The Dumpster Rapist is sorry: Blames 'Party Culture' for Sexual Assault

I think this is another case of a privileged kid getting off on a lighter sentence simply b/c he is a star athlete with well connected and wealthy parents. There seems to be two justices system in this society. One of them and one for us. Something tells me if this kid was from the holler and unathletic than the sentencing would be entirely different. It conjures thoughts of the 'affluenza' case out of Texas in my opinion.
. This is why Hilary is not going to be indicted for the actions (crimes) even she has admitted to. It will be a shame to be governed by a criminal on the take.

The law doesn't apply to our betters, silly.
Brock Turner, the former Stanford University swimmer who was convicted last week of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman on campus, blamed the “party culture” of “college life” for his actions.

Ex–Stanford Student Blames ‘Party Culture’ for Sexual Assault

And why did the media run with this picture


Instead of this one:


This is the "victim" culture you people created. Everyone's a victim, no one has any personal responsibility anymore.
Some times people appear to be drunk and semiconcious but they are having a diabetes related crisis ...if you find one like that "its OK to hump" they should have watched their sugar
Brock Turner, the former Stanford University swimmer who was convicted last week of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman on campus, blamed the “party culture” of “college life” for his actions.

Ex–Stanford Student Blames ‘Party Culture’ for Sexual Assault

And why did the media run with this picture

Instead of this one:

This is the "victim" culture you people created. Everyone's a victim, no one has any personal responsibility anymore.

specially Trump who is a victim of "some Mexican Judge"
Six months is long enough. It's not like he was a real rapist who violently attacked his victim.if she got drunk and passed out, she was partly responsible. What he did was gross, stupid and unsexy.
If I find an unconscious woman the first thing I do is check her heart beat and whether she is breathing ...then I call 9 11 ..I do not "hump on an "unconscious human being"...maybe its me..maybe I am naive and I do not understand that if a woman is unconscious is perfectly OK to hump her
. Where does it say he walked up on her? Weren't they on a date?
Brock Turner, the former Stanford University swimmer who was convicted last week of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman on campus, blamed the “party culture” of “college life” for his actions.

Ex–Stanford Student Blames ‘Party Culture’ for Sexual Assault

And why did the media run with this picture

Instead of this one:

This is the "victim" culture you people created. Everyone's a victim, no one has any personal responsibility anymore.

specially Trump who is a victim of "some Mexican Judge"

How is he a victim of the judge? If the judge rules against him he could be, but there's been no ruling yet. you just say any stupid thing that comes to mind, don't you?
Six months is long enough. It's not like he was a real rapist who violently attacked his victim.if she got drunk and passed out, she was partly responsible. What he did was gross, stupid and unsexy.

What he did is called "Rape".
There are degrees of rape. Does an 18 year old rape his 17 year old girl friend when they have consensual sex? This guy's girl friend passed out behind a dumpster. Maybe she had consented earlier, passed out and he was drunk enough to follow thru. They need another word for this sort of sex. Rape is violence. This didn't sound like violence
Six months is long enough. It's not like he was a real rapist who violently attacked his victim.if she got drunk and passed out, she was partly responsible. What he did was gross, stupid and unsexy.

What he did is called "Rape".
There are degrees of rape. Does an 18 year old rape his 17 year old girl friend when they have consensual sex? This guy's girl friend passed out behind a dumpster. Maybe she had consented earlier, passed out and he was drunk enough to follow thru. They need another word for this sort of sex. Rape is violence. This didn't sound like violence

If she is unconscious, it is rape. It is a simple concept.
Six months is long enough. It's not like he was a real rapist who violently attacked his victim.if she got drunk and passed out, she was partly responsible. What he did was gross, stupid and unsexy.

What he did is called "Rape".
There are degrees of rape. Does an 18 year old rape his 17 year old girl friend when they have consensual sex? This guy's girl friend passed out behind a dumpster. Maybe she had consented earlier, passed out and he was drunk enough to follow thru. They need another word for this sort of sex. Rape is violence. This didn't sound like violence

If she is unconscious, it is rape. It is a simple concept.
It's a degree of rape. They were dating.
Six months is long enough. It's not like he was a real rapist who violently attacked his victim.if she got drunk and passed out, she was partly responsible. What he did was gross, stupid and unsexy.

What he did is called "Rape".
There are degrees of rape. Does an 18 year old rape his 17 year old girl friend when they have consensual sex? This guy's girl friend passed out behind a dumpster. Maybe she had consented earlier, passed out and he was drunk enough to follow thru. They need another word for this sort of sex. Rape is violence. This didn't sound like violence

If she is unconscious, it is rape. It is a simple concept.
It's a degree of rape. They were dating.

Dating? Or a hookup? Regardless, he raped her. She was unconscious and, in addition to fucking her, he did whatever he did that put dirt and leaf matter inside her vagina. It was not a romantic "date". It was rape. That is why he ran when confronted.
Oh so you're forced to make up stories where she kinda wanted it...I catch your drift. Rapists always tell the truth about their rapes and victims dont they?

What I am saying is that I am under the impression that they were drinking, flirting, and having a good time.

I am under the impression he was to drunk to know that she was passed out and did not want it. That is all. Alcohol alters folks perception of what is going on.

All I'm saying, it is possible that when the upper class men came by and alerted him that he was doing wrong, he panicked and ran. I simply don't know. When folks are drunk, they are like frightened children or animals.

“At no time did it ever occur to me or did it ever seem that [redacted] was too drunk to know what we were doing. I would not have done anything against anyone’s will,” he said in the statement. “I swear I never would have done any of this if [redacted] wasn’t willing.”

I was not in court, I am not the Judge, it is not my job to pass judgement.

He undressed her enough to gain access. There were leaves and dirt in her vagina. He undressed her and then fucked her while she was unconscious. There is no way he didn't know she was out.
You have no respect for fact.
Well the six men maths was given because it must have been apparent to the judge that it was a degree of rape and not sadistic, violent rape.
Brock Turner, the former Stanford University swimmer who was convicted last week of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman on campus, blamed the “party culture” of “college life” for his actions.

Ex–Stanford Student Blames ‘Party Culture’ for Sexual Assault

And why did the media run with this picture


Instead of this one:

In the first one he looks like an uptight overly indulged frat boy. In the second he looks like sexy surfer dude.

In order to keep teen age girls from sending him their panties, they ran with the first one.
The contempt for fact demonstrated in this thread and in the media is disgusting. Turner was not tried for rape, and therefore was not convicted of rape.

The people who have the greatest command of the facts in this case are the judge and the lawyers. The lawyers who declined to prosecute for rape and the judge who imposed a light sentence. Naturally it's the Monday morning quarterbacks who are in the right. Enjoy your unearned, fact-free moralizing.
The contempt for fact demonstrated in this thread and in the media is disgusting. Turner was not tried for rape, and therefore was not convicted of rape.

The people who have the greatest command of the facts in this case are the judge and the lawyers. The lawyers who declined to prosecute for rape and the judge who imposed a light sentence. Naturally it's the Monday morning quarterbacks who are in the right. Enjoy your unearned, fact-free moralizing.

According to CNN, he was convicted of the following:
"Turner, 20, was convicted in March of the intent to commit rape of an intoxicated/unconscious person, penetration of an intoxicated person and penetration of an unconscious person."

That certainly warrants more than 6 months in county.
The contempt for fact demonstrated in this thread and in the media is disgusting. Turner was not tried for rape, and therefore was not convicted of rape.

The people who have the greatest command of the facts in this case are the judge and the lawyers. The lawyers who declined to prosecute for rape and the judge who imposed a light sentence. Naturally it's the Monday morning quarterbacks who are in the right. Enjoy your unearned, fact-free moralizing.

According to CNN, he was convicted of the following:
"Turner, 20, was convicted in March of the intent to commit rape of an intoxicated/unconscious person, penetration of an intoxicated person and penetration of an unconscious person."

That certainly warrants more than 6 months in county.

Well, I guess that Elvis is saying that his failure to carry through with the rape that he intended, warrants some gratis. Good thing he had not brought his Viagra....

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