The democrat party racism, violence and anti-semitism on display across the U.S. Why do people still vote for this party?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Groups of left wing democrats attacked and beat Jewish Americans in various cities across the particular, New York. For the last year, democrat party members have been beating Asian Americans in our cities.....

The violence, racism and anti-semitism of the democrat party is not new.....they have been part of the democrat party since it's founding by slave owners....

Why do people still vote for this violent, racist, anti-semitic political party, in particular, why do Asians, and Jews vote for this the same time, as Blacks in this country suffer generational poverty and crime in cities controlled by the democrat party for decades, in some cases 100 years, why do they still vote for this party....

Jews were attacked in a heavily Jewish business district in New York City on Thursday night following the announcement of a ceasefire in the Middle East between Israel and Palestinian terrorists.

“The fight in New York City occurred around the same time as a pro-Israel demonstration on Thursday in New York City that also attracted pro-Palestinian counter-protesters,” The Times of Israel reported. “It took place in the Diamond District, a midtown Manhattan street with many Jewish-owned businesses.”

Videos posted to social media showed extremists yelling “f***ing Zionist” and other similar profanities while holding a Palestinian flag, according to reports. A group of pro-Palestinian extremists, described by one man as “actual terrorists on the streets of New York City,” mobbed a restaurant and spit on patrons because they were Jewish, according to the same man.

Groups of left wing democrats attacked and beat Jewish Americans in various cities across the particular, New York. For the last year, democrat party members have been beating Asian Americans in our cities.....

The violence, racism and anti-semitism of the democrat party is not new.....they have been part of the democrat party since it's founding by slave owners....

Why do people still vote for this violent, racist, anti-semitic political party, in particular, why do Asians, and Jews vote for this the same time, as Blacks in this country suffer generational poverty and crime in cities controlled by the democrat party for decades, in some cases 100 years, why do they still vote for this party....

Jews were attacked in a heavily Jewish business district in New York City on Thursday night following the announcement of a ceasefire in the Middle East between Israel and Palestinian terrorists.

“The fight in New York City occurred around the same time as a pro-Israel demonstration on Thursday in New York City that also attracted pro-Palestinian counter-protesters,” The Times of Israel reported. “It took place in the Diamond District, a midtown Manhattan street with many Jewish-owned businesses.”

Videos posted to social media showed extremists yelling “f***ing Zionist” and other similar profanities while holding a Palestinian flag, according to reports. A group of pro-Palestinian extremists, described by one man as “actual terrorists on the streets of New York City,” mobbed a restaurant and spit on patrons because they were Jewish, according to the same man.

Because there is a Sucker born every minute. And they BELIEVE the MEDIA.
why do Asians, and Jews vote for this party
When you figure that out you will have learned something important. Go ahead, give it a try... me understand?

The democrat party, founded by slave owners, fighting to keep slavery, enacting jim crow laws, keeping black children out of good schools in the past, now they are keeping black children trapped in horrible schools today, the generational crime and poverty of blacks in democrat party controlled cities, the violence against asian Americans, the democrat party keeping asian Americans out of our best universities, and now violently beating them, the democrat party siding with the muslims who want to commit genocide against Israeli Jews, and violently attacking American Jews...

Yeah...not seeing why these groups vote for democrats...but please, if you know why, enlighten us.
Groups of left wing democrats attacked and beat Jewish Americans in various cities across the particular, New York. For the last year, democrat party members have been beating Asian Americans in our cities.....

The violence, racism and anti-semitism of the democrat party is not new.....they have been part of the democrat party since it's founding by slave owners....

Why do people still vote for this violent, racist, anti-semitic political party, in particular, why do Asians, and Jews vote for this the same time, as Blacks in this country suffer generational poverty and crime in cities controlled by the democrat party for decades, in some cases 100 years, why do they still vote for this party....

Jews were attacked in a heavily Jewish business district in New York City on Thursday night following the announcement of a ceasefire in the Middle East between Israel and Palestinian terrorists.

“The fight in New York City occurred around the same time as a pro-Israel demonstration on Thursday in New York City that also attracted pro-Palestinian counter-protesters,” The Times of Israel reported. “It took place in the Diamond District, a midtown Manhattan street with many Jewish-owned businesses.”

Videos posted to social media showed extremists yelling “f***ing Zionist” and other similar profanities while holding a Palestinian flag, according to reports. A group of pro-Palestinian extremists, described by one man as “actual terrorists on the streets of New York City,” mobbed a restaurant and spit on patrons because they were Jewish, according to the same man.

Unclean OP, your header doesn't match what is reported in the links. No where does it mention their political party affiliation of American political parties. You are assuming their political voting because you need to lie and make up an emotive issued that shows bias and disregard for the actual issue at hand.
why do Asians, and Jews vote for this party
When you figure that out you will have learned something important. Go ahead, give it a try... me understand?

The democrat party, founded by slave owners, fighting to keep slavery, enacting jim crow laws, keeping black children out of good schools in the past, now they are keeping black children trapped in horrible schools today, the generational crime and poverty of blacks in democrat party controlled cities, the violence against asian Americans, the democrat party keeping asian Americans out of our best universities, and now violently beating them, the democrat party siding with the muslims who want to commit genocide against Israeli Jews, and violently attacking American Jews...

Yeah...not seeing why these groups vote for democrats...but please, if you know why, enlighten us.
The Democratic party wasn't created to enslave people, there were slaves before the Democratic Party was created and not everyone who owned slaves was a Democrat, again you lie about the truth of subject.
why do Asians, and Jews vote for this party
When you figure that out you will have learned something important. Go ahead, give it a try... me understand?

The democrat party, founded by slave owners, fighting to keep slavery, enacting jim crow laws, keeping black children out of good schools in the past, now they are keeping black children trapped in horrible schools today, the generational crime and poverty of blacks in democrat party controlled cities, the violence against asian Americans, the democrat party keeping asian Americans out of our best universities, and now violently beating them, the democrat party siding with the muslims who want to commit genocide against Israeli Jews, and violently attacking American Jews...

Yeah...not seeing why these groups vote for democrats...but please, if you know why, enlighten us.
The Democratic party wasn't created to enslave people, there were slaves before the Democratic Party was created and not everyone who owned slaves was a Democrat, again you lie about the truth of subject.

Moron, the democrat party was created by people who owned slaves......the people owning slaves created the democrat party, you dunce....the democrat party was the party of slavery and is the party of racism, anti-semitism and violence can lie all you want, you can try to hide the truth....but the truth is the truth.
why do Asians, and Jews vote for this party
When you figure that out you will have learned something important. Go ahead, give it a try... me understand?

The democrat party, founded by slave owners, fighting to keep slavery, enacting jim crow laws, keeping black children out of good schools in the past, now they are keeping black children trapped in horrible schools today, the generational crime and poverty of blacks in democrat party controlled cities, the violence against asian Americans, the democrat party keeping asian Americans out of our best universities, and now violently beating them, the democrat party siding with the muslims who want to commit genocide against Israeli Jews, and violently attacking American Jews...

Yeah...not seeing why these groups vote for democrats...but please, if you know why, enlighten us.
The Democratic party wasn't created to enslave people, there were slaves before the Democratic Party was created and not everyone who owned slaves was a Democrat, again you lie about the truth of subject.

Moron, the democrat party was created by people who owned slaves......the people owning slaves created the democrat party, you dunce....the democrat party was the party of slavery and is the party of racism, anti-semitism and violence can lie all you want, you can try to hide the truth....but the truth is the truth.
There is no democrat party, your English skills remind me a kindergarten pupil.
Maybe because the alternative is even MORE repugnant.

I know, I know. Fake news.

Yeah.....that is what the racist, anti-semites have been telling blacks, asians, hispanics and Jews......and yet, the generational poverty, the generational crime, the black children forced to stay in democrat party controlled schools, the violence in democrat party controlled cities.....

Yeah....keep telling us that the Republican party is worse than that....sell it to those people still voting for the democrats.....they have spent decades voting for the party founded by slave owners who have created hell on earth for minorities...but it is the republicans that are the problem....

Are you this stupid in real life, or just when you post?
Maybe because the alternative is even MORE repugnant.

I know, I know. Fake news.

Yeah.....that is what the racist, anti-semites have been telling blacks, asians, hispanics and Jews......and yet, the generational poverty, the generational crime, the black children forced to stay in democrat party controlled schools, the violence in democrat party controlled cities.....

Yeah....keep telling us that the Republican party is worse than that....sell it to those people still voting for the democrats.....they have spent decades voting for the party founded by slave owners who have created hell on earth for minorities...but it is the republicans that are the problem....

Are you this stupid in real life, or just when you post?
Ol' Mac calls it again.

Maybe because the alternative is even MORE repugnant.

I know, I know. Fake news.

Yeah.....that is what the racist, anti-semites have been telling blacks, asians, hispanics and Jews......and yet, the generational poverty, the generational crime, the black children forced to stay in democrat party controlled schools, the violence in democrat party controlled cities.....

Yeah....keep telling us that the Republican party is worse than that....sell it to those people still voting for the democrats.....they have spent decades voting for the party founded by slave owners who have created hell on earth for minorities...but it is the republicans that are the problem....

Are you this stupid in real life, or just when you post?
The Democratic Party doesn't control the schools, school are a local democratically ran institution manned by locals that are elected by Democrats and Republicans. You again lie to defame poorly, like a kindergartener..
Maybe because the alternative is even MORE repugnant.

I know, I know. Fake news.

Yeah.....that is what the racist, anti-semites have been telling blacks, asians, hispanics and Jews......and yet, the generational poverty, the generational crime, the black children forced to stay in democrat party controlled schools, the violence in democrat party controlled cities.....

Yeah....keep telling us that the Republican party is worse than that....sell it to those people still voting for the democrats.....they have spent decades voting for the party founded by slave owners who have created hell on earth for minorities...but it is the republicans that are the problem....

Are you this stupid in real life, or just when you post?
The Democratic Party doesn't control the schools, school are a local democratically ran institution manned by locals that are elected by Democrats and Republicans. You again lie to defame poorly, like a kindergartener..

The teachers unions control the schools in democrat party controlled cities, you doofus...they collaborate to increase pay and benfits and to protect incompetent democrat party teachers......and they fight to keep black children trapped in these schools.
why do Asians, and Jews vote for this party
When you figure that out you will have learned something important. Go ahead, give it a try... me understand?

The democrat party, founded by slave owners, fighting to keep slavery, enacting jim crow laws, keeping black children out of good schools in the past, now they are keeping black children trapped in horrible schools today, the generational crime and poverty of blacks in democrat party controlled cities, the violence against asian Americans, the democrat party keeping asian Americans out of our best universities, and now violently beating them, the democrat party siding with the muslims who want to commit genocide against Israeli Jews, and violently attacking American Jews...

Yeah...not seeing why these groups vote for democrats...but please, if you know why, enlighten us.
Maybe you could start with getting rid of the assumption that you're smarter than most Asians and Jews. Then maybe consider you don't know what is in their best interests better than they do. Lastly consider that you may be completely wrong in your description of the Democrats.
Groups of left wing democrats attacked and beat Jewish Americans in various cities across the particular, New York. For the last year, democrat party members have been beating Asian Americans in our cities.....

The violence, racism and anti-semitism of the democrat party is not new.....they have been part of the democrat party since it's founding by slave owners....

Why do people still vote for this violent, racist, anti-semitic political party, in particular, why do Asians, and Jews vote for this the same time, as Blacks in this country suffer generational poverty and crime in cities controlled by the democrat party for decades, in some cases 100 years, why do they still vote for this party....

Jews were attacked in a heavily Jewish business district in New York City on Thursday night following the announcement of a ceasefire in the Middle East between Israel and Palestinian terrorists.

“The fight in New York City occurred around the same time as a pro-Israel demonstration on Thursday in New York City that also attracted pro-Palestinian counter-protesters,” The Times of Israel reported. “It took place in the Diamond District, a midtown Manhattan street with many Jewish-owned businesses.”

Videos posted to social media showed extremists yelling “f***ing Zionist” and other similar profanities while holding a Palestinian flag, according to reports. A group of pro-Palestinian extremists, described by one man as “actual terrorists on the streets of New York City,” mobbed a restaurant and spit on patrons because they were Jewish, according to the same man.

They vote for them because at least half the people are unable to think for themselves. They like victim roles, well they're victims of having weak spines and falling prey to liberal propaganda.
why do Asians, and Jews vote for this party
When you figure that out you will have learned something important. Go ahead, give it a try... me understand?

The democrat party, founded by slave owners, fighting to keep slavery, enacting jim crow laws, keeping black children out of good schools in the past, now they are keeping black children trapped in horrible schools today, the generational crime and poverty of blacks in democrat party controlled cities, the violence against asian Americans, the democrat party keeping asian Americans out of our best universities, and now violently beating them, the democrat party siding with the muslims who want to commit genocide against Israeli Jews, and violently attacking American Jews...

Yeah...not seeing why these groups vote for democrats...but please, if you know why, enlighten us.
Maybe you could start with getting rid of the assumption that you're smarter than most Asians and Jews. Then maybe consider you don't know what is in their best interests better than they do. Lastly consider that you may be completely wrong in your description of the Democrats.

Done all that, and still don't understand how they vote for the racist, violent, anti-semitic democrats......

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