The Difference Between The Shadow Government and The Deep State


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
This should be in politics, but I pre-preemptively put it here so the mods do not get the pleasure. :p

Folks, one of the great things The Donald has done for us in the USA and for everyone around the world is to expose "The Swamp." Here is an excellent presentation by a former CIA professional who among other things discusses how Crooked Hillary armed ISIS and how Crooked Robert Mueller is a pathological liar. And as we all knew Fake Dossier Promoter and Traitor John McCain "The Shadow Senator" personally makes hundreds of thousands from from war!

If anyone doubts Seth Rich was assassinated under orders from Crooked Hillary then maybe watch it again.
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I know the difference.

One is a delusion


the other is a fantasy.
deano, did you watch the presentation! It is very fast moving and interesting. He is basically calling for shutting down the CIA which JFK also suggested. If The Donald demands that action and he gets Seth Riched, of JFK'd, MLK'd, etc., then would you believe it?

Here is part two, the FAKE ASS DOSSIER that traitor McCain and other traitors like CIA Brennan presented to the MSM, the corrupt FBI and the corrupt FISA courts to wire tap The Donald! Only to be investigate by Crooked Robert Mueller!

By the way, the "Shadow Government" morons are the ones who produced that fake ass, poorly Photoshopped Obama birth certificate.
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This also makes it clear why the US government does not secure American citizens' identities for example having a password associated with a social security number. Recall Obama had a fake social security number. Point being, the Shadow Government finds identity theft useful at times for certain purposes.

Here is part three. It is only an hour despite the You Tube time total.

deano and del run to CVS for another tube of Prep H....
Too bad the OP is a hypocrite troll who will acknowledge facts that Barry Bonds is a cheater but he has his head up shady bradys ass so much he turns a blind eye to how he is a cheating fraud as well who ALSO needs to have an asterisk next to his name. :rolleyes:

somehow in his warped fucked up mind,Bonds needs to have one but Brady gets a free pass? not only a hypocrite but a racist as well obviously is WHY i wish the OP was made by someone else who has credibility like dale for example.:yapyapyapf:
Listen LA Ram Fan, Tom Brady did not take performance illegal drugs like Barry Bonds did! Steroids really cannot help a finesse position like quarterback the way they can help swinging a bat put a little more distance on a typical fly out so it becomes a HR! Barry Bonds also used maple bats which as you might know are harder than ash. Having a football air pressure tweaked is like using a different wood in a bat. Steroids and football air pressure = apples and oranges, get over it and get back on topic!
This should be in politics, but I pre-preemptively put it here so the mods do not get the pleasure. :p

Folks, one of the great things The Donald has done for us in the USA and for everyone around the world is to expose "The Swamp." Here is an excellent presentation by a former CIA professional who among other things discusses how Crooked Hillary armed ISIS and how Crooked Robert Mueller is a pathological liar. And as we all knew Fake Dossier Promoter and Traitor John McCain "The Shadow Senator" personally makes hundreds of thousands from from war!

If anyone doubts Seth Rich was assassinated under orders from Crooked Hillary then maybe watch it again.

You are obviously a shadow operative for Russia and the Mercer-Faux deep state
TheOldSchool check out Tom Brady destroying the LA Rams! Then watch the lecture on the Shadow Government and leave an informed, intelligent comment in this thread! If you can!

The fact leftards ignore facts is not surprising. They are intentionally retarded. Very sad. :(
The fact leftards ignore facts is not surprising. They are intentionally retarded. Very sad. :(
Like Bah Bull Study.

Somehow, those liberals tend to follow science, which, all Republicans know, is a "faith".
Deano, I am am demanding you watch the vids and respond intelligently this time!
deano, did you watch the presentation! It is very fast moving and interesting. He is basically calling for shutting down the CIA which JFK also suggested. If The Donald demands that action and he gets Seth Riched, of JFK'd, MLK'd, etc., then would you believe it?

Here is part two, the FAKE ASS DOSSIER that traitor McCain and other traitors like CIA Brennan presented to the MSM, the corrupt FBI and the corrupt FISA courts to wire tap The Donald! Only to be investigate by Crooked Robert Mueller!

By the way, the "Shadow Government" morons are the ones who produced that fake ass, poorly Photoshopped Obama birth certificate.

I couldn't get through them. Too fuking stupid.
Satan's Pope (head of the Globalist cabal) is the kingpin-master of the "deep state" , "swamp" or "shadow government"

Indeed, 'all roads lead to Rome'

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