The Earth was made for Human beings. There is no need for space travel.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I see a lot of people making statements about how it is our destiny to travel to Mars and to outer space. I have heard reports on what the zero gravity and the deep space radiation that all can damage human tissue. There is no need to travel into space. We were all forged here on the Earth. We were all created on the Earth for the Earth. Not to travel into space. It is unnatural for us to venture into space. Lets concentrate on people here on Earth and spend the billions of dollars here on Earth. Not on some space travel fantasy travel.
"By Gawd, if man were meant to go to outer space, he'd have rockets growin' out of his ass!"
- Someone back in the 1950s
I see a lot of people making statements about how it is our destiny to travel to Mars and to outer space. I have heard reports on what the zero gravity and the deep space radiation that all can damage human tissue. There is no need to travel into space. We were all forged here on the Earth. We were all created on the Earth for the Earth. Not to travel into space. It is unnatural for us to venture into space. Lets concentrate on people here on Earth and spend the billions of dollars here on Earth. Not on some space travel fantasy travel.
We were created in Africa, I guess you think we should have stayed there? We can't fly or breath water so we should never have built planes or ships.

BTW, not one dollar spent on space travel will be spent in space, it will be spent here on Earth.
I see a lot of people making statements about how it is our destiny to travel to Mars and to outer space. I have heard reports on what the zero gravity and the deep space radiation that all can damage human tissue. There is no need to travel into space. We were all forged here on the Earth. We were all created on the Earth for the Earth. Not to travel into space. It is unnatural for us to venture into space. Lets concentrate on people here on Earth and spend the billions of dollars here on Earth. Not on some space travel fantasy travel.
Next step in human evolution will be to become space faring. It is already in our DNA to explore and ask "what is over there" and then go and find out.
Whether in the next hundred or thousand years you are only denying the inevitable.
Earth has a finite life. No need for us to join its eventual destruction by our own Sun or possibly a meteor strike civilization ender far sooner.

You can stay home and watch Netflix. Others braver than you or I will go there.
I see a lot of people making statements about how it is our destiny to travel to Mars and to outer space. I have heard reports on what the zero gravity and the deep space radiation that all can damage human tissue. There is no need to travel into space. We were all forged here on the Earth. We were all created on the Earth for the Earth. Not to travel into space. It is unnatural for us to venture into space. Lets concentrate on people here on Earth and spend the billions of dollars here on Earth. Not on some space travel fantasy travel.

Not on some space travel fantasy travel.

Magellan, Columbus, and many others had fantasies.

to find out what lie beyond the horizon.

We've pretty much found out what lies beyond all horizons on Earth, leaving exploring the oceans and space.
I see a lot of people making statements about how it is our destiny to travel to Mars and to outer space. I have heard reports on what the zero gravity and the deep space radiation that all can damage human tissue. There is no need to travel into space. We were all forged here on the Earth. We were all created on the Earth for the Earth. Not to travel into space. It is unnatural for us to venture into space. Lets concentrate on people here on Earth and spend the billions of dollars here on Earth. Not on some space travel fantasy travel.

I still think the best way to explore Mars would be to continue the development of AI here on earth, then send them up in our place for the most part, until we can develop a habitat up there that would protect humans from the radiation.

Turning your back on the fact that we have a whole other planet, practically in our back yard would be foolish. Look at the rare elements we have here on earth that we use in technology, and then think, perhaps there may be some minerals, or elements that while rare or non- existent here on earth MIGHT be found in abundance on Mars. Of course we dont know one way or the other, but the possibilities are great. Most of our planet is covered by water and inaccessable for that reason. This whole space travel is worth it, considering the technology that has already been developed because of it.
Well I would suspect that the cost in money and the eventually loss of lives would beg the question is it worth it.

What other planet can sustain life with no atmosphere which would require man to make his own. Terra-forming is the concept but can it be done.

Would it be cheaper to build cities under the Ocean????

Man wants to mold Mars in its image. Will countries start claiming parts of Mars as the US of Mars or USSR or Mars. Of course corporations will want a piece of that action and claim mars as part of their corporation.

Still the other end of the equation is as the population increases how much longer can the earth provide for what everyone wants. What are the effects of man's inflicted damage to the earth with the activities that they do.Yeah it still far off but you never know and we will be all dead by then.

Oh Man,that is a bummer. Damn if you do, damn if you don't
Well I would suspect that the cost in money and the eventually loss of lives would beg the question is it worth it.

What other planet can sustain life with no atmosphere which would require man to make his own. Terra-forming is the concept but can it be done.

Would it be cheaper to build cities under the Ocean????

Man wants to mold Mars in its image. Will countries start claiming parts of Mars as the US of Mars or USSR or Mars. Of course corporations will want a piece of that action and claim mars as part of their corporation.

Still the other end of the equation is as the population increases how much longer can the earth provide for what everyone wants. What are the effects of man's inflicted damage to the earth with the activities that they do.Yeah it still far off but you never know and we will be all dead by then.

Oh Man,that is a bummer. Damn if you do, damn if you don't

No pressure. As long as people have the desire to do it, then it is worth it. I'm sure people said the same thing when they made the very first ships to cross a great ocean. And how many people died before they figured out what was wrong with their design? I'm sure it was never perfect, and the first sailors didnt know if their destination would be worth the risk, but thats part of being human. We are the one animal that takes crazy risks for no apparent reason.

I think we could build protective domes on the bottom of the Ocean but the extreme pressures down there, corrosive environment and darkness still make it more difficult to explore and do anything even after you establish a habitat.

Though further away, building a Mars habitat would eventually yield more widespread exploration because vehicles could travel with greater ease, and in reality, the bottom of the ocean is a much more harsh environment
I see a lot of people making statements about how it is our destiny to travel to Mars and to outer space. I have heard reports on what the zero gravity and the deep space radiation that all can damage human tissue. There is no need to travel into space. We were all forged here on the Earth. We were all created on the Earth for the Earth. Not to travel into space. It is unnatural for us to venture into space. Lets concentrate on people here on Earth and spend the billions of dollars here on Earth. Not on some space travel fantasy travel.
Next step in human evolution will be to become space faring. It is already in our DNA to explore and ask "what is over there" and then go and find out.
Whether in the next hundred or thousand years you are only denying the inevitable.
Earth has a finite life. No need for us to join its eventual destruction by our own Sun or possibly a meteor strike civilization ender far sooner.

You can stay home and watch Netflix. Others braver than you or I will go there.

It's true Earth has a finite life, and of course it's not our problem but perhaps the problem of some extremely distant descendants. But whatever groundwork we lay down first in space travel will be built upon by future generations and our small contribution would still be very important though limited. Im sure some day in the future it will be considered rudimentary.
All this talk about space travel is all hog wash. We as humans can not exist for any extended period of time away from the Earth. All this talk about the Earth becoming to crowded or the Sun will eventually envelop the Earth is billions of years into the Future. The gravity, the atmosphere the water the temperature was all designed for human life. If we try to go to another world that was not designed for us we will die. We must all try to accept this Earth born reality and stop wasting time and money on space travel fantasy. We can not exist on the Moon or Mars for any extended period of time.! Face these facts.!!
I see a lot of people making statements about how it is our destiny to travel to Mars and to outer space. I have heard reports on what the zero gravity and the deep space radiation that all can damage human tissue. There is no need to travel into space. We were all forged here on the Earth. We were all created on the Earth for the Earth. Not to travel into space. It is unnatural for us to venture into space. Lets concentrate on people here on Earth and spend the billions of dollars here on Earth. Not on some space travel fantasy travel.

It's the white mans destiny to eventually conquer the universe

Well it was until the anti science lefttist thought its just better to self destruct and kill off whitey
I see a lot of people making statements about how it is our destiny to travel to Mars and to outer space. I have heard reports on what the zero gravity and the deep space radiation that all can damage human tissue. There is no need to travel into space. We were all forged here on the Earth. We were all created on the Earth for the Earth. Not to travel into space. It is unnatural for us to venture into space. Lets concentrate on people here on Earth and spend the billions of dollars here on Earth. Not on some space travel fantasy travel.

It's the white mans destiny to eventually conquer the universe

Well it was until the anti science lefttist thought its just better to self destruct and kill off whitey

Yes I know its the white mans destiny to climb Mt Everest, and freeze to death or die from oxygen starvation or go to Mars or the Moon and die from deep space radiation, or lack of oxygen, but we don't need them to spend billions of Earth dollars that could be better spent here on Earth and on the people here on Earth.
I see a lot of people making statements about how it is our destiny to travel to Mars and to outer space. I have heard reports on what the zero gravity and the deep space radiation that all can damage human tissue. There is no need to travel into space. We were all forged here on the Earth. We were all created on the Earth for the Earth. Not to travel into space. It is unnatural for us to venture into space. Lets concentrate on people here on Earth and spend the billions of dollars here on Earth. Not on some space travel fantasy travel.

It is mans nature to explore. Space is the next frontier.
I see a lot of people making statements about how it is our destiny to travel to Mars and to outer space. I have heard reports on what the zero gravity and the deep space radiation that all can damage human tissue. There is no need to travel into space. We were all forged here on the Earth. We were all created on the Earth for the Earth. Not to travel into space. It is unnatural for us to venture into space. Lets concentrate on people here on Earth and spend the billions of dollars here on Earth. Not on some space travel fantasy travel.

It is mans nature to explore. Space is the next frontier.
Which man, White European land grabbers?. Please, lets focus with issues here on the Earth! and stop this insane fantasy of we must explore space. Its all a crock of hog wash waste of time and money.!! and people will die in space.!!
I see a lot of people making statements about how it is our destiny to travel to Mars and to outer space. I have heard reports on what the zero gravity and the deep space radiation that all can damage human tissue. There is no need to travel into space. We were all forged here on the Earth. We were all created on the Earth for the Earth. Not to travel into space. It is unnatural for us to venture into space. Lets concentrate on people here on Earth and spend the billions of dollars here on Earth. Not on some space travel fantasy travel.

It is mans nature to explore. Space is the next frontier.
Which man, White European land grabbers?. Please, lets focus with issues here on the Earth! and stop this insane fantasy of we must explore space. Its all a crock of hog wash waste of time and money.!! and people will die in space.!!
Don't worry.
White man explorers won't commit genocide on the non existent Martians.

Ironic that you post this nonsense with the help of satellites due to the space exploration of humans.
People died.
People died to produce the roads you drive on, the buildings you walk into, the bridges you cross, even the homes you live in all while concentrating on Earth infrastructures.
Throw out your device, and go off grid living in a box as you wouldn't want to be responsible for more deaths.
Well I would suspect that the cost in money and the eventually loss of lives would beg the question is it worth it.

What other planet can sustain life with no atmosphere which would require man to make his own. Terra-forming is the concept but can it be done.

Would it be cheaper to build cities under the Ocean????

Man wants to mold Mars in its image. Will countries start claiming parts of Mars as the US of Mars or USSR or Mars. Of course corporations will want a piece of that action and claim mars as part of their corporation.

Still the other end of the equation is as the population increases how much longer can the earth provide for what everyone wants. What are the effects of man's inflicted damage to the earth with the activities that they do.Yeah it still far off but you never know and we will be all dead by then.

Oh Man,that is a bummer. Damn if you do, damn if you don't

Well I would suspect that the cost in money and the eventually loss of lives would beg the question is it worth it.

Didn't stop those explorers that were told they would fall off the edge of the world if they sailed too far.
All this talk about space travel is all hog wash. We as humans can not exist for any extended period of time away from the Earth. All this talk about the Earth becoming to crowded or the Sun will eventually envelop the Earth is billions of years into the Future. The gravity, the atmosphere the water the temperature was all designed for human life. If we try to go to another world that was not designed for us we will die. We must all try to accept this Earth born reality and stop wasting time and money on space travel fantasy. We can not exist on the Moon or Mars for any extended period of time.! Face these facts.!!

We as humans can not exist for any extended period of time away from the Earth.

we cant breathe under water either, yet somehow people go scuba diving. How is that?
As another poster just pointed out, we use satelites in orbit for communication and other things, that has vastly improved the lives of humans. And actually has helped to increase wealth as we know it by many billions of dollars.

Your so worried about people dying? I don't get the hand wringing. Those same people who want to explore are going to eventually die of something else. Whoever decides to do this would be very aware of the risks, plus I don't think anyone is talking about living on Mars long term. At this point I think it should be looked at as a potential resource. At some point in the future private companies will be sending space craft there as well. It wont always be government.
All this talk about space travel is all hog wash. We as humans can not exist for any extended period of time away from the Earth. All this talk about the Earth becoming to crowded or the Sun will eventually envelop the Earth is billions of years into the Future. The gravity, the atmosphere the water the temperature was all designed for human life. If we try to go to another world that was not designed for us we will die. We must all try to accept this Earth born reality and stop wasting time and money on space travel fantasy. We can not exist on the Moon or Mars for any extended period of time.! Face these facts.!!

We as humans can not exist for any extended period of time away from the Earth.

we cant breathe under water either, yet somehow people go scuba diving. How is that?
As another poster just pointed out, we use satelites in orbit for communication and other things, that has vastly improved the lives of humans. And actually has helped to increase wealth as we know it by many billions of dollars.

Your so worried about people dying? I don't get the hand wringing. Those same people who want to explore are going to eventually die of something else. Whoever decides to do this would be very aware of the risks, plus I don't think anyone is talking about living on Mars long term. At this point I think it should be looked at as a potential resource. At some point in the future private companies will be sending space craft there as well. It wont always be government.
As soon as we can reduce payload costs of launches.
Perhaps an equatorial elevator?
OP doesn't realize that building rockets, satellites, space stations and the thousands of associated parts and professions created are high paying tech jobs improving the lives of those on Earth. Nothing but another investment in new infrastructure.
We are taking the baby steps now paving the way for generations to come.
OP can't think past now.

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