The Fascinating Train Wreck Pelosi Shiff Show Trial Is Now in Full Free Fall Collapse


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It is literally fascinating to watch huge collisions, like old Hollywood films of trains falling into huge ravines while crossing giant bridges collapsing in on themselves. You've seen them. The dynamics of the collapse are just awe inspiring, eyeball magnets. I would hate to see it in real life though.

The collapsing Pelosi-Shiff Show Trial is similarly fascinating to watch but painful to contemplate for our nations future. Pelosi and her gang of international bribe laundering crooks are grasping at the last tiny root of a little tree as the plunge over the cliff of Consequences.

This whole impeachment is a sham, an Impeachment Without a Cause. Just look at its contorted twists as Pelosi and crew try to justify this reversal of the 2016 election.

Nolte: Nancy Pelosi's 'Article II' Impeachment Rationale Exposed as Hoax

In-between her Thursday meltdowns, here are Nancy’s own words, her own rationale for overturning a presidential election: [emphasis added throughout]

Thursday morning:

The president’s actions have seriously violated the Constitution, especially when he says and acts upon the belief ‘Article II says I can do whatever I want.’ No. His wrongdoing strikes at the very heart of our Constitution. A separation of powers, three co-equal branches, each a check and balance on the other.​
Thursday evening:

In that Constitution, the genius of it all was the system of checks and balances. They did not want a monarch. They did not want a president king. That’s what they fought the war against.​
The president said — Article I is the legislative branch. Article II is the executive branch. The president said, Article II says I can do whatever I want.

So for me, this is about honoring our oath of office, making sure that the Constitution is respected. And it’s about that and how he has ignored the subpoenas of Congress, the oversight of Congress. Something very strange there, that there hasn’t been an intervention amongst some of his own people.

So… It’s not the poll-tested bribery charge anymore.

It’s not quid pro quo anymore — because there can be no quid pro quo when Ukraine didn’t know it was supposed to quid, pro, or quo.

It’s not obstruction of justice anymore.

It’s not obstruction of Congress anymore — whatever the hell that made-up shit is…

It’s not a mean but accurate tweet anymore.


No, this week it’s — and these are Nancy’s own words — “The president said, Article II says I can do whatever I want.”

And the fact that it has come to this, to this kind of desperate hoax, tells you all you need to know about what a rigged game this is. Because…

Trump never said that.





Nancy is inventing crimes now. She’s making stuff up. She is all over TV framing the accused, planting evidence, which is what a dirty cop does when they can’t make a case.

Nancy is deliberately and maliciously taking Trump out of context. And not just a little out of context. No, she is taking the president so far out of context I feel a little silly having to explain it.

Here is what Trump actually said

Look, Article II, I would be allowed to fire Robert Mueller. Assuming I did all of the things, I said I want to fire him. Number one, I didn’t. He wasn’t fired. Number one, very importantly but more importantly, Article II allows me to do whatever I want. Article II would allow me to fire him. I wasn’t going to fire him. You know why — because I watched Richard Nixon firing everybody and that didn’t work out too well.​
Even during the sham impeachment hearings, Nancy’s lying Democrats selectively-edited video of Trump again talking about Article II in the exact same context.

Again, it’s a lie.

The very foundation of this impeachment is a lie fabricated from either a quote deliberately taken out of context or rigged video.

Nancy and her henchmen are fabricating evidence to justify a coup.​
This is becoming apparent to anyone not suffering from Stage 4 TDS, it is all horse kaka.

They cant even keep their lies straight any more, it is getting that pathetic.

Democrats Used Deceptively Edited Video of Trump in Judiciary Committee Impeachment Hearing | Breitbart

Democrats used a deceptively edited video of President Donald Trump in Wednesday’s first House Judiciary Committee hearing on impeachment, using “experts” in constitutional law to claim, falsely, that he believes he has absolute power.

As Breitbart News White House Correspondent Charlie Spiering pointed out Friday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) misquoted Trump when she made the case for articles of impeachment on Thursday morning.​

So now Pelosi wants us all to think that Trump is trying to become a monarch? Seriously?

Bizarre is not potent enough to describe this delusional excretia.

The Democrats know that they cannot win the 2020 election with the clowns they have running now, no matter what the BS polling says, and with a booming economy still white hot on track to bring more prosperity to all of the working class.

Impeachment is all they had left, and now it doesnt look like they have that any more.

I cant wait for this to get to the Senate, lol.

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Pelosi crumbles under pressure....this is going to be good....
After the utter failure of the "constitutional expert" attacking 13 year old barron Trump...I really thought pelosi was coming out on TV to say impeachment is over.

Instead she declares "full steam ahead" and then says that president Trump defending himself in court is OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.

WOW! Just WOW!

Fun to watch...but sickening at the same time.
It is literally fascinating to watch huge collisions, like old Hollywood films of trains falling into huge ravines while crossing giant bridges collapsing in on themselves. You've seen them. The dynamics of the collapse are just awe inspiring, eyeball magnets. I would hate to see it in real life though.

The collapsing Pelosi-Shiff Show Trial is similarly fascinating to watch but painful to contemplate for our nations future. Pelosi and her gang of international bribe laundering crooks are grasping at the last tiny root of a little tree as the plunge over the cliff of Consequences.

This whole impeachment is a sham, an Impeachment Without a Cause. Just look at its contorted twists as Pelosi and crew try to justify this reversal of the 2016 election.

Nolte: Nancy Pelosi's 'Article II' Impeachment Rationale Exposed as Hoax

In-between her Thursday meltdowns, here are Nancy’s own words, her own rationale for overturning a presidential election: [emphasis added throughout]

Thursday morning:

The president’s actions have seriously violated the Constitution, especially when he says and acts upon the belief ‘Article II says I can do whatever I want.’ No. His wrongdoing strikes at the very heart of our Constitution. A separation of powers, three co-equal branches, each a check and balance on the other.​
Thursday evening:

In that Constitution, the genius of it all was the system of checks and balances. They did not want a monarch. They did not want a president king. That’s what they fought the war against.​
The president said — Article I is the legislative branch. Article II is the executive branch. The president said, Article II says I can do whatever I want.

So for me, this is about honoring our oath of office, making sure that the Constitution is respected. And it’s about that and how he has ignored the subpoenas of Congress, the oversight of Congress. Something very strange there, that there hasn’t been an intervention amongst some of his own people.

So… It’s not the poll-tested bribery charge anymore.

It’s not quid pro quo anymore — because there can be no quid pro quo when Ukraine didn’t know it was supposed to quid, pro, or quo.

It’s not obstruction of justice anymore.

It’s not obstruction of Congress anymore — whatever the hell that made-up shit is…

It’s not a mean but accurate tweet anymore.


No, this week it’s — and these are Nancy’s own words — “The president said, Article II says I can do whatever I want.”

And the fact that it has come to this, to this kind of desperate hoax, tells you all you need to know about what a rigged game this is. Because…

Trump never said that.





Nancy is inventing crimes now. She’s making stuff up. She is all over TV framing the accused, planting evidence, which is what a dirty cop does when they can’t make a case.

Nancy is deliberately and maliciously taking Trump out of context. And not just a little out of context. No, she is taking the president so far out of context I feel a little silly having to explain it.

Here is what Trump actually said

Look, Article II, I would be allowed to fire Robert Mueller. Assuming I did all of the things, I said I want to fire him. Number one, I didn’t. He wasn’t fired. Number one, very importantly but more importantly, Article II allows me to do whatever I want. Article II would allow me to fire him. I wasn’t going to fire him. You know why — because I watched Richard Nixon firing everybody and that didn’t work out too well.​
Even during the sham impeachment hearings, Nancy’s lying Democrats selectively-edited video of Trump again talking about Article II in the exact same context.

Again, it’s a lie.

The very foundation of this impeachment is a lie fabricated from either a quote deliberately taken out of context or rigged video.

Nancy and her henchmen are fabricating evidence to justify a coup.​
This is becoming apparent to anyone not suffering from Stage 4 TDS, it is all horse kaka.

They cant even keep their lies straight any more, it is getting that pathetic.

Democrats Used Deceptively Edited Video of Trump in Judiciary Committee Impeachment Hearing | Breitbart

Democrats used a deceptively edited video of President Donald Trump in Wednesday’s first House Judiciary Committee hearing on impeachment, using “experts” in constitutional law to claim, falsely, that he believes he has absolute power.

As Breitbart News White House Correspondent Charlie Spiering pointed out Friday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) misquoted Trump when she made the case for articles of impeachment on Thursday morning.​

So now Pelosi wants us all to think that Trump is trying to become a monarch? Seriously?

Bizarre is not potent enough to describe this delusional excretia.

The Democrats know that they cannot win the 2020 election with the clowns they have running now, no matter what the BS polling says, and with a booming economy still white hot on track to bring more prosperity to all of the working class.

Impeachment is all they had left, and now it doesnt look like they have that any more.

I cant wait for this to get to the Senate, lol.

Yep, the WHOLE clown show "impeachment hearings" have been a farce from day one. The Dim Dems have absolutely NOTHING that IS impeachable, yet they continue the lunacy. Pathetic.
I'm getting seriously weary of all the twaddle lectures about the Constitution, from self-righteous shit biscuits who otherwise insist that it's a set of "living rules".

It would be nice, if right after one of those lectures, someone from that opposite side of the aisle was recognized for just. . . I don't know, 20 seconds?

Could impeachment without an underlying crime be considered a coup attempt?
You bet it could be considered that. Let's face it, the Dems have been going after and trying to unseat our duly elected president since the first day he was in office. It's truly incredible that the Dim Dems and Loony Libs have been throwing a temper tantrum for over three years now. I REALLY thought they would calm down after a couple weeks and accept that their beloved Killery LOST, despite being pretty much HANDED the office. NOPE.
Could impeachment without an underlying crime be considered a coup attempt?
You remember Turley, that guy you were jerking off to earlier this week??

You know him...he is the one who during the impeachment hearing ADMITTED that "an impeachable offense doesn’t technically have to be a crime because it is a constitutional process"... and not one of you dic suckers said a word.....Remember him??

No, you DO NOT NEED AN UNDERLYING CRIME to impeach someone.....don't like it, take it up with the constitution....

The constitution explicitly listed bribery as an impeachable offense even tho there wasn't a criminal statute for bribery when the constitution was ratified..
Could impeachment without an underlying crime be considered a coup attempt?
You remember Turley, that guy you were jerking off to earlier this week??

You know him...he is the one who during the impeachment hearing ADMITTED that "an impeachable offense doesn’t technically have to be a crime because it is a constitutional process"... and not one of you dic suckers said a word.....Remember him??

No, you DO NOT NEED AN UNDERLYING CRIME to impeach someone.....don't like it, take it up with the constitution....

The constitution explicitly listed bribery as an impeachable offense even tho there wasn't a criminal statute for bribery when the constitution was ratified..
Nice try, Biff. You can go back to your Safe Space now.
Let's all be honest and set aside all the BS, ok?
This impeachment process is because of a president that was duly elected
and unwanted by the opposing party.....period.

Otherwise, there wouldn't have been threats of impeachment before he even took office.
Could impeachment without an underlying crime be considered a coup attempt?
You remember Turley, that guy you were jerking off to earlier this week??

You know him...he is the one who during the impeachment hearing ADMITTED that "an impeachable offense doesn’t technically have to be a crime because it is a constitutional process"... and not one of you dic suckers said a word.....Remember him??

No, you DO NOT NEED AN UNDERLYING CRIME to impeach someone.....don't like it, take it up with the constitution....

The constitution explicitly listed bribery as an impeachable offense even tho there wasn't a criminal statute for bribery when the constitution was ratified..
Nice try, Biff. You can go back to your Safe Space now.
Yea, facts have a way of sorta ruining your whole circle jerk huh
Could impeachment without an underlying crime be considered a coup attempt?
You remember Turley, that guy you were jerking off to earlier this week??

You know him...he is the one who during the impeachment hearing ADMITTED that "an impeachable offense doesn’t technically have to be a crime because it is a constitutional process"... and not one of you dic suckers said a word.....Remember him??

No, you DO NOT NEED AN UNDERLYING CRIME to impeach someone.....don't like it, take it up with the constitution....

The constitution explicitly listed bribery as an impeachable offense even tho there wasn't a criminal statute for bribery when the constitution was ratified..
Nice try, Biff. You can go back to your Safe Space now.
Yea, facts have a way of sorta ruining your whole circle jerk huh
To your Safe Space NOW, Biff............
As this three year pathetic bullshit witch hunt saga blows up-what’s next?
Will the feelings retarded libs just settle down or desperately cling to another fabrication that will “really get Trump this time”??

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