The end of Dumbocrats and Liberals


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The one good thing that came out of the radical Marxist Obama Administration is the end of the Dumbocrats and liberals. We've seen the rise of the Tea Party, which has had the single biggest impact on American politics than anything else in over 100 years.

Whatever Obama didn't destroy, the Occupy Wall Street folks did. The left exposed themselves as the scum of the earth during those criminal occupations. From the horrific rapes of their fellow liberal women, to the shooting deaths, to the narcotics, to the spread of diseases from those unsanitary filthy animals, to the destruction of property and the planet (30 tons of garbage left from the Los Angeles occupy movement alone - aren't these supposed to be the people who support "green" movements and the planet?!!? :cuckoo:)

But I think that truly final nail in the coffin is Obama himself. After speech, after speech, after speech about Marxism, sharing the wealth, and most of all - "being your brother's keeper", we find that Obama's aunt is living in this country illegally and living off of Uncle Sam. She lives in government subsidized housing, receives government food stamps, and receives government paychecks in the form of Social Security. So, the man who preaches about taking care of everyone, ignores his own aunt. The man with many MILLIONS of dollars, who bashes the wealthy and talks about sharing and spreading the wealth, leaves his own aunt in government subsidized housing and living off of food stamps! The White House is HUGE and has plenty of food - why doesn't he move his aunt in with him and take her off the government program? Why doesn't he pay for her to have her own place? Why doesn't he pay for her healthcare and meals?

Liberals - do you people not realize how the Obama's, Clinton's, Kerry's, and Gore's laugh at you over lobster and champagne? You truly are the useful idiots they have been claiming you are for over a century. They don't believe in sharing the wealth - that's why Kerry is worth over one hundred million and Gore is projected to be a billionaire in the very near future. They preach Socialism/Communism/Marxism to you, while hoarding their own wealth and literally ignoring their own destitute family (ahem Auntie Obama), much less strangers!!! They tell you what you want to hear so you will vote them into office and so they can have the power and money they crave.

Sorry liberals, every day more and more liberals wake up and realize they are another useful idiot. Members of my family actually left the Dumbocrat Party and registered Republican since Obama took office because it has been such a wakeup call. The other day, polls showed that people identifying themselves as conservative hit 42% while people identifying themselves as liberals hit a low of 21% (that's a 2-1 ratio for those liberals not good at math). It was at 32% - 35% at the beginning of the Obama Administration!

It always darkest just before dawn, and dawn is now upon us in America after the dark years of Obama-Pelosi-Reid. After liberals were slaughtered in the November 2010 elections, we now have the final year of the Obama Administration before he is voted out in a landslide election, just like Jimmy Carter. It's clear that America has rejected the Communist ideology of liberals and their numbers are shrinking by the minute, despite their propaganda (and most likely, because of it).

Thank you Barack Obama for preaching "brother's keeper" garbage while amassing millions for yourself and completely ignoring the plight of your own auntie and other family members. Thank you for waking up your useful idiot base and showing them the true face of liberalism. It's the face of failure and hypocrisy at its worst.
I started reading your post, then read the line that claimed the Tea Party has had "the single biggest impact on American politics in 100 years".

That's the funniest thing I've heard today on this forum.
I started reading your post, then read the line that claimed the Tea Party has had "the single biggest impact on American politics in 100 years".

That's the funniest thing I've heard today on this forum.

They did have an impact. Where were you in 2010. We'll have to wait until next year to see if it continues that way.
I started reading your post, then read the line that claimed the Tea Party has had "the single biggest impact on American politics in 100 years".

That's the funniest thing I've heard today on this forum.

They did have an impact. Where were you in 2010. We'll have to wait until next year to see if it continues that way.

I didn't say they didn't have an impact. But "the biggest"?

Not a fucking chance.
The one good thing that came out of the radical Marxist Obama Administration is the end of the Dumbocrats and liberals. We've seen the rise of the Tea Party, which has had the single biggest impact on American politics than anything else in over 100 years.

Whatever Obama didn't destroy, the Occupy Wall Street folks did. The left exposed themselves as the scum of the earth during those criminal occupations. From the horrific rapes of their fellow liberal women, to the shooting deaths, to the narcotics, to the spread of diseases from those unsanitary filthy animals, to the destruction of property and the planet (30 tons of garbage left from the Los Angeles occupy movement alone - aren't these supposed to be the people who support "green" movements and the planet?!!? :cuckoo:)

But I think that truly final nail in the coffin is Obama himself. After speech, after speech, after speech about Marxism, sharing the wealth, and most of all - "being your brother's keeper", we find that Obama's aunt is living in this country illegally and living off of Uncle Sam. She lives in government subsidized housing, receives government food stamps, and receives government paychecks in the form of Social Security. So, the man who preaches about taking care of everyone, ignores his own aunt. The man with many MILLIONS of dollars, who bashes the wealthy and talks about sharing and spreading the wealth, leaves his own aunt in government subsidized housing and living off of food stamps! The White House is HUGE and has plenty of food - why doesn't he move his aunt in with him and take her off the government program? Why doesn't he pay for her to have her own place? Why doesn't he pay for her healthcare and meals?

Liberals - do you people not realize how the Obama's, Clinton's, Kerry's, and Gore's laugh at you over lobster and champagne? You truly are the useful idiots they have been claiming you are for over a century. They don't believe in sharing the wealth - that's why Kerry is worth over one hundred million and Gore is projected to be a billionaire in the very near future. They preach Socialism/Communism/Marxism to you, while hoarding their own wealth and literally ignoring their own destitute family (ahem Auntie Obama), much less strangers!!! They tell you what you want to hear so you will vote them into office and so they can have the power and money they crave.

Sorry liberals, every day more and more liberals wake up and realize they are another useful idiot. Members of my family actually left the Dumbocrat Party and registered Republican since Obama took office because it has been such a wakeup call. The other day, polls showed that people identifying themselves as conservative hit 42% while people identifying themselves as liberals hit a low of 21% (that's a 2-1 ratio for those liberals not good at math). It was at 32% - 35% at the beginning of the Obama Administration!

It always darkest just before dawn, and dawn is now upon us in America after the dark years of Obama-Pelosi-Reid. After liberals were slaughtered in the November 2010 elections, we now have the final year of the Obama Administration before he is voted out in a landslide election, just like Jimmy Carter. It's clear that America has rejected the Communist ideology of liberals and their numbers are shrinking by the minute, despite their propaganda (and most likely, because of it).

Thank you Barack Obama for preaching "brother's keeper" garbage while amassing millions for yourself and completely ignoring the plight of your own auntie and other family members. Thank you for waking up your useful idiot base and showing them the true face of liberalism. It's the face of failure and hypocrisy at its worst.


Now, this one's a keeper!
The one good thing that came out of the radical Marxist Obama Administration is the end of the Dumbocrats and liberals. We've seen the rise of the Tea Party, which has had the single biggest impact on American politics than anything else in over 100 years.

Whatever Obama didn't destroy, the Occupy Wall Street folks did. The left exposed themselves as the scum of the earth during those criminal occupations. From the horrific rapes of their fellow liberal women, to the shooting deaths, to the narcotics, to the spread of diseases from those unsanitary filthy animals, to the destruction of property and the planet (30 tons of garbage left from the Los Angeles occupy movement alone - aren't these supposed to be the people who support "green" movements and the planet?!!? :cuckoo:)

But I think that truly final nail in the coffin is Obama himself. After speech, after speech, after speech about Marxism, sharing the wealth, and most of all - "being your brother's keeper", we find that Obama's aunt is living in this country illegally and living off of Uncle Sam. She lives in government subsidized housing, receives government food stamps, and receives government paychecks in the form of Social Security. So, the man who preaches about taking care of everyone, ignores his own aunt. The man with many MILLIONS of dollars, who bashes the wealthy and talks about sharing and spreading the wealth, leaves his own aunt in government subsidized housing and living off of food stamps! The White House is HUGE and has plenty of food - why doesn't he move his aunt in with him and take her off the government program? Why doesn't he pay for her to have her own place? Why doesn't he pay for her healthcare and meals?

Liberals - do you people not realize how the Obama's, Clinton's, Kerry's, and Gore's laugh at you over lobster and champagne? You truly are the useful idiots they have been claiming you are for over a century. They don't believe in sharing the wealth - that's why Kerry is worth over one hundred million and Gore is projected to be a billionaire in the very near future. They preach Socialism/Communism/Marxism to you, while hoarding their own wealth and literally ignoring their own destitute family (ahem Auntie Obama), much less strangers!!! They tell you what you want to hear so you will vote them into office and so they can have the power and money they crave.

Sorry liberals, every day more and more liberals wake up and realize they are another useful idiot. Members of my family actually left the Dumbocrat Party and registered Republican since Obama took office because it has been such a wakeup call. The other day, polls showed that people identifying themselves as conservative hit 42% while people identifying themselves as liberals hit a low of 21% (that's a 2-1 ratio for those liberals not good at math). It was at 32% - 35% at the beginning of the Obama Administration!

It always darkest just before dawn, and dawn is now upon us in America after the dark years of Obama-Pelosi-Reid. After liberals were slaughtered in the November 2010 elections, we now have the final year of the Obama Administration before he is voted out in a landslide election, just like Jimmy Carter. It's clear that America has rejected the Communist ideology of liberals and their numbers are shrinking by the minute, despite their propaganda (and most likely, because of it).

Thank you Barack Obama for preaching "brother's keeper" garbage while amassing millions for yourself and completely ignoring the plight of your own auntie and other family members. Thank you for waking up your useful idiot base and showing them the true face of liberalism. It's the face of failure and hypocrisy at its worst.


Now, this one's a keeper!


Sorry, I have to add that graphic to my signature line. It's perfect. Absolutely perfect.
I started reading your post, then read the line that claimed the Tea Party has had "the single biggest impact on American politics in 100 years".

That's the funniest thing I've heard today on this forum.

They did have an impact. Where were you in 2010. We'll have to wait until next year to see if it continues that way.

the o/p is still an idiot...
Exactly liberals! Ignore the fact that your party got slaughtered in November 2010.

Or ignore the fact that Obama preaches (obnoxiously) about Marxism and "being your brother's keeper" while his aunt (here illegally) mooches off of the US tax payer and Obama sits on millions.

Or even ignore that pesky little part where your party was raping women by the dozens, shooting and killing people, spreading diseases (can any of you say tuberculosis? being that you are useful idiot liberals, we know you can't spell it), and leaving literally tons and tons of garbage at your occupy sites.

Yep, ignore that and talk about "red kool aid" and "jonestown"! As we all know, facts kill liberals. As such, when the facts destroy their argument, they avoid the topic and change the subject (quickly).

My liberal party is destroyed, my liberal party rapes women and has shootings during protests, and my liberal party pollutes with tons of garbage like unsanitary pigs. But you're party.... uh..... uh.... well.... uh.... you're party drinks... kool... aid? Laugh, Laugh, chuckle chuckle! :cuckoo: Man, you liberals truly are useful idiots. Obama sits on millions, won't help his own family, and you support him while both of you rail against the wealthy not sharing. Fucking hysterical beyond words! :lol:
The one good thing that came out of the radical Marxist Obama Administration is the end of the Dumbocrats and liberals. We've seen the rise of the Tea Party, which has had the single biggest impact on American politics than anything else in over 100 years.

It takes a special kind of idiot to believe that Obama is a radical anything.
The one good thing that came out of the radical Marxist Obama Administration is the end of the Dumbocrats and liberals

Dream on, broomstick cowboy.
Exactly liberals! Ignore the fact that your party got slaughtered in November 2010.

Or ignore the fact that Obama preaches (obnoxiously) about Marxism and "being your brother's keeper" while his aunt (here illegally) mooches off of the US tax payer and Obama sits on millions.

Or even ignore that pesky little part where your party was raping women by the dozens, shooting and killing people, spreading diseases (can any of you say tuberculosis? being that you are useful idiot liberals, we know you can't spell it), and leaving literally tons and tons of garbage at your occupy sites.

Yep, ignore that and talk about "red kool aid" and "jonestown"! As we all know, facts kill liberals. As such, when the facts destroy their argument, they avoid the topic and change the subject (quickly).

My liberal party is destroyed, my liberal party rapes women and has shootings during protests, and my liberal party pollutes with tons of garbage like unsanitary pigs. But you're party.... uh..... uh.... well.... uh.... you're party drinks... kool... aid? Laugh, Laugh, chuckle chuckle! :cuckoo: Man, you liberals truly are useful idiots. Obama sits on millions, won't help his own family, and you support him while both of you rail against the wealthy not sharing. Fucking hysterical beyond words! :lol:

If I was a liberal that might mean something, who knows. Oh wait, I'm not 80 degrees right of center so I must be a liberal. Sorry, I forgot.......... :eusa_whistle:
this is the republican base that is killing the republican party.

The OP and the people who share his point of view have no contact with reality and never will.

The party has lost control of these clones and they are now chewing at the masters feet.

Either the master has to kill them or be killed.

The republican party can not win with this tea party faction or without them.

They courted this mad dog and its their own fault.

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