The Filibuster MUST Go

What happens when you toss the filibuster and then the republicans take over power?
And there's the question. And it would probably be answered after Nov 2022. There is no way to know what it would do in its present condition. There is no bottom. At the same time, I understand the argument for getting rid of it, and I realize they may get rid of it themselves if/when they take control.

We've put ourselves into another no-win situation here.

Those who push for tribalism and division are getting their way. They're winning.
Democrats rarely use the filibuster; it’s used by Republicans when they’re in the minority to thwart the will of the people.

Republicans excel at doing nothing and opposing necessary, proper, and Constitutional legislation.
Democrats used the filibuster a record 327 times last year. But yeah it’s only Republican……
And there's the question. And it would probably be answered after Nov 2022. There is no way to know what it would do in its present condition. There is no bottom. At the same time, I understand the argument for getting rid of it, and I realize they may get rid of it themselves if/when they take control.

We've put ourselves into another no-win situation here.

Those who push for tribalism and division are getting their way. They're winning.
I’m just a firm believer in doing the right thing no matter what others may or may not do. If anybody believes that it would be wrong for the Republicans to lose the filibuster after they retake power or if they would have felt it wrong if they had done it during their last round of power then the answer is simple… they should leave it in place. If they would have no problem with the Republicans dropping it then by all mean go ahead and support the Dems doing it.
The Republicans will certainly take over the House next year after Potatohead's failures. Probably by 50 seats or more. They will win seats in the Senate.

These dumbass Democrats better be careful what they wish for. It may not work out like they want.
The Republicans will certainly take over the House next year after Potatohead's failures. Probably by 50 seats or more. They will win seats in the Senate.

These dumbass Democrats better be careful what they wish for. It may not work out like they want.
And if that happens you can be SURE that THEY will nuke the filibuster.

Ya hear that Mancin? Ya hear that Sinema?

So Mitch McConnell says the Debt Ceiling MUST be raised.

But he and all the GOP Senators are going to vote against it.

That's bad enough...but they are also FILIBUSTERING even the VOTE!

This has to stop.

Dem Senators have to remove that tool from these cynical bastards
Ok then. Let's remove it to take effect in January 2023.
What needs to happen is legislative reform. Heres an idea. Put two bipartisan committees with equal numbers from each party into locked rooms and direct them not to come out until they formulate a plan that they all would put their names on. The two committees would compete against each other to be the one with the better plan.

Also, how about limiting that amount of items that can be in a bill so we can stop all the pork stuffing. Bills do not need to be 1000 pages.

Get a little teamwork and competition going instead of these lopsided political grandstands that go nowhere.
Better idea put both party's on the senate floor make them stay there for 8 hours a day five days a week until they find solutions. instead of out campaigning for self interest money & political party. Earn there money like the rest of us.
Democrats rarely use the filibuster;
Why do you lie like this?
Since 2009, 657 filibusters were recorded under Democratic minorities while 609 filibusters were recorded under Republican minorities.
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So Mitch McConnell says the Debt Ceiling MUST be raised.

But he and all the GOP Senators are going to vote against it.

That's bad enough...but they are also FILIBUSTERING even the VOTE!

This has to stop.

Dem Senators have to remove that tool from these cynical bastards

The only thing worse than having the filibuster is not having it. Its the only thing that forces some semblance of governing that shares power.
Explain please, Republicans Now fighting the debt celling, Cruz talking about filibustering it. During Trumps 4 year term debt limit raised Three Times! Explain explain explain.
And if that happens you can be SURE that THEY will nuke the filibuster.

Ya hear that Mancin? Ya hear that Sinema?

America needs to undo the damage done by the Potatohead administration.

However, I doubt if the Republicans will resort to doing away with the filibuster.

It is actually a good (although minor) check on the tyranny of Democracy to have a 60 vote threshold in the Senate.

I wish it was 80 and then nothing would ever get passed by Congress and America would be a lot better off.

Government sucks.

So Mitch McConnell says the Debt Ceiling MUST be raised.

But he and all the GOP Senators are going to vote against it.

That's bad enough...but they are also FILIBUSTERING even the VOTE!

This has to stop.

Dem Senators have to remove that tool from these cynical bastards
Dems can pass it without the Republicans, are they afraid?

So Mitch McConnell says the Debt Ceiling MUST be raised.

But he and all the GOP Senators are going to vote against it.

That's bad enough...but they are also FILIBUSTERING even the VOTE!

This has to stop.

Dem Senators have to remove that tool from these cynical bastards

I see what McConnell is doing.

He's trying to get the democrats to remove the filibuster so when the republicans have control of the congress they can write and pass any bill they want without anyone stopping the.

I wish the republicans would stop their non stop filibuster but they won't and I'm not willing to support to remove it so that when the republicans have control they can run wild.

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