The First Black Republican Presidential Nominee Will Be.....

In a similar vein:
Lonnie was faking it: a look back at 'Dueling Banjos'

Oh shove that "false equivalence" bullshit up your ass. When a black guy spits on me because he assumed I was picking on him just for asking him to wear gloves as per company safety standards, I'm calling him racist.
So, after you run and tell the boss on him, black guy spits on you and gets fired. You continue crying a river and calling him racist. What a man! What a really, really big man!

It is a false equivalence. He spit on you because he thought you were picking in him, not because you were white.

He thought I was picking on him because I'm white.

You ran and told the boss on him which you claim you are required to do, but I seriously doubt if you did that to your white buddies, which he probably saw daily and that also would have created the anger.

That's a lot of speculation and doubt on your part considering that you have already been told all the details of this story.

Essentially you're assuming that he was right; that I was picking on him and the other black guy and did not treat the white crewmembers the same. So tell me, why would you assume this if not because I'm white?

But certainly you will now try telling everybody that the white workers always wore their gloves in order to keep trying to validate your tale.

More assumption and speculation. No, the white workers didn't always wear their gloves and when they didn't, I corrected them.

I told you already back then when we first discussed this that it was this guy's first hitch with the company and he had only been on the vessel for a week when all this went down.

But that story is not equivalent to 243 years of racist laws, public and private policy that have hampered blacks on jobs like the one you worked.

If I have a responsibility to enforce company safety policies, I don't give a shit about 243 years of racist laws and policies and that is irrelevant anyway. It was his responsibility to comply with company safety procedures of which he was apprised when he hired on. He was told when he was hired and knew full well that company policy dictated that he wear gloves and safety glasses when performing any task.

So tell us ghost, how long had that black guy worked there? How long had you?

Why are you asking these questions? You were told all this back then. The guy had just hired on and had only been on the vessel a week. I had been with the company about fifteen years at that point.

Because according to your classic white racist story, he and another black man worked there but of course they were lazy and never could do the job, while all the white workers were exceptional hard working types.

This is an absolute and unequivocal lie and WRONG. I never said they were lazy and couldn't do the job. Neither of them were lazy and they performed their jobs just fine. He just had a momentary lapse in compliance with safety rules and I simply reminded him of that.

You have been told all this numerous times in the past. Why do you persist in getting everything wrong?

Also, I've had to ask the company to remove lazy and incompetent crewmembers from the vessel three or four times throughout my career and every one of them was white. As far as levels of competence, work ethic and diligence, the line fell pretty much right down the middle of racial lines. In my experience I never found that one race was generally more competent or more lazy than the other.

What this looks like to me is that you didn't want to work with blacks and found a reason to try getting him fired so you saw him without gloves on and ran to your super to report him.

Once again, completely wrong. I didn't report to anybody about the gloves. The gloves were not the issue and was not a job-terminating offense anyway. I asked the supervisor to come and mediate a discussion because the guy was being an asshole and was making things tense on the vessel. I made an effort to resolve the situation through discussion and got spit on for my trouble.

You have not faced racism. Racism would have been a black boss letting him keep the job after he spit on you and getting a raise/promotion while you get fired. That's what we face asshole and until you have faced things like that, don't make false equivalences.

Oh please. Who's being the whiny bitch? A black employee is asked to comply with company safety rules that he was well aware of and you bring up "243 years of laws and policies and blah blah blah..." Jesus what a racist windbag.

A very well written series on on topic points, and wasted on IM2, who is a anti-white racist and will side with the black based on his racism and his being an asshole.

I still can't figure out if IM2 is deliberately being obtuse or if he really is so addle-brained he can't keep the details straight.

I say - "I asked him to put on gloves according to established safety rules."
IM2 hears - "Black guys are all lazy and incompetent."

I say - "The guy thought I was singling him out and started behaving like a dick so I asked the supervisor to mediate a discussion to resolve the situation."
IM2 hears - "I ran to tell the boss on him because he wasn't wearing gloves to get the little black Sambo motherfucker fired because black guys are all lazy and incompetent."

I say - "Even after trying to resolve the issue through discussion, the guy spit on me and that's what got him fired."
IM2 hears - "I tried to get the jigaboo fired for not wearing gloves and so he spit on me and got fired anyway. Ha ha!"

From the very beginning (that is, when he wasn't mistakenly attributing other posters' comments to me) he has conflated, assumed, speculated and outright lied to pad his narrative that I was the racist in the story. He fluffed his argument with whatever bullshit he could inject in there to cast doubt on the fact that the guy simply misunderstood my motives and overreacted.
Oh shove that "false equivalence" bullshit up your ass. When a black guy spits on me because he assumed I was picking on him just for asking him to wear gloves as per company safety standards, I'm calling him racist.
So, after you run and tell the boss on him, black guy spits on you and gets fired. You continue crying a river and calling him racist. What a man! What a really, really big man!

It is a false equivalence. He spit on you because he thought you were picking in him, not because you were white.

He thought I was picking on him because I'm white.

You ran and told the boss on him which you claim you are required to do, but I seriously doubt if you did that to your white buddies, which he probably saw daily and that also would have created the anger.

That's a lot of speculation and doubt on your part considering that you have already been told all the details of this story.

Essentially you're assuming that he was right; that I was picking on him and the other black guy and did not treat the white crewmembers the same. So tell me, why would you assume this if not because I'm white?

But certainly you will now try telling everybody that the white workers always wore their gloves in order to keep trying to validate your tale.

More assumption and speculation. No, the white workers didn't always wear their gloves and when they didn't, I corrected them.

I told you already back then when we first discussed this that it was this guy's first hitch with the company and he had only been on the vessel for a week when all this went down.

But that story is not equivalent to 243 years of racist laws, public and private policy that have hampered blacks on jobs like the one you worked.

If I have a responsibility to enforce company safety policies, I don't give a shit about 243 years of racist laws and policies and that is irrelevant anyway. It was his responsibility to comply with company safety procedures of which he was apprised when he hired on. He was told when he was hired and knew full well that company policy dictated that he wear gloves and safety glasses when performing any task.

So tell us ghost, how long had that black guy worked there? How long had you?

Why are you asking these questions? You were told all this back then. The guy had just hired on and had only been on the vessel a week. I had been with the company about fifteen years at that point.

Because according to your classic white racist story, he and another black man worked there but of course they were lazy and never could do the job, while all the white workers were exceptional hard working types.

This is an absolute and unequivocal lie and WRONG. I never said they were lazy and couldn't do the job. Neither of them were lazy and they performed their jobs just fine. He just had a momentary lapse in compliance with safety rules and I simply reminded him of that.

You have been told all this numerous times in the past. Why do you persist in getting everything wrong?

Also, I've had to ask the company to remove lazy and incompetent crewmembers from the vessel three or four times throughout my career and every one of them was white. As far as levels of competence, work ethic and diligence, the line fell pretty much right down the middle of racial lines. In my experience I never found that one race was generally more competent or more lazy than the other.

What this looks like to me is that you didn't want to work with blacks and found a reason to try getting him fired so you saw him without gloves on and ran to your super to report him.

Once again, completely wrong. I didn't report to anybody about the gloves. The gloves were not the issue and was not a job-terminating offense anyway. I asked the supervisor to come and mediate a discussion because the guy was being an asshole and was making things tense on the vessel. I made an effort to resolve the situation through discussion and got spit on for my trouble.

You have not faced racism. Racism would have been a black boss letting him keep the job after he spit on you and getting a raise/promotion while you get fired. That's what we face asshole and until you have faced things like that, don't make false equivalences.

Oh please. Who's being the whiny bitch? A black employee is asked to comply with company safety rules that he was well aware of and you bring up "243 years of laws and policies and blah blah blah..." Jesus what a racist windbag.

A very well written series on on topic points, and wasted on IM2, who is a anti-white racist and will side with the black based on his racism and his being an asshole.

I still can't figure out if IM2 is deliberately being obtuse or if he really is so addle-brained he can't keep the details straight.

I say - "I asked him to put on gloves according to established safety rules."
IM2 hears - "Black guys are all lazy and incompetent."

I say - "The guy thought I was singling him out and started behaving like a dick so I asked the supervisor to mediate a discussion to resolve the situation."
IM2 hears - "I ran to tell the boss on him because he wasn't wearing gloves to get the little black Sambo motherfucker fired because black guys are all lazy and incompetent."

I say - "Even after trying to resolve the issue through discussion, the guy spit on me and that's what got him fired."
IM2 hears - "I tried to get the jigaboo fired for not wearing gloves and so he spit on me and got fired anyway. Ha ha!"

From the very beginning (that is, when he wasn't mistakenly attributing other posters' comments to me) he has conflated, assumed, speculated and outright lied to pad his narrative that I was the racist in the story. He fluffed his argument with whatever bullshit he could inject in there to cast doubt on the fact that the guy simply misunderstood my motives and overreacted.

It happens..A guy got fired from where I was working for freaking out like 1989.
IM2 reminds me of him..was reading "Malcolm X" for 2 weeks; For me it would be 2 afternoons.
I can still see the black guys on the crew looking at him and shaking their heads.
We were all in that thing together, except him.
Unverifiable anecdote combined with patriotism. Refuge of scoundrels.

The immediate topic is, can blacks be racist. You agree with him, that they can.

But your stated position is that whites have to defer to blacks on this topic. Because blacks have more moral authority on this subject.

You are pretending to not believe him, so you can avoid having to deal with the topic and the fact that you don't even believe the position you are defending.
Oh shove that "false equivalence" bullshit up your ass. When a black guy spits on me because he assumed I was picking on him just for asking him to wear gloves as per company safety standards, I'm calling him racist.
So, after you run and tell the boss on him, black guy spits on you and gets fired. You continue crying a river and calling him racist. What a man! What a really, really big man!

It is a false equivalence. He spit on you because he thought you were picking in him, not because you were white.

He thought I was picking on him because I'm white.

You ran and told the boss on him which you claim you are required to do, but I seriously doubt if you did that to your white buddies, which he probably saw daily and that also would have created the anger.

That's a lot of speculation and doubt on your part considering that you have already been told all the details of this story.

Essentially you're assuming that he was right; that I was picking on him and the other black guy and did not treat the white crewmembers the same. So tell me, why would you assume this if not because I'm white?

But certainly you will now try telling everybody that the white workers always wore their gloves in order to keep trying to validate your tale.

More assumption and speculation. No, the white workers didn't always wear their gloves and when they didn't, I corrected them.

I told you already back then when we first discussed this that it was this guy's first hitch with the company and he had only been on the vessel for a week when all this went down.

But that story is not equivalent to 243 years of racist laws, public and private policy that have hampered blacks on jobs like the one you worked.

If I have a responsibility to enforce company safety policies, I don't give a shit about 243 years of racist laws and policies and that is irrelevant anyway. It was his responsibility to comply with company safety procedures of which he was apprised when he hired on. He was told when he was hired and knew full well that company policy dictated that he wear gloves and safety glasses when performing any task.

So tell us ghost, how long had that black guy worked there? How long had you?

Why are you asking these questions? You were told all this back then. The guy had just hired on and had only been on the vessel a week. I had been with the company about fifteen years at that point.

Because according to your classic white racist story, he and another black man worked there but of course they were lazy and never could do the job, while all the white workers were exceptional hard working types.

This is an absolute and unequivocal lie and WRONG. I never said they were lazy and couldn't do the job. Neither of them were lazy and they performed their jobs just fine. He just had a momentary lapse in compliance with safety rules and I simply reminded him of that.

You have been told all this numerous times in the past. Why do you persist in getting everything wrong?

Also, I've had to ask the company to remove lazy and incompetent crewmembers from the vessel three or four times throughout my career and every one of them was white. As far as levels of competence, work ethic and diligence, the line fell pretty much right down the middle of racial lines. In my experience I never found that one race was generally more competent or more lazy than the other.

What this looks like to me is that you didn't want to work with blacks and found a reason to try getting him fired so you saw him without gloves on and ran to your super to report him.

Once again, completely wrong. I didn't report to anybody about the gloves. The gloves were not the issue and was not a job-terminating offense anyway. I asked the supervisor to come and mediate a discussion because the guy was being an asshole and was making things tense on the vessel. I made an effort to resolve the situation through discussion and got spit on for my trouble.

You have not faced racism. Racism would have been a black boss letting him keep the job after he spit on you and getting a raise/promotion while you get fired. That's what we face asshole and until you have faced things like that, don't make false equivalences.

Oh please. Who's being the whiny bitch? A black employee is asked to comply with company safety rules that he was well aware of and you bring up "243 years of laws and policies and blah blah blah..." Jesus what a racist windbag.

A very well written series on on topic points, and wasted on IM2, who is a anti-white racist and will side with the black based on his racism and his being an asshole.

I still can't figure out if IM2 is deliberately being obtuse or if he really is so addle-brained he can't keep the details straight.

I say - "I asked him to put on gloves according to established safety rules."
IM2 hears - "Black guys are all lazy and incompetent."

I say - "The guy thought I was singling him out and started behaving like a dick so I asked the supervisor to mediate a discussion to resolve the situation."
IM2 hears - "I ran to tell the boss on him because he wasn't wearing gloves to get the little black Sambo motherfucker fired because black guys are all lazy and incompetent."

I say - "Even after trying to resolve the issue through discussion, the guy spit on me and that's what got him fired."
IM2 hears - "I tried to get the jigaboo fired for not wearing gloves and so he spit on me and got fired anyway. Ha ha!"

From the very beginning (that is, when he wasn't mistakenly attributing other posters' comments to me) he has conflated, assumed, speculated and outright lied to pad his narrative that I was the racist in the story. He fluffed his argument with whatever bullshit he could inject in there to cast doubt on the fact that the guy simply misunderstood my motives and overreacted.

I think he is not as smart as he likes to think he is, and then he has spent a lifetime being deliberately obtuse to the point that it is sort of a real ability he has, to choose to misunderstand something. Sort of a like a reverse mentalist.

AND, on top of that, he is a racist asshole, who is happy to sometimes just lie in support of his racism and asshole-ness.
So, after you run and tell the boss on him, black guy spits on you and gets fired. You continue crying a river and calling him racist. What a man! What a really, really big man!

It is a false equivalence. He spit on you because he thought you were picking in him, not because you were white.

He thought I was picking on him because I'm white.

You ran and told the boss on him which you claim you are required to do, but I seriously doubt if you did that to your white buddies, which he probably saw daily and that also would have created the anger.

That's a lot of speculation and doubt on your part considering that you have already been told all the details of this story.

Essentially you're assuming that he was right; that I was picking on him and the other black guy and did not treat the white crewmembers the same. So tell me, why would you assume this if not because I'm white?

But certainly you will now try telling everybody that the white workers always wore their gloves in order to keep trying to validate your tale.

More assumption and speculation. No, the white workers didn't always wear their gloves and when they didn't, I corrected them.

I told you already back then when we first discussed this that it was this guy's first hitch with the company and he had only been on the vessel for a week when all this went down.

But that story is not equivalent to 243 years of racist laws, public and private policy that have hampered blacks on jobs like the one you worked.

If I have a responsibility to enforce company safety policies, I don't give a shit about 243 years of racist laws and policies and that is irrelevant anyway. It was his responsibility to comply with company safety procedures of which he was apprised when he hired on. He was told when he was hired and knew full well that company policy dictated that he wear gloves and safety glasses when performing any task.

So tell us ghost, how long had that black guy worked there? How long had you?

Why are you asking these questions? You were told all this back then. The guy had just hired on and had only been on the vessel a week. I had been with the company about fifteen years at that point.

Because according to your classic white racist story, he and another black man worked there but of course they were lazy and never could do the job, while all the white workers were exceptional hard working types.

This is an absolute and unequivocal lie and WRONG. I never said they were lazy and couldn't do the job. Neither of them were lazy and they performed their jobs just fine. He just had a momentary lapse in compliance with safety rules and I simply reminded him of that.

You have been told all this numerous times in the past. Why do you persist in getting everything wrong?

Also, I've had to ask the company to remove lazy and incompetent crewmembers from the vessel three or four times throughout my career and every one of them was white. As far as levels of competence, work ethic and diligence, the line fell pretty much right down the middle of racial lines. In my experience I never found that one race was generally more competent or more lazy than the other.

What this looks like to me is that you didn't want to work with blacks and found a reason to try getting him fired so you saw him without gloves on and ran to your super to report him.

Once again, completely wrong. I didn't report to anybody about the gloves. The gloves were not the issue and was not a job-terminating offense anyway. I asked the supervisor to come and mediate a discussion because the guy was being an asshole and was making things tense on the vessel. I made an effort to resolve the situation through discussion and got spit on for my trouble.

You have not faced racism. Racism would have been a black boss letting him keep the job after he spit on you and getting a raise/promotion while you get fired. That's what we face asshole and until you have faced things like that, don't make false equivalences.

Oh please. Who's being the whiny bitch? A black employee is asked to comply with company safety rules that he was well aware of and you bring up "243 years of laws and policies and blah blah blah..." Jesus what a racist windbag.

A very well written series on on topic points, and wasted on IM2, who is a anti-white racist and will side with the black based on his racism and his being an asshole.

I still can't figure out if IM2 is deliberately being obtuse or if he really is so addle-brained he can't keep the details straight.

I say - "I asked him to put on gloves according to established safety rules."
IM2 hears - "Black guys are all lazy and incompetent."

I say - "The guy thought I was singling him out and started behaving like a dick so I asked the supervisor to mediate a discussion to resolve the situation."
IM2 hears - "I ran to tell the boss on him because he wasn't wearing gloves to get the little black Sambo motherfucker fired because black guys are all lazy and incompetent."

I say - "Even after trying to resolve the issue through discussion, the guy spit on me and that's what got him fired."
IM2 hears - "I tried to get the jigaboo fired for not wearing gloves and so he spit on me and got fired anyway. Ha ha!"

From the very beginning (that is, when he wasn't mistakenly attributing other posters' comments to me) he has conflated, assumed, speculated and outright lied to pad his narrative that I was the racist in the story. He fluffed his argument with whatever bullshit he could inject in there to cast doubt on the fact that the guy simply misunderstood my motives and overreacted.

It happens..A guy got fired from where I was working for freaking out like 1989.
IM2 reminds me of him..was reading "Malcolm X" for 2 weeks; For me it would be 2 afternoons.
I can still see the black guys on the crew looking at him and shaking their heads.
We were all in that thing together, except him.

I saw a security guard get fired like that. Young black guy, watched Black Panther too many times. Got all riled up. He was a crappy security guard anyways, and then when the boss, who was an asshole, was telling him what to do, the young black guy was disrespectful and insubordinate.

BAM! And he is out of there. Take your Black Pride and go home.
Unverifiable anecdote combined with patriotism. Refuge of scoundrels.

We get that you loathe patriotism, traitor Commie boy.

Libs are so stupid. THey attack the very idea of patriotism, and then act shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that we would question their patriotism.

Fucking assholes.
And yet another Sad Day for conservatives.. upon learning that it was actually a conservative bitching about conservatives who coined the phrase "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." Takes one to know one.
Unverifiable anecdote combined with patriotism. Refuge of scoundrels.

We get that you loathe patriotism, traitor Commie boy.

Libs are so stupid. THey attack the very idea of patriotism, and then act shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that we would question their patriotism.

Fucking assholes.
And yet another Sad Day for conservatives.. upon learning that it was actually a conservative bitching about conservatives who coined the phrase "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." Takes one to know one.

I've never heard Mark Twain called a conservative before. And my point regarding the way you lefties will switch so easily from attacking the very idea of patriotism, to pretending to be shocked that anyone would question your patriotism,

is valid and still stands.
Let me ask you a question are you saying that there were no slaves that became part of that white family, had an emotional connection, and were treated as family.. are you saying NOT ONE?
No more so than a pet or favorite horse.

If they were members of the family, they would not be held in slavery and would be allowed free will

Why do these idiots try making slavery nice? We blacks don't need whites to explain what slavery was and the gaslighting done by these racists only piss us off more..

It is all part of the Lost Cause propaganda.
Slavery was not so bad, they were better off than in Africa.......oh, did you know blacks owned slaves too?
Slavery was a dying practice. To suggest the civil war was about slavery just an antiquated view from the winning side.

The civil war was about keeping the Union together.
There were 4 million slaves. Cotton was picked by hand until the 1930s.
Slavery was not going anywhere

It still took a hundred years before the South was forced to give blacks equal rights
Yup and it is a FACT that Slavery was the State "right" that the south left over. 9 of the 11 States stated so in their letter leaving the Union.

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