because of Lincoln, a man that believed blacks were inferior. These guys are so full of shit, they are surrounded all day by flies.

My parents and grandparents were Republicans back in the 50's and early 60's.

They gave the middle finger to that party when Barry Goldwater opposed the civil rights act of 1964, which contributed to Johnson winning by a landslide, then he further insulted the intelligence of black voters by justifying his position, claiming that the civil rights act was a "government overreach".

They are all politicians and are dirty on both sides, and black citizens would be far better off just focusing more on local elections that have an immediate impact on their self interest.

There will never be another black POTUS in America again.

After what Obama endured, what sane black person would even want to be president of this country?

Why do you assume that Barry Goldwater was not sincere in his concerns about government overreach?

Where did I state that I didn't think he was sincere about his concerns?

It appears that you "assumed" what I think.

Obviously he was more concerned with "government overreach" than he was the rights of people.
He is putting words in your mouth so he can argue about that instead of the reality of what you said...that is what he does.....

Which is why he gets slapped up and down this message board for sport...
Such as...?

But it's interesting that you set the cutoff at 50 years. Because if you'd gone back further, you'd have forced me to illustrate the Democratic Party's opposition to civil rights legislation since the founding of the GOP.

Unfortunately for you, you will find that the republican party was just as much in opposition if you go further back.
That is absolutely false. The Republican Party has supported civil rights for all since its establishment.
They opposed gay rights

Still do
Nobody is perfect. But show me in their platform where it says that.
“Marriage is between one man and one woman”
And that will return when an economic or financial or disaster happens to make a lot of people poorer and ornery due to the false promises over the decades from government. You don't like Trump. Many others do not like Prog leaders. There will be a despot with the answers. Many of them in fact.
Unfortunately for you, you will find that the republican party was just as much in opposition if you go further back.
That is absolutely false. The Republican Party has supported civil rights for all since its establishment.
They opposed gay rights

Still do
Nobody is perfect. But show me in their platform where it says that.
“Marriage is between one man and one woman”
And that will return when an economic or financial or disaster happens to make a lot of people poorer and ornery due to the false promises over the decades from government. You don't like Trump. Many others do not like Prog leaders. There will be a despot with the answers. Many of them in fact.
We are headed for economic disaster because gays can get married?
not Ben Carson...CANDACE OWENS!

with VP Darrell Scott and Press Sec Pastor Burns
Donald Trump has shown that you definitely don't need to be an actual politician to do a good job, thus my thoughts are on two individuals (President and Vice-President):
Conservative and known strong supporter of the Second Amendment for president: Colion Noir (or Sheriff David Clarke).
Conservative speaker for Vice-President: Candace Owens.
trump has been a failure. Sheriff Clarke is mentally retarded and Candice Owens is dumber than he is..

Having read your fool fueled rants of vapid nothingness for a few years now? You seem to be as pissed today as you were when Barrypuppet was riding high. Are you one of those types that live to have a bug lodged up your ass and anger is actually fulfilling for you? Just askin'.........

I've spoken fact. You can't handle it.

There hasn't been a single thing that you have written that I "can't handle". I weigh, consider and reflect. All I see from you is unfettered anger and an unwillingness to let go of the past even though there are those like myself that see us all in the same fight and it's worse than you could even imagine as to what is being planned for all of us that are not in the .000001 percent.

You do not weigh or consider anything. You deny. This is not about the past idiot, it is all about right now. We are talking about continuing white racism. If white racism was a thing of the past, we would not be talking about it because it would not exist. So you can't be weighing or considering anything. Second, why people like you can be mad at what you claim is some kind of debt based monetary system but then act like we should not be angry because we get treated with no respect shows that you don't weigh or consider, but that you think we have no right to be angry and that we should just take it.

Whites give our theology a name, but you not believing in liberation theology shows that you have chosen to dismiss the experience blacks have had in America completely. What you believe is the same thing as white extremists. I generally have chosen to ignore your ignorance because what you believe is crazy. Your monetary system would not work and you really don't understand the nature of anything. And when you talk about being rooted in the past, your belief is some system based on a decision made during the depression is nothing but a belief based on the past and a lack of understanding of how our system operates based on conspiracy theories.
Funny how the whites who talk about democratic plantations can't seem to tell us when they will nominate a black presidential candidate.
You mean like how the democrats this cycle dumped all the black candidates quickly?

The democrats didn't dump anybody. People voted. You white republicans need to quit this bullshit. I am 59 years old and I'm telling you why blacks left the party according to blacks who are no longer here who did the leaving. Katsteve is older than I am and he's telling you the same thing. And most certainly we can see what the party stands for today simply by coming in places like this and talking directly to republicans. So this blacks being told what to do by white liberals who keep us on a democratic plantation is an insult that's even worse than calling us the n word. And posting comments from sorry ass black uncle toms and sellouts is even more insulting because we know that the ONLY reason you even support them is because they are dumb ass naïve idiots thinking they are working to bring the races together by appeasing your racist asses but in reality they are working to help you implement your anti black agenda.

This is an old article, but the writer did an exceptional job of explaining the psychology behind the term "Democrat Plantation", as well as the psychosis of FAR right black conservatives who use the term.

A childhood friend of mine who is a professor at SDSU emailed this to me, and believes this to be 21st century code language that is being used to shame ill informed, gullible black citizens into committing to a right leaning political party, in spite of the fact that NEITHER party represents the best interests of black voters.

Opinion | Blacks, Conservatives and Plantations

That's exactly what it is. And even worse, they find these dumb blacks to go out and talk this shit. Idiots like Larry Elders, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Candice Owns, Shelby Teele, Star Parker, etc.

Yes indeed. But like Joe Madison says, "this is nothing new". All of the above are just another generation of Booker T. Washingtons.

Joe Madison doesn't play. He's a truth teller/. I like him.
Numbers do lie. And so do you, you fucking asshole.

8 blacks elected by Republicans in a hundred years?

Correll is just a racist sack of lying shit. My grandparents were republicans, my parents were republicans when they were young. They all left the party because the party kept fucking blacks over. That is how they explained it to me. Republicans would promise blacks things and never keep their promises. Things like ending segregation. In classic white supremacist fashion, Correll cannot face the truth and has to manufacture blame elsewhere for I personal failure of the failure of the republican party.

It was a democrat that signed the emancipation proclamation of my generation. Yet these idiots want to post racist comments from him, while telling us how we should be republicans because of Lincoln, a man that believed blacks were inferior. These guys are so full of shit, they are surrounded all day by flies.

My parents and grandparents were Republicans back in the 50's and early 60's.

They gave the middle finger to that party when Barry Goldwater opposed the civil rights act of 1964, which contributed to Johnson winning by a landslide, then he further insulted the intelligence of black voters by justifying his position, claiming that the civil rights act was a "government overreach".

They are all politicians and are dirty on both sides, and black citizens would be far better off just focusing more on local elections that have an immediate impact on their self interest.

There will never be another black POTUS in America again.

After what Obama endured, what sane black person would even want to be president of this country?

Why do you assume that Barry Goldwater was not sincere in his concerns about government overreach?

Where did I state that I didn't think he was sincere about his concerns?

It appears that you "assumed" what I think.

Obviously he was more concerned with "government overreach" than he was the rights of people.

Funny how the government was not overreaching when it was making laws to segregate and provide whites with extra rights.

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